In order to honor its founders, maintain a standard that allows its members to serve as role models for
young women and girls in the global community, preserve Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority membership as a
desirable and honorable affiliation and to protect Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated from
harassment, ridicule, scandal or legal liability, I do voluntarily agree to observe the following rules of
1. To respect and comply with the Constitution and Bylaws, Manual of Standard Procedure, Protocol
Manual, Membership Intake Manual, Rituals, other official handbooks and documents, as well as
Chapter Bylaws and Rules of Order.
2. To remain subject to the authority of the Boule and the Directorate.
3. To respect our elected/appointed leaders and support them in conducting the business of Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.
4. To present myself publicly in a way that reflects the high moral and ethical character of Alpha
Kappa Alpha women by:
a. Obeying the law;
b. Exercising good manners;
c. Displaying concern for my appearance by following established Alpha Kappa Alpha
d. Refraining from profanity, acts of violence and criminal conduct;
e. Exhibiting respect for other Pan-Hellenic organizations by avoiding demeaning remarks or
ridiculing them;
f. Wearing identifiable paraphernalia only if conduct or circumstances will bring no negative
repercussions to the sorority.
5. To demonstrate the high regard we have for each other as women and sorors by:
a. Avoiding derogatory, demeaning and insulting remarks.
b. Being polite, kind, honest, fair and conciliatory.
c. Assisting with the special needs of elderly and disabled sorors.
d. Keeping confidences and maintaining confidentiality.
e. Refraining from acts of hazing, reporting its occurrence to the appropriate authority and
demonstrating compliance with all aspects of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Anti-Hazing Policy.
f. Abiding by and actively supporting official chapter and sorority decisions even in the event of
personal disagreements.
6. To work diligently to foster the programs of the sorority and participate fully in meetings and
conferences that enhances personal knowledge and improves sorority effectiveness.
7. To maintain integrity in financial matters related to sorority by:
a. Remaining current with all dues and financial obligations.
b. Following accepted financial procedures.
c. Avoiding the co-mingling of personal and sorority funds.
d. Utilizing the tax-exempt status only as legally permitted.
e. Expecting that financial officers will maintain records, make them available for inspection and
pass them on to succeeding officers and/or Graduate Advisors as required.
f. Purchasing only from officially sanctioned vendors at Regional Conferences and Boules.
g. Reporting the misappropriation of chapter funds and/or property to the appropriate authority
and taking the necessary action to protect or retrieve funds and/or property belonging the
8. To invite for sorority membership only those community minded women of sufficient high moral
and ethical character and scholarship who have true interest in serving Alpha Kappa Alpha