N°: 42158
Ageing of Flame Retarded Polylactic Acid
Présentée et soutenue publiquement à
Pour obtenir le grade de
Spécialité : Molécules et Matière Condensée
Nicolas Lesaffre
Titulaire du Master Ingénierie des Systèmes Polymères de l’Université Lille 1
Thèse dirigée par
Prof. Maude Jimenez et Prof. Gaëlle Fontaine
Soutenue le 10 Novembre 2016 devant la Commission d’Examen composée de :
Prof. Serge Bourbigot, Université Lille 1 Président du Jury
Prof. Carl-Eric Wilén, Abo Akademi Univeristy Rapporteur
DR. Sandrine Thérias, Université Clermont-Ferrand II Rapporteur
Dr. Xavier Couillens, Solvay Examinateur
Prof. Maude Jimenez, Université Lille 1 Directeur de thèse
Prof. Gaëlle Fontaine, Université Lille 1 Co-directeur de thèse
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À Virginie
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First, I would like to thank Prof. Alexandre Legris, head of the UMET laboratory, and
Prof. Serge Bourbigot, head of the team ISP-R2F (Reaction and Resistance to Fire). I would like
to thank them for giving me the opportunity to join their labs, work on this project and achieve
this PhD in excellent job conditions. I extend my thanks to Mr. Bernard Fontaine, head of the
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille (ENSCL), where the laboratory is located.
I specially would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Maude Jimenez and Prof. Gaëlle
Fontaine who supervised me during my PhD thesis in the R2Fire lab. Working with them was
a great pleasure throughout the whole project. They provided me with an unbelievable
scientific and moral support that I could ever have desired. Their expertise, their patience and
guidance experienced during the whole period of the PhD, combined with continuous and
stimulating participation, kept me highly motivated and enthusiastic.
I would like to acknowledge Prof. Serge Bourbigot who agreed to chair the jury but also
Prof. Carl-Eric Wilén, DR. Sandrine Thérias and Dr. Xavier Couillens who accepted to take on
their time, to bring their expertise as reviewers of this manuscript and to be part of the jury.
I am very grateful to any technique expert such as Bertrand Revel, Bertrand Doumert, Hervé
Vezin, Aurélie Malfait, Grégory Stoclet and Séverine Bellayer for their support and expertise
on different apparatus or techniques I used outside the lab.
Further, I would like to thank everyone in the lab for just being their selves and for the
wonderful atmosphere in the lab. First, thanks to those who left before me but brought me a
real pleasure to work in the beginning of this PhD: Bastien, Antoine, Marianne, Marion, Nico
Renaud (my dear homonymous), Gwen, Carmen and in particular my friend Andrea alias
Francis. Thanks to all the lab’s permanent members: Maude, Gaëlle, Sophie, Serge, Fabienne,
Mathilde, Michel, Charaf’, Catherine and Severine. Of course, I am very thankful to Bridget
(the small red hair crazy woman with a big heart) who really acted as a mother for all of PhD
students in the lab. Thanks to Agnès, Anil, Audrey, Ben (PlaymoBen), Chi, Hirak, JoJo, Laurie,
Maryem, Nitayooooo, Pauline (Mother Christmas), Redgy, Sawsen, Sarah, and Tatenda for all
great moments we shared together. A very special thanks to Mathieu (our little Corky), el
Midgetator, Pierlouse, Berthy “Enrico” la menace and Benji “Ballon d’or” Balavoine for being
who they are. More than colleagues they became a real friend. I will never forget all the
unbelievable moments we shared together. A page had been turned but as the poet said,
“Show must go on”…
Finally, I would like to thank my friends for having supported me during these last three
years. Of course I am also so grateful to my family, my mother, my father and my sister for
their invaluable support. Last but not least, thank you to Virginie to whom I dedicate this
manuscript, for her patience, her love and her invaluable daily support in the best and worst
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Table of contents
Table of contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................... V
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... VII
ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................. XI
GENERAL INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER I: STATE OF THE ART ........................................................................................ 23
1. Poly(lactic acid) ........................................................................................................ 24
PLA synthesis ....................................................................................................................................... 24
Properties of PLA ................................................................................................................................. 25
1.2.1. Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 26
1.2.2. Optical properties ....................................................................................................................... 28
1.2.3. Thermal properties ..................................................................................................................... 30
1.2.4. Crystallization properties ............................................................................................................ 32
1.2.5. Mechanical properties ................................................................................................................ 35
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 36
2. Flame retardancy of PLA .......................................................................................... 36
Basics on flame retardancy of polymers .............................................................................................. 36
2.1.1. Physical action ............................................................................................................................ 38
2.1.2. Chemical action ........................................................................................................................... 38
Flame retardancy of PLA by conventional flame retardants ............................................................... 38
Flame retardancy of PLA by nanoparticles .......................................................................................... 40
Intumescent PLA .................................................................................................................................. 41
Conventional flame retardants and nanoparticles: synergy in PLA ..................................................... 42
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 43
3. Ageing of polymers .................................................................................................. 43
Chemical ageing of polymers ............................................................................................................... 44
3.1.1. Chemical degradation mechanisms ............................................................................................ 44
3.1.2. Photo-chemical degradation ....................................................................................................... 46 Photo-initiation step ............................................................................................................... 46 Propagation step .................................................................................................................... 48 Termination step .................................................................................................................... 50
3.1.3. Thermal degradation .................................................................................................................. 50
3.1.4. Hydrolytic degradation ............................................................................................................... 52
3.1.5. Bio-chemical degradation ........................................................................................................... 54
Ageing of Poly(lactic) acid .................................................................................................................... 55
3.2.1. Photo-degradation of PLA ........................................................................................................... 55
3.2.2. Hydrolysis and bio-chemical degradation of PLA ........................................................................ 57
3.2.3. Thermal degradation of PLA ....................................................................................................... 59
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Table of contents
3.2.4. Synergy between temperature, relative humidity and/or UV light exposure ............................ 60
Ageing of flame retarded polymers ..................................................................................................... 60
3.3.1. Thermal degradation of FR polymers ......................................................................................... 61
3.3.2. Hydrolytic degradation of FR polymers ...................................................................................... 62
3.3.3. Photo-chemical degradation of FR polymers .............................................................................. 62
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 65
4. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 65
CHAPTER II: MATERIALS AND METHODS ......................................................................... 67
1. Materials preparation and processing ...................................................................... 68
Materials .............................................................................................................................................. 68
1.1.1. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) .................................................................................................................. 68
1.1.2. Flame retardants and nanoparticles ........................................................................................... 68
Material preparation and processing .................................................................................................. 69
1.2.1. Extrusion ..................................................................................................................................... 69
1.2.2. Molding ....................................................................................................................................... 71
1.2.3. Powders ...................................................................................................................................... 71
2. Accelerated ageing methods .................................................................................... 71
Ageing in presence of temperature and relative humidity ................................................................. 71
Ageing in presence of UV-rays ............................................................................................................. 72
3. Physico-chemical characterization ............................................................................ 73
Microscopies ........................................................................................................................................ 73
3.1.1. Digital microscopy ....................................................................................................................... 73
3.1.2. Electron probe micro analysis (EPMA) ........................................................................................ 73
3.1.3. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) .......................................................................................... 74
3.1.4. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) ................................................................................... 74
Thermal analysis .................................................................................................................................. 74
3.2.1. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA)............................................................................................. 74
3.2.2. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) ...................................................................................... 75
Color changes measurements ............................................................................................................. 76
Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) .............................................................................................. 77
Melt flow index (MFI) .......................................................................................................................... 78
X-ray diffraction (XRD) ......................................................................................................................... 78
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) ............................................................................................. 79
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) .................................................................................. 79
Chemical derivatisation ....................................................................................................................... 80
Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) .................................................................................. 80
Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) ....................................................................... 81
4. Fire testing methods ................................................................................................ 83
4.1.1. Mass loss calorimeter (MLC) ....................................................................................................... 83
4.1.2. Limiting oxygen index (LOI) ......................................................................................................... 83
5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 84
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Table of contents
CHAPTER III: IMPACT OF AGEING ON PLA ........................................................................ 85
1. Visual measurement of ageing ................................................................................. 86
Visual evaluation ................................................................................................................................. 86
Surface morphology of PLA after ageing ............................................................................................. 87
Color changes ...................................................................................................................................... 88
2. Physico-chemical properties after ageing ................................................................. 89
Impact of ageing on molecular mass ................................................................................................... 90
Thermal behavior ................................................................................................................................ 93
2.2.1. Thermogravimetric analysis ........................................................................................................ 93
2.2.2. Glass transition and melting temperature .................................................................................. 94
Effect of ageing on crystallization behavior ......................................................................................... 98
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 103
3. Elucidation of the mechanisms of degradation ........................................................ 104
Degradation under T/RH exposure .................................................................................................... 104
Degradation under T/UV and T/UV/RH exposure. ............................................................................ 106
3.2.1. Identification of radical species ................................................................................................ 106
3.2.2. Secondary products formed during degradation ...................................................................... 111
4. Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 116
1. Impact of ageing on the morphology of FR-PLAs ...................................................... 120
Visual observations ............................................................................................................................ 120
Surface morphology of FR-PLAs after ageing .................................................................................... 122
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 125
2. Physico-chemical properties of FR-PLAs during ageing ............................................. 125
Molecular mass .................................................................................................................................. 125
2.1.1. Impact of fillers on molecular mass of FR-PLAs ........................................................................ 125
2.1.2. Impact of ageing on the molecular mass of FR-PLAs ................................................................ 127
Thermal properties ............................................................................................................................ 130
2.2.1. Effect of fillers on glass transition and melting temperature ................................................... 130
2.2.2. Behavior of glass transition and melting temperatures during ageing ..................................... 130
Crystallization behavior ..................................................................................................................... 135
2.3.1. Crystallization comportment of unaged FR-PLAs ..................................................................... 135
2.3.2. Influence of ageing exposure on crystallization behavior of FR-PLAs....................................... 137
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 140
3. Mechanisms of degradation of PLA in presence of fillers ......................................... 141
Surface chemical analysis of aged FR materials ................................................................................ 142
Role FR additives during hydrolysis ................................................................................................... 144
3.2.1. Hydrolysis of flame retardant additives .................................................................................... 144
3.2.2. Evaluation of the migration of flame retardant additives ........................................................ 148
Impact of FR additives during UV irradiation of PLA ......................................................................... 152
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Table of contents
4. Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 155
1. Flame retardant performances of FR-PLAs ............................................................... 160
Thermal stability of FR-PLAs .............................................................................................................. 160
Reaction to fire .................................................................................................................................. 161
1.2.1. Behavior under mass loss cone calorimeter (MLC) ................................................................... 161
1.2.2. Limiting oxygen index (LOI) test results .................................................................................... 164
Mechanism of action of FR-PLAs ....................................................................................................... 164
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 166
2. Thermal stability and flame retardant properties after ageing ................................. 167
Effect of ageing on thermal stability of FR-PLAs ................................................................................ 167
Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) test results after ageing ........................................................................ 170
Viscosity of FR-PLAs ........................................................................................................................... 172
Mass loss cone performances after ageing ....................................................................................... 176
Mass loss cone behavior of FR-PLAs loaded at 20 wt.-%. .................................................................. 178
Molecular mass of FR-PLAs loaded at 20 wt.-% ................................................................................. 182
3. Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 185
GENERAL CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 187
OUTLOOK ...................................................................................................................... 191
LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES AND EQUATIONS .................................................................... 195
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 205
APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................... 219
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ABS Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
ATH Aluminium trihydroxide
ATR Attenuated total reflectance
APP Ammonium polyphosphate
BDP Bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate)
BSE Back scattered electron
C Carbon
C20A Cloisite 20A
C30B Cloisite 30B
CIE Commission internationale de l'éclairage
CCD Charge-coupled device
Deuterated chloroform
Cloisite Na
Cp Heat capacity
DecaBDE Decabromodiphenylether
DSC Differential scanning calorimetry
DTG Differential Thermogravimetric analysis
Activation energy
E&E Electrical and electronic
EG Expanded graphite
EPMA Electron probe micro-analysis
EPR Electron paramagnetic resonance
ESEEM Electron spin-echo envelope modulation
EVA Ethyl vinyl acetate
FR Flame retarded
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FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
FTT Fire testing technology
GPC Gel permeation chromatography
HIPS High impact polystyrene
HRR Heat release rate
K Kelvin
LDPE Low density polyethylene
LIG Lignin
LOI Limiting oxygen index
Critical molecular mass
Entanglement molecular mass
Number average molecular mass
Weight-average molecular weight
MAH Maleic anhydride
MAS Magic angle spinning
MC Melamine cyanurate
MDH Magnesium dihydroxide
MEL Melamine
MFI Melt flow index
MLC Mass loss calorimeter
MMT Montmorillonite
MP Melamine polyphosphate
MWNT Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
N Nitrogen
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NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance
number of chain scission
O Oxygen
P Phosphorus
PA Polyamide
PA6 Polyamide 6
PC Polycarbonate
PC2 Multicouche Ni/C
PCL Polycaprolactone
PE Polyethylene
PEA Poly(esteramide)
PEEK Poly(ether ether ketone)
PER Pentaerythritol
PET Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
PHAs Polyhydroxyalkanoates
pHRR Peak of heat release rate
PI Polydispesity index
PLA Poly(lactide) / Poly(lactic acid)
PMMA Poly(methyl methacrylate)
PP Polypropylene
PS Polystyrene
PVC Poly(vinyl chloride)
Py-GC/MS Pyrolysis gas chromatography - mass spectroscopy
r Rotational deformation
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RDP Resorcinol bis(deiphenyl phosphate)
RI Refractive index
ROP Ring opening polymerization
Si Silicon
SEM Scanning electron microscopy
ST Starch
Crystallization temperature
Glass transition temperature
Melting temperature
TAP Thallium acid phthalate
TBP-DP 2,4,6-tribromophenyl-2’,3’-dibromopropylether
TEM Transmission electron microscopy
TGA Thermo-gravimetric analysis
THR Total heat release
Titanium dioxide
THF Tetrahydrofuran
TMS Tetramethylsilane
TPP Triphenyl phosphate
TTI Time to ignition
UV Ultraviolet
WAXD wide-angle X-ray diffraction
XRD X-ray diffraction
XPS X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
ZFS Zero field splitting
2D HYSCORE 2D Hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy
Enthalpy of crystallization
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Enthalpy of melting
Χ Crystallinity
δ Chemical shift
Asymmetric deformation (scissoring)
Symmetric deformation (scissoring)
ν Elongation vibration
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General Introduction
General Introduction
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General Introduction
Plastics are present in the human life since Antiquity, when the ancient Mesoamericans
first processed natural rubber into balls or figurines, but it is most of all at the end of XIX
century that they have been developed. During this period, synthetic plastics were developed
to be used in a broad range of applications. However, the improvements in chemical
technology after the First World War permitted the expansion of new forms of plastics and
mass production which began around the 1940s. The production of plastics has grown up and
has never decreased since that time (Figure 1), except during the oil shocks in 1973 and 1979,
and during the crisis in 2008. The European production of synthetic plastics has reached about
58 million tons in 2011 compared to less than half a million tons in the 50’s. The production
market of synthetic plastics is dominated by China, Europe and North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) with ca. 64 % of the worldwide plastic production (Figure 1) [1, 2].
Figure 1: World plastic production from 1950 to 2012 [1, 2].
For more than 50 years, plastics have thus gradually replaced traditional materials such as
wood or metal in many applications. They present a great variety of properties and a
processing versatility, which make them part of our everyday life. Most of these plastic
materials are produced from non-renewable and natural gas-resources. Thus, as the use of
synthetic polymers has grown during the past decades, the environmental pollution has
extended in dangerous proportions last few years mainly due to (i) the production of these
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General Introduction
plastics and (ii) their disposal in landfills after use [1]. Therefore, a move from fossil-based
polymers to new polymers exhibiting further properties, especially bio-based polymers, would
be appropriate. The worldwide capacity of bio-based plastics production, according to
company announcements, will increase from 1.58 Mt in 2013 to 7.85 Mt in 2019 [3, 4]. It is
projected that the most important representatives by 2020 will be starch based plastics
(1.3 Mt), polylactic acid (PLA) (0.8 Mt) and bio-based polyethylene (PE) (0.6 Mt) [3]. Of the
above mentioned bio-based plastics, PLA has drawn attention these last years as an
interesting material in several applications areas, particularly in packaging, electrical and
electronic (E&E) and automotive [3, 5]. PLA is very easy to process and its production requires
20 to 50% less fossil fuel resources than the production of petroleum based polymers [3].
Figure 2: Global production capacities of bioplastics in 2014 (by material type) [4].
In spite of their properties and their numerous applications, plastics exhibit one major
drawback: most of them are highly flammable. In case of fire, these materials will tend to
release fuel and toxic smokes. The US National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) report that
1.300.000 fires occurred in the United States in 2014 [6], corresponding to a fire every 25
second, and more tragically caused civilian fire deaths and casualties. Plastics are heavy
contributors to the development and propagation of a fire. Hence, to be used in certain
sectors (e.g. E&E), plastics have to be flame retarded and their flame retardant (FR) properties
as well as their properties of use must be kept for the product lifetime. Looking at bio-based
plastics, the interest for flame retarded PLA kept growing these past few years (Figure 3); more
than 145 papers are dedicated to flame retardancy of PLA in 2015.
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General Introduction
Figure 3: Evolution of number of publications versus time with keyword “flame retardancy”
and “PLA” (Scifinder Sept 2016).
Plastics materials can be fire retarded by different methods [7, 8]: (i) by physical methods,
i.e. the incorporation of flame retardants (FRs) into polymers via melt blending, (ii) by chemical
methods, i.e. the incorporation of FRs into the chemical structure of polymers, e.g. via
copolymerization or grafting and (iii) by the coating of a FR layer on the surface of the material.
Various kinds of FRs are used in polymers, such as mineral fillers and boron-, phosphorus-,
halogen- and nitrogen-based FRs. Concerning PLA, flame retardancy can be obtained by
incorporating conventional flame retardants such as metal hydroxides (e.g. Aluminium
trihydroxide (ATH), Magnesium hydroxide (MDH) …), phosphorus-containing compounds
(e.g. Ammonium polyphosphate (APP), Melamine polyphosphate (MP) …) halogenated
(e.g. Decabromodiphenylether (DecaBDE), Triphenylphosphate (TPP) …) and nitrogenated
compounds (e.g. Melamine (Mel), Melamine cyanurate (MC) …) which can be combined with
nanoparticles (e.g. organoclays, carbon nanotubes …) [8-24].
Fire standard tests for polymer-based materials are however usually carried out on newly
manufactured samples. However, exposure to various natural ageing conditions (e.g. sun, rain,
temperature …) can impair flame retardant properties throughout the lifetime of the material.
Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the influence of different kinds of ageing conditions on
the FR properties of these FR polymers. Numerous studies can be found in the literature
concerning the effect of temperature and relative humidity or light (UV-rays) on the
degradation of neat PLA [25-35]. The degradation of a PLA matrix containing fillers (sepiolite,
fluorohectorite, calcium sulphate, nanoclays …) has for example been investigated [32, 34-39].
It is demonstrated that PLA is extremely sensitive to hydrolysis and photo-degradation
phenomenon, which are accelerated when temperature increases [29]. These kinds of ageing
exposure involve the scission of the polymer chains, leading to the complete degradation of
the material. Most of the time hydrolysis and photo-degradation lead to a decrease (i) of the
molecular mass of the material, (ii) of its glass transition temperature and (iii) of the
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General Introduction
mechanical properties of the polymer [29, 33-35, 38]. The incorporation of fillers such as
nanoclays or calcium sulphate could accelerate the degradation of the PLA matrix due to the
affinity of fillers with water and UV radiations [35, 37]. Few papers however deal with the
ageing of flame retarded materials [40-48]. In all the works reported in the literature, the
effect of accelerated ageing on the FR properties is mainly evidenced, but the authors do not
establish clear relations between these properties and the changes in thermo-physical
properties of the polymers during ageing process. This relationship is however needed to
elucidate the ageing mechanism and thus design long-term durable flame retardant
A recent study of our group reported the effectiveness of the combination of Melamine,
Ammonium polyphosphate (APP) and organomodified montmorillonite (Cloisite 30B) on the
FR properties of PLA [12]. In this way, two formulations were developed, i.e. FR-PLA
(containing Melamine and APP) and FR-PLA-C30B (containing Melamine, APP and
Cloisite 30B). Thus, based on this study, this work deals with the impact of accelerated ageing
on flame retarded PLA and the role of flame retardant additives during ageing of this polymer.
Three different kinds of ageing will be investigated: (i) temperature and UV exposure (T/UV),
(ii) temperature and relative humidity exposure (T/RH) and (iii) a combination between
temperature, relative humidity and UV radiations (T/UV/RH).
This work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter gives a general background about
PLA. The synthesis, structure and the different properties of this polymer are reported. Then,
a literature review investigates the flame retardancy of polymers and of PLA in particular. The
last section of this chapter gives an overview of the chemical ageing of polymers and some
examples are given concerning the impact of ageing on PLA and flame retarded materials in
The second chapter reports the materials and experimental methods used in this study.
The polymer (PLA) and flame retardant additives as well as the material preparation process
are described. Then, accelerated ageing tests and characterization methods are presented
followed by experimental techniques permitting to evaluate fire retardant properties of the
The third chapter reports the impact of ageing tests on neat PLA as a reference material.
