RE12 Page 2
6 Is a responsible person living on the
If not, what arrangements are there in case of
PARTICULARS (continued) **
7 Will the carrying on of the business of the
establishment be left at any time in charge
of a person under 16 years of age?
(see Note 1)
8 Will supervision by a responsible person of the
age of 16 years or over be provided at all times
while horses from the Establishment are used
for providing instruction in riding or let out
on hire for riding (except in the case of a horse
let out for hire for riding when the hirer is
competent to ride without supervision)?
9 The applicant is required to answer YES or NO
to the following questions:
(i) Are you, or any person who will have control
or management of the establishment,
disqualified for the time being from:
(a) keeping a riding establishment?
(b) keeping a dog?
(c) keeping a pet shop?
(d) having the custody of animals?
(e) keeping a boarding establishment for
(ii) Are you the holder of a current insurance
policy which:
(a) insures you against liability for any
injury sustained by those who hire a horse
from you for riding and those who use a
horse in the course of receiving from you,
in return for payment, instruction in riding;
(b) insures you against liability arising out
of such hire or use of a horse; and
(c) insures such hirers or users in respect
of any liability which may be incurred by
them in respect of injury to any person
caused by, or derived from, such hire or
(If YES, enclose with this application
evidence that you hold such insurance; if
NO, state below what steps you are
taking to obtain such insurance)
5 If the person named at 3 above does not hold
any of these certificates, give details of his/her
experience in the management of horses
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