Date Submitted
Principal Investigator/Project Director
Department Email Phone
Co-investigator/Student Investigator
Co-investigator/Student Investigator
Title of Research Project
Anticipated Funding Source
Projected Duration of Research months Projected Starting Date
Status of Project:
New Project Change to Existing Project Review of Continuing Project
Type of review requested: Exempt Expedited Full Review
Type of Project:
Faculty research
Student research under faculty direction
Student class project under faculty direction
Federal grant application
Non-federal grant application
Thesis or dissertation (list school):
Other (specify):
Will any of the following populations be involved in this study?
Children under 18
Individuals with mental disabilities
Individuals with physical disabilities
conomically disadvantaged
Research Protocol Checklist
Yes No
Does this study involve collection of data that identifies individuals (by name, SSN, or by
interviewing the subject)?
Will identifiable data be shared with anyone (including in published reports, presentations, or
reports to funding agencies)?
Are incentives (money, goods, extra credit) being offered for participation? Please list:
Will participants be videotaped or audiotaped during the project?
Is participation in this project completely voluntary for the individuals?
Will participants be fully informed about the benefits and any risks?
Application for Review by JCC
Institutional Review Board
Provide a memo that includes the following items:
Describe the project and its purpose.
Describe the protocol, including number of subjects, how they will be solicited, data sources (such as
interviews, existing data, grades, focus groups, etc.), informed consent procedures and debriefin
Explain the experimental methods to be used including what measures or observations will be made, all
sources of data (interviews, existing data such as grades, focus groups, etc.).
Explain how the data will be kept confidential, including length of time, plans for publication, and how the
original documents/tapes will be destroyed.
Attach copies of the following:
1. Consent form
2. Emails, letters, or flyers soliciting participants
3. Surveys or questionnaires, if applicable
4. Interview or focus group questions, if applicable
5. Prior IRB approval notification, if applicable
Responsibilities of the Principal Investigat
Any additions or changes in procedures in the protocol will be submitted to the IRB for written approval prior to
these changes being implemented.
Any problems connected with the use of human subjects one the project has begun must be communicated to the
IRB Chair.
The principal investigator is responsible for retaining informed consent documents for a period of three years after
the project.
I certify that the protocol and method of obtaining informed consent as approved by the JCC Institutional Review
Board will be followed during the period covered by this research project. Any future changes to the research
project will be submitted to the IRB for review and approval prior to implementation.
_________________________________ _____________
Principal Investigator/Project Director signature Date
_________________________________ _____________
Co-investigator Signature (if appropriate) Date
JCC Vice-President (if applicable)
Project Identification Number: Year:
Approved Approved with restrictions Tabled Disapproved
Exempt Expedited Full Review
Signature of IRB Committee Chair Date
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