The objective of this chapter is to identify the effects of T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure on
the physico-chemical properties of neat PLA in order to evidence the mechanisms of
degradation involved. First the visual modifications as well as the impact on the molecular
mass, glass and melting temperatures, crystallinity and thermal stability are investigated for
each kind of exposure. Furthermore, hydrolytic and photo-oxidative mechanisms of
degradation occurring during ageing are proposed.
Chapter four studies the impact of the incorporation of FR fillers on the properties of PLA.
Then, the impact of ageing on the physico chemical properties of flame retarded PLAs, i.e. FR-
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General Introduction
PLA and FR-PLA-C30B is evaluated. Finally, the role of fillers on the mechanisms of degradation
of PLA is investigated.
The last chapter deals with the impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of PLA.
The fire properties and the mechanism of action of FR-PLAs are firstly reminded. Thereafter,
fire retardant properties after ageing are investigated. Finally, the relationship between the
change in both physico-chemical and flame retardant properties is examined. The role of
ageing on the behavior of flame retardant properties is thus detailed.
At the end of this work a general conclusion is given and outlook for future studies on this
subject are proposed.
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Chapter I: State of the Art
Chapter I: State of the Art
This first chapter starts by an overview of a biodegradable polymer, i.e. PLA. In particular
its production process and properties, are fully commented. As this study mainly deals with
ageing of flame retarded materials, the different ways to obtain flame retardant PLA are
described. At the end of the chapter, the different types of chemical ageing affecting
polymeric materials and especially PLA are discussed with focus on the mechanisms of
degradation occurring during ageing. Moreover, some examples of aged flame retarded
systems are presented.
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Chapter I: State of the Art
1. Poly(lactic acid)
The aim of this study is to evidence and understand the impacts of ageing on flame retarded
polymers, and thus determine the FR durability of such materials. In this way we’ve decided
to focus this study on polylactic acid (PLA) which has recently received some great deal of
attention [3, 5] and especially in the field of flame retardancy [8, 10, 12-15, 20-23, 49-51].
Before investigating in details the ageing of flame retarded PLAs, the strategy is to first
understand the effect of ageing on raw PLA. Hence, determining the mechanisms of
degradation occurring during ageing as well as the ageing effect on the physico-chemical
properties of the raw PLA. Then the effect of the incorporation of flame retardant fillers on
the (i) FR behavior, (ii) the physico-chemical properties and (iii) degradation of PLA during
ageing will be investigated.
PLA is nowadays the first commodity biodegradable polymer produced from annually
renewable resources. It is a potential good candidate to replace traditional petroleum derived
polymeric materials [3]. PLA is relatively cheap and has some remarkable properties that make
it suitable for various applications such as packaging, textile or transportation like automobile
[3, 5, 52]. PLA can be modified, plasticized, filled, chemically modified, reactive blended and
processed like many other conventional polymers. Nevertheless, PLA must be studied
carefully due to its unique properties: structural, thermal, crystallization and rheological
properties of PLA must be taken into account during its converting process [52]. Hence, an
overview of this biodegradable polymer (i.e. the synthesis pathways, its structure and
properties) is reported in this part, in order to have a wide background knowledge of the
material, before investigating its ageing behavior.
PLA synthesis
Using an appropriate catalyst and heat, two major routes exist to produce PLA (Figure 4):
(i) direct condensation polymerization of lactic acid or (ii) conversion of lactic acid to the cyclic
lactic dimmer and ring opening polymerization (ROP) through the lactide intermediate [5, 52].
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Chapter I: State of the Art
Figure 4: Synthesis of PLA from L- and D-lactic acids, adapted from Lim et al. [52].
ROP is the most common way to produce high molecular weight PLA. In fact, water must
be eliminated during polymerization of lactic acid to obtain high molecular weight polymer.
As water remains during the direct condensation polymerization, the molecular mass of PLA
is decreased [5]. Thus, it is necessary to add a step during the process including chain coupling
agents in order to extend the chain length of the polymer and then obtain high molecular
weight PLA [53].
The ROP of lactide monomer avoids using coupling agents. Indeed, poly(lactic acid)
oligomers, also called pre-polymers (with low molecular weight) are formed by
polycondensation in a first step. Then, in a second step, the depolymerization of
poly(lactic acid) oligomers produces a cyclic dimer called lactide monomer. Lactide monomer
is then finally polymerized by ROP to form high molecular weight polylactide (Figure 4).
Among numerous processes allowing obtaining polylactide, ROP is the most commonly
used in the industry. However, this kind of process requires the use of a catalyst in order to
initiate the polymerization [53]. Numerous catalysts can be used for ROP but previous
researches have demonstrated the efficiency of tin octanoate S
as catalyst [51]. In fact,
tin octanoate is preferred as catalyst for the bulk polymerization of lactide due to its solubility
in molten lactide, high catalytic activity, and low rate of racemization of polymer [51, 54-56].
Properties of PLA
The ability to control both PLA production and structural architecture permits to predict
and evaluate its different physico-chemical properties (e.g. crystallinity, mechanical, thermal
or optical properties). As these latter play a key role on the lifetime of the material, the next
section is dedicated to the different properties of PLA.
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Chapter I: State of the Art
1.2.1. Structure
The polymer architecture and its molecular mass are responsible of the different properties
of the high molecular weight PLA. According to Auras et al. [5] the ability to control the
stereochemical architecture permits precise control over the speed of crystallization and
finally the degree of crystallinity, the mechanical properties and the processing temperatures
of the material. It is thus of primary importance to study the structure of PLA.
PLA is a linear aliphatic polyester (Figure 5) that is composed of repeating units of lactic
acid (72 g/mol) containing an asymmetric carbon atom. This stereo center can be either in (S)L
or (R)D configuration. L-lactic acid and D-lactic acid, the two isomers of lactic acid are shown
in Figure 6.
Figure 5: Poly(lactic acid) structure.
Figure 6: The stereoisomers of lactic acid.
Most of the biological organisms producing lactic acid provide mainly L-lactic acid and no
major source of D-lactic acid is available [5]. Theoretically, these two isomers of lactic acid are
able to produce four distinct materials; poly(D-lactic acid) (PDLA), poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA),
poly(D,L-lactic acid) (PDLLA) and meso-PLA, obtained by the polymerization of meso-lactide
Depending on the optical configuration of the lactic acid three main stereoisomers of
lactide result from the depolymerization of poly(lactic acid) pre-polymers: L,L-lactide, D,D-
lactide and L,D-lactide (Figure 7).
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Figure 7: Chemical structures of L,L-, L,D- and D,D-lactides [5].
PLA can also be found in stereocomplex form. Stereocomplexation of polymers
corresponds to the formation of complex between two kinds of stereoisomers. This is for
example the case of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) [57], poly(γ-benzyl glutamate) [58],
and PLA [59, 60]. In the case of PLA, stereocomplexation happens between PLLA and PDLA.
Hydrogen bonds are formed between hydrogen and carbonyl group, contributing to the
formation of crystalline structure (Figure 8) different from the α-, β- and γ-forms commonly
observed [60]. These stereocomplex can be formed in solution or by melt blending.
Figure 8: Stereocomplex of PLLA and PDLA [61].
Multi-step polymerization is another way to achieve stereocomplex, in order to obtain
PDLLA diblock or multiblock poly-(L,L)-(D,D)-lactide. Depending on the process used, it is
possible to obtain different PDLLA chains (Figure 9) [60].
Figure 9: PDLLA multiblocks as function of D and L content, adapted from Kakuta et al. [60].
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Chapter I: State of the Art
1.2.2. Optical properties
Figure 10 presents the transmission percentage versus wavelength for different polymers,
including PLA in the wavelength range of 180 600 nm [5]. As reported by Auras, Harte and
Selke [5], PLA does not transmit ultra-violet (UV) rays in the range of 190 220 nm whereas
at 225 nm the amount of UV light transmitted by PLA increases significantly. Indeed, 85 % of
the UV light is transmitted at 250 nm compared to 95 % at 300 nm. Thus, while UV-C is not
transmitted, nearly all the UV-B and UV-A light passes through the PLA films. Therefore, the
application of transparent PLA films to, for example, dairy products may require additives to
block UV light transmission.
Figure 10: Transmission percentage versus wavelength for PLA, PS, LDPE, PET and cellophane
films, adapted from Auras et al. [5].
Effective UV stabilizers are able to absorb UV light and thus to prevent damage to light
sensitive packaged foods, resulting in retention of taste and appearance, extension of shelf
life and improvement of product quality. PLA transmits less UV-C light than LDPE (Figure 10),
but PET, PS and Cellophane transmit less UV-B and UV-A than PLA and LDPE. Moreover, PET
does not transmit UV-C and UV-B wavelengths, which are the most damaging for food.
PLA also shows some characteristics bands by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
spectroscopy (Figure 11). For this polymer, maximum absorbance occurs at 240 nm and is
attributed to ester group present in the backbone (Figure 5). The main PLA absorption bands
in the infrared range are summarized in Table 1 [29, 32, 34, 35, 62, 63].
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Figure 11: FTIR (ATR) spectrum of PLA in the range 500 to 4000 cm
Table 1: Infrared spectroscopy data for PLA.
Peak position (cm
-OH stretch (free)
-CH- stretch
2997 (asym), 2946 (sym), 2877
-C=O carbonyl stretch
-CH- deformation including symmetric and
asymmetric bend
1382, 1365
-CH- bend
1315 (not shown), 1300 (not shown)
-C=O bend
-C-O- stretch
1211, 1130, 1093
-OH bend
rocking modes
956, 921 (not shown), 912 (not shown)
-C-C- stretch
926 (not shown), 870
-C=O deformation
These different bands correspond to characteristics bonds of PLA such as OH groups
located at the extremity of the polymer chain (3571 cm
and 1047 cm
corresponding to
stretching and bending regions). The bands at 2997, 2946 and 2877 cm
are assigned to the
CH stretching region, ν
, ν
and ν CH modes. The C=O stretching region appears as a
large band at 1748 cm
. The region between 1500 cm
and 1360 cm
is characterized by the
1456 cm
band. The CH deformation and asymmetric bands appear at 1382 cm
1365 cm
, respectively. The bands at 1315 cm
and 1300 cm
are due to CH bending modes.
Furthermore, in the region of 1300 cm
to 1000 cm
, it is possible to observe the C-O
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Chapter I: State of the Art
stretching modes of the ester groups at 1211 cm
and the ν C-O asymmetric mode at
1093 cm
- 1
. Between 1000 cm
and 800 cm
, peaks can be observed at 956 cm
921 cm
912 cm
which can be attributed to the characteristic vibrations of the CH
rocking modes
(peaks of PLA that had the α- and β-form crystals were observed at 921 and 912 cm
respectively). Bands related to the crystalline and amorphous phase of PLA can be observed.
The peaks at 956 cm
and 871 cm
can be assigned to the amorphous phase and the ones at
921 cm
and 756 cm
to the crystalline phase [64, 65].
1.2.3. Thermal properties
In the solid state, PLA can be either amorphous or semi-crystalline, depending on the
overall optical composition, primary structure, thermal history, and molecular weight. Semi-
crystalline PLA exhibits a glass transition temperature (T
) and a melting temperature (T
Most of the physical characteristics (density, heat capacity, mechanical and rheological
properties) of PLA are to a great extent dependent on its glass transition temperature.
The T
(50-60°C) and T
(130°C-230°C) of PLA are important in order to define the
commercial applications. Above T
(around 58°C) PLA is rubbery, while below T
, it is still able
to creep until it is cooled to its β-transition temperature at around -45°C, below which it
behaves as a brittle polymer [52, 64, 66]. As displayed in Figure 12 the T
of PLA is very
dependent on both the molecular weight and stereoisomer content of the polymer. According
to Dorgan et al. [67], T
increases with molecular weight until a maximum value at infinite
molecular weight. These maximum values reach 60°C, 56°C and 54°C for PLAs with 100, 80
and 50 % L-stereoisomer respectively. It may be noted that, for similar content of L-lactic acid
and D-lactic acid, the PLA containing L-lactide has higher T
values [67].
Figure 12: Glass transition temperatures for PLAs of different L-contents as a function of
molecular weight, adapted from Dorgan et al. [67].
The relationship between T
and molecular weight of a polymer can be represented by the
Flory-Fox Equation 1:
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= T
Equation 1
Where T
is the T
at the infinite molecular weight, K is a constant representing the excess
free volume of the end groups of polymer chains, and M
is the number average molecular
weight. The values of T
and K are around 57 and 58°C and 55000 and 73000 as reported in
the literature for PLLA and PDLLA, respectively [68]. The thermal history of the polymer also
plays an important role concerning the T
value of PLA. Quenching the polymer from the melt
at a quick cooling rate (>500°C/min, such as during injection molding) will lead to a highly
amorphous PLA. The PLA obtained has a tendency to rapidly undergo ageing in matter of days
under ambient conditions [69, 70] and this phenomenon contributes in an important manner
to the embrittlement of PLA.
As well as T
, the melting temperature (T
) of PLA also depends on its stereoisomer
content. Hence, the T
for stereo-chemically pure PLA (either L or D) is around 180°C with an
enthalpy between 40-50 J/g. The presence of meso-lactide in the PLA structure can depress
the T
by as much as 50°C, depending on the amount incorporated to the polymer. Figure 13
shows the variation of the T
as a function of % meso-lactide introduced in the PLA based on
data from Witzke and Hartmann [52, 71, 72].
Figure 13: Peak melting temperature of PLA as a function of % meso-lactide [52]. (○)
represents values reported by Witzke [71]; (●) represents values reported by Hartmann [72].
The relationship between T
and meso-lactide content can be approximated reasonably
well by the following Equation 2 [71]:
(°C) ≈ 175°C – 300W
Equation 2
Where W
is the fraction of meso-lactide below 18 % level, and 175°C is the melting
temperature of PLA made of 100% L-lactide. Typical T
values for PLA are in the range of
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Chapter I: State of the Art
130 - 160°C. The T
decrease induced by meso-lactide has several important implications as it
helps (i) expanding the process window, (ii) reducing thermal and hydrolytic degradation, and
(iii) decreasing lactide formation [52].
1.2.4. Crystallization properties
PLA produced from more than 93 % L-lactic acid can be semi crystalline whereas PLA from
50 to 93 % of L-lactic acid is strictly amorphous. It is well known that commercial PLAs are
copolymers of PLLA and PDLLA, which are produced from L-lactide and D,L-lactide (maxi 10%
of D), respectively [52, 64, 65]. The L-isomer constitutes the main fraction of PLA derived from
renewable sources since the majority of lactic acid from biological sources exists in this form.
Depending on the compositions of the optically active L- and D-L enantiomers as well as on
the preparation conditions, PLA can crystallize principally in three forms (α, β and γ).
The α-form crystal is the most stable and exhibits a well-defined diffraction pattern [73]. It
has a melting temperature (T
) of 185°C compared to 175°C for the β-form [5, 52]. As
described in Table 2, the α-form has an orthorhombic space group, with a unit cell containing
two antiparallel chains. The lattice parameters are a = 10.66 A°, b=6.16 A° and c (chain axis) =
28.88 A°, with a crystal density of 1.26 g.cm
The chain conformation of the β-form is a left-handed 3-fold helix [74]. It has an
orthorhombic or a trigonal unit cell containing a 3 1 (3 rise/1 monomeric unit) polymeric
helix. The unit cell dimensions are as follows: a = 10.31 A°, b = 18.21 A° and c = 9.0 for the
orthorhombic and a = 10.52 A°, b = 10.52 A° and c = 8.8A° for the trigonal (Table 2) [73].
Finally, the γ-form, found by epitaxial crystallization, contains two antiparallel (s(3/2)
helices in the pseudo orthorhombic unit cell (a = 9.95 A°, b = 6.25 and c = 8.8 A°) and it
assumes the known three-fold helix of PLA (Table 2) [75].
Table 2: Unit cell parameters for PLLA and stereocomplex crystals [5].
Space Group
a (nm)
b (nm)
c (nm)
α (°)
β (°)
γ (°)
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Chapter I: State of the Art
Generally, the faculty of PLLA or PDLA to crystallize is highly linked to the thermal process
implementation [76], the nature and quantity of fillers that they contain as well as the ratio
between L-lactide/D-lactide [61].
Many researchers investigated the crystallization behavior of PLA [64, 65, 72, 77].
Accordingly, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is commonly used to determine the
crystallinity of PLA. By measuring the heat of fusion ΔH
and heat of cold crystallization ΔH
the crystallinity can be determined based on the following Equation 3:
Crystallinity (%) =
Equation 3
(100%) is the melting enthalpy for 100% crystalline PLLA or PDLA homopolymers and
is 93.1 J/g [52]. Quenching the optically pure PLA from the melt at quick cooling rate leads to
a decrease in crystallinity (%) and results in a quite amorphous polymer. The quenched PLA
(Figure 14) resulted in an exothermic crystallization peak and a glass transition temperature
upon subsequent reheat, while slow cooling produces a polymer with higher crystallinity with
much lower enthalpy of crystallization [77].
Figure 14: DSC thermograms of water quenched, air-annealed (cooled from 220°C to ambient
temperature in 5 min), and full-annealed (cooled from 220°C to ambient temperature in 105
min) PLLA samples. DSC scans were performed at a heating rate of 10°C/min, adapted from
Sarasua et al. [77].
The tendency for PLA to crystallize upon reheat also depends on the heating rate. In fact,
Figure 15 illustrates a set of the heat capacities of amorphous poly(L-lactide) after cooling
from the melt at 10 K/min, followed by heating with heating rates from 0.3 to 30 K/min. These
results indicate that the quenched poly(L-lactide) crystallizes to different degrees on heating
rates slower than 30 K/min, and undergoes additional reorganization, melting, and
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Chapter I: State of the Art
recrystallization between the glass transition and final melting. The stereoisomer content
plays as well an important role in the tendency for PLA to crystallize upon reheat (Figure 16).
As shown in Figure 16, PLA polymers containing more than 8% D-isomer remain amorphous
even after 15 h of isothermal treatment at 145°C. In contrast, at 1.5% D-isomer level, although
the quenched PLA has a minimal crystallinity, the isothermal treatment at 145°C resulted in a
large endothermic melting peak around 450 K.
Figure 15: DSC scans for 1.5% D-lactide PLA samples cooled from the melt at 10K/min and
then reheated at different heating rates from 30 to 0.3 K/min, adapted from Pyda et al. [78].
Figure 16: DSC scans at 20 K/min for PLA with 1.5% (PLA-L), 8.1% (PLA-M) and 16.4% (PLA-H)
D-isomers. All samples were cooled quickly from the melt and isothermally crystallized at
145°C for 15h. The quenched PLA-L sample was cooled similarly from the melt but did not
undergo the 15 h isothermal crystallization, adapted from Pyda et al. [78].
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In general, the half time crystallization of PLA increases about 40% for every 1% meso-
lactide (L,D-Lactide) in the polymerization mixture, which is mainly driven by the reduction of
the melting point for the copolymer [79]. It also has been demonstrated by Vasanthakumari
et al [80, 81] that the kinetics of crystallization depends on the molecular mass of the polymer.
In fact, authors reported that the rate of crystal formation increases with a decrease of the
molecular weight.
Overall, the formation of crystals may or may not be favorable depending on the end-use
requirements of PLA articles. As an example, high crystallinity will not be optimal for injection
molded preforms that are intended for further blow molding, since rapid crystallization of the
polymer would hamper the stretching of the preform and optical clarity of the resulting bottle.
On the contrary, an increased crystallinity will be desirable for injection molded articles for
which good thermal stability is important. Crystallization of PLA articles can be initiated by
annealing at temperatures higher than T
and below T
to improve their thermal stability.
1.2.5. Mechanical properties
The mechanical properties of PLA have been widely studied over the years [5, 64, 72, 82].
Despite its numerous advantages such as high strength and high modulus, the inherent
brittleness is problematic in many commercial applications. Compared to Polystyrene (PS),
PLA not only has comparable tensile strength and modulus but also exhibits very similar
inherent brittleness as shown in Table 3. In fact, T
of PLA is between 55 and 65°C, tensile
strength at break and modulus are 53 MPa and 3.4 GPa, respectively, whereas elongation at
break is 6%.
Table 3: PLA mechanical properties compared to those of most common polymers used in
commodity applications [83].
Tensile strength
at break (MPa)
Tensile modulus
Elongation at
break (%)
These last years PLA toughening has become the focus of numerous investigations. Many
strategies have been more or less successfully developed to improve the toughness of PLA,
including plasticization, copolymerization, addition of fillers and blending with a variety of
flexible polymers or rubbers [36, 77, 84-86].
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Chapter I: State of the Art
In this part, it was reported that PLA is undoubtedly one of the most promising candidates
in the market of biodegradable polymers, for further developments. In fact, depending on its
structure and chemical composition, PLA can reach good physical, thermal and mechanical
properties. This makes it a good candidate to be used in several applications areas such as
packaging, electrical and electronic (E&E) and automotive.
However, to be used in some of these sectors (e.g. E&E), PLA has to be flame retarded,
which implies the incorporation of fire retardant fillers during PLA processing. Of course, these
flame retardant properties must be kept for the product lifetime. The next part is thus
dedicated to the different types of additives used to enhance flame retardant properties of
2. Flame retardancy of PLA
Nowadays, PLA is primarily used in packaging and textile sectors, but its expected market
should be susceptible to extend to transportation and E&E sectors in order to substitute
thermoplastics like PP, PA or PET. For instance, Fujitsu is making injection molded computer
keys and computer housing made from polycarbonate (PC)/PLA blends [16]. Another recent
development which should enable wider applications of PLA in electronics products is NEC’s
process for imparting flame resistance to PLA without the use of halogen or phosphorous
compounds [8]. The product is reported to have heat resistance, moldability and strength
comparable to fiber-reinforced polycarbonate used in desktop type electronic products.
