Signature (by property owner only – authorized agent must sign affidavit below)
Property Owner (signature):
Property Owner (printed) :
The Annexation/Initial Zoning shall be considered officially received in the Planning
office only when it has been
submitted in full compliance with the provisions of Section 212 of the Texas Local
Government Code and the Zoning
Code of Ordinances of the City of Midland and when such required items for the
application are also received.
All materials, including exhibits, submitted in support of an application, or displayed during a public hearing, shall remain
the property of the City of Midland.
If an agent is authorized by the property owner to file and execute the application on behalf of the property
owner, the agent must complete the affidavit below.
Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared who, being by
me duly sworn, upon oath says: That (s)he is authorized by _, the owner of the above
described property, to fully represent him/her in this application and that (s)he had the legal right, power and authority to
sign said owner’s name hereto as his/her attorney in fact.
Authorized Agent (signature)
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of _, 20 , to certify which witness
my hand and seal of office.
Property Owner Authorization
Metes and Bounds (Sealed by Surveyor)
Files in Digital Format (PDF/JPEG)
Check #_
**Application will not be considered for scheduling until reviewed by a planner.**
Annexation/Initial Zoning Application
Revised 07/29/20
□ Petition