Anindilyakwa Land Council
ALC Research Application
The Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC) supports researchers to undertake projects within the
Anindilyakwa IPA that:
respect Anindilyakwa culture and traditional rights to natural and cultural resources;
benefit and appropriately acknowledge the contributions of Traditional Owners;
recognise the rights of Anindilyakwa Traditional Owners to their cultural and intellectual property;
provide information which can inform land and/or sea management activities undertaken by the
ALC Rangers;
provide opportunities for ALC Rangers and/or Anindilyakwa Traditional Owners to participate and
gain experience and skills; and
in the case of ecological research projects, are aligned with the ALC’s Threatened Species
Management Plan.
Researchers must complete this Research Application form in relation to proposed research projects and
obtain, through the ALC, the free, prior and informed consent of relevant Traditional Owners and
communities before undertaking any project within the Anindilyakwa IPA. An ALC Research Review
Committee will use the information disclosed in this Research Application form to evaluate the project and
to identify and consult with Traditional Owners.
If your application is approved, you will be required to sign a research agreement with the ALC. The
agreement will specify the conditions of approval that apply to the research project. These will
include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Special Access Permits will be required and must be signed by senior Traditional Owners of the
study area and/or survey/sampling sites to be visited.
2. Copies of all other relevant permits and approvals required in relation to the project must be
provided to the nominated ALC representative. These may include:
a. a permit to undertake scientific research on wildlife under the Territory Parks and Wildlife
Conservation Act 2006;
b. Animal Ethics Committee approval; and/or
. other Ethics Committee approval.
3. Appropriate arrangements must be made in advance with the nominated ALC representative for
angers, Traditional Owners and/or other ALC staff to accompany you during fieldwork.
Anindilyakwa Land Council
4. The nominated ALC representative must be kept informed in a timely manner of project progress,
and any issues arising.
5. Any proposed changes to the methodology which arise during the project must be communicated to
the nominated ALC representative, and will be subject to the approval of an ALC Research Review
Committee and/or Traditional Owners.
6. Provision must be made for monetary and non-monetary compensation for the participation of
Traditional Owners in the project.
7. A full-day Groote Eylandt Cultural Induction must be attended.
8. All project deliverables outlined in the research application must be provided to the nominated ALC
representative in accordance with the timeframes or other milestones specified in this application
form, and in a format to be agreed upon in advance.
9. If, during the course of your research you or any of your personnel involved develop any new
intellectual property in materials or things (of any type) referred to herein as New IP, then:
a. you acknowledge and agree that the ALC owns the intellectual property in the
New IP;
b. you assign all Intellectual Property Rights in the New IP to the ALC;
c. the ALC is the absolute owner of all New IP;
d. you must not assert any proprietary or other rights to the New IP;
e. the ALC grants you a non-exclusive licence to use the New IP as is reasonably required for
your research purposes outlined in this application;
f. the ALC and Traditional Owners must be acknowledged in any publications and
presentations arising from the project.
10. Any proposed publications arising from the project must be supplied to the nominated ALC
representative prior to publication, and will be subject to review and approval of an ALC Research
Review Committee.
11. A confidentiality agreement must be signed, if deemed necessary by the ALC.
For assistance in completing this form, please contact the ALC Head Office on 08 8987 4006 or ALC Rangers
on 08 8987 6703.
Anindilyakwa Land Council
ALC Research Application
Applicant Details
Contact number:
Email address:
Project details
Project title:
Project type (e.g. Honours, Masters, PhD, post-doc, consultancy, government, private):
Funding source:
Is this a new project or part of an existing, ongoing project?
Anindilyakwa Land Council
Project aims and objectives:
Does the project require a permit under the Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 2006 or any other
legislation? If you hold such a permit, please provide details.
Does the project require and has it received approval from an authorised ethics committee? If approval has been
granted, please provide details.
Please provide details of the timeframe of the project, including dates when access is required:
What transportation arrangements will you make during your time on the island?
Anindilyakwa Land Council
What accommodation arrangements will you make?
Will you require logistical support from the ALC? Please explain.
Please attach a map showing detailed locations of the study area and/or survey/sampling sites for the project.
Include approximate coordinates if necessary. For fieldwork conducted outside of the township of Alyangula, and
the communities of Angurugu and Umbakumba, a Special Access Permit is required. See the ALC website for
more information.
Anindilyakwa Land Council
Please provide details of the project methodology. This may include: target species, survey/sampling methods,
genetic sampling, use of photography, film, sound recording or other forms of media, use of firearms or poisons,
any plans to undertake bioprospecting activities, etc.
Will this research affect the physical environment? If so, how do you plan to mitigate these impacts?
Aboriginal Participation
Does your project require the knowledge and participation (e.g. consultations, on-country visits, community
meetings, etc.) of Traditional Owners? How do you propose to engage traditional landowners?
Anindilyakwa Land Council
What types of monetary or non-monetary benefits (e.g. skills and training, awareness and education, capacity
development) will be provided to the Traditional Owners for their services, and for use of their land and/or sea?
Does your project provide opportunities for Ranger skills or knowledge development?
How will the project outcomes inform land and/or sea management activities undertaken within the
Anindilyakwa IPA?
Anindilyakwa Land Council
Project Deliverables and Timeframes
Please provide details of project deliverables and timeframes or other milestones. Deliverables must include,
but not be limited to: progress reports; a final technical report; a publication to communicate project outcomes
to Traditional Owners and other community members; a copy of all raw data obtained during the project; and
copies of any publications arising from the project.
Dissemination of Project Outcomes
Please provide details of how you plan to present the outcomes of the project to Traditional Owners and the
ALC (noting the minimum requirement for a publication, as outlined above).
Please attach any other relevant information about your project that has not been covered above.