Animal Control
Trap Loan Form
Name __________________________________________ Date ________________________
Please Print
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address
City State Zip
E-mail address _________________________________________________________________ Home Phone
Number _________________ Cell Phone Number _____________________
I, the undersigned renter, agree to abide by the terms of Animal Trap Loan as set forth in the
Animal Control Policies and Procedures Manual. Specifically,
I understand that the loan is to be for a period no longer than ten working days from the
date of this agreement.
If the trap is lost/stolen/damaged beyond use, I agree to reimburse Animal Control for its
current retail value.
Renter________________________________________________ Date ________________
Date of Pick-Up _____________________
Initial ______________________________
(When Picked Up)
Date of Return ______________________
Initial ______________________________
(When Returned)
Section below this line to be completed by City of Arkadelphia
There is no charge to use city-owned traps, but a security deposit is required before the
equipment may be rented. Please refer to Animal Trap section of the Arkadelphia Animal Control
Policies and Procedures Manual for more information regarding the use and rental of traps
_________ = _________
Equipment Security Deposit
Small Traps: $60 X
Large Traps: $100 X
_________ = _________
Check#_______________ Cash ________________ Receipt #_____________________
Refund of Deposit
Returned in same Condition as Rented; Check#_____________ Date: _____________
Damaged/Lost/Stolen; Must pay City of Arkadelphia $______ for current retail value.