To protect the health and safety of our employees and customers, all loads of construction,
remodeling and demolition waste brought to Metro Central or Metro South transfer stations are
screened before, during and after unloading for materials that may contain asbestos. This form is
required for all such loads of waste that contain construction and demolition waste.
Analytical test results are required for the following products commonly known to
contain asbestos:
• Interior walls and ceilings: acoustical tiles, glue dots, plaster, and textured surfaces
• Exterior walls: cement siding, stucco
• Flooring: vinyl tiles, sheet vinyl, some mastic adhesives
• Insulation/fireproofing: block, boiler, spray-applied, vermiculite, monokote, sink
undercoating, thermal system insulation (fiberglass, cellulose, and mineral wool are
• Gaskets: furnace, mechanical, boiler, wood stove (automotive gaskets are exempt)
• Heating: white paper or seam tape on ducts, air-duct cement and insulation
• Roofing materials: tar paper, felt, silver/white roofing paint, Nicolite paper
• Fire doors, fire/kiln brick and fireproofing
• Various compounds: window glazing, adhesives, caulks, patching, mastics, vapor barrier
products (plastic or synthetic materials such as Tyvek are exempt)
• Electrical: switch gear, circuit boxes and fuse panels; wiring with cloth insulation (Romex
wiring is exempt)
PLEASE NOTE: Flat/built-up roofing is not accepted, even if customers present negative
analytical test results.
• This form is required for all loads containing construction, remodeling or demolition
• This form should be completed by the person responsible for and knowledgeable about
the contents of the load.
• For multiple-load projects, copies of this form will be accepted, but the contents of the
load must match the description of the waste materials on the form.
All parties involved (generator, contractor and hauler) may be held responsible for the
abatement of positive (greater than one percent asbestos by weight) asbestos-containing
materials unloaded at Metro's transfer stations, including but not limited to the costs for
testing, a licensed abatement contractor, fines and administration.
Construction and demolition waste acceptance form