Application Process
The application process is complete when the following items are on file in the Fine & Performing Arts
Division office, Building 100, the Mattie Kelly Arts Center, NWF State College, Niceville campus:
1. Completed, TYPED scholarship application form.
2. Verification of applicant’s cumulative GPA (Guidance Counselor’s form).
3. Letters of recommendation (2).
One letter is required from a band director or private instructor and one letter from the guidance counselor or
principal. “Letter of Recommendation” forms are attached to facilitate this process.
4. Photograph of applicant. (Preferably wallet sized) Please attach to your scholarship application with a
paperclip; do not use staples, tape, or glue. Print your name on the bottom back edge of the photo.
5. Vocalists must be prepared to perform two contrasting pieces from memory. One may be in a foreign
language. You may also choose two contrasting pieces from appropriate musical theater repertoire.
6. Schedule your audition. Please email Caitlin TaraBori in the Fine and Performing Arts Division office at
taraboric@nwfsc.edu to schedule your audition. You may use musical accompaniment on your phone and an
AUX cable will be provided to play from our system.
Evaluation Schedule
Failure to submit your paperwork by the dates listed below may result in not being considered for scholarship awards.
Application Deadline: &ƌŝĚĂLJ, February Ϯϭ, 20ϮϬ. All application materials must be received in the Fine Arts
Division office by this date.
Audition Date: Saturday, March ϳ, 20ϮϬ (9 a.m. - Ϯ p.m.) in the Tyler Recital Hall. If you are unable to keep your
audition appointment, it is imperative that you contact Caitlin TaraBori at 850-729-5382.
Applications should be directed to CaLWOLQ7DUD%RUL by one of the following methods:
NWF State College Niceville Campus, Building 100
Caitlin TaraBori
Mattie Kelly Fine and Performing Arts Center
Northwest Florida State College
100 College Boulevard E.
Niceville, Florida 32578
Fax copies are not acceptable because the photograph will not fax properly. Please allow enough time to either hand
carry or send through regular mail.
Fine & Performing Arts Scholarship Application Guide
An Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Institution