According to these PLA applications, fire hazard is an issue and flame retardancy of PLA is
required. That is why the interest for developing flame retardant PLA kept growing these past
few years; more than 110 papers are dedicated to FR-PLA in 2014. Literature revealed that the
flame retardancy of PLA can be obtained by different ways such as: (i) the use of conventional
FR additives, (ii) nanoparticles, (iii) combination of both, and (iv) intumescent additives [8]. In
this section, some basics on flame retardancy as well as the different approaches used to
flame retard PLA will be developed.
Basics on flame retardancy of polymers
As polymeric materials are made up mainly of carbon and hydrogen, most of them are
highly combustible [87]. This is why it is primordial to flame retard them to decrease risks in
limiting fire spread. The combustion of polymers is a very complex process which has already
been widely studied in the literature [88, 89].
The combustion reaction of polymers involves three components: one or more combustible
materials (polymers), a combustion agent which can be an oxidizing agent (generally oxygen
in air) and heat. The whole process usually starts with an increase in the temperature of the
polymeric material due to an external heat source, coming from either an inner (e.g.
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Chapter I: State of the Art
exothermicity of the combustion reaction) or outer heat source. Polymer bond scissions are
then induced and the resulting volatile fractions of polymer fragments diffuse into air and
create a combustible gaseous mixture. Then ignition occurs. The combustion of a polymer is
the result of a combination of the effects of heat, represented by two mechanisms [87] (Figure
- Non oxidizing thermal degradation (pyrolysis): initiated by chain scission under the
effect of temperature increase
- Oxidizing thermal degradation: reaction with oxygen to produce a variety of low
molecular weight products.
Figure 17: Combustion of a polymer [90].
The concept of “flame retardancy” was introduced in order to inhibit or stop the
combustion process of polymeric materials, by modifying the “actors” of fire development.
Flame retardants are efficient at improving the fire safety of plastics; they can increase
resistance to ignition, reduce the rate of burning, flame spread, smoke emission and minimize
dripping during combustion [91]. On the contrary, flame retardants can negatively affect
material properties, producing unwanted side effects and add unnecessary cost. Hence, this
highlights the difficulty of developing an efficient flame retarded system.
To flame retard a polymer, various methods can be used like the chemical modification of
the polymer itself. As an example, it is possible to copolymerize the flame retardant directly
with the monomers to yield an intrinsic FR polymer [92, 93]. The use of inherently flame
retardant polymers such as poly(tetrafluoroethylene) or polyimides is another possibility to
inhibit the combustion of a material [94, 95]. Surface coating is also used to protect polymeric
materials against the influence of an external heat source [96-99].This kind of flame retardant
method has some benefits, as the material bulk is not modified during treatments, but
adhesion issues can reduce the FR properties of the coating. The last and most widely used
method to protect polymers consists in incorporating flame retardants into the polymer
during its processing (e.g. extrusion). This is the cheapest method to fire retard polymers. The
following part will thus only deal with bulk fire retarded PLAs. The fire retardants added in the
PLA matrix can have physical and/or chemical mode of action and can act in the gas or
condensed phase. These modes of action are detailed hereafter.
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Chapter I: State of the Art
2.1.1. Physical action
The physical action of fire retardant additives takes place through the formation of a
protective layer, by cooling and/or dilution. In the first case, a protective layer of low thermal
conductivity is formed when the material is submitted to an external heat source, which
protects the material through reduction of the heat and mass transfers between the external
heat source and the material [50, 100]. In the second case, materials can be protected by
cooling through the endothermically decomposition of fire retardant fillers, leading to a
decrease in temperature by absorbing the external heat [101]. Concerning the dilution, the
protection takes places through the addition of compounds releasing inert gases (e.g. carbon
dioxide, water) upon decomposition. These kinds of additives dilute the fuel in the solid and
in the gaseous phases and thus lower the concentration of combustible gases in the
surrounding atmosphere.
2.1.2. Chemical action
Chemical mode of action is the other possibility by which polymers can be protected. This
mode takes place in the condensed and/or gas phase. Two kinds of reactions can occur in the
condensed phase: (i) the formation of a carbon layer (charring) on the polymer surface,
allowing to limit the volatilization of the fuel but also the oxygen diffusion and insulating the
polymer underneath from the external heat [102]; or (ii) the acceleration of the polymer
decomposition leading to a pronounced flow of the polymer. Hence, a withdrawal from the
sphere of influence of the flame that breaks away. Charring is the most common condensed
phase mechanism [103, 104].
In the gaseous phase, the reaction takes place via interruption of the radical mechanism of
the combustion process by flame retardants or by their decomposition products. Therefore,
the exothermic processes that occur in the flame are stopped and the system cools down.
Hence, the supply of flammable gases is reduced or even completely suppressed. In particular,
halogens can act as flame inhibitors [105].
It is possible that flame retardants such as magnesium hydroxide (MDH) show exclusively
a physical mode of action. However, flame retardants acting exclusively through a chemical
mode of action are rare. In fact, one or several physical mechanisms generally take part in
chemical mechanisms, which are commonly endothermic dissociation or dilution of fuel.
Flame retardancy of PLA by conventional flame retardants
FRs additives are mainly constituted by metal hydroxides (aluminium trihydroxide (ATH),
magnesium hydroxide (MDH) …), phosphorus-containing compounds, halogenated
compounds and nitrogenated compounds which act in gas and/or condensed phase to provide
low flammability of the material [8, 102]. These conventional FRs have been widely evaluated
in PLA over the last few years [8, 9, 12-18].
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Chapter I: State of the Art
Some researchers studied the use of aluminium trihydroxide (ATH) in PLA to make it flame
retardant [13, 14, 16]. Even if the mechanism is not completely elucidated by the authors, the
fire behavior of the material is similar to typical thermoplastics flame retarded with ATH. For
instance, Kimura et al.[16] demonstrated that the use of ATH allows increasing the UL 94-V
(3.2 mm) value of PLA from non-classified to V-2. Flame retardancy of the material is in his
case due to physical effects requiring relatively large amount of ATH (between 50 and
65 wt.- %). Bourbigot et al. [101] reported that the activity of ATH consists in:
a) The dilution of the polymer in the condensed phase
b) Decreasing the amount of available fuel
c) Increasing the amount of thermal energy needed to raise the temperature of
decomposition to the pyrolysis level, due to the high heat capacity of the fillers
d) Emission of water vapor - enthalpy of decomposition
e) Dilution of gaseous phase by water vapor decrease of amount of fuel and oxygen in
the flame
f) Possible endothermic interactions between the water and decomposition products in
the flame
g) Decrease of feedback energy to the pyrolysing polymer
h) Insulative effect of the oxides (Al
) remaining in the char
i) Charring of the materials
Others researchers such as Yanagisawa et al. [14] have recently studied the flame
retardancy of PLA (at UL 94-V (3.2 mm)) using high load ATH (50%) in combination with
phenolic resins. Applications was housings of electronic products where the required level of
flame retardancy is high. The action mechanism of the flame retarded system is reported to
occur via the formation of a homogenous char layer, resulting from the phenolic resins
degradation at the surface of the material upon heating. This latter is not fully described in
this paper but an assumption concerning the mechanism of action is that phenolic resin should
provide high char yield, which could be reinforced by the formation of aluminum oxide from
ATH. Hence the ceramic char becomes then protective enough to yield good FR properties to
Textile is a major application for PLA and it is also required to achieve good level of flame
retardancy. In this way, Kubokawa et al [15, 17, 18] have investigated the flame retardancy of
PLA fabrics using bromine and triphenylphosphate (TPP), as flame retardants. It was found
that limiting oxygen index (LOI) increases from 24 vol.-% to 28 vol.-% with TPP and to 26 vol.- %
with the bromine-containing FR. According to the authors, TPP FR treatment promotes
charring, suggesting a mechanism of action in the condensed phase. In the case of brominated
treatment, action in gaseous phase should occur.
Other phosphorus based FRs are also efficient to achieve low flammability of PLA. For
instance, PLA material filled with 30 wt.-% of phosphinate-based FR (OP1311 of Clariant,
Germany) is V-0 classified at UL 94-V (3.2 mm) with a LOI value superior to 30 vol.-% and a
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Chapter I: State of the Art
decrease of the peak of heat release rate (PHRR) of around 15% observed by cone calorimetry.
As well as OP1311, Melamine polyphosphate (MP) presents good fire performances in PLA
matrix [10]. In fact, V-0 rating (3.2 mm) is achieved at UL 94-V for 20 wt.-% of MP and the peak
of heat release rate (PHRR) determined by cone calorimetry (35 kW/m²) is decreased by 33%.
As described in this section, many conventional flame retardants can be used to achieve
flame retardancy of PLA. However, literature report that the interest for nanoparticles to
flame retard PLA kept growing these past few years. The next section is thus dedicated to the
flame retardancy of PLA using nanoparticles.
Flame retardancy of PLA by nanoparticles
One interest in the use of nanoparticles is the development of efficient
polymer/nanoparticles systems at very low loading of nanoparticles (less than 10 wt.-%). The
nanocomposites exhibit remarkably improved properties (e.g. mechanical …) as compared
with those of virgin polymer [106]. It was reported that PLA nanocomposites exhibit a high
storage modulus both in solid and melt states, an increased flexural properties, a decrease in
gas permeability, an increased heat distortion temperature, an increase in the rate of
biodegradability of PLA, and also a decrease of reaction to fire of some polymers [107].
Indeed, it was demonstrated that adding a small amount of clay into the polymer matrix
allows reducing pHRR for numerous polymer nanocomposites [108, 109], especially PLA. The
use of nanoparticles is then an interesting way to flame retard plastics while reducing both
cost and quantities of FR fillers used.
Bourbigot et al. [20] reported that 3 wt.-% of montmorillonite (MMT) platelets dispersed
into PLA matrix reduced significantly the pHRR by about 40%. In the case of pure PLA, vigorous
bubbling is observed when the polymer is burning and no residue is left at the end of the
experiment. But when the clay nanocomposite burns, char formation is observed. This char
serves as a barrier limiting both mass and energy transport. In addition to clay, multi-walled
carbon nanotubes (MWNT) are also known to significantly improve the fire behavior of
polymers when they are nanodispersed in the polymer matrix [10, 21, 110]. PLA/MWNT
exhibits limited enhancement in cone calorimetry [20] but the flame spread is much lower
compared to virgin PLA when testing samples in vertical position at UL-94 [61]. Virgin PLA
flows, drips, and burns quickly while PLA/MWNT does not flow and does not drip. It is
suspected that MWNT incorporated in PLA increases the apparent viscosity of the material
and so, it avoids dripping as it was previously evidenced by Kashiwagi et al. [21]. PLA/MWNT
burns very slowly, keeping in an upright position but the ignition does not stop. This test then
shows the interest to incorporate MWNT in PLA.
Graphite that has a two dimensional structure as clays, is another nanoparticle that has
already shown great potential when incorporated in polymers. Dispersed in the nanosize
range in polymeric matrix, graphite can improve overall properties of the system as clay does
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Chapter I: State of the Art
[111, 112] but can also provide its own characteristic properties of thermal and electrical
conductivity. Murariu et al. [22] incorporated expanded graphite (EG) at different loadings
into PLA. Whereas PLA easily burns and drips without charring when exposed to a flame in
horizontal position, PLA/EG nanocomposites at 6 wt.-% loading burn with no dripping and
present a decrease by 30% of pHRR in cone calorimetry experiment. It is shown that the
nanocomposite swells during burning in order to form a porous foamed carbonaceous char
that acts as a barrier to limit the combustion. The high amount of char formed during burning
is ascribed to additional expansion of graphite nanolayers. This expansion is provoked by both
the heat and gases/products of combustion. Hence, authors reported that the PLA/EG system
presents an intumescent-like behavior.
Intumescent PLA
“Intumescence” comes from Latin “intumescere” meaning “to swell up”, which describes
rightly the behavior of an intumescent material. Indeed, when heating an intumescent system
beyond a critical temperature, the material begins to swell and then to expand resulting in the
formation of a foamed cellular charred layer on the surface. This latter protects the underlying
material from the action of the heat flux or the flame [50, 113]. The concept of intumescence
was applied to flame retard polyesters such as PLA and it was proven to be efficient for this
kind of polymers.
An intumescent system is composed of different ingredients which are usually (i) an acid or
a material yielding acidic species upon heating, (ii) a char former and (iii) a component that
decomposes at the right temperature and at the right time to enable the blowing of the
system. Concerning the acidic source, acids, ammonium salts, and phosphates can be used.
Char formers are mainly hydroxyl-containing compounds, such as polyols and starch and
blowing agents can be Melamine (MEL) compounds which can release gases upon heating, in
the temperature range corresponding to the development of the intumescence process.
A typical example of intumescent system is the combination of ammonium polyphosphate
(APP) with pentaerythritol (PER) in which APP plays the role of both acid source (yielding
phosphoric acid) and blowing agent (releasing NH
) and PER is the char former [114].
Researchers such as Reti et al. investigated the substitution of PER by lignin (LIG) or starch (ST)
in the APP/char former system [9]. At 40 wt.-% loading of APP/char former (PER, LIG or ST),
high LOI values are observed (up to 58 vol.-% with PER) and in all cases an intumescent
protective layer was formed at the surface of the material. The interesting features of the bio-
based systems are V-0 classification at the UL-94 test (3.2 mm) while PLA-APP/PER is only V-2
rated. Under an external heat flux of 35 kW/m² exposure on cone calorimetry experiment,
those systems exhibit a reduction of pHRR by 65% for APP/PER and by 40% for APP/LIG and
APP/ST. An intumescent layer protecting the underlying material is formed under the heat
flux, limiting heat and mass transfers.
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In order to reinforce mechanical properties of the polymers, fibers can also be incorporated
in the intumescent material. Shumao et al. [23] combined natural fibers (ramie fibers) with
APP to make an intumescent system for PLA. At 40 wt.-% loading, LOI reaches 35 vol.-% and
the FR system exhibits V-0 rating at UL-94 (3.2 mm). Authors report that APP releases
phosphoric acid, polyphosphoric acid and non-flammable gases when exposed to flame.
Hypothesis of mechanism is that the resulting acid contributes to intramolecular or
intermolecular ramie dehydration, then dehydrogenizing, charring and rupture of chemical
Conventional flame retardants and nanoparticles: synergy in PLA
Polymer nanocomposites exhibit low flammability in terms of cone calorimetry but they
fail to pass other tests, in particular when samples are in vertical position (e.g. LOI, UL-94) [8].
The mechanism of protection involves the formation of a char layer covering the entire sample
surface, acting as insulative barrier and reducing volatiles escaping to the flame. The formation
of such a layer which does not crack during burning is critical to obtain low heat release rate
from nanocomposites [102]. Hence, nanoparticles have been combined with flame retardants
fillers in order to see if a synergistic effect is obtained.
As shown in the section above, intumescence is one of the efficient methods existing to
limit the flammability of PLA. In our group, Fontaine and Bourbigot [12] investigated the
combination of APP with Melamine (MEL) (30 wt.-% in a 5 to 1 ratio respectively) as efficient
intumescent combination in PLA (namely FR-PLA). They demonstrated that the incorporation
of an additional nanofiller such as organomodified montmorillonite (e.g. cloisite 30B (C30B))
presents positive effects on reaction to fire of the materials meaning that APP, MEL and C30B
have a positive synergistic effect in term of fire retardancy in PLA. The intumescent PLA
containing C30B does not burn and the small peak of heat release is only due to a very short
ignition of the material which goes off very quickly. At 30 wt.-% loading of APP/MEL/C30B in
PLA (namely FR-PLA-C30B), the material achieves very good fire performances. Indeed, high
LOI values up to 52 vol.-% and V-0 rating (3.2 mm) were measured. Moreover, FR-PLA-C30B
exhibits a large decrease of about 90% of the pHRR measured by cone calorimetry (35 kW/m²).
These great performances were partially explained by the increase in thermal stability of the
FR-PLA-C30B formulation compared to FR-PLA. Cloisite 30B can react with APP to form
alumino- and silicophosphates stabilizing the intumescent structure at high temperature [115,
116]. The intumescent PLA was also evaluated with a total loading of 10 wt.-%. This loading is
still sufficient to get relatively high LOI (33 vol.-%) and a synergistic effect is also observed with
C30B (35 vol.-%). It is outstanding that V-0 at UL-94 is achieved for the formulation with and
without Cloisite 30B. This study exhibiting very good results in terms of flame retardancy
shows that combination of nanoparticles and intumescent agents offers promising way to
design flame retarded PLA.
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Chapter I: State of the Art
This part has reviewed the state of the art of the flame retardancy of PLA. The basics of
flame retardancy were firstly reminded, and a focus of the methods providing flame
retardancy to PLA was detailed. Very high performances in terms of fire behavior can be
reached in certain cases (e.g. intumescence).
PLA was mainly used for non-durable applications but it is turning to durable ones. Hence,
because of the growing market for PLA for durable applications, flame retardancy is required
and of course these flame retardant properties must be kept for the product lifetime.
However, due to its structural and chemical composition as well as its bio-degradable
character, PLA is very sensitive to ageing and chemical degradation such as hydrolysis or
photo-degradation. Whereas many papers are related to the ageing of raw PLA under various
constraints, ageing of filled PLA has not been widely studied yet.
The next part is therefore focused on the ageing of polymeric materials, especially chemical
ageing and associated mechanisms of degradation. A particular attention is paid to the ageing
of PLA and its consequences on the properties of this material. Moreover, some examples of
flame-retarded polymers are given in order to understand the effects of ageing on the fire
behavior and thereafter correlate then to our FR systems.
3. Ageing of polymers
During their lifetime, polymeric materials are submitted to different constraints depending
on their environment of use. In outdoor applications, polymers undergo principally the action
of light, oxygen, water, pollution, heating, etc. An important number of papers deals with
ageing issues related to polymeric materials. This is explained by the necessity of
understanding the failure observed, in order to prevent (or ensure) the lifetime of the
materials. This is also explained by the multiplicity of systems, ageing tests (natural and
accelerated) as well as analytical techniques.
In materials science the term ageing is used when engineering properties, physical or
chemical characteristics of a material change over a period of time. It may be useful to
distinguish physical and chemical ageing. In the first case, there is no alteration of the chemical
structure of the macromolecules, only the spatial configuration or composition of the material
is affected. In the second case, the chemical structure of the macromolecules is modified. All
ageing mechanisms at molecular level lead to changes in morphology and macroscopic
properties. Sometimes a number of age-related phenomena operate simultaneously and/or
interactively [117, 118]. Usually, effects of ageing are not desired in advanced materials
(except maybe for biodegradation) and therefore understanding and fighting ageing
phenomena play an essential part in polymer science.
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Chapter I: State of the Art
This part gives an insight in the common mechanisms involved in chemical ageing of
polymeric materials, including change of properties due to external stimuli such as
temperature, humidity and ultra-violet (UV) radiations. Then, as the objective of these
researches is to study the ageing behavior of fire retarded PLA, a special focus will be done on
the ageing of PLA and flame retarded polymers. The first section is dedicated to the
generalities of chemical ageing of polymers.
Chemical ageing of polymers
Chemical ageing is certainly the most important cause of ageing, involving irreversible
changes in the molecular structure of the polymer chains. In the case of chemical ageing, two
different situations can be distinguished, whether it occurs in presence or absence of oxygen.
For instance, chemical ageing without oxygen involves reactions such as hydrolysis,
depolymerization or elimination, radiochemical and photochemical processes. In presence of
oxygen, one can mention thermo-oxidative or photo-oxidative ageing. In that case, the role of
oxygen is really crucial. In fact, it contributes to the chemical reactions leading to the ageing
of the material. Consequently, chemical ageing generally leads to chain scission phenomena,
depolymerization/elimination or cross linking. Figure 18 presents the most usual parameters
involving chemical ageing as well as their consequences. These one then lead to the
deterioration of the characteristics of polymers (e.g. mechanical, physical …), to a color change
and to the appearance and growth of cracks at the surface that sometimes result in
destruction of the polymer [118-121]. Others parameters such as immersion in liquids, acids,
oils, etc can induce chemical ageing [30, 122, 123]. These additional factors are not
investigated in this PhD thesis and thus are not detailed further in this chapter.
Figure 18: Main chemical ageing factors and consequences on polymeric materials.
3.1.1. Chemical degradation mechanisms
There are many different types of possible chemical reactions causing degradation of
polymers, however the most common ones are photo-chemical, thermal, hydrolytic and bio-
chemical reaction. These different types of chemical degradation mechanisms are reported
and detailed hereafter.
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Chapter I: State of the Art
Generally, four common mechanisms of polymer degradation are identified (Figure 19).
These reactions can be divided into two groups: (i) those involving atoms in the main polymer
chain (chain scission and crosslinking) and (ii) those involving principally side chains or groups
(side chain elimination and side chain cyclization). The degradation of polymers can be
explained by one of these general mechanisms or by a combination of some of them [124].
Figure 19: General degradation mechanisms, adapted from Beyler, at al. [124].
