During what time period?
How long have you known the applicant?
What do you consider to be the applicant’s principal strengths and weaknesses as a potential student? In what way will
graduate study better prepare the applicant to meet his or her goals? In order to help us evaluate the applicant, please
provide any additional information below or enclose a separate recommendation letter with this form.
Do you recommend the applicant for admission to the graduate program indicated?
q Yes q No q With reservations (please explain.)
Signature of evaluator
Typed/printed name of evaluator
Typed/printed address of the evaluator
Phone number of evaluator Date
E-mail address of evaluator
Completed forms must be signed by the evaluator and placed in an envelope
with the evaluator’s signature on the seal.
Return this envelope to the graduate student applicant.
It is the policy of Clarion University of Pennsylvania that there shall be equal opportunity in all of its educational programs, services, and benefits,
and there shall be no discrimination with regard to a student’s or prospective student’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, sexual
orientation/affection, gender identity, veteran status or any other factor that are in accordance with local, state, and federal laws. Direct equal opportunity
inquiries to Assistant to the President for Social Equity, 207 Carrier Administration Building, Clarion, PA 16214-1232, 814-393-2109.
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Area Code
Typed or Printed
In what capacity? __________________________________________________________________________________
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