Approved by College Council on 2/7/12 (pending Academic Senate approval); Approved by the Academic Senate on 2/13/12 and
with revisions on 2/27/12; revisions made in June 2012 approved provisionally by Academic Senate
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Annual Area Plan
Prepared by:
(Please type then sign)
Shasta College Mission Statement
Shasta College provides students of diverse backgrounds, interests, and abilities with open
access to educational and life-long learning opportunities, thereby contributing to the social,
cultural, and economic development of our region. The District offers programs and extensive
distance education offerings in general education and transfer curriculum, career-technical
education, and basic skills education where students are provided opportunities to practice and
improve critical thinking, effective communication, quantitative reasoning, information
competency, community and global awareness, self-efficacy, and workplace skills.
Institutional Goals (2012-2030)
Approved the Board of Trustees 6/13/12
1. Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District will use innovative best
practices in instruction and student services for transfer, career technical, and basic
skills students to increase the rate at which students complete degrees, certificates, and
transfer requirements.
2. Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District will use technology and other
innovations to provide students with improved access to instruction and student services
across the District’s large geographic area.
3. Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District will increase students’
academic and career success through civic and community engagement with
educational institutions, businesses and organizations.
4. Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District will institutionalize effective
planning practices through the implementation, assessment, and periodic revision of
integrated planning processes that are transparent and participatory and that link the
allocation of resources to planning priorities.
Approved by College Council on 2/7/12 (pending Academic Senate approval); Approved by the Academic Senate on 2/13/12 and with revisions on 2/27/12; revisions made in June
2012 approved provisionally by Academic Senate
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Update on Quality and Success
Based upon the data provided by the Office of Research and Planning by October 1, each area/department will review the
performance indicators related to student success within their area. Note: the performance indicators and the scales are under
review during the first year of implementation. PLEASE ATTACH your area’s data as Appendix A to this document.
The topics for consideration are
Academic Quality and Student Success
Resource Efficiency
Internal and External Relations
What is your area: ______________________________________________
1) Based on your analysis of the data provided, what are the strengths of your area?
Enter your response here.
2) What improvements are needed? Are there any external opportunities or challenges?
Enter your response here.
Approved by College Council on 2/7/12 (pending Academic Senate approval); Approved by the Academic Senate on 2/13/12 and with revisions on 2/27/12; revisions made in June
2012 approved provisionally by Academic Senate
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Identify one to three course-level SLO or SAO assessments from your area and address how the results will be used to
improve learning and/or support services to students.
Student Learning Outcomes or
Service Area Outcomes
Means of Assessment and
Criteria for Success
Summary of Data Collected
Use of Results
Approved by College Council on 2/7/12 (pending Academic Senate approval); Approved by the Academic Senate on 2/13/12 and with revisions on 2/27/12; revisions made in June
2012 approved provisionally by Academic Senate
Page 4
Institutional Goals and Institutional Objectives describe how Shasta College is facilitating students’ success and plans to meet
current and anticipated challenges.
Annual Area Plans describe the steps the faculty and/or staff will take to either:
- contribute to the achievement of the Institutional Objectives, or
- address a weakness identified in the analysis of performance data.
The following Initiatives describe how the department/unit/area will contribute to the achievement of the Institutional Objectives or
address an identified weakness. Please include a target date for the completion of the Initiative and please identify the responsible
Rationale with supporting data
Who is responsible?
Implementation Timeline:
Priority High Medium Low
Safety issue (if yes, please explain) YES or NO
External mandate (if yes, please explain)
Resources needed:
If yes, provide information below
Provide a brief description and reasonable estimate of costs in each area below:
Human Resources (staffing)
Equipment or Facilities
Curriculum changes
Information Technology
Approved by College Council on 2/7/12 (pending Academic Senate approval); Approved by the Academic Senate on 2/13/12 and with revisions on 2/27/12; revisions made in June
2012 approved provisionally by Academic Senate
Page 5
Rationale with supporting data
Who is responsible?
Implementation Timeline:
Priority High Medium Low
Safety issue (if yes, please explain) YES or NO
External mandate (if yes, please explain)
Resources needed:
If yes, provide information below
Provide a brief description and reasonable estimate of costs in each area below:
Human Resources (staffing)
Equipment or Facilities
Curriculum changes
Information Technology
Approved by College Council on 2/7/12 (pending Academic Senate approval); Approved by the Academic Senate on 2/13/12 and with revisions on 2/27/12; revisions made in June
2012 approved provisionally by Academic Senate
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Rationale with supporting data
Who is responsible?
Implementation Timeline:
Priority High Medium Low
Safety issue (if yes, please explain) YES or NO
External mandate (if yes, please explain)
Resources needed:
If yes, provide information below
Provide a brief description and reasonable estimate of costs in each area below:
Human Resources (staffing)
Equipment or Facilities
Curriculum changes
Information Technology
Approved by College Council on 2/7/12 (pending Academic Senate approval); Approved by the Academic Senate on 2/13/12 and with revisions on 2/27/12; revisions made in June
2012 approved provisionally by Academic Senate
Page 7
Rationale with supporting data
Who is responsible?
Implementation Timeline:
Priority High Medium Low
Safety issue (if yes, please explain) YES or NO
External mandate (if yes, please explain)
Resources needed:
If yes, provide information below
Provide a brief description and reasonable estimate of costs in each area below:
Human Resources (staffing)
Equipment or Facilities
Curriculum changes
Information Technology
Approved by College Council on 2/7/12 (pending Academic Senate approval); Approved by the Academic Senate on 2/13/12 and with revisions on 2/27/12; revisions made in June
2012 approved provisionally by Academic Senate
Page 8
Rationale with supporting data
Who is responsible?
Implementation Timeline:
Priority High Medium Low
Safety issue (if yes, please explain) YES or NO
External mandate (if yes, please explain)
Resources needed:
If yes, provide information below
Provide a brief description and reasonable estimate of costs in each area below:
Human Resources (staffing)
Equipment or Facilities
Curriculum changes
Information Technology
Approved by College Council on 2/7/12 (pending Academic Senate approval); Approved by the Academic Senate on 2/13/12 and with revisions on 2/27/12; revisions made in June
2012 approved provisionally by Academic Senate
Page 9
If you have a degree or certificate in your area, also attach a PROGRAM REVIEW for each award (program) at a minimum of
once every two years.
Use the boxes below to report on the status of previous Initiatives..
(from prior year)
Responsible Parties
Status of Implementation