Application for Temporary Authority
(Section 136, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012)
General information:
A temporary authority is a temporary licence allowing the holder to operate off the existing base
licence for three months while they apply and are issued with a new (on or off) licence.
The application must be filed a minimum of 15 working days before possession or the commencement
of selling alcohol.
Please be sure all the questions are answered in full and all the appropriate documentation is
included. Incomplete applications will be delayed and maybe even returned.
At least two managers holding manager’s certificates must be employed on the premises before a
temporary authority can be issued.
Should that new licence not be issued in the three month period (for good reason) then a further
temporary authority may be considered provided the substantive licence application has at least been
filed with the DLC.
Application Checklist:
Supporting documents you need to provide with your application:
□ Application fee: $296.70
This is an application fee and is non-refundable after the application is received by
Matamata Piako District Council
□ A written statement from the owner of the building/property giving consent to the applicant for
alcohol to be sold or supplied on the premises (Note that the written consent must be for the
same party as detailed in the applicant section of this form)
□ Proof of title to the business – sale and purchase agreement or lease (financial details can be
excluded). A complete list of food and non/low alcoholic beverages provided (menu)
□ A current floor plan of the premises
□ A draft of your proposed Host Responsibility Policy
□ Copies of each current manager’s certificate for those nominated to manage the premises
□ Copies of any other licences held by the applicant (if applicable)
If you are applying for the temporary authority on behalf of someone else, you must also
A copy of the authority to act as an agent of the applicant, signed by the applicant
Fee due: $296.70
Send the completed application form and attachments to:
Liquor Licensing Department
Matamata-Piako District Council
PO Box 266
Te Aroha, 3342