Financial Aid Office| 101 College Parkway | Arnold, MD 21012 | Telephone: 410-777-2203 | Fax: 410-777-4019
AACC Financial Aid Office CRI CODE: yrXSAPC
Appeal for Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility
To receive financial aid (including grants, loans and federal work-study), students must meet all of the following
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards: maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better, complete at
least 67% of all attempted credits, and complete your program of study before you have attempted more than 150% of the
program length (ex: 90 credits for a 60 credit program). Financial aid is suspended when a student does not meet all of
these requirements. In addition, financial aid can be re-suspended if a student completely withdrew from all attempted
courses or violated the conditions of probation.
_______________________________________________ _______________________________
Last Name First Name AACC Student ID Number
____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Phone Number (include area code) Email Address
____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Program of Study Expected Graduation Date
Are you currently earning funds through the Federal Work-Study or Institutional Student Aid program? No Yes
Reason for Financial Aid Suspension: (Check all that apply)
Cumulative GPA below 2.0
Completion rate below 67%
Exceeded Max Timeframe
Probation Violation
Completely withdrew from all
attempted courses
Did not meet SAP standards at my
previously attended institutions
The Financial Aid office acknowledges there may be mitigating circumstances that could have prevented the student from
meeting the minimum academic requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Students may appeal this
suspension by submitting this form and completing the following steps:
Step One Transcripts
All official transcripts from previously attended
institutions must
be received and evaluated by the
Registrar before this appeal can be reviewed. Your
FAFSA for the current school year must also be in
our database.
Step Two - Program Evaluation
Log in to MyAACC at , click
on the ''Self Services'' tab, and choose ''Credit
Under the ''Academic Profile'' section, choose
Evaluate Program Progress”.
Print out the Program Evaluation and confirm your
current program of study is correct. You will need to
submit the evaluation with this appeal form.
Step Three - Academic Success Plan
If requested, schedule an appointment with an
academic advisor to complete and sign an Academic
Success Plan. You need a plan on file with the
financial aid office. If you change your major, you
will need to submit an updated Academic Success
Step Four - Documentation
Provide documentation of the mitigating
circumstance(s) that prevented you from meeting the
minimum SAP standards. Mitigating circumstances
and documentation may include:
1. Death of a family member- Copy of Obituary
or Death Certificate
2. Accident/Illness/Injury for student or
immediate family member - Copy of police
report, third party professional statement, or
statement from the physician including the
nature of illness/injury and dates
3. Divorce/Separation of student or parents -
Letter from attorney or legal documentation
4. Work-Related (Occasionally Considered) -
Letter from employer confirming that job
requirements changed after the start of the term
in which SAP was violated
5. Program of Study changed (Occasionally
Considered) - Academic Success Plan and
6. Transportation, Daycare, or Other (Rarely
Considered) - Documentation from third party
Turn in this completed and signed form, with all required documents from steps 1-4, to the AACC Financial Aid
Office for review. You will be notified by email of the SAP committee’s decision within approximately (15)
business days.
AACC Student ID#_________________________
Notice of Nondiscrimination: AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 compliant institution. Call Disability Support Services, 410-777-2306 or Maryland
Relay 711, 72 hours in advance to request most accommodations. Requests for sign language interpreters, alternative format books or assistive technology require 30 days’ notice. For
information on AACC’s compliance and complaints concerning sexual assault, sexual misconduct, discrimination or harassment, contact the federal compliance officer and Title IX coordinator
at 410-777-1239, or Maryland Relay 711.
1. What classes are you going to register for in your next enrolled semester?
2. What event(s) occurred in your previously enrolled semester(s) that prevented you from meeting SAP
requirements or caused you to totally withdraw from your courses?
(Provide documentation)
3. How was/were the event(s) resolved and what steps have you taken to be successful in your next enrolled
I understand the following: (Please initial all statements)
_______If my appeal is denied, I am responsible for all of the charges incurred on my AACC Student Account.
_______If my appeal is approved, I must comply with all of the conditions of my probation. This may include
reducing the number of credits for the term in which I am enrolled.
_______I acknowledge that financial aid will only pay for courses that are required to complete my official
program of study at AACC.
_______ If I choose to enroll while my financial aid eligibility is suspended, I am required to make the minimum
down payment to secure my courses.
_______ Incomplete appeals (any missing pieces from steps 1-4) will not be reviewed.
I certify that all of the information provided to the committee for review of my appeal is accurate and true. I further acknowledge that I
understand the minimum requirements to maintain my financial aid eligibility and will abide by all of the academic advisor’s recommendations
and financial aid terms of probation if my appeal is approved. These conditions include: only taking courses required for my current program of
study, passing ALL attempted credits with a “C” or better, and maintaining at least a 2.0 GPA each semester.
Student Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________________