Planning Commission Review
PC Case #:________________
Date Received:________________
SEQR Type:________________
Review Type
Name: Contact (if business):
Owner: Phone:
Tax Map Nos.: Lot Area (acres):
Zoning District: Historic Distict:
Existing Use: Proposed Use:
Hours of Operation: # of Employees:
Project Title:
# of Existing Lots: # of Proposed Lots:
Lot Area (sf.): Lot Width (ft.):
Front Yard (ft.): Lot Coverage (%):
Rear Yard (ft.): Density (units per ac.):
Side Yard(s) (ft.): Bldg. Height (ft.):
Lot Area (sf.): Lot Width (ft.):
Front Yard (ft.): Lot Coverage (%):
Rear Yard (ft.): Density (units per ac.):
Side Yard(s) (ft.): Bldg. Height (ft.):
Fill out the following information based on the site plan submitted. Applicants should familiarize themselves with
the City of Troy Zoning Code prior to completing this form. For Changes of Use certain sections are not required if
site alterations are not proposed, see below.
Check all that apply: Concept/Sketch Change of Use Site Plan
Subdivision or
Lot Line Adjustment
Subdivision/Lot Line Adjustment
Site Statistics
Project Description:
If the applicant is not the property owner, documentation must be attached demonstrating that the applicant has a legal
interest in the subject parcel. (e.g. contract vendee, lessee, etc.)
This section is required for subdivisions or lot line adjustment applications only.
This section is not required for Changes of Use with no site alterations. For subdivisions please leave this sections blank,
attach a summary for each lot (existing and proposed).
R1, Single Family Residential, Detached
Planning Commission Review
(page 2)
Date Complete:________________
Date Approved:________________
Expiration Date:________________
Existing Lot Coverage Proposed Lot Coverage
Green Space (sf.): Green Space (sf.):
Pavements (sf.): Pavements (sf.):
Buildings (sf.): Buildings (sf.):
Total Increase of Impervious Area (sf.):
# of Existing Structures: Type of Construction: (e.g. brick, steel, wood)
# of Ex. Bedrooms:
# of Prop'd Structures: Type of Construction: (e.g. brick, steel, wood)
# of Prop'd Bedrooms:
# Req'd Parking Spaces:
# Prop'd Parking Spaces:
# Prop'd ADA Spaces:
Ex. Water Usage (gpd): Pro. Water Usage (gpd):
Ex. Sewer Usage (gpd): Pro. Sewer Usage (gpd):
Requested Extension:
Signed: Date:
I(We) understand that I(we) am(are) responsible for the placement of notification signs per §285-47 of the Zoning
Ordinance. Further, I(we) certify that the information contained in this application and on the Site Plan(s) submitted with
this application is to the best of my(our) knowledge and belief accurate and correct and that I(we) have read and
understand all applicable requirements, regulations, and laws as well as the instructions provided by City Staff.
Provide existing and proposed water and sewer usage quantities. In addition, please provide information (size, type, and
location) for utilities available to the project site; either existing utilities of those proposed. Contact Department of Public
Utilities (DPU) for available record information.
Site Statistics (cont'd)
This section is not required for Changes of Use with no site alterations. Provide existing and proposed lot coverage.
Pavements include asphalt, concrete, or packed earth/gravel. Building areas include foundations and covered
porches/decks only; roof overhangs or awnings do not count toward building area.
Request for Extension
Per the City of Troy's Code, Planning Commission approval expires after six (6) months if an application for building permit
has not been filed. Use this section to request any additional time required.
This section applies to off-street parking only. Refer to §285-52 through §285-66 for parking requirements by
zoning district. Refer to §285-91 for the Schedule of Required Off-Street Parking for parking requirements by use.
This section is not required for Changes of Use with no site alterations.
click to sign
click to edit
Aaron J. Vera, P.E. Steven Strichman
Executive Secretary Commissioner of Planning
and Economic Development
Planning Commission
City of Troy
433 River St., Ste. 5001
Troy, New York 12180
Instructions to Applicants City of Troy - Planning Commission 1 of 3
Site Plan Review is an analysis of your site plan to determine if your proposal will be safe and to minimize negative impacts
on nearby properties. Review of your site plan is conducted in several stages and are outlined below:
1. Submit Site Plan Application: Site plans and application should be submitted to the City of Troy Planning and
Community Development Department (PCD). Details of what needs to be submitted, approvals and requirements
vary depending on the type and complexity of the project. These are generally outlined on the following pages.
2. Site Plan Review: Copies of your site plan are circulated to professional staff personnel of the City of Troy whose
collective recommendations are passed on in a staff report to the Commission itself. Applicants will also receive
this staff report.
3. Planning Commission Review: The Planning Commission formally reviews your site plan in a public hearing and
makes a decision whether to approve the site plan, approve it with conditions, or disapprove it. If your site plan is
disapproved you have the right to amend it and submit it again for another site plan review.
4. Site Plan Approval: Once approval is received by the Planning Commission, apply for a work permit through the
Building Department.
Generally, proposals fall into one of three categories:
Change of Use: City law requires any proposal which constitutes a Change of Use to be presented to the Planning
Commission. An application which does not propose a new structure or any exterior improvements to an existing structure
falls under this category. Changes of Use do not require the submission of a site plan.
Example: A former convenient store is being converted into a new retail store. The applicant proposes no exterior
improvements other than signage.
Minor Projects: A Minor Project is any proposal which includes exterior improvements and, at the discretion of the Planning
Department, lacks the complexity to be deemed a Major Project. Generally, projects which propose less than 3,000 square feet of
commercial space, less than 10 residential units, or disturb less than ¼ acre of land fall into this category.