The most common reaction mechanism involving the break of bonds in the main polymer
chain is usually called “chain scission”. It may occur at the end or at random locations in the
polymer chain. End chain scission results in the production of monomer, and the process is
commonly called “unzipping”. Random-chain scission generally results in the generation of
both monomers and oligomers as well as in some other chemical species.
Another general chemical degradation mechanism is “Cross-linking” that involves the main
polymer chain. It generally occurs after some stripping of substituents and involves bonding
between two adjacent polymer chains [124].
Elimination and cyclization are the two main reaction types involving side chains or groups.
In the case of elimination reactions, the bonds connecting side groups of the polymer chain to
the chain itself are broken, the side groups often reacting with other eliminated side groups.
The products resulting from elimination are usually small and thus volatile. In cyclization
mechanism, two adjacent side groups are bound together, resulting in a cyclic structure.
These degradation mechanisms lead to a deterioration of any property of the polymer
[125]. In fact, the degradation of polymers by chain scission generally leads to a decrease of
the molecular weight of the material as the polymer chains are broken down to smaller units
[121]. Thus leading to a decrease of some properties such as glass transition and melting
temperatures of the material [27, 29, 34, 35, 52, 123, 126]. Moreover, the crystallinity of the
polymer can be affected by degradation during ageing. For instance, in semi-crystalline
polymers such as PLA, the amorphous phases are more susceptible to be degraded than
crystalline ones. The degradation of amorphous phases leads to an increase in crystallinity of
the material. In fact, chain scission occurring in amorphous phases of PLA produces molecule
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Chapter I: State of the Art
segments which can integrate crystalline phase if they have sufficient mobility and will thus
increase the crystallinity of the material. This phenomenon is called “chemi-crystallization” [5,
38, 127]. Mechanical properties of polymers such as tensile strength or Young’s modulus are
also usually affected by the ageing of the material [29, 52, 123, 128]. Some other effects of
ageing are reported in literature such as yellowing [129] or formation of cracks at the surface
of the material [32, 121] but generally the effects of ageing are dependent on the nature on
the material but also of the external stimuli applied to the polymer.
3.1.2. Photo-chemical degradation
Photo-degradation is a phenomenon inducing degradation of a photodegradable molecule
by the absorption of photons, particularly those from wavelengths found in sunlight, such as
infrared radiation, visible light and ultraviolet (UV). Photons are considered as one of the
primary sources of damages exerted upon polymeric substrates at ambient conditions.
It is reported that photo-degradation is able to change the physical, chemical and optical
properties of polymers. Thereby the loss of mechanical properties, the changes in molecular
weight and visual effects like “yellowing” are the most damaging effects which can be
observed [28, 34, 35, 129-132].
A common photo-degradation reaction is photo-oxidation, which is the process of
decomposition of the material by the combined action of light and oxygen, which can be
accelerated at elevated temperature [29, 129]. Most of synthetic polymers may be degraded
by UV and visible light. The near-UV radiations (between 290 and 400 nm) in the sunlight
determine the lifetime of polymeric materials in outdoor applications [133-135]. Photo-
oxidation process can also be photo-induced by chromophoric impurities (catalyst,
peroxides …).
UV radiations have sufficient energy to cleave C-C bonds [125]. The most damaging UV
wavelength for a specific plastic depends on the bonds present and the maximum degradation
therefore occurs at different wavelengths for different types of plastics, e.g. around 300 nm
for PE and around 370 nm for PP.
Focusing on the mechanism of action, photo-oxidative degradation of polymers includes
various processes such as chain scission, cross-linking and secondary oxidative reactions which
take place via a radical process [129, 136]. Many researches detail the mechanism of photo-
oxidation of polymers by involving the production of radicals and subsequent reactions with
oxygen [125, 129, 137, 138]. This mechanism proceeds through a chain reaction into steps
gathering initiation, propagation and termination. These steps are detailed below. Photo-initiation step
The absorption of UV light that has sufficient energy to break the chemical bonds in the
main polymer chain is responsible for the initiation of the photo-oxidation mechanism. In fact,
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Chapter I: State of the Art
the polymer (PH) absorbs light and produces low molecular weight radicals (R
) and/or
polymeric macro radicals (P
) as follows (Equation 4).
Equation 4
The photo-initiation step may be initiated by various physical factors such as UV radiation,
heat, ionization and chemical factors (e.g. direct reaction with O
or atomic oxygen …). In
photo-oxidation process, hydroperoxides (POOH) are the most significant and most
widespread initiators. Whatever the initial mechanism of radical formation, hydroperoxides
are created just after reaction with oxygen and are key intermediates in the oxidation of
polymers (Equation 5 and Equation 6) [129].
Equation 5
Equation 6
As shown in Equation 7, hydroperoxides usually decompose to form radicals (PO
that can abstract hydrogen atoms from the polymer and thus initiate photo-oxidation. In this
way, hydroperoxides are extremely photolabile [136].
Equation 7
The formation of hydroperoxide and its photolysis illustrate the formation of other
effective functional groups such as carbonyls during β-scission of the alkoxy radical [129].
Besides the initiation step by photolysis of hydroperoxide groups, ketone photolysis is the
second major contributor to the photo-degradation of polymers. It proceeds through two
major reactions known as Norrish I and Norrish II (Figure 20) [125, 129, 138-140].
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Figure 20: Norrish I and II mechanisms.
As described in Figure 20, ketones present onto the polymers backbones are able to absorb
photons of appropriate energy when they are exposed to light. Thus, C-C bonds break and
scission of the polymer backbone occurs [129, 138]. Propagation step
According to Rabek et al. [141] as well as Yousif et al. [129], propagation can be divided
into six different steps:
1. Subsequent reaction of low molecular radicals (R
) or polymer alkyl radical (P
) in a
chain process similar to the abstraction of hydrogen from the polymer molecule
(Equation 8).
Equation 8
2. Reaction of the polymer macro radicals with oxygen which forms polymer peroxy
radicals POO
(Equation 5).
3. Abstraction of a hydrogen from the same or from another polymer molecule (‘PH) by
polymer alkyl-peroxy radical (POO
) with the formation of a hydroperoxide group
(Equation 9).
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Chapter I: State of the Art
Equation 9
4. Photo-decomposition of hydroperoxide groups with the formation of polymer alkyloxy
), polymer peroxy (POO
), and hydroxyl (
OH) radicals (Equation 7 and Equation
Equation 10
5. Abstraction of hydrogen from the same or another polymer molecule by polymer
alkyloxy radical (PO
) with formation of hydroxyl function groups (-OH) in polymer
(Equation 11).
Equation 11
6. Scission process of polymer alkoxy radicals (CH
) with the formation of aldehyde
end groups and end polymer alkyl radicals (Equation 12).
Equation 12
Generally, the overall processes of photo-oxidative degradation can be simplified by photo-
oxidation cycle as described in Figure 21.
Figure 21: simplified photo-oxidation cycle of polymers, adapted from Yousif et al [129].
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Chapter I: State of the Art
50 Termination step
The termination of photo-degradation is achieved by “mopping up” the free radicals to
create inert products [125]. In fact, the radicals can be terminated by numerous different
combination reactions between two polymer radicals, as detailed in Equation 13, Equation 14
and Equation 15:
Equation 13
Equation 14
Equation 15
The polymer radicals may combine to give crosslinked or branched product [125]. If the
oxygen pressure is relatively high, the termination follows Equation 13 and Equation 14. In
comparison, if the oxygen pressure is low, other termination reactions take place to some
extent. When sufficient oxygen content cannot be maintained during the degradation,
Equation 14 becomes significant. Finally, as shown in Equation 15, polymer radicals can
recombine together [129].
As developed in this part, photo-oxidative degradation takes place via a radical process. As
well as photo-chemical degradation, thermal degradation proceeds through a radical process
[129, 136]. In fact, under normal conditions, photo-chemical and thermal degradations are
similar and classified as oxidative degradation [125]. The next part will be focused on the
thermal degradation of polymers as well as the description of mechanisms of degradation.
3.1.3. Thermal degradation
Generally, temperature is one of the parameters that plays a major role in chemical ageing.
Thermal degradation of polymers can be defined as “molecular deterioration as a result of
overheating”. At high temperatures the components of the long backbone chain of the
polymer can start to break up (molecular scission) and react with another molecule to change
the polymer properties [142].
Under normal conditions, photochemical and thermal degradations are similar and are
classified as oxidative degradations. The main difference between both is the sequence of
initiation steps leading to auto-oxidation cycle. Another difference is that thermal reactions
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occur throughout the bulk of the polymer sample, whereas photochemical reactions generally
occur at the surface [143].
Another important fact concerning the thermo-oxidation is the chain scission
phenomenon. In fact, crosslinking and chain scission have both consequences on the polymer
properties [118, 144]. The degradation via crosslinking includes hardening, skinning, gel
formation, a decrease in tack, and an increase in viscosity. Degradation via chain scission
results in softening, a decrease in viscosity, an increase in tack, and a loss of cohesive strength.
In addition, discoloration also might occur upon oxidation. Even though discoloration normally
does not lead to significant changes in engineering properties, it might be not wanted for
From a mechanistic point of view, as for photo-oxidative degradation the thermal
degradation in presence of oxygen is divided into three steps, i.e. initiation, propagation and
termination [125, 145]. The initiation step of degradation follows either chain end degradation
(also known as unzipping route) as shown in Equation 16, or random degradation route as
shown in Equation 17.
Equation 16
Equation 17
The chain-end degradation (depolymerization reaction) presented in Equation 16 starts
from the end of the polymer chain and consecutively releases monomer units from the chain-
ends. Similar to photo-oxidative degradation, it occurs via free radical mechanism. This kind
of reaction is the opposite of the propagation step in addition polymerization. During
depolymerization, the molecular weight of the polymer decreases and large quantity of
monomers is released simultaneously [125, 137]. The random degradation route presented in
Equation 17 occurs at any random point along the polymer chain. As for random degradation
to happen, the polymer chain does not require necessarily to carry active sites (sensitive to
radical reaction) such as for chain-end degradation [125]. During propagation step, the
monomer is formed as depicted in Equation 18 and Equation 19.
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Equation 18
Equation 19
Finally, termination takes place through radical coupling [125, 146] as previously reported
for photo-oxidative degradation (Equation 13, Equation 14 and Equation 15, p.50) but also
following Equation 20, Equation 21 and Equation 22.
Equation 20
Equation 21
Equation 22
During termination, crosslinking can form some larger molecules induced by reaction of
radicals P
with other radicals P
, alkoxy radicals PO
or peroxy radicals POO
. Alkoxy radicals
and peroxy radicals POO
can also react together to form POOP or POP molecules.
As photo and thermal degradation, hydrolytic degradation (hydrolysis) of polymers is one
of the most common and important ageing mechanism.
3.1.4. Hydrolytic degradation
Hydrolytic degradation occurs in polymers that have water sensitive active groups,
especially those that are very hygroscopic. Polymers that are concerned by hydrolytic
destruction usually have heteroatoms in the main or side chain of the polymer. In that case
we can also talk about hydrolysis of polymers, which involves the scission of chemical
functional groups by reaction with water as an example is shown in Figure 22. In fact,
hydrolysis of ether compounds leads to the formation of alcohols functional groups. The
degree of degradation will depend on both exposure time and temperature.
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Figure 22: Example of hydrolysis of polyether.
Hydrolytic degradation can be harmful but also helpful in some cases. For example,
hydrolytic chain scission of the ester linkage of polyester is the fastest and the most “harmful
degradation process, as it causes a considerable reduction in the molecular weight and in the
mechanical properties of the polymer. However, in the case of drug delivery system, the
polymer degradation is useful [147].
Two basic types of hydrolytic degradation are discussed: surface erosion and bulk erosion.
During surface erosion mechanism, the mass loss of the polymer occurs at the water/polymer
interface (Figure 23 (a)) and in that case, the rate of hydrolysis is higher than the water rate
diffusion [147, 148]. As an example, most of the enzymatically resorbable polymers show
surface erosion. Surface-eroding polymers have a better ability to achieve zero-order release
kinetics and are therefore ideal candidates for developing drug delivery devices [149].
During bulk erosion, water diffuses rapidly into a polymer structure, leading to hydrolysis.
Then, the subsequent mass loss occurs throughout the bulk of the material (Figure 23 (b)). In
this case, the water diffusion rate into the polymer is higher than the hydrolysis rate. Hence,
the water that penetrates the substrate leads to hydrolysis from the inside to the surface [147,
148]. The sudden and rapid loss of strength and structural integrity as the resorption continues
over time is a characteristic behavior of bulk eroding polymers.
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Figure 23: Illustration of the hydrolytic mechanisms: (a) surface erosion, (b) bulk erosion
without autocatalysis, and (c) bulk erosion with autocatalysis, adapted from Viera et al.
Autocatalytic degradation is another factor that complicates the degradation behavior of
polymers [151]. The phenomenon of autocatalysis occurs when the reaction product is itself
the catalyst for the same reaction. In the case of bulk eroding polymers, the oligomeric
hydrolysis products (usually carboxylic and other acids) are retained within the material,
causing a localized decrease in pH which accelerates the rate of degradation [152]. As a result
of this autocatalytic hydrolysis, hollow structures are formed within the polymeric material,
which induce a rapid deterioration of the mechanical properties of the material as well as a
sudden loss of its structural integrity, as shown in Figure 23 (c). For instance, in the case of
polyesters such as PLA, when the thickness of the substrate is larger than 2 mm, the
entrapment and accumulation of acidic oligomers and monomers result in autocatalytic
degradation [153].
3.1.5. Bio-chemical degradation
The bio-chemical degradation, which is also known as biodegradation, is a biochemical
transformation of compounds by micro-organisms. Mineralization of organic compounds
yields carbon dioxide and water under aerobic conditions, and methane and carbon dioxide
under anaerobic conditions [154, 155]. Hydrolysis, photo-oxidation and physical disintegration
may enhance biodegradation of polymers by increasing their surface area for microbial
colonization or by reducing their molecular weight [154-156].
Biodegradability is also defined as the propensity of a material to get breakdown into its
constituent molecules by natural processes (often microbial digestion). The metabolites
released by degradation are also expected to be non-toxic to the environment and
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Chapter I: State of the Art
redistributed through the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles. Biodegradation is chemical in
nature (catalytic nature e.g. enzymes) but the source of attacking chemicals is from micro-
organisms. Researchers such as Singh et al. [125] or Lucas et al. [154] have reported that
biodegradation of polymers occurs via four different mechanisms: (i) solubilization, (ii) charge
formation followed by dissolution, (iii) hydrolysis and (iv) enzyme-catalyzed degradation.
Petrochemical-based plastic materials are not easily degraded in the environment because of
their hydrophobic character, additionally the three-dimensional structure interferes with the
formation of a microbial bio-film, leading to a reduced biodegradation extent [125].
After having identified and developed the different kinds of chemical ageing, this chapter
will now focus on the ageing of Poly(lactic) acid. Indeed, this researches are dedicated to PLA
and more precisely to the ageing of flame retarded (FR) PLA. In this context, it is crucial to
examine the ageing of the raw PLA material in order to understand the phenomena occurring
during ageing of filled PLA.
Ageing of Poly(lactic) acid
Aliphatic polyesters such as PLA currently deserve a particular interest as environmentally
degradable polymeric materials. However, due to its chemical composition, PLA is very
sensitive to ageing, leading to degradation of the polymer, such as hydrolysis [153], photo-
degradation [29], etc. Hence, the development of PLA based materials must find a
compromise between sustainability and performances. Therefore, this part will deal with the
ageing behavior of PLA under different kinds of chemical degradation.
3.2.1. Photo-degradation of PLA
Many studies have been led over the years, investigating the influence of photo-
degradation on PLA properties. It is reported for example that UV irradiation light decreases
the physical integrity and enhances the degradation of the material. Thus leading to a
decrease of both M
and mechanical properties (e.g. stress at break, percentage elongation
at break and strain energy). Focusing on thermal properties, a decrease of both T
and T
observed for PLA exposed to UV treatment [29, 33, 157]. As already mentioned, PLA chains
are photodegradable in both crystalline and amorphous regions but their photo-degradability
is higher in the amorphous regions [27] thus leading to an increase of the crystallinity of PLA
when irradiated by UV light.
At the state of the art, two main photo-degradation mechanisms of PLA have been
reported, depending on the UV irradiation wavelength. In fact, for irradiation under 300 nm,
the photo-degradation of Poly(lactic) acid proceeds via the Norrish II mechanism at ester and
ethylidene groups adjacent to ester oxygen, as shown in Figure 24 [27, 32, 33, 158, 159].
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Chapter I: State of the Art
Figure 24: Norrish II mechanism for PLA photo-degradation: (a) PLA chain under UV
irradiation, (b) photophysical excitation and (c) oxidation/scission reactions in PLA chains,
adapted from Belbachir et al. [33].
This kind of mechanism causes the chain cleavage of the material, the decrease of the
molecular weight and the formation of carbon-carbon double bonds [159]. The photo-
degradation of PLA films under UV irradiation proceeds via a bulk erosion rather than a surface
erosion [159]. During photo-degradation, no formation of specific low-molecular-weight
peaks are observed, which strongly suggests that the chains in crystalline regions are
photodegradable even at early stage of degradation, in marked contrast with the case of
hydrolytic degradation [159].
Bocchini et al. [34] reported that Norrish II mechanism occurs when UV irradiation is under
300 nm, in a region where the carbonyl groups of aliphatic polyester can absorb energy and
consequently lead to photo-reaction. Conversely, Bocchini as well as many other researchers
[28, 29, 34, 35] evidenced a second mechanism of photo-degradation of PLA proceeding when
UV irradiation is in the range 300 to 400 nm [34]. In that, photo-degradation usually starts by
radicals formed from impurities during UV-irradiation or thermal decomposition (Figure 25).
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Chapter I: State of the Art
Figure 25: Photo-degradation (radical oxidation) process of irradiated PLA: hydroperoxides
chain propagation and formation of anhydrides by photolysis of hydroperoxides, adapted
from Gardette et al. [35].
In this mechanism, the most probable reaction is the abstraction of tertiary hydrogen from
PLA chain, leading to the formation of a radical P
(Figure 25 (1)). This radical can react with
oxygen to form a peroxide radical (Figure 25 (2)), which may easily abstract another hydrogen
from a tertiary carbon with formation of a hydroperoxide and the initial radical P
25 (3)). Then, the hydroperoxide undergoes photolysis (Figure 25 (4)) with the formation of
OH and PO
radicals that can further evolve by β-scission (Figure 25 (5)). Furthermore,
taking into account the stability of the different fragments the most probable β-scission
appears to be the reaction leading to the formation of anhydride groups (5a) [34, 35].
As well as photo-degradation, hydrolysis is another kind of degradation known to be very
harmful for the durability PLA based materials.
3.2.2. Hydrolysis and bio-chemical degradation of PLA
PLA like other polyesters is naturally hydrophilic due to its polar oxygen linkages. Its affinity
for water makes it very sensitive to hydrolysis (Figure 26) via an autocatalytic mechanism of
degradation [5, 31, 125, 153, 160]. In presence of water, ester is hydrolyzed into carboxylic
acid and alcohol according to Figure 26.
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Chapter I: State of the Art
Figure 26: Hydrolysis of PLA.
Hydrolysis of PLA is the first step of the biodegradation of the material which is composed
of two steps (Figure 27) [5].
Figure 27: Biodegradation of PLA in 60°C, adapted from Auras et al. [5].
As reported in Figure 27, PLA degradability is driven in a first place by hydrolysis and
cleavage of ester linkages in the polymer backbone. The hydrolysis of PLA is auto-catalyzed by
the carboxylic acid end groups. The process follows first order kinetics [5]. The duration of the
degradation is determined by the initial molecular weight of the polymer as well as by its
chemical structure [125]. As hydrolysis degradation mainly takes place in the amorphous
regions, degradation results in an increase in the crystallinity of PLA. A decrease of mechanical
and thermal properties (T
and T
) as well as of molecular weight is also observed during
hydrolysis of PLA [29-31, 38, 52, 121, 123, 128, 161, 162]. It can be accelerated by acids or
bases and it is also affected by both temperature [29] and moisture levels [66].
In the second step (Figure 27), the low molecular weight PLA resulting from the hydrolysis
is then able to diffuse out of the bulk polymer and be used by micro-organisms, yielding carbon
dioxide, water and humus [5, 125, 162].
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Chapter I: State of the Art
3.2.3. Thermal degradation of PLA
As previously mentioned, temperature has a direct influence on the degradation of PLA.
Temperature is one of the main factors responsible for a fast reduction of M
. This decrease
leads to a reduction in both glass transition temperature and mechanical properties of the
polymer film. Whereas the degree of crystallinity increases due to chemi-crystallization
process [26, 29, 127, 157, 163, 164].
Mechanism of thermal degradation of PLA (from around 200 to 450°C) can be divided into
4 parts as follows: (i) the dominant reaction such as intra- and intermolecular ester exchange,
which leads to the formation of lactide and cyclic oligomers. (ii) The cis-elimination for
polyesters that yields less than 5% of acrylic acid and acrylic oligomers also occurs, but is not
at all a dominant reaction even at high pyrolysis temperatures. (iii) Unzipping
depolymerization is also observed. In fact, the lower the molecular weight, the more
concentrated the terminal hydroxyl groups, which accelerate the unzipping depolymerization
and the intermolecular exchange. (iv) Pyrolytic elimination of PLA which results in species
containing conjugated double bonds due to the carbonyl group [52].
