Me to Me Money Transfer Authorization
Step 4 Deliver this completed form and attach your void cheque by one of the following methods:
Mail to:
Alterna Bank
165 Attwell Drive, Toronto, ON M9W 5Y5
Email to:
Step 5 Verifying and linking your accounts
1. Within 3 business days of receiving the signed authorization and void
cheque Alterna will link the External Account.
2. An Alterna representative will contact you to verify the link is ready for
3. You can begin to transfer money to and from your other financial
institution from Alterna’s Online Banking service.
For more information
Call our Contact Centre at
1.866.560.0120 or visit
us online at
Terms and Conditions
1. Interpretation
“Account” – means your account at Alterna that is indicated on page 1 of
this Authorization.
“Account Agreement” means the account agreement in place between you
and Alterna that governs the use of your Account.
“Alterna” or “us” means Alterna Bank.
“Direct Services” – means the services offered by Alterna from time to time
that allows a client to access an account using a telephone, a computer, or
any other electronic device. It does not include card services such as
smart cards under the Direct Services Agreement.
“Direct Services Agreement” means the agreement in place between you
and Alterna in respect of the Direct Services.
“External Account” – means an account held in your name at another
Canadian financial institution as indicated on page 1 of this Authorization.
“PAC” – means the access code or word used with Direct Services to access
an Account. It does not refer to the personal identification number (PIN)
used with card services.
“Me to Me Money Transfer Service” means the service offered by Alterna
that allows you to transfer funds to and from your Account and your
External Account.
“Pre-Authorized Debit” – means a debit that is processed electronically to
your Account or to your External Account, as the case may be, and in
accordance your request, in order to enable you to utilize the Me to Me
Money Transfer Service.
“Relevant Account” means either the Account or the External Account, as
the context requires, and “Relevant Accounts”, means both the Account
and the External Account.
“You” or “Your” means the individual in whose name the Account is opened
and who is requesting enrollment in the Me to Me Money Transfer Service.
2. This Authorization is provided in respect of Pre-Authorized Debits for
funds transfers.
3. By signing this Authorization, you hereby request and authorize Alterna
to initiate debits and credits to your Account and to your External Account,
as you may from time to time direct, and in the amounts specified by you,
for the purposes of using the Me to Me Money Transfer Service. You
understand that Alterna has the discretion to limit the amount of any
transfers made using the Me to Me Money Transfer Service.
4. You acknowledge that this Authorization is provided for the benefit of
both Alterna and the financial institution holding your External Account and
is provided in consideration of Alterna and the financial institution holding
your External Account agreeing to debit either your Account or your
External Account, as the case may be and as you direct, and to transfer the
amount debited to the Relevant Account, all as requested by you using the
Me to Me Money Transfer Service (such fund transfers “Transactions”). You
understand that each time you log onto Direct Services using the PAC and
transmit an instruction to Alterna to initiate a Transaction, you will be
deemed to authorize Alterna or the financial institution holding your
External Account, as the case may be, to debit the Relevant Account for the
amount requested and to transfer that amount to the other Relevant
Account, in each case, on the date the Transaction is requested by you, or,
if such day is on a weekend or statutory holiday, on the next business day.
5. You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this
Authorization. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement
for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this
Authorization. To obtain more information on your recourse rights,
contact us or the financial institution that holds your External Account
or visit www.payments.ca.
6. You agree to immediately notify Alterna, in writing, of any changes to
the account information in respect of the External Account.
7. You acknowledge and agree that Alterna, at its discretion, in all provinces
except Québec, may limit the type of transfers that can be conducted
between the Account and the External Account, specifically whether
transfers will be in the form of credits to the External Account, debits from
the External Account or both credits to and debits from the External
In Québec, Alterna may also limit transactions in accordance with the
following procedure:
(i) a written notice will be sent to you at least 30 days before the effective
date of the change which will set out the change, specify the effective date
of change as well as your rights as set out in paragraph (b) hereinafter;
(b) You will be allowed to refuse the change and terminate the Agreement
without cost, penalty or cancellation fee, by sending to Alterna Bank a
notice to that effect no later than 30 days after the change comes into
8. You may cancel this Authorization at any time by providing [30 days’]
notice of revocation or cancellation to Alterna in writing. You may obtain a
sample cancellation form, or further information on your right to cancel this
Authorization at Alterna or at the institution that holds your External
Account or by visiting www.payments.ca.