Print FULL LEGAL Name:____________________________________________________ Student ID: _______________________
Today’s date: ___________ Year you entered WVWC: _________ Campus Box: ________
WVWC email: Cell/best phone #: __________________
I am earning my: B.A. B.F.A. B.S. B.M.E. B.S.A.T. B.S.N.
5-yr. M.B.A.
M.B.A. M.F.A. M.S.A.T. M.S.N. D.N.P.
I expect to complete my degree requirements in (month/year):________________________________
The audit is based on the catalog you entered under UNLESS you note otherwise in the major and
minor sections of this request after consultation with your advisor.
Major*: _______________________________________ Track/Concentration (if applicable):_______________________________
* Education majors: elementary secondary combined Teaching fields: ___________________________________
Major (if applicable):________________________________ 3
Major (if applicable):________________________________
Minors (if applicable):________________________________________________________________________________________
Academic Advisor:_________________________________
Application for Degree Audit / Graduation
Submit request to the Academic Services Office or to .
Applications will be processed for students within three semesters of graduating.
Failure to complete this request twelve months before intended graduation date
will result in a $50 late fee.
Please read the following information regarding your degree audit.
Your audit will not be processed without your signature.
The audit is the working plan between you, your advisor, and the Academic Services Office.
IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to inform the Credentials Analyst in writing (Beth Lampinen: of
ANY changes you make at any point during your final two semesters including (but not limited to):
Change in major(s) or minor(s) –adding or dropping
Intent to repeat a course where you earned a C- or below (NOTE that you can only earn hours once, so if you are
repeating a course where you originally earned a C-, D, or D-, you are NOT earning additional hours toward the
minimum 120 required.) You are required to complete the C-/F repeat form in the Academic Services Office.
Change in which catalog you and your advisor are following for your major(s) or minor(s)
I have read the degree audit information and understand my responsibilities.
I understand that if I fail to inform the Credentials Analyst of any changes, my graduation could be delayed.
Student signature: ______________________________________________________________________________________