Kopinke et al. [165] proposed that above 200°C, PLA can degrade through intra- and
intermolecular ester exchange, cis-elimination, radical and concerted non-radical reactions,
leading to the formation of CO, CO
, acetaldehyde and methylketene. In contrast, researchers
such as McNeil and Leiper [166] emitted the hypothesis that thermal degradation of PLA is a
non-radical “backbiting” ester interchange reaction involving the OH chain ends. Depending
on the point in the backbone at which the reaction occurs, the product can be lactide
molecule, an oligomeric ring, or acetaldehyde plus carbon monoxide (Figure 28).
Figure 28: Thermal degradation mechanism of PLA, adapted from McNeill et al. [166].
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Chapter I: State of the Art
Many researches have been led on the combination of temperature and other factors like
humidity, UV irradiation, oxidation and generally, the combination of these parameters
enhance the degradation rate of PLA [26, 29, 127, 157, 163, 164].
3.2.4. Synergy between temperature, relative humidity and/or UV light exposure
According to literature, temperature is a key parameters in chemical ageing of polymers as
it is able to catalyze reactions such as photo-degradation and/or hydrolytic degradation of PLA
[26, 29, 37, 38, 121, 123, 128, 167]. In fact, it is known that the combination between
temperature (50 to 60°C) and humidity cause PLA to degrade rapidly [29, 121, 123, 128]. In
this case, the increases of temperature favors the diffusion of water and thus increases the
hydrolysis of PLA as well as the loss of its physico-chemical properties (M
, T
, T
Moreover, researchers such as Copinet et al. [29] demonstrated the synergistic effect
obtained when combining temperature, UV-light and relative humidity. They emitted the
hypothesis that in conditions of humidity and temperature, UV treatment catalyzed the
hydrolysis of ester linkage. When temperature and relative humidity increase, effect of UV
treatment on the degradation of PLA matrix increases too, as it causes a faster autocatalysis
process during hydrolysis.
The ageing of PLA under temperature, humidity and/or UV irradiation generally leads to
some complex phenomena, as several ageing mechanisms can occur simultaneously. Whereas
ageing of raw PLA have been widely studied in this section, it is now useful to discuss
concerning the ageing of flame retarded polymers as our study is focused on the ageing of
flame retarded PLA.
Ageing of flame retarded polymers
Nowadays, the fire standard tests for polymer-based materials are currently carried out on
newly manufactured samples. However, various ageing conditions can impair flame
retardancy throughout the lifetime of a material [40]. Therefore, it seems necessary to
evaluate the influence of different kinds of ageing on the flammability of flame retarded
It was previously reported that many ageing conditions promote structural modifications
of a polymer, like crosslinking and more generally chain scissions. For example, this latter leads
to a decrease of the molecular weight and then of the material viscosity. However, viscosity is
an important parameter controlling flammability. Indeed, in some fire tests, materials are
rated according to their ability to drip. Dripping is obviously more severe for low-viscosity
materials. Viscosity influences many other phenomena involved in flame retardancy:
accumulation and migration of fillers at the surface [168], formation of a protective layer
[169], intumescence [170], bubbling [171], etc. Moreover, low-molecular-weight molecules
are volatile and can decrease thermal stability and promote early ignition. Nevertheless, this
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Chapter I: State of the Art
significant effect of ageing is rarely taken into account in studies dealing with the influence of
ageing on flame retardancy.
Thus, in this part, the influence of major chemical ageing scenarios (thermal, hydrolytic and
photo-chemical degradation) on the flame retardancy of polymeric materials is discussed.
3.3.1. Thermal degradation of FR polymers
The migration of low molecular-weight FR fillers to the surface is the first effect induced by
thermal ageing of FR polymers. Researchers such as Inata et al. [41] investigated the influence
of thermal ageing (at 110, 130 and 145°C) on the migration of 16 halogenated compounds
incorporated into polypropylene (PP). They reported that the weight loss of filled PP during
ageing is attributed to the migration of FRs. However, the migration is not only dependent on
the temperature and the molecular weight of the FR but also on its structure. Migration is
higher for aliphatic brominated additives, followed by molecules containing only one aromatic
ring. Molecules containing double aromatic rings, phosphate or isocyanuric groups hardly
migrate. In these experiments, thermal ageing was carried out at high temperatures.
Nevertheless, the authors have calculated the activation energy of migration to estimate the
migration rate at lower temperatures (corresponding to service life). In some cases, migration
can be significant. For 2,4,6-tribromophenyl-2’,3’-dibromopropymether (TBP-DP), which
exhibits the highest migration rate, the half-value period (corresponding to the loss of 50% of
additive) at 30°C is only 5000h, i.e. 200 days. LOI was also measured after ageing for some FRs.
It is reported that during ageing, the FR content decreases due to exudation and thus LOI
decreases too. These observations seem to indicate that the relation between LOI and FR
content is roughly linear.
Nanoparticles incorporated into FR polymers may also be concerned by the migration
under the effect of temperature. In fact, Colonna et al. [42] studied the effect of thermal
ageing on the combustion behavior of an ethylenevinyl acetate (EVA) containing organically
modified clay nanocomposite. Thermal ageing was carried out close to, but below the melting
point of the polymer matrix (90°C). It was evidenced that during ageing, the nanoparticles
dispersion changed from intercalated to an exfoliated structure. Consequently, the fire
behavior of the EVA system was modified. It was observed that nanoclays move rapidly to the
surface, promoting the formation of a physical barrier preventing the development of flames
and thus delaying ignition on MLC experiment. However, the pHRR was increased significantly
from 430 to 657 kW/m² but no explanation is given in the paper to explain this phenomenon.
Thermal ageing was also reported by Zuo et al. [120] who studied the effect of thermo-
oxidative ageing on flammability of long glass fiber-reinforced PA6 composite containing
tris(tribromophenyl) cyanurate and antimony trioxide. The samples were aged for 10, 30 and
50 days under thermal-oxidative conditions at 160°C. UL-94 (3.2 mm) rating remains V-0 even
after 50 days of ageing. A positive effect of ageing is observed for LOI test (from 25.6 to
37.4 vol.-% after 50 days of ageing) and the pHRR observed in cone calorimetry decreases
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Chapter I: State of the Art
from 108 to 72 kW/m². From the author’s point of view, the improvement of the flame
retardancy is explained by the enrichment of the surface in FRs due to migration. Thus, it
allows FRs to act sooner, leading to the reduction of the pHRR. Moreover, the charring effect
is promoted after ageing (from 31.5 to 35 % after 50 days of ageing) but the mode of action in
the gas phase is not modified even if the effective heat of combustion appears to slightly
decrease for 50 days of ageing.
3.3.2. Hydrolytic degradation of FR polymers
As previously reported, the presence of water can lead to dramatic changes in molecular
weight and viscosity, which are important factors controlling the flame retardancy. Recent
work investigating the influence of ageing in presence of water/moisture evidenced water can
modify chemically FR materials but also affect their flame retardancy.
Oztekin et al. [43] recently highlighted the influence of water on the flame retardancy of
poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK). When a small amount of moisture is present in PEEK, water
is released just after the polymer melts (343°C). This release leads to vigorous bubbling and
results in shorter time to ignition (from 207 to 110 s at an irradiance of 50 kW/m² in cone
calorimeter) but lower pHRR (from 355 to 280 kW/m²).
Levchik et al. [44] studied the impact of hydrolytic degradation induced by artificial ageing
on the fire performance of flame retarded polycarbonate (PC)/acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
(ABS) blends. Three aryl phosphates, triphenyl phosphate (TPP), resorcinol bis(deiphenyl
phosphate) (RDP) and bisphenol A bis(diphenyl phosphate) (BDP) were tested as flame
retardants. They demonstrated that these three additives show comparable FR efficiency at
the same phosphorus level. However, under artificial ageing at 70°C and in the presence of
water (85% RH), hydrolysis of aryl phosphates leads to the release of acidic species, which
attack the polycarbonate. It results in a decrease of the fire retardant properties of the PC/ABS
blend compared to those before artificial ageing. This demonstrates that the integrity of FR
structure also plays a crucial role in the lifetime of the flame retardancy.
3.3.3. Photo-chemical degradation of FR polymers
It was reported that thermal ageing may promote migration of FRs. But while service
temperature is generally much lower than processing temperature (which sets the minimal
temperature of stability of FRs), it is doubtful that thermal ageing can degrade a FR structure.
On the contrary UV radiation can induce such modifications. For instance, it was pointed out
that viscosity is an important parameter controlling flammability. Therefore, flame retardancy
can significantly decrease after photo-ageing due to the detrimental effect of FRs on the
photo-stability of polymers [40].
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Chapter I: State of the Art
It is known that FRs, and particularly halogenated ones, can promote fast ageing of
polymers. Papers have been devoted by Sinturel et al [45, 46] concerning the study of the
photo-oxidation of fire retarded PP. Authors reported that oxidation rate of PP increases in
the presence of 5 wt.-% decabromodiphenylether (decaDBE) and the induction period is
dramatically decreased. These effects are observed from 5% of FR and do not increase very
much for higher contents. It is evidenced that when exposed to UV radiation, decaDBE
degrades through the hemolytic cleavage of the carbon-bromine bond [46]. Hence, the
formation of a reactive bromine radical leads to hydrogen abstraction on the backbone and
promotes the degradation of the system.
Other types of FR do not show the same trends. Researchers such as Chantegraille et al.
[172] investigated a flame retarded PP with an intumescent system based on APP and a
synergist containing nitrogen. UV-light irradiation was carried out under polychromatic light
with wavelengths higher than 300 nm in a SEPAP 12.24 unit, in the presence of oxygen at 60°C.
The authors reported that the FR can be photo-oxidized but not degraded by photolysis in the
absence of oxygen. Moreover, even if the oxidation of FR starts much earlier than the
oxidation of PP, both oxidations occur independently and no influence of the FR on the photo-
oxidation of PP matrix was detected. Lonkar et al. [173] also studied the effect of 5 and
10 wt.- % of layered double hydroxide and organomodified montmorillonite on PP photo-
oxidation. Whereas good dispersion of nanoparticles was achieved, it is shown that photo-
oxidation of PP is significantly enhanced by the presence of organomodified montmorillonite.
The influence of layered double hydroxide depends on divalent cations. In fact, Mg
has a
degrading effect while Zn
does not accelerate the oxidation of the polymer. This study
demonstrates that metallic compounds can exhibit a catalytic effect on the degradation of
flame retarded polymers. These metallic impurities increase the decomposition rate of
hydroperoxide, thus, accelerating the overall radical process [34]. However, a high ratio of
metallic compounds should be needed to observe this catalytic effect.
Vahabi et al. [40] explained that flammability of a FR polymer may be mainly driven by the
properties of a thin surface layer and in all these cases, photo-chemical ageing may have an
influence on flame retardancy. It was demonstrated by Diagne et al. [47, 48] that PP grafted
maleic anhydride (MAH) exhibits better fire performances measured in a cone calorimeter
after UV irradiation. Ageing scenarios may promote the crosslinking of PP-MAH in a thin
surface layer (oxidation profile shows that UV radiation modifies only a 150 μm thick layer).
However, when nanoclays are incorporated into PP-g-MAH, flame retardancy is poorer after
ageing. Indeed, nanoclays can reduce the formation of radicals by attenuating the UV
penetration and by preventing radical mobility and thus, inhibiting crosslinking. Nevertheless,
it must be pointed out that the cone calorimeter results are unclear due to the large standard
deviation in the data. Others researchers such as Tidjani and Wilkie [174] also have
investigated the flammability and ageing of PP-g-MAH containing nanoclays. They showed
that nanoclays enhance the photo-oxidation of the material. The absorbance related to
ketones and carboxylic acids observed at 1715 cm
by Fourier Transform Infrared
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Chapter I: State of the Art
Spectroscopy (FTIR) increases faster than the one of PP-g-MAH without nanoclays. Moreover,
no significant changes were observed in cone calorimeter data after ageing. It is possible that
the enhanced photo-degradation of the material observed in presence of nanoclays results
from the degradation of the polymer matrix during the incorporation of nanoparticles, instead
of a catalytic effect of nanoparticles. Indeed, if the incorporation of nanoparticles decrease
the molecular mass of the material even before ageing, it will lead to a faster degradation of
the material.
Generally, UV ageing is combined with other sources of ageing like heat and water. Hence,
it is sometimes difficult to identify the main source of ageing. Chen et al. [175] observed a
strong decrease of LOI and UL-94 rating of PLA/ramie composites flame retarded by APP after
several days of weathering combining UV, heat and relative humidity. Ageing was carried out
under UV irradiation (UV-B313 fluorescent UV lamp) at 0.6 W/m², ageing cycle in two phases:
8 h at 60°C and 4h at 50°C for 7, 14 and 21 days (exposure to humidity is not specified). Even
if the reasons of the lower fire performances after ageing are not explained, it appears at least
that water as well as UV irradiation play a major role in degradation. Indeed, migration of APP
to the surface is assigned to its hydrolysis. APP is initially water-insoluble and becomes soluble
when its molecular weight decreases. The migration of APP leads to a heterogeneous
distribution of APP into the material. Moreover, authors reported that the coating of fibers by
APP is decreased, thus promoting the candelwick effect. Nevertheless, the synergistic effect
of UV radiation with water seems to be well proven [29]. Almeras et al [176] investigated
effect of ageing on the flame retardancy of a PP/polyamide 6 (PA6)/APP/ethyl vinyl acetate
) blend. Ageing was carried out under a xenon lamp exposure (1.1 W/m²), rain and
temperature cycling for 200 h (18 min of wetting and 102 min of drying at 65 °C, 50% relative
humidity). Fire performances were measured using cone calorimeter (50 kW/m²), LOI and UL-
94 tests (3.2 mm). Whereas the unaged samples exhibited a LOI of 33 and were V0 rated in
UL-94 test, LOI decreasesd to 23 after ageing and aged samples were not classified at UL-94.
Concerning cone calorimetry, pHRR increases from 200 kW/m² for the initial sample to
300 kW/m² after ageing. The formation of a smaller intumescent protective structure is
reported. The decrease in terms of fire performances after ageing is attributed to the
degradation of APP by hydrolysis and to its migration (or to the migration of its degradation
products, e.g. ortho, pyro and polyphosphates of shorter chains). In fact, water diffusion into
the material and migration are both facilitated by the surface degradation. However, these
different modifications need the combination of UV and water.
The studies reported above show that UV irradiation can induce a decrease in flame
retardancy of polymers but other studies suggest that is not always the case. Larché et al.
[177] who studied the photo-oxidation of crosslinked EVA filled with aluminium trihydroxide
(ATH) and kaolin show that UV irradiation leads to a strong enrichment of the surface in fillers.
The hypothesis of fillers migration is excluded by the authors who explained this phenomenon
by the formation and release of low-molecular-weight products due to the EVA oxidation. The
composition profile shows that the enrichment occurs in the first 350 μm. In the first 100 μm,
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Chapter I: State of the Art
the polymer content is less than half of its value in the bulk after 500 h of ageing (60°C,
irradiance in the range of 300-400 nm, 100 W/m²). Flammability was not measured but
authors were convinced that the enrichment of the surface would promote a barrier effect
and improve the flame retardancy. Some works have already shown that EVA filled with
mineral fillers exhibited better flame retardancy if these fillers migrate quickly to the surface
during cone calorimeter test [178].
In this part, it was reported that polymers and particularly PLA performances in terms of
durability are limited because of multiple chemical ageing mechanisms such as photo-
degradation, hydrolysis or thermal degradation. Chemical ageing is responsible for the
degradation of the material into low-molecular weight products (carboxylic acids, alcohols …)
and thus the decrease of the thermal and mechanical properties. Many papers are related to
the ageing of raw PLA under various constraints, but few of them describe ageing of filled PLA.
Concerning flame retarded polymers, published papers investigate mainly fire behavior
evolution but correlations between physico-chemical properties and fire performances after
ageing are rarely made. Nevertheless, the relationship between physico-chemical properties
and fire performances is a key parameter to investigate in order to develop durable flame
retardant systems. Actually, only few studies have been devoted to the ageing of FR polymers
generally filled with decaBDE or APP, which is clearly very few among all the FR fillers.
According to the wide range of ageing conditions, polymers and FRs, several phenomena can
be highlighted, impacting or not the flame retardancy of FR polymers.
4. Conclusion
Poly(lactic) acid is the first commodity biodegradable polyester produced from annually
renewable resources. Due to its low cost production and its interesting mechanical and
thermal properties, PLA is one of the best candidates among bioplastics. However, to be used
in transportation fields for example, PLA has to be flame retarded, and these flame retardant
properties must be kept for the product lifetime. Besides, due to its chemical composition and
its biodegradable character, PLA is sensitive to ageing and its environment of use. That is why
the development of PLA based materials must be based on a compromise between
sustainability and performances.
In this chapter, it was highlighted that many possibilities exist to fire retard PLA. The use of
conventional flame retardants, nanoparticles, and combination of both in PLA was detailed.
FR PLA (loaded at 30 wt.-%) usually exhibits good fire properties with (i) LOI increase up to
58 vol.-% [114], (ii) V- 0 classification achieved at UL-94 (3.2 mm) [10, 12, 114] and (iii) PHRR
decrease by 90% as observed by cone calorimetry [12].
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Chapter I: State of the Art
It was also showed that polymeric materials and especially polyesters such as PLA are
extremely sensitive to ageing. Hence, an overview was given about the ageing and general
mechanisms of degradation of PLA under hydrolysis, thermal or photo-degradation. It appears
that during ageing, PLA turn into to low-molecular-weight products, leading to the decrease
in both thermal and mechanical properties but tending to increase the crystallinity of the
material [27, 29, 34, 35, 38, 125, 165, 166]. A focus was also done concerning the effects of
ageing on the fire behavior of flame retarded polymers, which is a complex subject depending
on the ageing conditions as well as on the nature of both polymer and FRs. Different
phenomena were evidenced during ageing of FR polymers such as migration [41, 42, 120] or
degradation and hydrolysis of fillers and nanoparticles [44, 175, 179]. Moreover, depending
on the authors, FR can protect or accelerate UV degradation of the FR material [45-48, 172,
173, 176].
As the development of PLA based materials must be a compromise between fire
performances and sustainability, the goal of this study is to characterize and understand the
ageing of flame retarded PLAs containing 30 wt.-% of FR additives (i.e. APP, MEL and C30B).
Up to now, only a few scenarios have extensively studied the flame retardancy of polymers.
Concerning PLA, whereas this polymer has been widely studied in terms of flame retardancy,
literature reveals that investigations about ageing of flame retarded PLA are still needed.
The strategy of this work is to study the effect of accelerated ageing in a raw PLA in
presence of temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), UV light and oxygen. Hence, the effects
on the properties of the raw material as well as on the mechanisms of degradation will be
determined. Then, the impact of the addition of FR fillers on the PLA properties, ageing and
degradation will be investigated. As previously evidenced by our team, Melamine, APP and
organoclays (C30B) have demonstrated their efficiency as FR in PLA intumescent system. The
impact of ageing on the fire behavior of both PLA and FR-PLAs will be finally assessed and
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
Chapter II: Materials and Methods
This chapter aims at describing the presentation of the materials, techniques and
experimental protocols used in this work. In a first part, the materials, namely PLA, fire
retardants and nanoparticles are presented. The different formulations process is also
described. Apparatus used to investigate the behavior of materials under accelerated ageing
are then presented. Finally, the techniques related to ageing characterization and fire tests
are detailed.
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
1. Materials preparation and processing
1.1.1. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA)
The polymer used during this study is an Ingeo PLA 4032D, a polyester supplied by
NatureWorks LLC (Ravago distribution center, Arendonk, Belgium). Before used, PLA was dried
overnight at 70°C. Properties of this PLA are reported in Table 4.
Table 4: Properties of Ingeo PLA 4032D.
PLA 4032D
Residual monomer content
D-isomer content
Glass transition
temperature (T
Melt Flow Index (MFI)
(190°C, 2.16 kg)
g/10 min
Melt density (at 230°C)
± 68 000
Tensile Strength, psi
7.7 (53)
Tensile Yield Strength, psi
8.7 (60)
Tensile Modulus, kpsi
500 (3.5)
Tensile elongation
Melting Point
155 - 170
1.1.2. Flame retardants and nanoparticles
As previously mentioned, this study is based on the ageing of flame retarded PLA. Hence,
the flame retarded systems chosen are based on a previous work done in R
FIRE team by
G.Fontaine and S.Bourbigot [12]. A combination of Melamine, ammonium polyphosphate with
and without organomodified montmorillonite Cloisite 30B is incorporated into the PLA matrix.
Table 5 summarizes all additives that have been used in this study, their supplier and their
chemical nature.
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
Table 5: Summary of additives used.
FR type
Chemical structure
Melamine 99%
Nitrogen FR
Sigma Aldrich
AP422 (APP)
polyphosphate FR
Cloisite 30B (C30B)
(MMT modified
with methyl
tallow bis-2-
Southern Clay
Product Inc.
Melamine (99%) was obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St Louis, MO). Ammonium
polyphosphate (APP, Exolit AP 422, soluble fraction in water < 1 wt.-%) in powder was supplied
by Clariant (Charlotte, NC). Nanoparticles, Cloisite 30B, a montmorillonite modified by bis-(2-
hydroxyethyl)methyl tallowalkyl ammonium cations, was supplied by Southern Clay products
(San Antonio, TX). The FRs and nanoparticles were dried for 24h at 70°C before use.
