3. The Municipal Judge shall review all letters of interest from qualified electors and make a
recommendation to the City Commission for the alternate municipal judge position(s). The
recommendation will be in the form of a list of qualified candidates.
4. The term for the alternate judge(s) coincides with the current term of the municipal judge.
5. At a regularly scheduled Commission Meeting, the City Commission shall approve who
serves in the position(s) as alternate municipal judge.
(Ord. 2010-379, eff. 2010-Feb-17; Ord. 2009-377, eff. 2009-Oct-21; Code 2007, 2-165)
Sec. 2-166. Duties Generally; Compensation.
1. In addition to those duties set forth in the laws of the state, the municipal judge shall be
present at the court a minimum of thirty-two (32) hours per week and up to a maximum of
forty (40) hours per week and shall hold court a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours per
week, holidays excluded, and may conduct marriage ceremonies. The municipal judge shall
be available at all reasonable hours for the issuance of warrants and summons and as
necessary to accommodate the public and may provide night court to accommodate the
public. The municipal judge shall be paid the annual sum of thirty
-five thousand ($35,000)
fifty percent (50%) of the State Magistrate Judges’ annual salary and shall take the same
oath as is now required of magistrates in the state.
(Ord. 2011-396, eff. 2011-Jun-22; Ord. 2010-390, eff. 2010-Aug-18; Code 2007, 2-166)
2. In the absence of the municipal judge, the alternate judge will work as designated by the
municipal judge and will receive compensation from funds allocated in the municipal judge's
salary except in the cases of disqualification or required absences (mandatory judges
training sessions) in which the city will compensate the alternate judge at a rate of pay fixed
by the municipal judge with the approval of the City Commission.
(Code 2007, 2-166)
Sec. 2-167. Employee Benefits.
Benefits for the municipal judge will include paid vacation, sick leave and holiday pay the
benefits of a full-time city employee as provided in the personnel policy as adopted by the City
Commission, with the exception of leave benefits.
(Code 2007, 2-167)
Sec. 2-168. Personnel.
The municipal court judge may participate in the hiring, supervising, and compensating
employees of the municipal court, and shall have the sole power, subject to the grievance
procedure of the city's personnel policy, to terminate employees of the municipal court. In all
other respects that do not conflict with the powers of the judge, the court employees shall fall
within the provisions of the city's personnel policy.
(Ord. 2010-382, eff. 2010-Jun-30; Code 2007, 2-168)
Sec. 2-169. Records.
The municipal judge shall keep, or cause to be kept, a record of every traffic complaint, uniform
traffic citation and other form of traffic charge filed in his court and every official action and
disposition of the charge by his court. Within ten (10) days after disposition of every charge of
violating the traffic code of the city, the municipal judge shall, upon forms furnished by the
Commissioner of motor vehicles, prepare, certify as correct and forward to the state department
of motor vehicles an abstract of the record. A report need not be made of any conviction