Appendix C
Indian Affairs
Flexitime (Gliding Schedule) Work Schedule Agreement
Employee Name:
Position Title/Series/Grade:
I have read, understand and agree to all the provisions of the Indian Affairs AWS policy that are applicable to the
work schedule I have requested.
I understand that Flexitime is a privilege and as such I have no inherent right to a Flexitime schedule and that the
approval of my Flexitime request is at the sole discretion of my supervisor.
I understand that I may be requested to arrive at an alternative or a specific time on occasion, when necessary to
provide office coverage, attend meetings, training, or conferences and that when requested I must comply.
I understand that I will not be paid for work in excess of eight hours on any workday unless I am authorized and
approved to perform credit hours, or ordered to work overtime.
Employee Signature:
Supervisor Signature:
Date: __