Material preparation and processing
1.2.1. Extrusion
Three different formulations, i.e. PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B (Table 6) were prepared by
using a co-rotative twin screw extruder from Thermo Fischer Scientific (Figure 29) (HAAKE
Rheomix OS PTW 16 twin screw extruder) with a barrel length of 400 mm and a screw diameter
of 16 mm (L/D = 25). Both FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B were prepared by incorporating 30 wt.-%
of FR fillers. Moreover, for the comprehension of the effects of ageing on flame retardancy of
PLA, two additional formulations were prepared with 20 wt.-% of FR fillers, i.e. FR-PLA-20%
and FR-PLA-C30B-20% (Table 7).
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
Figure 29: Thermo Scientific extruder.
Table 6: Composition and name of the formulations PLA, FR-PLA, FR-PLA-C30B at 30 wt.-%
PLA (wt.-%)
FR loading
Mel (wt.-%)
APP (wt.-%)
C30B (wt.-%)
Table 7: Composition and name of the formulations FR-PLA, FR-PLA-C30B at 20 wt.-%
PLA (wt.-%)
FR loading
Mel (wt.-%)
APP (wt.-%)
C30B (wt.-%)
The extruder is composed of a heater barrel divided in ten zones, in which the polymer
melts. The polymer, fire retardant additives and nanoparticles were added using a volumetric
side feeder. Before each experiment, a calibration of the volumetric feeders was performed
in order to obtain a good control of the composition of the final blends. Temperature profile
of the ten heating elements was set as reported in Table 8 and the rotational speed of the
screw was fixed at 100 rpm.
Table 8: Temperature profile of the extruder from hopper to die.
*PLA was fed in zone 1, **FR and nanoparticles mixed together were fed in zone 5
At the end of the extruder, PLA and FR-formulations forms a strip which is cut into pellets.
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
1.2.2. Molding
Mass loss cone calorimeter (MLC) plates of 100x100x3 mm
were obtained by pressing the
material, previously extruded and pelletized, with a hydraulic hot press in specific molds. Two
plates heated at 185°C in between a mold containing 35 g of formulation were used. A force
of 20 kN was applied for 2 minutes and then a force of 40 kN was applied for 8 minutes. Prior
being removed from the mold, each sample was cooled down with water cooling system until
it reaches 50°C. LOI samples size was 100x10x3 mm
were obtained by cutting them into MLC
plate using a bandsaw. Dimension of samples were selected according to the ISO-4589-2 and
ISO-13927 standards [180, 181]. Barrels and plates where then stored at room temperature
in sealed bags before tests.
1.2.3. Powders
A high speed rotor mill (Retch Ultra centrifugal Mill ZM 200) was used to obtain fine
powder (< 500 μm) from the extruded pellets. The material remains in the grinding chamber
for a very short period and liquid nitrogen is used to cool down the sample, which means that
the characteristic features of the sample (i.e. thermal properties) to be determined are not
altered. Then the formulations were stored at room temperature in sealed bags before
2. Accelerated ageing methods
As previously mentioned, one objective of this work is to screen the impact of ageing on
virgin PLA and both FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, by submitting them to accelerated ageing tests
under constraints of their environment of use. Temperature (T), relative humidity (RH) and
ultra-violet light (UV) are the main parameters investigated during experiments. PLA as well
as both FR-PLAs were submitted for four months to three different kinds of ageing
experiments respectively; (i) temperature and relative humidity, (ii) temperature and UV, and
(iii) temperature, UV and relative humidity. Accelerated ageing tests are described and
detailed below.
Ageing in presence of temperature and relative humidity
In order to evaluate the impact of temperature and relative humidity on our materials, PLA
and both FR-PLAs were subjected to constant heating 50°C and relative humidity (75%) for
four months. Swelling, oxidation and hydrolysis of the materials should be accelerated by
combining temperature and relative humidity. This temperature/relative humidity treatment
will be further addressed to as T/RH treatment. For this purpose, a humidity chamber test
HCP 108 (Figure 30) supplied by Memmert was used to simulate ageing conditions.
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
Figure 30: Humidity chamber test HCP 108.
The experiments were carried out on barrels, plates and extruded pellets which were
regularly (i.e. each week) taken out of the oven to be characterized. All samples removed from
the oven were dried overnight at 50°C before testing, in order to eliminate the excess of
humidity and to perform all characterizations in the same and controlled conditions. Effects
of each period of ageing on the behavior of PLA and FR-PLAs specimens were investigated by
comparing the changes of properties of aged materials to those of unaged material.
Ageing in presence of UV-rays
The accelerated weathering under UV-rays of PLA and both FR-PLAs was carried out by two
distinct experiments. The first ageing test was realized by exposing the samples to both
temperature and UV-rays (T/UV), and the second one consisted in exposing the samples to
temperature, UV-rays and relative humidity (T/UV/RH). For this purpose, two accelerated
weathering chambers from Q-LAB (Figure 31) were used: (i) QUV/se for T/UV and (ii)
QUV/spray for T/UV/RH.
Figure 31: Q-LAB, QUV/spray weathering chamber.
The weathering conditions chosen are derived from a ISO 4892-3 standard [182]. Both Q-
UV devices are equipped with 4 UV lamps (UVA 351) with 0.76 w/m² irradiance. Wavelengths
under 300 nm are filtered using these kinds of lamps. The Q-UV/spray tester is also equipped
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
with humidification unit, distilled water vessel, pump and piping system for circulation of the
water to the humidification unit.
Cycles of 4 hours UV irradiation at 50°C, followed by 4 hours dark at 50°C for T/UV or
4 hours dark and water condensation at 50°C for T/UV/RH were applied as listed in Table 9.
The specimens (extruded pellets, plates and barrels) attached to the test panels were exposed
to these consecutive cycles without interruption for four months. As for T/RH ageing, effects
of accelerated weathering were investigated each week. Samples aged under T/UV/RH were
dried overnight at 50°C after ageing before testing, in order to eliminate the excess of humidity
and to perform all characterizations in the same conditions
Table 9: Conditions in accelerated weathering chambers for T/UV and T/UV/RH ageing.
Cycle period
Cycle time
Dark and
3. Physico-chemical characterization
3.1.1. Digital microscopy
Digital microscopes are a variation of a traditional optical microscope that uses optics and
a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera to output a digital image to a monitor. In our case, the
microscope enables to get a clear view of the surface of PLA and FR-PLAs plates thanks to the
high depth of field. The expansion of the char after mass loss cone experiment was also
evaluated using the digital microscopy. Images of plates and chars were taken with a VHX-
1000 microscope (Keyence) at 50x magnification and stitched together in order to get a clear
“3D” image of the whole plate.
3.1.2. Electron probe micro analysis (EPMA)
Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) is an analytical technique that is used to establish
the composition of small areas on specimens. This is one of several particle-beam techniques.
Technically, a beam of accelerated electrons is focused on the surface of a specimen using a
series of electromagnetic lenses, and these energetic electrons produce characteristic X-rays
within a small volume (typically 1 to 9 μ
) of the specimen. The characteristic X-rays are
detected at particular wavelengths, and their intensities are measured to determine
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
concentrations. Excepting H, He and Li, all elements can be detected, they emit at a specific
set of X-rays. EPMA has a high spatial resolution (10 kV-1 µA-150 nm) and sensitivity (around
3.0 microamperes), and this analytical technique allows obtaining highly magnified secondary
and backscattered electron images of a sample.
In this work, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B were analyzed by EPMA to assess a possible
migration of fillers during ageing. In this regard, the samples were first carbon coated with a
Bal-Tec SCD005 sputter coater. A camera SX100 electron probe micro analyzer was used to
perform elemental analysis on the surface of the samples (electron interaction
). Back
scattered electron (BSE) images were carried out at 6 kV and 15 kV, 40 nA and phosphorus,
nitrogen and silica X-ray mappings were carried out at 6 kV 15 kV, 40 nA. On BSE pictures, the
darkest parts correspond to the “lightest” elements. For mappings, the crystals used to detect
the Kα of phosphorus, nitrogen and silica were respectively, a PER (pentaerythritol) crystal, a
PC2 (multicouche Ni/C) crystal and a TAP (thallium acid phthalate) crystal.
3.1.3. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a technique that uses the interactions occurring
between electrons and matter. An electron beam is applied on the sample, leading to the
emission of secondary electrons and backscattered electrons (among other species), which
are then used to obtain topographic and chemical information respectively. The surface of PLA
and both FR-PLAs was observed before and after ageing using a Scanning Electron Microscope
FEG field emission gun JEOL JSM-7800F LV. SEM (Secondary electrons) experiments were
performed on carbon coated samples at 6 kV. Images were taken at x75 x400, x700, x1300
and x2500 magnifications.
3.1.4. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a technique used to qualitatively evaluate the
dispersion of additives in a polymeric matrix. This technique was used to analyze the
dispersion of organomodified montmorillonite, i.e. Cloisite 30B in the PLA matrix. All the
samples were ultra-microtomed with a Leica Ultracut UCT ultramicrotome with a Diatome
diamond knife at room temperature to give section with a nominal section of 100 nm. The
section were transfered to Cu/Rh grid of 400 mesh. Bright-field TEM images of the samples
were obtained at 200 kV under low-dose conditions with a FEI Technai G2 electron
Thermal analysis
3.2.1. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA)
Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) is a technique allowing to monitor the weight loss of a
sample versus temperature while the sample is heated following a defined temperature ramp.
The measurements can be carried out in oxidative (air) atmosphere.
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
TGA measurements were carried out using a SETARAM (TG92-16). Balance and purge flow
rates were set at 15 and 100 mL/min respectively. Experiments were performed under air.
Samples of about 10 mg were positioned in open vitreous silica pans with gold foil and
submitted to an isotherm at 50°C for 10 minutes, then followed by a heating ramp of 10°C/min
up to 800°C. The precision on the temperature measurements is ± 1.5°C in the temperature
range of 50-800°C. Each TG analysis was repeated at least twice to ensure the repeatability of
the measurements. Theoretical TGA curves of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B were calculated by
linear combination according to Equation 23.
wt.-% (theo) =
   
 
   
   
Equation 23
Where h, i, j and k are the mass fraction of PLA, Melamine, APP and Cloisite, 30B,
respectively (h + i + j + k =1) and wt.-% is the residual weight in percentage.
3.2.2. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
DSC is widely used for the characterization of polymers. All experiments in this work have
been performed on a TA Instrument Discovery DSC and monitored with Trios software. This
technique is used to study the behavior of polymers when exposed to a temperature gradient
(rise and / or decrease of the temperature at a controlled rate) under nitrogen atmosphere.
This type of analyses allows the measurement of glass transition temperature (T
characterized by a change in the slope of the thermogram), the heat capacity (Cp) and, for
semi-crystalline polymers, the melting temperature (T
), the melting enthalpy (ΔH
), the
crystallization temperature (T
) and the crystallization enthalpy (ΔH
). Experimentally, two
pans are heated during the analysis: one pan containing 5.0 ± 0.5 mg of the sample previously
grounded, and a second empty pan used as a reference. Each sample has been exposed to
2 cycles of heating/cooling (Figure 32). Experiments were carried out at 10°C/min from room
temperature to 180°C, then an isotherm of 3 minutes was performed, after what a decrease
of temperature of 1°C/min until -20°C was followed by an isotherm of 3 minutes. At the end
of the experiment, the device returns to ambient temperature.
Figure 32: Temperature/time ramp used for the DSC analysis.
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
The thermal history of the sample is suppressed during the first cycle. Concerning the
characterization of the different samples, only the second cycle was taken into account. All
information such as melting temperature (Tm), melting enthalpy (ΔHm), crystallization
temperature (Tc), crystallization enthalpy (ΔHc) and cold crystallization enthalpy (ΔHcc) were
obtained from these thermograms. The degree of crystallinity (χ) was calculated from the
melting enthalpy by the following Equation 24.
    
  
Equation 24
In this equation, χ allows measuring the proportion of material in the crystalline state. ΔHm
(100%) corresponds to the melting enthalpy of a 100% crystalline PLA (93.1 J/g) and is the
additive content (FRs, nanoparticles). The temperature precision is estimated to 5.10
°C. The
enthalpy precision is ± 0.04%.
Color changes measurements
The color changes and reflectance of unaged and aged samples were recorded using a
Datacolor CHECK 3 portable spectrophotometer from Datacolor Industry. The CIE (French
“Commission internationale de l'éclairage”) L*a*b color system was employed for the color
measurement. This system is commonly used in textile characterization [183]. In the CIE L*a*b
system the three coordinates presented in Figure 33 represent (i) the lightness of color (L* = 0
corresponds to black and L* = 100 corresponds to diffuse white; specular white may be
higher), (ii) the color position between red/magenta and green (negative values of a* indicate
green and positive values indicate magenta), and (iii) the color position between yellow and
blue (negative values of b* indicate blue and positive values indicate yellow).
Figure 33: color space of CIE Lab system.
The difference between unaged and aged samples (∆E) was calculated according to the
Equation 25 where ∆L* represents the lightness difference; ∆a* and ∆b*, the differences in a
and b values.
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
  
Equation 25
The a* and b* coordinates are close to zero for neutral colors (white and gray) and increase
in magnitude for more saturated or intense colors. The advantage of CIE Lab system is that
color differences can be expressed in units that can be related to visual perception [184].
Three reflectance measurements were made on each sample; the samples were rotated 90°
before each measurement.
Gel permeation chromatography (GPC)
In order to determine the number average molecular mass (M
) of materials, all samples
were characterized by gel permeation chromatography (GPC). GPC is a type of high
performance liquid chromatography used to determine the molecular weight distribution of
polymers which can be performed in a wide range of solvents, from non-polar organics to
aqueous ones. Experimentally, columns packed with very small, round and porous particles
are used, allowing separation of molecules contained in the solvent that is passed through
them. Molecules are separated on the basis of their size, hence “size exclusion”. The first GPC
columns were packed with materials referred to as gels, hence “gel permeation”. The particles
in the columns are made from polymers that have been cross-linked to make them insoluble,
or from inorganic materials, such as spherical silica.
Experimentally, GPC is performed in tetrahydrofuran (THF) at 40°C, with a flow rate of
1 mL/min and a polymer concentration of 2 mg/mL after filtration through a 0.2 μm pore-size
membrane, to eliminate FR additives and nanoparticles. Measurements were performed on a
Waters system (Separation Module Waters e2695) equipped with three columns (Stryragel
HR1, Styragel HR3 and Styragel HR4) placed in series and coupled with a differential refractive
index (RI) Wyatt detector (WYATT Optilab T-Rex). It was established, however, that in order
to get the correct M
value of PLA, the experimental value obtained from the GPC traces using
polystyrene standards have to be multiplied by 0.58 [185]. In fact, when using polystyrene
standards for GPC analysis of Polylactic acid, the PLA molecular weights obtained by GPC are
typically larger than the actual molecular weights. Multiplication of the GPC data by a factor
of 0.58 has been suggested to get a more accurate number average molecular mass. The
polydispersity index (PI) was calculated as M
. Moreover, in order to analyze an
autocatalysis process that can occur during degradation of PLA based materials, the number
of chain scission n
, was calculated according to Equation 26 [186].
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
Equation 26
Where M
and M
are the number average molecular masses at time t and at the initial
time, respectively. Considering the precision of the equipment and all the multiple stages of
purification and dissolution of compounds, the error of measurement is estimated at 10%.
Melt flow index (MFI)
In order to characterize the viscosity of the formulations as a function of ageing, the melt
flow index (MFI) has been determined. In fact, when the MFI of a blend increases, its viscosity
decreases. The device used is a Melt Indexer MP1200 provided by Tinius Olsen (Figure 34) and
all the experiments were done in accordance to ISO 1133 Procedure B [187], i.e. under a
weight constraint of 2.16 kg and at 165°C. Using this procedure, the time taken by the piston
to run through 5 mm in the barrel is measured with the help of a sensor and with the weight
of the different collected rods, it allows obtaining directly the Melt Flow Index (MFI, g/10min),
the density (d, g/cm
) and the dynamic viscosity (η, Pa/sec) from the device. The error of
measurement is estimated to 15%.
Figure 34: Melt flow Index tester.
X-ray diffraction (XRD)
X-ray diffraction is a rapid analytical technique widely used as to determine and
characterize one or several crystalline phases of a material, providing information about the
structure of the material at the molecular scale. Besides, the recent technical and computing
developments allow obtaining precise information on the structure of the amorphous phase
of a polymer.
In this work, XRD was used in order to identify crystalline phases of our PLA based materials.
To this end, the experimental device was equipped with a Genix micro-source (Xenocs, France)
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
which produces a parallel beam wavelength of 1.54 Å (K
Cu line). A charge coupled device
(CCD) Very High resolution camera (Photonic Sciences) was used as a detector. Distance
between sample and detector was 8 cm, binning 4x4, and the samples were exposed for
15 minutes.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements were carried out on an AXIS
Kratos analytical apparatus using a monochromatic Al KR X-ray source (hν =
1486.6 eV)) in the following conditions: the emission voltage was set to 15 kV, the current
10 mA, the pressure in the analyzing chambers was maintained at 10
Torr or lower during
the analysis, and the size of the analyzed area was 300 μm x 700 μm with a depth of 10 nm.
High-resolution C1s spectra were recorded at pass energies of 160 eV with a step of 1 eV. Data
treatment and peak-fitting procedures were performed using Casa XPS software. Obtained
spectra were rescaled by shift of C1s CC at 285 eV. Thus, it is possible to determine the atomic
percentage of carbon, oxygen nitrogen, phosphorus and silica at the surface of the plates. XPS
is an analytical technique permitting to quantify the amount of targeted elements and to
identify their chemical or electronic state to get detailed information about the bonding of
elements at the sample surface. Samples are irradiated by an X-ray beam (E = hν) generated
by an high power aluminum monochromator. The energy of the X-rays is adsorbed by an atom
leading to emission of a core photoelectron. The emitted photoelectron exhibits a kinetic
energy (E
) depending on the incident X-ray and the binding energy (E
) of the atomic
orbital (Equation 27).
hν = E
+ E
Equation 27
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
Room temperature infrared spectra of the initial and degraded thin films of PLA were
recorded between 500 and 4000 cm
using a Fourier Transformed Infrared spectrometer
(ThermoScientific) Nicolet IS 50 in ATR and transmission. Final spectra in ATR resulted from
32 scans using a resolution of 2 cm
. Final spectra in transmission resulted from 16 scans using
a resolution of 2 cm
and 32 cm
. Both ATR and transmission spectra were processed by
OMNIC software. Electromagnetic waves belonging to the infrared domain are sent towards
the molecules composing the sample, inducing transitions between the vibration levels. Links
between atoms are targeted and information about these links are obtained. Thus, FTIR allows
to evidence chemical modifications on the structure of PLA based materials after ageing and
then permit to determine mechanisms of degradation. To avoid the differences due to the
thickness of the films, spectra were normalized according to the band at 2997 cm
characteristic vibration stretching band of PLA [34].
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
Chemical derivatisation
The T/UV and T/UV/RH aged samples were submitted to chemical treatment in order to
identify the photoproducts formed and to establish the mechanism of degradation. The
irradiated films were exposed to a reactive gas such as ammonia (NH
) at room temperature.
saturated atmosphere was obtained under glass bell in presence of concentrated NH
solution. The ammonia used in the experiment was provided from Sigma Aldrich. In parallel
to these treatments, we verified that the polymeric samples non-irradiated did not react with
the gas. As illustrated in Figure 35, the reaction of NH
with anhydride leads to the formation
of ammonium carboxylates and amide groups.
Figure 35: Reaction of anhydride with ammonia.
The ammonium carboxylates and primary amide groups are characterized by an infrared
absorption band above 1600 cm
and 1675 cm
Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
The solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is an effective tool to analyze the
changes in the chemical environment of an atom inside a material. In the solid state (on the
contrary to liquid state), the chemical shift anisotropy (anisotropy of magnetic moment, CSA),
has a strong effect on the spectra, by broadening peaks. Through a tensoral analysis of the
magnetic moments in a molecule, it is possible to demonstrate that a “Magic Angle” exists,
with respect to the applied magnetic field at which the spinning of the sample leads to a
minimization of absorption line broadening due to CSA. This method of analysis is so called
“Magic Angle Spinning” (MAS).
In the case of carbon, the resonance of atoms is only possible in their isotopic form (
However their low abundance leads to poor signal. This poor signal can be overcome by an
excitation of protons in the sample which makes them resonate at the same frequency than
that of target atom (Hartman-Hahn condition). This process is called cross-polarization (CP),
and the time of polarization is also called contact time. CP leads to a high enhancement of the
excitation of studied nuclei. However an interference exists between the large number of
protons and the decay of isolated nuclei, due to weak spin interactions. In this case, the
dampening of the signal can be removed with a strong radiofrequency signal which holds the
protons in a high resonance state so that they do not absorb resonance from the nuclei. This
is called
H decoupling.
P NMR measurements were performed on a Bruker Avance II 400 spectrometer with a 4 mm
probe. The Larmor frequency was 40.5 MHz (9.4 T). Measurements were performed with
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
dipolar decoupling at MAS of 10 kHz. 120 s delays was used between two pulses. Phosphoric
acid (H
) in aqueous solution (85%) was used as reference.
Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR)
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is a very powerful and sensitive
method for the characterization of the electronic structures of materials. In EPR spectroscopy,
microwave radiation is used to probe species with unpaired electrons, such as radicals, radical
cations, and triplets in the presence of an externally applied static magnetic field. This
technique is used to study: (i) free radicals, i.e. atoms, molecules or ions containing on
unpaired electron either in the solid, liquid or gaseous phases, (ii) transition ions including
actinide ions (these routinely may have up to five or seven unpaired electrons), (iii) various
“point” defects in solids / localized imperfections, (iv) systems with more than one unpaired
electron such as triplets state systems, biradicals and multiradicals and (v) systems with
conducting electrons such as semiconductors and metals.
Theoretically, when a molecule or compound with an unpaired electron is placed in a strong
magnetic field, the spin of the unpaired electron can align in two different ways creating two
spin states, m
= ± ½. The alignment can either be along the direction (parallel) to the magnetic
field which corresponds to the lower energy state m
= - ½ or opposite (antiparallel) to the
direction of the applied magnetic field ms = + ½. The two alignments have different energies
and this difference in energy lifts the degeneracy of the electron spin states. The energy
difference is given by Equation 28.
ΔE = E
- E
= hν = gmβB
Equation 28
Where h is the Planck’s constant (6.626 x 10
J/s), ν is the frequency of radiation, β is the
Bohr magneton (9.274 x 10
J/T), B represents the strength of the magnetic field in Tesla and
g is the g-factor. During the experiment the values of h, ν and β does not change and g value
decrease as B increases. The g-factor is a unit measurement of the intrinsic magnetic moment
of the electron, and its value for a free electron is 2.0023. The concept of g can be roughly
equated to that of chemical shift in NMR. EPR spectrum is the absorption of microwave
frequency radiation plotted against the magnetic field intensity.
In an EPR experiment the field of the spectrometer magnet is swept linearly to excite some
of the electrons in the lower energy level to the upper energy level while the sample is
exposed to fixed microwave irradiation. The free of the unpaired electrons have a small
magnetic field and orient themselves parallel to the larger field produced by the
spectrometer’s magnet. At a particular magnetic field strength the microwave irradiation will
cause some of the free electrons to “flip” and orient against the spectrometer’s magnetic field.
This separation between the lower and the higher energy level is exactly matched by our
microwave frequency. The condition where the magnetic field and the microwave frequency
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
are “just right” to produce an EPR resonance (or absorption) is known as the resonance
condition is detected by the spectrometer. EPR spectroscopy can be carried out either by (i)
varying the magnetic field and holding the frequency constant or (ii) varying the frequency
and holding the magnetic field constant (as in the case of NMR spectroscopy). It exist two
typical methods to record an EPR spectra: (i) the continuous wave method where the sample
is irradiated continuously with microwave radiation of fixed frequency while the magnetic
field is slowly swept and the microwave absorption is measured for each field position. The
second one (ii) is the pulse EPR method where a short pulse of high microwave radiation are
sent to the sample and the response in the absence of radiation is recorded.
Experimentally, all chosen samples were measured at room temperature on a Bruker
E500 A/A/X TMHS spectrometer using X-band continuous wave mode. Converse time and
time constant were set to be 40.96 ms and 20.48 ms respectively. Microwave power and
modulation amplitude were respectively set to 2 mW and 1 G. The first order baseline
correction was applied to all recorded EPR. The weight of samples and measuring Q values
were normalized for the spectra to analyze the intensity of all paramagnetic species.
Formation of radical species under irradiation was performed in situ using Schimadzu
irradiation system with a filter operating in the range of 300-400 nm. For each samples a
kinetic was measured by recording spectrum each minute.
EPR image collection: The signals were acquired with a field-of-view of 4mm and gradient
strength of 175 Gcm
. The sample was placed closest to the center of the resonator to
minimize the inhomogeneity of the B1 field of the resonator. The two-dimensional (2D)
images were acquired with a size of 512x512 pixels resulting in a pixel size of 5 µm.
EPR image processing: The image processing involves deconvoluting the whole signal
acquired under a magnetic field gradient from the reference signal collected without gradient.
After deconvolution process signals were backprojected using Fourier Transform, giving the
spatial distribution of paramagnetic species
Pulsed-EPR measurements were carried out at X-band (~ 9.7 GHz) with a Bruker ELEXSYS
E580 equipped with an Oxford Helium flow cryostat for low temperature measurements,
typically 4 K. Echo field sweep were achieved with /2 and pulse length values of 10 ns and
22 ns respectively. The hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy (2D-HYSCORE)
measurements were also carried at 4.2 K with the four pulse sequence /2--/2-t
echo, and a time delay is 136 ns. This echo time were chosen by previously performing a 2D
3 pulses electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) versus t in order to minimize the
“blind spot” effect. The principle of the 2D HYSCORE is given in Appendix 5, p.228.
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
4. Fire testing methods
4.1.1. Mass loss calorimeter (MLC)
The mass loss calorimeter (MLC) allows simulating the fire conditions at a small bench scale
according to ISO 13927 [181]. A schematic representation of the mass loss calorimeter is given
in Figure 36. The core of the instrument is a radiant electrical heater in the shape of a
truncated cone, irradiating a flat horizontal sample (100 x 100 x 3 mm
) placed beneath it, at
a chosen heat flux (e.g. 35 kW.m
to simulate a mild fire in this study). The distance between
the sample holder and the heat source can be chosen as well (e.g. 25 mm in this study).
Ignition is provided by an intermittent spark igniter located 13 mm above the sample.
Figure 36: Schematic representation of mass loss calorimeter.
The mass loss calorimeter measures the temperature of the evolved gases using a
thermopile located at the top of the chimney. The calibration of the heat release rate (HRR) is
performed with methane. A methane flow of 0 to 6.7 mL.min
is burnt above the sample
holder to obtain a calibration curve of the heat release as a function of temperature.
The values obtained by mass loss calorimeter testing are: the heat release rate (HRR), the
peak of heat release rate (pHRR), the total heat release (THR), the time to ignition (TTI) and
the mass loss of the sample during combustion (ML). In this work, the MLC measurements
were performed on a Fire Testing Technology mass loss calorimeter device at 35 kW/m² and
25 mm, according to the ISO 13927, on specimens of 100x100x3 mm
. All measurements were
performed three times. The presented curves are the worst case of repeatable results. The
acceptable error of measurement is estimated at 10 % for all values.
4.1.2. Limiting oxygen index (LOI)
The limiting oxygen index (LOI) is a small heat source ignition test. With the LOI test (ISO
4589-2 [180]), the relative flammability of materials, their ignitability and inflammation can
be evaluated. The experimental set-up of the LOI device is shown in Figure 37. LOI
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Chapter II: Materials and Methods
measurements are performed on a Fire Testing Technology (FTT) device with barrels of
100x10x3 mm³ at room temperature. The specimen is clamped vertically into a glass cylinder
in a controlled oxygen-nitrogen mixture atmosphere. The measured LOI value corresponds to
the minimal oxygen concentration required to sustain the combustion of a material. It is
calculated according to Equation 29 and expressed as the percentage of oxygen in an oxygen-
nitrogen mixture.
Figure 37: Experimental set-up of the LOI test.
Materials having a LOI value below 21 vol.-%O
are called combustible, those with a LOI
value above 21 vol.-%O
are flame retarded. Thus, the higher the LOI value, the better the fire
retardancy of the material.
  
 
Equation 29
5. Conclusion
In the first part of chapter II, the polymer, the additives as well as the preparation methods
of the materials used in this study were presented. Afterwards, materials and protocols used
to simulate accelerated ageing of materials were described. Experimental techniques
investigated to characterize the impact of ageing on PLA and FR-PLAs, as well as methods to
assess fire retardancy before and after ageing were finally discussed.
The following Chapter III will further detail the impact of accelerated ageing on raw PLA.
Properties of this material before and after ageing, as well as its mechanisms of degradation
will be investigated. Comprehension of the degradation of raw PLA is a key parameter to
investigate, before investigating ageing of FR-PLAs in Chapter IV, so as to understand
thereafter the role of fire retardant additives on the degradation of PLA.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
This chapter deals with the impact of ageing on neat PLA. As reported in chapter I, PLA is
extremely sensitive to its environment, leading to a degradation of the material. In this way,
before investigating ageing of FR-PLAs, it is necessary to understand the effect of ageing
(temperature, UV and relative humidity) on neat PLA. The first section of this chapter presents
the visual and surface changes occurring on PLA over time as a function of ageing conditions.
Then, the impact of ageing on physico-chemical properties of the material is investigated.
Finally, mechanisms of degradation implied during ageing are proposed.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
1. Visual measurement of ageing
Even if the effects of ageing on PLA are widely reported in literature as stated in chapter I
(p.23), the objective of this chapter is to compare the already published results with the PLA
used in this study. Aim is to (i) evidence change in physico-chemical properties and (ii)
elucidate the mechanisms of degradation while bringing a complementary insight through the
use of unconventional experimental techniques such as electron paramagnetic resonance
spectroscopy (EPR). Hence, the first part of this chapter will be dedicated to the effects of
temperature, UV and relative humidity (i.e. T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH) on the physico-chemical
properties of PLA: the surface topography of the materials will be examined using digital
microscopy and SEM and the color changes and reflectance of aged samples will be compared
to the unaged ones using L*a*b* device.
Visual evaluation
The impact of the three kinds of ageing experiments on raw PLA was first evaluated visually.
The numerical pictures of PLA before ageing and after 60 days ageing under T/UV, T/RH and
T/UV/RH exposure (Figure 38) show that ageing promotes the bleaching of the plates. This
effect is even more pronounced for PLA aged for 60 days under T/UV/RH (Figure 38 (d)),
followed by T/RH (Figure 38 (c)) and T/UV (Figure 38 (b)) conditions.
Figure 38: Pictures of PLA at 0 d (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 60 d T/RH (c) and 60 d T/UV/RH (d)
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
In order to investigate in more detail these surface modifications, digital microscopy,
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and L*a*b* were performed on PLA plates before and
after ageing.
Surface morphology of PLA after ageing
Whereas PLA surface is completely smooth before ageing, holes and cracks, slightly visible
to the naked eyes, appear during ageing. Digital microscopy was thus first used to compare
neat PLA before ageing (Figure 39 (a)) and aged PLA. Under T/UV/RH exposure cracks are
formed in the entire surface of the PLA after 60 days (Figure 39 (d)), whereas under T/UV and
T/RH they are dispatched in low amount at the surface (Figure 39 (b) and Figure 39 (c),
Figure 39: Digital microscopy pictures of unaged PLA (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 60 d T/RH (c) and
60 d T/UV/RH (d).
Pictures of unaged and aged PLA obtained by SEM (Figure 40) support these observations.
In fact, holes and cracks are observed by SEM (circled in red in the pictures) and the
phenomenon is more pronounced for PLA aged for 60 days under T/UV/RH (Figure 40 (d))
where cracks are observed on the entire surface of the plate. As previously reported, PLAs
aged for 60 days under T/UV (Figure 40 (b)) and T/RH (Figure 40 (c)) are less damaged.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 40: SEM pictures obtained for unaged PLA (a), 60 d aged under T/UV (b), T/RH (c) and
T/UV/RH (d) conditions.
Color changes
The “bleaching” of PLA evidenced when submitted to environmental constraints is not in
accordance with data reported in literature. Indeed, as described in chapter I (p.44), ageing of
PLA usually leads to a “yellowing” of the material [28, 34, 35, 129].
Hence, in order to quantify the color changes during ageing, L*a*b* measurements were
performed on PLA plates before and after 60 days ageing under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions. Results reported in Table 10 typically show an evolution of the color of the plates
during ageing. In fact, ∆E, which represents the difference between two colors, is 7.5 after 60
days exposure to T/UV and reaches 12.7 and 17.5 after 60 days exposure to T/RH and T/UV/RH
respectively. L*, which represents the lightness of color, increases from 52.0 before ageing to
58.8, 64.4 and 69.4 for PLA aged for 60 days under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH respectively. The
increase in both ΔE and L* values indicates that plates become whiter after ageing, which
corroborates the “bleaching” phenomenon. For a* which represents the color between
red/magenta and green, values vary from -2.1 for PLA before ageing to -1.9, -1.6 and -1.3 for
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
PLA aged for 60 days under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH respectively. Concerning b*, which
represents the color between yellow and blue, values increase from -1.0 to -4.0, -3.4 and -2.8
after 60 days ageing under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions, respectively. Due to the
relatively low values of a* and b*, no conclusion can be drawn. Indeed, generally, a* and b*
coordinates are close to zero for neutral colors (i.e. white and grey).
Table 10: L*a*b* values of unaged and 60 days aged PLA under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
L*a*b* values
PLA T/UV 60 d
PLA T/RH 60 d
PLA T/UV/RH 60 d
58.8 (+6.8)
64.4 (+12.4)
69.4 (+17.4)
-1.9 (+0.2)
-1.6 (+0.5)
-1.3 (+0.8)
-4.0 (-3.0)
-3.4 (-2.4)
-2.8 (-1.8)
Hence, L*a*b* permits to quantify the change in PLA color when exposed to T/UV, T/RH
and T/UV/RH conditions and then corroborates the “bleaching” of materials. However, one
can notice that this “bleaching” phenomenon do not support literature which mainly report a
“yellowing” of PLA during ageing [28, 34, 35, 129]. This case provides an excellent example of
the complexity of the problem of quantifying for color changes. It is possible that the
difference observed against literature is due to the experimental parameters used during
ageing exposure (kind of device, light …). As an example, exposure to one light source may
cause principally bleaching and another, yellowing. Generally, exposure to the Xenotest
apparatus source results in increased yellowing. A fluorescence blue light, with radiation
peaked at 420 nm results chiefly in bleaching. Sunlight, which contains both ultraviolet and
visible radiation, also results in bleaching [188].
Results obtained by digital microscopy, SEM and L*a*b* measurements demonstrate that
whatever ageing conditions, visual impacts of ageing on PLA are similar (i.e. bleaching and
cracking), but dependent on the external stimuli applied to the polymer. Indeed, the effects
of ageing on the visual appearance of PLA are more pronounced when exposed to T/UV/RH
than when exposed to T/RH and T/UV conditions. As it was demonstrated that ageing impacts
the appearance of PLA, it is now necessary to understand what can be the effects of T/UV,
T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure on the physico-chemical properties of PLA. In fact, these latter
are responsible for the integrity of the material during its lifetime.
2. Physico-chemical properties after ageing
This part details the impact of ageing on the physico-chemical properties of PLA, especially
through the number average molecular mass (M
), the thermal properties such as T
and T
as well as the crystallinity. These properties are investigated until 125 days of ageing under
T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Impact of ageing on molecular mass
PLA, like many other polyesters, is known to be extremely sensitive to ageing conditions,
leading to hydrolysis [5, 31, 125, 153] or photo-oxidation [27, 29, 33, 34]. These reactions
involve the scission of ester bonds, leading to the decrease of the number average molecular
mass (M
) of the material. Thus, M
was studied as a function of ageing exposure using gel
permeation chromatography (GPC). The evolution of M
and polydispersity index (PI) as a
function of time for different ageing conditions is plotted in Figure 41 and data are reported
in Table 11.
Table 11: M
and polydispersity index (PI) data as a function of ageing of PLA exposed to
T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
64600 (-5%)
1.7 (-0.1)
64250 (-6%)
1.7 (-0.1)
61600 (-11%)
61200 (-10%)
1.6 (-0.2)
59500 (-13%)
1.6 (-0.2)
51400 (-24%)
1.7 (-0.1)
57600 (-15%)
1.6 (-0.2)
52100 (-23%)
1.7 (-0.1)
39300 (-42%)
52100 (-23%)
1.7 (-0.1)
42000 (-38%)
1.7 (-0.1)
30950 (-54%)
47000 (-31%)
1.7 (-0.1)
34200 (-50%)
1.7 (-0.1)
21500 (-68%)
1.9 (+0.1)
44000 (-35%)
30300 (-56%)
15900 (-77%)
1.9 (+0.1)
38600 (-43%)
1.7 (-0.1)
25300 (-63%)
9100 (-87%)
33400 (-51%)
22600 (-67%)
1.7 (-0.1)
5100 (-92%)
1.9 (+0.1)
30000 (-66%)
1.7 (-0.1)
21500 (-71%)
3200 (-95%)
1.9 (+0.1)
It appears that M
decreases as a function of time for all samples (Figure 41 (a) and Table
11). In fact, M
decreases from 68000 g/mol before ageing to 30000 g/mol (-66%), 21500
g/mol (- 71%) and 3200 g/mol (-95%) after 125 days ageing in T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions, respectively. This drop of M
suggests that chain scission mechanism is largely
predominant during ageing under T, UV and/or RH. One can notice that the degradation of
PLA does not exhibit an induction period, i.e. that the hydrolysis and/or photo-oxidation start
as soon as the sample is exposed to ageing constraints. Moreover, these results indicate that
the decrease of M
is even more pronounced when UV is combined with T and RH compared
to T/RH and T/UV.
The polydispersity index of PLA (Figure 41 (b)) is independent of ageing conditions, as it
remains stable between 1.6 and 1.9. This result indicates that chain scissions occur randomly
along the polymer macromolecules under hydrolysis and/or photo-oxidative conditions [124,
127, 189] and suppose the fact that degradation is homogeneous through the plates.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 41: M
(a) and polydispersity index PI (b) versus ageing time of PLA samples aged
under T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (Δ) conditions.
According to previous observations concerning PI, the drop of M
observed in Figure 41 (a)
is attributed to a chain scission process: indeed if depolymerisation process had occurred at
the same time, it would have caused a remarkable PI increase, which is clearly not the case in
this study.
The number of PLA chain scission (n
) as a function of time and ageing conditions (Figure
42) determined according to Equation 26 (p.78), increases as a function of ageing time. This
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
phenomenon depends on the ageing conditions: it is even more pronounced for PLA aged
under T/UV/RH conditions compared to T/RH and T/UV.
Figure 42: Average number of random chain scissions per unit mass (n
) for PLA as function of
ageing time for different ageing conditions; T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (Δ).
Many studies led on PLA reveal that chain scission occurring during degradation leads to
the formation of carboxylic acid, which is reported to be responsible for an autocatalysis
process [5, 31, 125, 150, 153]. Indeed, autocatalysis occurs when the reaction product of
degradation is itself the catalyst for the same reaction [151]. In the case of PLA, carboxylic
acids formed during degradation are retained within the material, causing a localized decrease
in pH which accelerates the rate of degradation and induces a sudden loss of the structural
integrity of the material [152, 153]. Taking this into consideration, the behavior of n
42) indicates an increase in the number of chains broken during ageing, thus increasing the
formation of secondary products such as carboxylic acid in the medium. These ones are thus
able to promote the auto accelerated character of the degradation, which is in agreement
with literature [123, 128, 153]. In addition, the combination between UV, T and RH accelerates
the degradation of PLA. Indeed, under T/UV/RH n
is around 3.2x10
after 60 days against
and 6.3x10
under T/RH and T/UV, respectively.
Investigations led by GPC reveal that the molecular mass of PLA decreases when the
material is submitted to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure. Moreover, it is evidenced that
this behavior depends on the ageing conditions. Indeed, the decrease of M
is even more
important for PLA aged under combination of T, UV and RH compared to T/RH and T/UV. It is
well known that the decrease of molecular mass of PLA due to chain scission is followed by a
decrease of the thermal properties of the material [29, 33, 38, 121, 123, 157]. Hence, the
evolution of thermal properties versus ageing is studied in the following section, using
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Thermal behavior
2.2.1. Thermogravimetric analysis
The thermal stability of PLA as a function of ageing was evaluated using TGA. Data collected
from the TGA of PLA aged under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure are reported in Table 12:
the onset temperature (T
) corresponding to 10 wt.-% degradation of the material, the
temperature corresponding to its maximum rate of degradation (DTG), and the residual
weight obtained at 800°C are considered in this table.
Table 12: TGA data (10°C/min under air) obtained after ageing of PLA exposed to T/UV, T/RH
and T/UV/RH conditions.
Exposure / time
Max DTG (°C)
Residual weight (%)
0 d
T/UV 125 d
322 (-10)
355 (-3)
T/RH 125 d
300 (-32)
347 (-11)
T/UV/RH 125 d
279 (-53)
337 (-21)
Unaged PLA decomposes in one step from 280°C (Figure 43) and shows a maximum
temperature of degradation at 358°C with no residue left at 800°C. Aged PLAs also decompose
in one step and lead no residue as well. However, it appears that the onset temperature of
degradation (T
) decreases upon ageing. Indeed, T
decreases from 332°C before ageing
to 322°C, 300°C and 279°C after 125 days ageing under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure,
respectively. The DTG also decreases after ageing, from 358°C to 355°C, 347°C and 337°C after
125 days under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH, respectively.
Figure 43: TGA curves as a function of time for unaged PLA (-), T/UV (-), T/RH (-) and
T/UV/RH (-) 125 days aged (10°C/min under air).
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
This decrease in onset temperature of degradation could be linked to the decrease in
molecular mass occurring during hydrolysis and photo-oxidation [174]. Indeed, the thermal
stability of PLA depends on the strength of its bonds. If the molecular mass decreases, it
creates new species with thermally weak bonds (e.g. hydroperoxides, carboxylic acids and
peroxides). These ones can quicker initiate the thermal degradation and then decrease the
thermal stability of PLA [174, 190-192]. Overall, TGA investigations demonstrate that ageing
decreases the thermal stability of PLA until 125 days. This phenomenon depends on the ageing
conditions. Indeed, the decrease of thermal stability is reported to be more significant under
T/UV/RH exposure compared to T/RH and T/UV. Under T/UV exposure, thermal stability is
only slightly affected.
