Questions: Contact Brenda Reash 222-6262 or 1
Together WE Create SUCCESS
100% in 100 Hours!
2018-2019 71% Participation!
1. The generous employees of Carteret Community College support the CCC Annual Fund.
CCC faculty and staff impact lives of students and their educational experience by making either
monthly or annual gifts.
This participation demonstrates the dedication and compassion of the CCC
employees and sets a wonderful example for the students and community we serve. The CCC Foundation
hosts a
Annual Fund initiative at the beginning of each academic year, but employees can also donate
-round to honor and memorialize loved ones.
2. About your Annual Fund gifts:
Every gift no matter how big or small makes a difference!
3. Your Generosity
The Annual Fund supports campus areas of greatest need. Your generosity shows the community that
our employees believe in our
mission and helps the CCC Foundation take the message of Building Our
Future To
gether to an even broader audience.
_____ Continue with my current payroll deduction for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 and designation
(skip to bottom of page two and sign)
Donation Designation:
You can designate to split your donation between two funds (max), minimum of $10 per month for each
____ Unrestricted/Current Needs
____ SkillsUSA
____ Program Fund (Name) _______________________________________________________________
Matching Gifts: Matching gifts are an easy way to increase your gift! If you or your spouse are currently
working (or are retired from) a matching company, please contact us and we will assist you in applying. If
you are not sure if a business is a matching gift company, let us research that for you!
List business/company: ______________________________________________
Questions: Contact Brenda Reash 222-6262 or 2
2019-2020 Annual Fund Employee Giving
Check (Please enclose) Credit Card
$__________________ $__________________
Make payable to “CCC Foundation” Donate online or contact our office: 222-6056
“Donate Now” button
Cash (Please stop by our office)
One-Time Payroll Deduction (Minimum of $20 for one-time donations).
$___________ Billing Date: September 1, 2019 or October 1, 2019 (One-Time)
Pledge/Payroll Deduction (We’ll remind
you of your pledge prior to your first billing date)
Available to permanent full-time and part-time employees only. Minimum of $1 per month.
Total pledge of $___________ I hereby authorize $_______ to be deducted from my monthly salary
beginning with my September 2019 paycheck.
Please check: ( ) Full-time ( ) Part-time ( ) Faculty ( ) Staff ( ) First-time Donor
Dr./Mr./Mrs. __________________________________________ _____________________________
Full Name Date
Preferred Address
City, State and Zip Code
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature (required) Employee ID number for payroll deduction
Pledge or Payroll Deduct
Give Now!
click to sign
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