Alvin and Rosalee Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship
and Travel Award in Molecular Biology
Award Information
Please indicate which award(s) you are applying for: Fellowship Travel Award
Student Information
Last name:
First name:
( ) -
Graduate program:
Date enrolled in Ph.D. program at K-State (month & year):
Date of completion of preliminary exam (month & year):
Date expected to complete Ph.D. (month & year):
Dissertation title:
Reference Information
Major professor name:
Additional reference name:
Description of Dissertation Research and Statement of Research Interest
Objectives of study
Significance of research
Description of the methodology as related to molecular biological techniques
Research progress to date
Publications (Please only include accepted publications that are related to your dissertation).
Presentations (Please only include presentations that are related to your dissertation).
Anticipated future results of research and their implications
Fellowship Award Statement (if applicable)
Statement (250-500 words) that describes how the funds will be used to support research and professional development.
Fellowship funds may be expended at the recipient’s discretion for his or her dissertation, future research, and travel, planning
postdoctoral moves or other purposes. The fellowship is not intended to provide funds for current research, but is instead intended to
assist with the recipient’s transition to the next stage of his or her career beyond the Ph.D. Although a formal budget is not required,
a general idea of how the recipient plans to spend the funds should be included in the statement.
Travel Award Statement (if applicable)
Statement (250 words) that describes the purpose of travel include the what, why, and when. Explain how the funds will be used to
support professional travel and the benefits to the recipient. Note: Travel award funds may only be used for travel described below.
No exceptions will be made.
Research Summary
Statement (150 words) that describes applicant’s research and its importance. Please use terms that can be understood by the
general public and suitable for publication (i.e., K-State Today).