(1) Candidate’s full name or name of the political committee (PC), electioneering communications organizations
(ECO) or party executive committee (PTY).
(2) The identification number assigned by the filing officer.
(3) Cover period dates (e.g., 1/1/15 through 1/31/15
). (See filing officer’s reporting dates calendar for
appropriate year and cover periods.)
(4) Page numbers (e.g., 1 of 3 ).
(5) Date contribution was RECEIVED (Month/Day/Year).
(6) Sequence Number – Each detail line shall have a sequence number assigned to it. Sequence numbers
are to be assigned within each reporting period and for each type of detail line. Thus the report type, detail
line type, and sequence number will combine to uniquely identify a specific contribution, expenditure,
distribution or fund transfer. This method of unique identification is required for responding to requests from
the filing officer and for reporting amendments.
For example, a M1 report having 75 contributions would use sequence numbers 1 through 75. The next
report (M2), comprised of 40 contributions would use sequence numbers 1 through 40. Contributions on
amended M1 reports would begin with sequence number 76 and on amended M2 reports would begin with
sequence number 41. See the Amendment Type instructions below.
(7) Type full name and address of contributor (including city, state and zip code).
(8) Enter the type of contributor using one of the following codes:
Occupation of contributor for contributions over $100 only. (If a business, please indicate nature of
I Individual
B Business (also includes corporations, organizations, groups, etc.)
E Electioneering Communications Organizations
F Political Committee (federal or state)
(includes federal, state and county executive
P Political Parties
O Other (e.g., candidate surplus funds to party, etc.)
S Candidate to Self
(9) Enter Contribution Type using one of the following codes:
NOTE: Cash includes cash and cashier’s checks.
Code Description
CAS Cash or Cashier’s Check
CHE Check
COF Carryover Funds from Previous Campaign
INK In-Kind
INT Interest
LOA Loan
MO Money Order
MUC Multiple Uniform Contributions
RCT Other Receipts
REF Refund (Negative Amount Only)