Last Revised on 1/2017
Reserve Space
“We need a room for our meetings”
“We need space to host an event on campus”
Meeting and activity rooms should be scheduled early. Two weeks in advance is preferred, but much earlier
notice is recommended due to availability. For regular meetings an Activity Request Form is not necessary,
but is necessary for an event or tabling.
1. Submit:
Event Planning Request (EPR) Form
Facility Room Request Form
Meeting minutes approving the expenditure and activity
2. A confirmation reservation email will be sent from the Program Coordinator of Student Leadership
and Development. To edit or cancel an existing reservation please reply back to reservation
confirmation email with a brief explanation of your request.
For assistance, contact the Program Coordinator for Student Leadership & Development located in College
Center Room 130 on Greeley campus, call us at 970-339-6259, or email us at
Last Revised on 1/2017
Event Planning Request (EPR) Form
y's Date: ______________________________________________________________________________
Club / Org Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Club / Org Representative name: _____________________________Phone Number:_____________________
Are you spending club funds? ( if yes, answer the following )
Do you need the p-card? ____ Yes ___ No
Are you paying someone to provide a service at your event? ____ Yes ___ No
Are you requesting additional funds from Student Government Association (SGA)? ____ Yes ___ No
Are you spending more than $1,999 dollars on any item? ____ Yes ___ No
Are you raising money through this event? ____ Yes ___ No
Is this a co-sponsorship with SGA? ____ Yes ____ No
Do you need help with marketing? ( if yes, check all that apply)
____ Flyer ___ Daily _____ Weekly ____Aims Social Media
Is your event:
On campus? ____ Yes ___ No
Off-campus? ( if yes, answer the following)
Event happening in home county (Weld for all but Loveland)? ____ Yes ___ No
Event happening outside of home county (Weld for all but Loveland)? ____ Yes ___ No
Is this a community service event? ____ Yes ___ No
Is this a conference? ____ Yes ___ No
Is this a field trip? ____ Yes ___ No
Miscellaneous question:( if yes, check or answer all that apply)
____ Will there be minors at your event _____ Expected Number of Attendance ____is your event after 5pm
Last Revised on 1/2017
Office Use Only
Form received by:_______________________________
Reservation completed on:________________________ Reservation confirmation number: _________________
Facility Room Request Form
Event /
Activity Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Date(s) requested:_______________ Prefered time: _______________am/pm to ________________am/pm
Set-up completed by:___________________ am/pm Tear - down completed by: ________________ am/pm
Preferred location(s): First choice_________________________ Second choice:________________________
Will you be charging fees for this event? Yes______ No______ (Please check one)
Is your event on a weekend? Yes______ No______ (Please check one)
Please select a room set-up:
____ U-shape (Horse shoe) _____ Hollow Square / Rectangle _____T-pod (6 people)
____ Square Pods (4-8 people) _____Classroom _____Theatre
____ Banquet _____Other (if other, please attach a diagram)
Total number of tables requested______Rounds ______6’Rectangular _____5’Rectangular
Total number of chairs requested:__________
mark which, if any, audio / visual equipment or technology support you will require for your event:
____ Projector _____Internet Access ____Microphone - ___Wireless
____ Projector Screen _____Smart Board (available in classrooms only)
____ Podium _____Stage Other:_________________________
If your event will be having refreshments, do you anticipate extra support from custodial during and /or after
event? Yes_____ No______ (Please check one)