Describe in ten (10) pages or less the proposed program. This abstract should address the overall
project and proposed program and must include, at a minimum, the following information:
1. Statement of Need – a description of the community and population to be served. Define
the need for funding for development of a child care early childhood facility. Justify the
need for the project and present the data used to determine the need. The results of your
needs assessment must be included. Data will be verified with census and DCCECE
2. Overall objectives of the project.
3. Description of the proposed program, site, number, and ages of children to be served,
and curriculum/program model. Provide specific information regarding the “proposed
operators/managers” of the program. Describe the operational relationship between the
parties applying for funding.
4. Collaboration with other service/public/private agencies. Must include partnerships with
other early childhood programs and public school. Explain specific collaboration activities
with each partner. Describe how other funding sources have been and will continue to be
generated and integrated into the overall program to ensure a comprehensive program.
Provide verification and a listing of other resources for financing the project which have
been approved, those which are pending and those which have been denied.
5. Justification of grant request including line-item budget that identifies eligible costs.
Programs must include a letter from the Child Care Licensing Specialist regarding the facility and
whether the program, as proposed, is eligible to receive a child care license. If the program (or the
proposed program operator) is currently licensed, a letter from the Licensing Specialist must not only
address the new proposal but also the status of the child care license held by the applicant. Verification
of appropriate approval (or preliminary contacts) from the City Planning Commission, Health and Fire
Departments must also be attached.
Include appropriate information (including specific time lines and projected goals) regarding the plans
this program will implement to obtain Better Beginnings Approval status by DCCECE for the
developmentally appropriate educational program provided to children. If you are currently
participating in Better Beginnings, please provide information on how you will maintain your
Better Beginnings status and/or your plans for advancement. Include Implementation Plan and
Scope of Work.
The Authorized Official, who signs this grant application, needs to be an officer of the organization who
has the authority to sign agreements and approve budgets.
I certify that all information in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I have reviewed
and approved all information in this proposal and will adhere to all guidelines and terms set forth for the
ARPA Child Care Supply Building Grant.
______________________________ ____________________________________
Signature Date
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