The Employment Application is used to collect information in a standard format from all employment applicants. Application
materials become part of the personnel file of applicants who are employed by the College.
General Information
Date Type of Employment Sought (check all that apply)
Full-time Part-time HCC Student Employment (must be an enrolled HCC student)
Regular Temporary
Specific Position(s) Applied For
How did you learn about this position?
Heartland Community College website Other (specify):
Heartland Community College employee or student
Name (First Middle Initial Last)
Preferred name if different from above
Address City State Zip Code
Primary Phone Number Alternate Phone Number Email Address
Have you ever been employed by Heartland Community College previously? Yes No
If yes, provide job title, approximate dates, and name of supervisor.
Are you retired through the State Universities Retirement System (SURS)? Yes No
Education and Formal Training (include high school last attended and any post-secondary
educational institutions attended in order of attendance)
Name of School City, State Area of Study/Major Type of
Current Licenses and Certifications
Type Expiration (if applicable)
Additional Training and Skills
List additional training, skills, and/or knowledge you possess that you believe enhance your employment
Return Employment Application to:
Human Resources Office
CCB 1300
Phone: 309-268-8130
Email: humanresources@heartland.edu
Main Campus: 1500 W. Raab Road
Normal, IL 61761
Phone: 309-268-8000
TDD: 309-268-8030
Website: www.heartland.edu
Heartland Community College is an Equal Opportunity Institution. The College provides equal employment opportunities
without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, marital status, status
as a veteran, or any other protected status under federal, state, or local laws.