Appeal for Change of Grade/Status Due to
Total Withdrawal or Cancellation
Grades of “W” (withdrawal), and “WF” (withdrawn failing), may be issued when a withdrawal from Ferris State University is
processed. A “W” grade is not computed in a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA); however, a “WF” grade has a grade
point value of zero (0.00) and is used when computing the GPA. Failure to officially withdraw from the University may result in “F”
grades being awarded or an Unofficial Withdrawal being processed and grades of “WF” being awarded.
If you have received these grades on your academic record and you feel that they are a result of an incorrect status determination, you
have the option of appeal through the Registrar’s Office. To appeal the grade/status you should complete the following form and
submit it to the Registrar’s Office, 1201 S State Street, CSS 201, Big Rapids MI 49307 or fax to 231-591-2242, Attn: Registrar. Please
include any compelling documentation that supports this appeal (i.e. employer statements, medical documentation, death certificates,
etc). Note: If these grades are a result of an Office of Student Conduct action, you should direct your inquiries to that office directly.
NOTE: If you are a student who has received a letter stating that an Unofficial Withdrawal has been processed, and you are a
recipient of Federal financial aid, you will also need to complete the following in addition to the appeal form:
• Contact the instructor for each course for which you received an “F” grade. Request that the instructor submit your last date
of attendance to Registrar@ferris.edu. The body of the email from the instructor should include your name, course title and
CRN, and a last date of attendance. Absolutely no verifications of last date of attendance will be accepted from the student.
No verifications will be considered without a submitted appeal form, and your appeal will not be reviewed until all
verifications are received.
Name: ______________________________________________________ Student Number: ________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: (_____)________________ I received grades of ______________ for ____________________________________
(“F”,“W”, “WF) (semester: Fall, Spring, Summer) (Year)
I would like the University to take the following action(s):_____________________________________________________________
Please share the circumstances which led up to the request for this action:_________________________________________________
If you ceased attendance during the semester and did not contact us as soon as you stopped attending, please provide an explanation as
to why you waited to contact us: _________________________________________________________________________________
Were you aware of the drop/withdrawal deadlines? __________ What, if anything, could have been done differently that would
have resulted in a more desirable outcome? ________________________________________________________________________
Do you plan to attend Ferris again in the future? __________ If so, how will you ensure this does not happen again? _____________
(if additional space is required please feel free to attach additional pages)
_______________________________________________ ______________________
Student Signature Date signed