Arts & Culture Grant Program
Fiscal Years 2018-20
Organization’s Information
Organization Name:
Registered Federal Tax-Exempt ID Number:
Executive Director/CEO Name:
Contact Name: Title:
E-Mail Address:
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone Number: ( ) - Mobile Number: ( ) -
Affiliated with a “parent” organization? Yes No
If yes, name of parent organization:
Preferred method of contact? Business Phone Mobile Phone Email
Please provide if not listed above:
Grant Request
Monetary Funding Request: $
Organizational Expenses of at least $9,000? Yes No
Demographic Information: Please include all areas and individuals served.
Programming Locations/Ward/Neighborhoods:
Identify individuals benefitting from your programs (e.g. Title 1 schools, youth, adults, seniors):
Describe the organization’s administrative, artistic and financial vision and list short-term goals
for the next two years. Describe how the board and staff shape overall planning. As examples,
list any specific steps already taken to reach current short-term goals.
Approximately how many people does this organization serve? Describe the services and any
fees related to these services.
Arts & Culture Grant Program
Fiscal Years 2018-20
Has the City of Riverside granted your organization in the past? Yes No
If yes, list department(s), date, amount and/or type of sponsorship:
Additional Documents Required
Submit this completed application with the following:
A current list of your organization’s Board of Directors and appropriate affiliations
A copy of your organization’s board approved operating budget (revenue and
expenses). Include any funds from a Community Development Block Grant, City Arts
Grant Program, Sponsors or in-kind contributions
Financial Statement(s) from the most recently completed Fiscal Year
Mission Statement and if applicable a recent Strategic plan
Recent Marketing Materials
Supporting Materials (e.g. videos, links, presentations, etc.) if applicable
Describe the administrative capability to properly manage and administer Arts & Culture
Funding, to include documentation (pre, post, and on-going), financial strength (demonstration
of ability to match grant award), recognition, and participation in
Arts & Culture Grant Program
Fiscal Years 2018-20
Please describe the organizations public benefit to the community in detail. (Examples: Attract
and sustain audiences for the arts, build community, serve underserved areas, enhance the
economic impact of the City).
Please provide clear examples of a clear commitment to diversity, equity and public benefit in
Describe what the organization will be able to accomplish with grant funding that it otherwise
would not be able to do.
Arts & Culture Grant Program
Fiscal Years 2018-20
What are the measurable objectives that your organization evaluates your work? (Please state
your objective in terms of concrete numbers and percentages where possible. For example:
increase number of participants from Y to Z in the 200X parade; increase customer satisfaction
from Y% to Z%. You may utilize the table provided below.
Past Year
Past Year
Year (20__)
Signature of Authorized Representative Date
click to sign
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