I:\Building\SafetyPoliciesInformation\EdinaExtrasServer\Pdf's\COMMERCIAL CL05 COMMERCIAL SOLAR PV SYSTEMS.pdf
6. Section 3113 Solar photovoltaic power systems; general provisions:
Section 3113 Solar photovoltaic power systems; general. Shall be
installed in accordance with this part and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 1315,
Minnesota Electrical Code.
Exception: Check if installing on a nonhabitable Group U structure.
Shall not be subject to the requirements of this part. Minnesota Rules,
Chapter 1315, applies.
Section 3113.1 Access and pathways. Show accordance with Sections
3113.1 through 3113.3. State exceptions if applicable.
3113.1.1 Roof access points. Show as applicable.
3113.1.2 Residential Systems for dwelling units.
3113.1.2.1 Residential buildings with hip roof lay-outs.
3113.1.2.2 Residential buildings with single ridge.
3113.1.2.3 Residential buildings with roof hips and valleys.
3113.1.2.4 Residential buildings smoke ventilation.
Section 3113.2 Other than residential buildings. Access to systems for
occupancies other than dwelling units shall be provided in accordance with
Sections 3113.2.1 through 3113.2.1.2.
3113.2.1 Access.
3113.2.1.2 Pathways.
Section 3113.3 Smoke ventilation. Show compliance with this section.
Section 3113.4 Ground-mounted photovoltaic arrays.
Check if applicable. Show compliance with this section.
Check with Bldg
7. Structural plans (if applicable).
Check with Bldg
8. Completed Special Structural Testing and Inspection Schedule and
SSTIS Guidelines (Note: SST&IS required for all med gas installations).
9. Completed contact list with names, phone numbers, email addresses and
physical addresses of building owner, contractor, tenants and all design
10. Solar PV system with a nameplate capacity smaller than 15kW.
Indicate commercial solar PV system installation occurs in “front” of or
“behind” the electric meter. Applicant must coordinate interconnection
with local electric utility and provide proof of coordination. Edina is fully
covered by Xcel Electrical Service Territory. Front METER Behind
11. Solar PV system with a nameplate capacity larger than 15kW.
These larger systems may trigger electrical, voltage, mechanical and
reliability issues on the electric grid. Indicate commercial solar PV system
installation occurs in “front” of or “behind” the electric meter. Applicant
must coordinate interconnection with local electric utility and provide proof
of coordination. Edina is fully covered by Xcel Electrical Service Territory.
Front METER Behind
Plan Requirements
12. All sheets are signed by the appropriate design professional.
13. Minnesota PE signed structural drawings required for all new live and
dead loads imposed by the new PV arrays on buildings and/or roofs per
14. Name and address of building.
15. Description of occupancy/use.
16. IBC occupancy classification.