4. Impose academic sanction(s):
Warning – warnings are not effective deterrents
Points deducted but partial credit given on the affected assignment/exam
Grade of F on the assignment/exam
Zero points on the affected assignment/exam
Final grade of F in the class
At this point, if you haven’t already, you might want to discuss this situation with a member of the
GGU community.
5. Talk the incident over with (optional):
Title Name
Department/Program Chair
Director of Academic Integrity Karen McRobie 415.442.6599
Dean of the School
Vice President, Academic Affairs Barbara Karlin 415.442.7882
It is imperative to communicate with the student directly and establish that there is an allegation of
academic dishonesty and an associated sanction.
6. Record your communication with student (required):
Date(s): _______________ Result of communication:
Phone call Student acknowledges the act of academic dishonesty
Email exchange Student claims he/she did not know it was an act of academic dishonesty.
In person Student denies having committed an act of academic dishonesty
The submission of this form to the Director of Academic Integrity prompts the establishment of a file
for the student. The student is sent a letter which reiterates the policy on academic integrity,
summarizes the incident as reported, and confirms the academic sanction. The letter also outlines
possible administrative sanctions in the event of repeated violations of academic integrity. You will
not know if the student you are reporting has been accused of academic dishonesty in the past, but that
information is available to the Director of Academic Integrity. Finally, the letter tells the student what
the appeal process is in the event that he or she contests the finding of academic dishonesty or the
severity of the sanction.
Faculty generally do not recommend administrative sanctions, which include administrative
withdrawal from the course, suspension for one or more terms, academic probation, loss of university-
based scholarship money and expulsion. However, it is sometimes deemed necessary for a student to
be withdrawn from a course as a result of academic dishonesty that results in compromised quality for
his or her classmates.
7. Recommend administrative sanctions:*
No administrative sanction unless this is a repeat offense
Recommend administrative sanctions as appropriate
* Recommendations are discussed at the dean level and higher, as needed.
8. Sign here:
Instructor ________________________________________________________ Date ___________
Director of Academic Integrity ________________________________________ Date ___________
9. Submit this form: to Karen McRobie by campus or postal mail, 536 Mission Street, San Francisco,
CA 94105, in person in room 4306 at the above address, or electronically academicintegrity@ggu.edu