This form, along with a typed copy or detailed outline of the presentation, must be submitted to the Student Body
Secretary by 5:00 p.m on the Thursday prior to the Student Government meeting in order to be placed on the agenda.
Name of Club: ________________________________________________________________________
Club Delegates: Please provide the names and primary email addresses of the Club Delegates who will be giving the
presentation before the Student Government Association.
Desired Date to Appear Before Student Government:
Name of Club Sponsor:_________________________________________________________________
Purpose of Appearance:
□ Funding Request
**must be presented and approved
four (4) weeks before event/activity.
□ Travel Request
**must be presented and approved
six (6) weeks before trip.
□ Amendment to By-Laws
□ Non-Funding Request
**must be presented and approved
two (2) weeks before event/activity.
□ Event/Activity Update □ Other:
General Topic to be Presented: Please briefly summarize the topic that you will be addressing before the Student
Government Association, including the general occasion of the presentation, important time variables, etc.
Action Desired: If applicable, please specify in a single statement what action you desire the Student Government
Association to take as a result of your presentation. Please be as specific as possible.
Note: Each club presentation is limited to five (5) minutes unless a motion is made by a recognized member of
the Student Government Association other than the speaker(s) to extend the presentation by two (2) minutes.
Approval Date Received: Time:
Signature of Club Sponsor Date Signature of Student Body Secretary Date
Signature of Delegate/Club Officer Date
Request for Placement on Agenda
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