1. Have you been under a physicians care during the last two years?.................................................
If yes, who is your doctor?:____________________________________________________________
2. Are you taking any medications? (perscription or over the counter drugs).......................................
If yes, please list:____________________________________________________________________
3. Are you allergic to any drugs?....................................................................................................
If yes, please list:____________________________________________________________________
4. H4. Have you ever bled excessively after an injury or tooth extraction?.................................................
5. Do you ever have pain in your chest upon exertion?......................................................................
6. Are you ever short of breath after mild exertion?..........................................................................
7. Has there been any change in your general health in the last year?.................................................
8. Have you had unexplained weight loss, night sweats, or chronic cough?..........................................
9. Do 9. Do your ankles swell?...............................................................................................................
10. Do you have any nasal obstructions?.........................................................................................
11. Have you had dental x-rays in the last year?............................................................................
12. Have you ever had an injury to your face or jaw?........................................................................
13. Have you ever fainted in the dental office?.................................................................................
14. Do 14. Do you use tobacco in any form?..............................................................................................
If yes, check all that apply: Chew:____ Dip:____ Cigarettes:____ Cigars:____ Pipe:_____
15. Have you ever had surgery for a tumor or growth on your mouth, face, or neck?............................
16. W OMEN: Are you pregnant now? (please answer yes if you are unsure)........................
Are you taking birth control pills?:...................................................
Do you anticipate becoming pregnant?:................................................
Are you past menopause?:.........................................................
1. Do you have pain in or near your ears?.................................................................................
2. Do you have any unhealed injuries or inflamed areas in, or around your mouth?.........................
3. Have you experienced any growth or sore spots in your mouth?...............................................
4. Have you ever had Novocaine anesthetic?.............................................................................
5. Any reactions or allergic symptoms from Novocaine?..............................................................
6. A6. Any difficult extractions in the past?.....................................................................................
7. Any prolonged bleeding following extractions in the past?........................................................
8. Do you at the present time have any dental complaints?.........................................................
If yes, please summerize:__________________________________________________________
9. Do you clench your teeth during the night or day?..................................................................
10. When was your last full mouth X-Ray taken?:_____________________ Where?:____________
11. Is a11. Is any part of your mouth sore to pressures to irritants? (cold, sweets, etc.)............................
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
YYes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
YYes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
YYes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
YYes No
Yes No
Todays Date:_________________
Date of Birth:____________________________________ Soc. Sec. #:_________________________________
Email Address: __________________________________ Telephone #:________________________________
City:____________________________________________ State:_____________ ZIP:____________________
GuardianGuardians Name (If under 18):_____________________________ Guardian Phone #: ____________________
Apple Dental
726 E. Lamar Alexander Pkwy
Maryville, TN 37904
(865) 604-6227