Example: A 500 square foot addition to a single-family home to create an apartment.
Major Projects: A Major Project is any project not classified as a Change of Use or Minor Project. Major Projects require
preparation of fully-engineered site plans and accompanying reports. Typically, applicants will present such proposals to the
Planning Commission at the concept level, before finalizing layout and design. After Concept Review, the applicant will have the
opportunity to address any concerns and revise the proposal for a final determination.
Example: Construction of a 20-unit apartment building and associated parking, utilities, and hardscape.
Aaron J. Vera, P.E. Steven Strichman
Executive Secretary Commissioner of Planning
and Economic Development
Planning Commission
City of Troy
433 River St., Ste. 5001
Troy, New York 12180
Instructions to Applicants City of Troy - Planning Commission 2 of 3
Required documentation differs for each type of proposal. Below is a checklist of the required elements for Minor and Major Projects.
Typically, Change of Use proposals do not require a Site Plan. At the purview of the Planning Commission, additional documentation
may be requested, examples of such documentation are included at the end of this section.
Site Plan Elements
Note the following on the site plan:
- Applicant's full name, address, phone number, and email
- Property Owner's full name, address, phone number, and email (if not applicant)
- Street address of the property
- Zoning District
- Historic District
- Tax Map Number of the property
- Scale of the drawing (1"=10', 1"=20', 1"=30', 1"=40', or 1"=50')
- Date the drawings were last revised
- North arrow
Show the boundaries of the property, include any easements and adjacent rights-of-way. Minor
Projects: If any permanent, founded structure is proposed within five feet (5’) of an assumed
property line a Licensed Land Surveyor must prepare a Boundary Survey.
Major Projects: Boundaries must be provided by a Licensed Land Surveyor.
Identify and provide the location of all existing structures on site plan. This includes all pavements,
curbs, buildings, poles, fences, trees, etc.
Provide existing and proposed topography.
Minor Projects: Required if existing grades vary by more than five feet or if changes in excess of
one foot are proposed.
Major Projects: Always required.
Provide the location, type, style, and size of all proposed pavement areas, curbs, buildings,
structures, etc.
Provide a landscaping plan which clearly shows all existing vegetation to remain and the type,
installed size, and location of all proposed plantings.
Location, type, and size of any proposed signage.
Provide parking information including: existing parking count, number of spaces required, number
of spaces provided, size of spaces, location of ADA spaces and number required, and where snow
storage is provided.
Clearly illustrate site circulation for vehicles and pedestrians.
Provide the location, type, and wattage of all existing and proposed site lighting.
Identify all utilities on and adjacent to the site. Clearly illustrate which utilities exist and which are
proposed. Includes water, sewer, storm/drainage, electric, and gas.
Identify existing/proposed dumpster locations and illustrate how access and screenings will be
Provide the location of the closest Fire Hydrant servicing the site. Note distance to hydrant.
Architectural Elevations or Renderings depicting and describing all proposed finishes.
Provide details for any proposed fencing, walls, or other site amenities which will affect the
appearance of the site.
Not Required Required if Requested Required
All required elements must be presented in a thorough and thoughtful manner. It should be made clear to Commissioners what exists on
the site, what will be removed, and what is proposed. Site plans which do not adequately detail a proposal will not be accepted.
Examples of Additional Documentation: Lighting (Photometric) Plan, Landscaping Plan, Stormwater Management Report, Traffic
Impact Study, Wetland Delineation/Determination, Archaeological Resources Report
Aaron J. Vera, P.E. Steven Strichman
Executive Secretary Commissioner of Planning
and Economic Development
Planning Commission
City of Troy
433 River St., Ste. 5001
Troy, New York 12180
Instructions to Applicants City of Troy - Planning Commission 3 of 3
Applicants are required to submit all necessary copies to Planning and Economic Development (PED) for review of their
proposal. PED will not make copies for applicants. Ten (10) copies of all supporting documentation must be submitted to PED at
least twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to the hearing date. Incomplete applications will not be added to the agenda.
All drawings must be formatted to fit on 11” x 17” (ANSI B) sized paper. If the nature of the site requires a larger drawing
format, the full-sized plans must be reducible to 11” x 17” at a convenient scale. For example a drawing at 1”=40’ on 22” x 34”
(ANSI D) paper can be reduced to 1”=80’ on 11” x 17”.
In addition to required applications, checklists, and drawings, color photos of the existing site must be provided. The photos must
be a minimum of 3” x 5” (four per 8½” x 11” sheet of paper) and clearly depict the existing site. Provide as many photos as
required to accurately communicate existing conditions, typically four (4) are sufficient.
A digital copy of all materials must be provided with every submission. Documents and drawings must be in Adobe .pdf format;
photos should be in .jpg or .png format. These materials will be presented at the public hearing.
Change of Use
- Site Plan Application
- Site Photos
- Digital Copy of Photos
Minor Project
- Site Plan Application
- Site Photos
- Complete Streets Checklist
- Short EAF (if required)
- Complete Site Plan Checklist
- Site Plan
- Architectural Elevations
- CD/USB of all Digital Files
Major Project
- Site Plan Application
- Site Photos
- Complete Street Checklist
- Short EAF (Full EAF, if
- Complete Site Plan Checklist
- Site Plan (including Erosion
and Sediment Control and
Construction Details)
- Architectural Elevations
- Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan (if required)
- CD/USB of all Digital Files