Information in this application is condential under Title 68, O.S. Section 2835.
Applicant’s First Name and Middle Initial Last Name
Mailing Address Email Address
City, Town, or Post Ofce and State Zip Code Area Code and Phone Number
( )
Revised 1-2019
State of Oklahoma
Application for Agricultural Land
Conservation Adjustment
Return to County Assessor by March 15.
Application Number
Consecutive Number
Application must be led with the county assessor by March 15. Attach a copy of the Conservation Cost-Share
Certicate of Completion and acceptance or U.S.D.A Application for payment with Natural Resources Conservation Service map(s).
Part I - Indicate NRCS Conservation Practice(s)
Part II - Location of the Conservation Practice Area
Part III - Applicant’s Signature -
Under penalty of perjury, I, the undersigned afant, afrm that all responses I
have made to questions herein contained are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Part IV - Assessor Use Only: Approved Denied Recertification
Access Control Filter Strips Field Border
Contour Buffer Strips Grassed Waterway Riparian Forest Buffer
Riparian Herbaceous Cover Wetlands Must be certied to NRCS Standards
The owner/applicant must be currently participating in an approved Oklahoma Conservation Commission
or Federal Cost-Share Program through USDA. Authorized by 68 O.S. Section 2817.2.
Location Number of Acres County
Performance Agreement, or USDA Plan or Contract Number
Parcel I.D. Number Acres (to nearest tenth)
Conservation Parcel I.D. Number Acres (to nearest tenth)
Value prior to adjustment . . . . . . . . . X =
Value after adjustment . . . . . . . . . . X =
Value of Conservation Land . . . . . . . X =
(to nearest tenth)
Distributed to: First Copy - Issuing County Assessor Second Copy - Ad Valorem Division Third Copy - Applicant
Cost Share Program:
ACEP (Ag Conservation Easement Program)
Date of Completion Certication
Is the practice still in place?........ Yes No
Applicant’s Signature:____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Assessor Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Eligibility Requirements...
1. The landowner must be participating in an Oklahoma Conservation Commission state cost-share
program or participating in a Federal conservation cost-share program through the USDA as authorized
under the 2018 Farm Bill.
2. Eligibility for the State and USDA programs shall be based on the Natural Resources Conservation
Service Conservation Practice Standards and the requirements of the local conservation districts.
3. Each eligible conservation buffer must have a separate application (Form 999). Multiple legal descrip-
tions may not be combined on one application form.
Taxpayer Information...
Enter owner/applicant name, current mailing address of the applicant and telephone number.
The owner/applicant must indicate the approved NRCS conservation practices for which the property is
currently approved as outlined in 68 O.S. Section 2817.2.
The owner/applicant must be currently participating in an approved USDA or State cost-share program,
must attach a signed copy of the current Conservation Cost-Share Agreement. Signatures of the participant
and the authorized conservation district representative must be present.
The agreement or contract number must match exactly.
Location of the Conservation Practice Area...
The specic conservation area location must be identied by section, township, range and quarter section.
Any addition legal descriptions or directions to the area may be attached as an addendum. The area must
also be delineated on a copy of the appropriate NRCS aerial photo or soil map sheet. It must be certied by
the Conservation District and must be attached to the application form (OTC Form 999).
Indicate the number of acres authorized by the conservation district as supported by conservation practice
certication. Round the acres to the nearest tenth of an acre. This number must be consistent with the state
or USDA conservation program documents.
The information found in part two must match the information on the Conservation Cost-Share Agreement.
If this information does not match the application will be denied.
If recertifying the conservation practice, no requirement for original NRCS certication or map is required.
Assessor Use Only...
This is for the county assessor’s use only. Do not attempt to complete any of the information indicated in
this section. The applicant will receive a copy of OTC Form 999.
Form 999 Instructions
Application for Agricultural Land Conservation Adjustment - Page 2