Application for Renewal of Off-Licence
(Section 127, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012)
General information:
An application for renewal of off-licence must be filed at least 20 working days before the
licence is due to expire.
Application Checklist:
Supporting documents you need to provide with your application:
□ Application fee. This is an application fee and is non-refundable after the application is received
by Matamata Piako District Council. (Please see information sheet on the last two pages of this
application or contact us for assistance)
□ Detailed A4 scale map of the interior of the premises showing:
• the areas used for sale of alcohol
• the areas that are to be restricted or supervised
• the principal entrance
• the layout of the interior of the premises
• CCTV placement and security lighting (if applicable).
• For supermarkets and grocery stores only: the single area where alcohol will be displayed must
be clearly shown
□ A Host Responsibility Policy
□ Copies of each current manager’s certificate for those nominated to manage the premises
□ Evidence of staff training in host responsibility practices
□ For grocery stores only: A statement of 12 months sales figures (verified by an accountant)
establishing the range of good sold (as required by regulations 12/13 of the sale and Supply of
Alcohol Regulations 2013)
□ Copies of any proposed advertising or promotions (if applicable)
If you are applying for the renewal of off-licence on behalf of someone else:
□ A copy of the authority to act as an agent of the applicant, signed by the applicant
Send the completed application form and attachments to:
Liquor Licensing Department
Matamata-Piako District Council
PO Box 266
Te Aroha, 3342