Ashland City Fire, Building &
Life Safety Department
101 Court Street
Ashland City TN 37015
Fire & Life Safety: (615) 792-4531 – Building Codes (615) 792-6455
Permit No.____________
Approved by:_________
Application for Fence Permit
PERMIT FEE: $25.00
Permit Expires 12 months from payment date
Property Owner &
City/State__________________________________________ Zip:__________
Subdivision:______________________________________ Lot#:___________
County:_______________________ Contact#:__________________________
(Leave blank if
home owner is
building fence)
City/State:_______________________________________ Zip:____________
Contact #:_____________________
_______ Residential Privacy
_______ Commercial Enclosure
_______ Commercial Buffer/Screening
Fence Material
& Size
____Chain Link
____ Wooden
____ Synthetic (PVC,Vinyl)
____ Fashioned Metal
____ Other:_____________________
Fence Height:____________________
(Maximum 6’)
Fence Length:____________________
(Approximate Linear Footage)
* Required items for fence permits:
1. Approval of this permit shows that all Ashland City requirements have been met. It does not
constitute subdivision or HOA approval.
2. Finished side of fence must face out.
3. Forms can be emailed to jmcclain@ashlandcitytn.gov. You will be contacted when approved.
Permit is then picked up and paid for at City Hall.
Please check one:
I hereby certify by signing this application that:
____I have been approached by a Codes Officer or other city official pertaining to this matter in
person, by letter, by phone or citation issued.
____I have not been approached by a Codes Officer or other city official pertaining to this matter in
person, by letter, by phone or citation issued.
pplicant Si
nature Date
Inspector Si
nature Date