Ashland City Fire, Building &
Life Safety Department
101 Court Street
Ashland City TN 37015
Fire & Life Safety: (615) 792-4531 – Building Codes (615) 792-6455
Application for
Reclassification of Property Under the Zoning Ordinance
Application Fee: $100.00
Application is hereby made to the Mayor and City Council, which first must be reviewed
by the City Planning Commission, to reclassify the property described below now in a
_____________________________ district.
DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Attach Map): Map__________ Parcel________
REASON FOR RECLASSIFICATION REQUEST _____________________________
1. All applications for rezoning must be turned into City Hall no later than thirty (30)
days prior to the upcoming planning commission meeting, if they are to be
entertained at said meeting.
2. An accurate graphic plat prepared and stamped by a registered design
professional and a legal description of property to be rezoned must be submitted
to the Building Official prior to consideration by the City Commissioners. In
certain circumstances (i.e. large annexation requests having irregular
boundaries) these legal descriptions must be submitted prior to planning
commission consideration.
3. The applicant will submit the names and addresses of all owners of adjacent
property within 1,000 feet. The applicant must also submit a map showing the
property within 200 feet of said property.
Applicant Signature Date