2.2.2. Glass transition and melting temperature
The thermal properties of PLA before and after ageing were also evaluated by DSC. The DSC
data of PLA aged until 125 days under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions were compared to
those obtained for non-aged PLA. The glass transition temperatures (T
) and melting
temperatures (T
) are listed in Table 13.
It appears that both T
and T
are affected by ageing (Figure 44, Figure 45 as well as Table
13). In fact, T
decreases from 61.5°C to 58.8°C (-2.7°C), 57.4°C (-4.1°C) and 30.2°C (- 31.3°C)
after 125 days under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions, respectively. T
decreases from
160.2°C to 158.4°C (-1.8°C), 156.2°C (-4°C) and 122.3 (-37.9°C), after 125 days under T/UV,
T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions, respectively.
Table 13: DSC data of PLA reported as a function of ageing exposure to T/UV, T/RH and
T/UV/RH conditions.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 44: Evolution of glass transition temperature (T
) of PLA as a function of exposure to
T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (Δ) conditions.
Figure 45: Evolution of melting temperature (T
) of PLA as a function of exposure to T/UV
(), T/RH () and T/UV/RH () conditions.
As evidenced it appears that both T
and T
of PLA are only slightly affected when the
material is exposed to T/UV or T/RH for 125 days. However, in the case of exposure to
T/UV/RH, the decrease of both T
and T
is quite obvious. After 125 days under T/UV and T/RH
exposure, PLA matrix is certainly not sufficiently degraded as under T/UV/RH to observe the
same decrease of its thermal properties (i.e. T
and T
). Hence, to confirm this assumption,
investigations were led on the impact of the molecular mass on the behavior of thermal
properties during ageing.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
It is well known that M
has a direct influence on the T
of a polymer [29, 32]. In fact, in the
case of linear polymers, T
and M
are linked according to the Fox and Flory relationship
(Equation 30), where k (K.kg.mol
) is the Fox-Flory constant and Tg,∞ the glass transition
temperature of PLA having an infinite molar mass.
    
Equation 30
Thus, if the degradation of PLA under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure fits this equation,
when the molecular mass of the material decreases, the T
should decrease too. Hence, T
PLA was plotted against M
for the three ageing conditions (Figure 46). It appears that the
decrease of T
as a function of M
is quite stable during exposure to T/UV and T/RH conditions.
However, in the case of T/UV/RH exposure, the drop of T
is obvious from M
± 20000 g/mol.
Figure 46: T
as a function of M
for PLA aged under T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH ()
This suggests that the drop of T
occurs from a critical M
of approximatively 20000 g/mol.
The term of critical molecular mass (M
) is considered as a characteristic parameter for any
polymer as an indicator of entanglement [193-195]. Indeed, the concept of entanglement in
polymer system is commonly accepted to interpret viscoelastic properties of high molecular
weight polymers. An important parameter for entangled macromolecules is the average
molecular mass spacing between entanglement junctions, i.e. the entanglement molecular
mass M
or the critical molecular mass M
, where some polymer properties of viscoelastic
nature are changed. Both M
and M
are interrelated according to Equation 31:
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
= 2.M
Equation 31
The value of M
is considered as a characteristic parameter for any polymer, as a kind of
“passport number”. Entanglement behavior of polymers is correlated with parameters of their
molecular geometry. The M
parameter denotes the transition from which the material
becomes fragile, starting to lose its structural integrity [193-195]. This critical molecular mass
reported at 20000 g/mol for PLA is in accordance with the literature [66, 196-199]. Indeed,
many researchers reported a M
of ± 9000 g/mol which evidences a M
of ± 18000 g/mol
according to Equation 31.
Hence, results reported in Figure 46 evidenced that after 125 days of ageing under T/UV/RH
the critical M
of PLA is reached, leading to the rapid degradation of PLA. Due to this low M
the mobility of the polymer chain is really high, explaining why the T
of the material
decreases. After 125 days exposure to T/UV/RH, both M
and T
of PLA reach very low values,
i.e. 3200 g/mol and 30.2°C, respectively. Taking into account this critical molecular mass
around 20000 g/mol, PLA is not sufficiently degraded under T/UV (30000 g/mol) and T/RH
(21500 g/mol) even after 125 days, to start the complete loss of its properties. It appears that
follows the same evolution as T
during ageing. The high mobility of the polymer chain
under T/UV/RH exposure affects the backbone flexibility and intermolecular interactions,
leading to the decrease of T
. [38]. As for T
, PLA is not sufficiently degraded under T/UV and
T/RH exposure, even after 125 days, to start the decrease of T
As expected, it was demonstrated that the degradation of the polymer, due to random
chain scission, leads to a decrease of the molecular mass of the material. The polymer chains
are broken into smaller units, thus leading to a decrease of some properties such as glass
transition and melting temperature of the material. Generally this decrease of thermal
properties also leads to changes in crystallinity (e.g. increase/decrease of crystallinity,
formation of new crystal-forms …) [5, 26, 38, 127, 157]. Hence, the next section is dedicated
to the crystallization behavior of PLA after ageing.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Effect of ageing on crystallization behavior
As mentioned in the state of the art, PLA can be either amorphous or semi-crystalline,
depending on its stereochemistry and thermal history [5, 52]. In the case of a semi-crystalline
material, PLA can crystallize into three forms, i.e., α, β and γ. The evolution of the crystallinity
(χ) of PLA as a function of ageing for the three ageing conditions was measured by DSC
according to Equation 3 (p.33). Data are reported in Table 14 and Figure 47. First observation
is that the PLA used in this study is almost amorphous with a relatively low crystallinity of
about 6.5%.
Table 14: Crystallinity of PLA as a function of ageing duration under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
Ageing time (days)
χ (%) T/UV
χ (%) T/RH
χ (%) T/UV/RH
7.4 (+0.9)
8.1 (+1.6)
13 (+6.5)
9 (+2.5)
10.6 (+4.1)
16.5 (+10)
10.5 (+4)
15.1 (+8.6)
28.7 (+22.2)
12.3 (+5.8)
19.8 (+13.3)
37.8 (+31.3)
16.1 (+9.6)
21.3 (+14.8)
41.3 (+34.8)
14.8 (+8.3)
22.3 (+15.8)
43.5 (+37)
17.4 (+10.9)
24.5 (+18)
46.7 (+40.2)
19.8 (+14.3)
30.1 (+23.6)
52.9 (+46.4)
It is evidence that crystallinity increases when PLA is exposed to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH.
Indeed, crystallinity is enhanced by 14.3% and 23.6% after 125 days exposure to T/UV and
T/RH, respectively. However, the most significant increase is observed for PLA aged under
T/UV/RH conditions, where 52.9% of crystallinity is achieved after 125 days. The higher
crystallinity of PLA after ageing is related to a high state of degradation of the material [5, 26,
27, 29, 38, 157]. Hence, the high crystallinity value reported after 125 days exposure to
T/UV/RH, indicates that this kind of exposure is more detrimental for the lifetime of PLA
compared to T/RH and T/UV conditions. This relationship between crystallinity and
degradation is further developed in this section.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 47: Evolution of crystallinity of PLA as a function of ageing time, for T/UV (), T/RH ()
and T/UV/RH () exposure.
To support these results and determine the kind of crystalline form of PLA, FTIR analyses
were performed on thin films (± 0.1 mm) of PLA aged under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions, similarly to the plates. FTIR is one of the simplest ways to evidence the evolution
of the crystallinity of a polymer. Indeed, the bands at 870 cm
and 950 cm
are assigned to
the amorphous phase of PLA, whereas the ones at 755 cm
and 694 cm
are linked to the
crystalline phase [161, 200]. Moreover, some studies report that during crystallization of PLA,
the intensity of the band located at 950 cm
decreases and a new one appears at 918 cm
linked to the formation of crystals [200, 201]. FTIR analyses were performed until 60 days since
it was enough to evidence the evolution of the crystallinity. Moreover, after 60 days exposure
to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions, films exhibit the same M
as those of 60 days aged
plates, reported in p.90. Visually, films exposed to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions show
the same behavior as the plates (p.86).
FTIR results obtained for PLA before and after ageing are presented in Figure 48. For the
three spectra, peak observed at 950 cm
corresponds to the δ
+ νC-C. The one at
918 cm
is linked to the rCH
. Peaks at 870 cm
, 755 cm
and 694 cm
correspond to νC-COO,
δC=O and νCH, respectively.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 48: FTIR spectra as a function of ageing time for PLA aged under T/UV (a), T/RH (b)
and T/UV/RH (c).
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
It is obvious that during ageing, the intensity of the band at 950 cm
decreases, whereas
the one at 918 cm
increases, confirming the evolution from an amorphous phase to a
crystalline one. Moreover, the intensity of the two bands at 694 and 755 cm
increases too,
referring to the formation of new crystals in the polymer. This phenomenon quickly appears
when PLA is aged under T/UV/RH compared to T/RH and T/UV. However, in the case of T/UV
exposure, the formation of crystalline phase seems to be very low. These results are in
accordance with the ones reported by DSC where crystallinity is enhanced by 14.3%, 23.6%
and 52.9% after 125 days exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH, respectively.
The rCH
mode at 918 cm
is assigned to the 10
helix conformation of the α-form crystals
[30, 65, 161]. This can demonstrate that during ageing the PLA used in this study crystallizes
into α-form. However, this FTIR characteristic band is also present in the spectrum of α’-form
crystal [161, 202]. Recently Zhang et al. [202, 203] evidenced the existence of an α’ crystal
form, considered as a distorted α-form, with a 10
helix conformation but with a different
lateral arrangement than the one of the α form [161]. In order to determine in which
crystalline form PLA crystallizes during ageing, XRD experiments were performed.
The wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) patterns obtained by XRD (Figure 49) show that
unaged PLA and PLA exposed to T/UV present a typical amorphous profile. Due to the
relatively low crystallinity of this PLA (i.e. 6.5%, Table 14), the characteristic diffraction peaks
of crystallized PLA are not observed. In the case of T/UV exposure, XRD corroborates the weak
formation of crystals related to the band observed at 918 cm
by FTIR. However, new
diffraction peaks appear at 2θ = 16.6° and 18.8° after ageing under T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions, with peaks of higher intensity for this last condition. This can be explained by an
increase in crystallinity and the formation of new crystals structure. According to literature
[202, 203], reflection observed at = 16.6° and 18.8° in the WAXD profiles of aged PLAs is
typically characteristic of α’-form crystals. Indeed, in presence of α-form crystals, reflections
at 2θ = 16.6° and 18.8° are also observed but with additional ones including 2θ = 12.5°, 14.8°,
22.5°, 27.3° and 29.2°.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 49: WAXD patterns of PLA obtained by XRD, before () and after 60 of ageing under
T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH ().
In accordance with studies published on the crystallization behavior of PLA during ageing
[5, 29, 38, 127], it was demonstrated by DSC, FTIR and XRD that exposure to T/UV, T/RH and
T/UV/RH conditions has a direct influence on the crystallization of PLA. Indeed, an increase in
crystallinity occurs during ageing, with the formation of α’-form crystals. These phenomena
depend on the ageing conditions: whereas it is quite obvious for PLA aged under T/UV/RH and
T/RH conditions, the crystallinity is only slightly increased when exposed to T/UV conditions
and no formation of new crystalline structures is evidenced. Indeed, the degradation of the
material under T/UV exposure is certainly not sufficient after 125 days to achieve high
crystallinity and α’-form crystals structure. Hence, the impact of ageing on crystallization is
more important when PLA is aged under T/UV/RH, followed by T/RH and T/UV, respectively.
This increase in crystallization can be explained by the following mechanisms:
When submitted to hydrolysis, the amorphous phases of PLA are more susceptible
to be degraded than crystalline phases, leading to an increase in crystallinity. In fact,
chain scissions occurring in amorphous phase of PLA produce low molecular chains
which can integrate crystalline phase if they have sufficient mobility. Indeed, they
can rearrange easier and thus giving crystallites leading to a weakening of the
system. Thus, an increase in crystallinity of the material occurs. This phenomenon
is well known in literature and called “chemi-crystallization” [5, 29, 38].
Literature reports that when submitted to photo-oxidation, on the contrary to
hydrolysis, PLA chains are photodegradable in both crystalline and amorphous
regions. Although PLA chains are photodegradable even in crystalline regions, their
photo-degradability is higher in the amorphous regions [27, 204]. This is why as well
as during hydrolysis, it leads to an increase in crystallinity of PLA. However, it
appears that the increase of crystallinity is much lower than in the case of T/RH
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
exposure. As reported by Fayolle et al. [204], one possibility to explain this
difference is that radiochemical events occurring into the crystalline phase induce
a decrease of the crystallinity ratio which can compensate, at least partially, the
effect of chemi-crystallization. However, in presence of oxygen, the radiochemical
yield of crystal destruction is low compared to the crystallization yield, so
crystallization is observable. Another assumption to explain this difference is that
the kinetics of degradation and thus of crystallization of PLA is lower in the case of
T/UV compared to T/RH exposure.
The combination between T/UV/RH leads to a faster degradation of the material
and thus the chemi-crystallization effect is more significant, explaining the higher
crystallization after 125 days of ageing compared to T/UV and T/RH exposure.
It has been demonstrated in this part that ageing affects PLA during its service lifetime. In
fact, external stimuli applied on the material such as temperature, UV light or relative
humidity have a direct influence on the physico-chemical properties of the material. Indeed,
it was highlighted that during ageing:
The molecular mass (M
) of the material decreases
The thermal stability decreases certainly due to the formation of thermally weak
bonds during ageing.
Both T
and T
of PLA decrease and this phenomenon occurs from a critical
molecular mass around 20000 g/mol
An increase in crystallinity is observed associated to the formation of α-form
These phenomena depend on the ageing conditions. Indeed, the impacts of
ageing are even more important for PLA aged under T/UV/RH compared to T/RH
and T/UV.
These effects of ageing on the physico-chemical properties are in adequacy with the wide
range of papers related to the ageing of PLA [29, 31, 33-35, 38, 121, 123, 153, 157-160, 162].
However, while the effects of ageing have been evidenced, mechanisms of degradation from
which these phenomena arise, have to be elucidated. Especially because many different
mechanisms have been proposed all over the years depending on the ageing conditions and
duration. In this way, the next part of this chapter is dedicated to the understanding of
mechanisms of degradation occurring during exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
3. Elucidation of the mechanisms of degradation
Depending on the external stimuli applied, many different types of mechanisms can cause
degradation of PLA. Whereas literature reveals that hydrolysis is the main phenomenon
occurring in presence of water [5, 29, 31, 38, 52, 121, 123, 125, 153, 160, 161], researches
dealing with the photo-degradation mechanism of PLA are more contrasted. Indeed, photo-
degradation is reported to occur via two distinct mechanisms which are (i) a Norrish II
mechanism [27, 32, 33, 158, 159] and (ii) a radical mechanism [28, 29, 34, 35, 39]. In this
regard, this section will investigate mechanisms occurring during ageing under T/UV, T/RH and
T/UV/RH exposure.
Degradation under T/RH exposure
FTIR analyses were performed on thin films of PLA along exposure to T/RH in order to
identify structural changes occurring during ageing (Figure 50). These investigations were
performed at a resolution of 32 cm
. The spectra are classified into four distinct regions,
corresponding to specific bands assignment: -OH stretch (3655 and 3671 cm
, Figure 50 (a)),
-CH stretch (2877, 2946 and 2997 cm
, Figure 50 (b)), -C=O ester carbonyl (1762 cm
, Figure
50 (c)), -OH bend (1060 cm
), -C-O stretch (1093, 1130, 1211, cm
), and C=O bend
(1257 cm
- 1
) and CH- deformation (1367, 1454 cm
) in Figure 50 (d).
These four regions as well as the one between 1560 to 1680 cm
, corresponding to
carboxylate ions (COO
) (Figure 50 (e)), were chosen to follow PLA degradation versus ageing
duration. In the -OH region (Figure 50 (a)), an increase in hydroxyl absorption is observed as
function of ageing. In the case of the -C-H- stretch (Figure 50 (b)) no significant changes are
observed between virgin and degraded samples. It appears that the band at 1762 cm
as well
as the bands in the range 1090-1300 cm
are decreased during ageing. Indeed, those
corresponding to -C=O and -C-O stretching ester respectively shift towards lower wavelength
in range 1090-1300 cm
attributed to -C-O- stretching alcohol. One can notice the apparition
of a new peak around 1630 cm
when PLA is aged (Figure 50 (e)), corresponding to
carboxylate (COO
), which can result from the hydrolysis of PLA ester bond [31]. A decrease of
-OH band at 1060 cm
is also observed (Figure 50 (d)).
Confirming literature [5, 29, 31, 38, 52, 121, 123, 125, 153, 160, 161], observations done by
FTIR analyses show that the degradation mechanism of PLA exposed to T/RH conditions is
predominantly driven by an hydrolysis of ester linkage, which is accelerated by temperature
(Figure 51) [29, 205]. As long as the polymer is exposed to this external stimulus, it absorbs
water, resulting in hydrolysis of ester linkages and breaking down of long macromolecular
chains. Thus, as previously described, this leads to the decrease of both molecular mass and
thermal properties of the material, but also to an increase in the crystallinity of the polymer
due to a “chemi-crystallization” process [5, 26, 38].
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 50: FTIR spectra of PLA before and after various ageing durations under T/RH
Figure 51: degradation of PLA by hydrolysis under T/RH exposure.
The hydrolysis of PLA has been reported to take place mainly in the bulk of the material
rather than on the surface and has been assumed as an autocatalytic process when
temperature increases [25, 123, 147, 148, 150, 152]. This phenomenon leads to random chain
scission responsible for the decrease of the molecular mass of PLA. As previously reported in
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Chapter I (p.52), autocatalysis occurs when the reaction product is itself the catalyst for the
same reaction. In the case of PLA, carboxylic acid chains formed in the bulk during the
degradation facilitate autocatalysis in the heart of the sample [152]. Moreover, the hydrolytic
chain cleavage is known to proceed preferentially in amorphous regions, which, as previously
explained, play a role on the crystallization of the polymer along ageing [5, 29, 38].
Degradation under T/UV and T/UV/RH exposure.
The effects of UV light on the degradation of PLA have been widely studied over the years
[27-29, 32-35, 157-159]. Until now, two photo-degradation mechanisms of PLA have been
evidenced, i.e. the Norrish II mechanism and a radical mechanism. These mechanisms depend
on the UV irradiation wavelength. Indeed, Norrish II occurs when PLA is exposed to UV-rays
under 300 nm whereas radical mechanism occurs in the range of 300 to 400 nm. In this study,
PLA based materials are exposed to UV-rays in the range 300-400 nm, and thus the Norrish II
mechanism does not seem to be the most probable one. Hence, the next part will investigate
mainly the radical mechanism.
The radical mechanism involves the abstraction of a tertiary hydrogen from PLA chain,
leading to the formation of radical species [34, 35]. Hence two techniques were investigated
to prove the existence of this mechanism: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
(EPR) and FTIR. EPR is known to be one of the most effective technique to detect and identify
free radicals generated by a chemical system during UV irradiation. Secondly, FTIR was
performed to identify secondary products formed during PLA irradiation.
3.2.1. Identification of radical species
EPR was firstly used to identify the radical species formed during exposure of PLA under
T/UV and T/UV/RH conditions. The EPR spectrum displayed in Figure 52 results from the
irradiation of virgin PLA at room temperature in the range 300 to 400 nm. The measurements
were carried out in situ while the sample was irradiated. This spectrum shows that the signal
is centered at an effective g value of 2.0063, which is typical of carbon radical species close to
an oxygen heteroatom [206, 207]. Moreover, the 4 lines splitting of the signal seem to indicate
the presence of a biradical specie [208, 209].
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 52: EPR spectrum of PLA irradiated with wavelengths between 300 and 400 nm at
room temperature.
EPR analyses performed on PLA suggest that PLA degradation proceeds via a radical
mechanism. In fact, it was demonstrated the formation of a carbon biradical specie when
exposed to UV-rays in the range 300 to 400 nm. According to the EPR results and literature
[28, 34, 35] the biradical formed can be schematized as depicted in Figure 53.
Figure 53: Biradical specie observed by EPR for PLA.
Researches have been already led by Babanalbandi et al. [207], focusing on the effect of
gamma irradiation on polylactic acid by EPR. However, contrary to this study, they reported
the formation of a monoradical when exposed to gamma irradiation (wavelength < 0.01 nm).
Indeed, due to the gamma irradiation, C-C bonds were broken, leading to the formation of
monoradical species. Irradiation in the range of 300 to 400 nm is not able to break C-C bonds,
thus explaining why only biradicals are observed.
In order to study the influence of temperature on UV ageing, kinetic evolution of the
formation of biradical species as a function of temperature was considered (Figure 54).
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 54: Kinetic evolution of EPR signal for PLA as a function of temperature, 25°C (),
50°C () and 75°C ().
These curves show that the number of biradical species formed under photochemical
ageing is maximum at 75°C and decreases when temperature decreases. These data from EPR
signal as a function of temperature were used to determine the activation energy (E
) needed
to initiate the formation of biradical species. This approach is based on an Arrhenius law.
Indeed, a linear relation (R²=0.98) is noted between ln (dХ”/dB) and the inverse of
temperature (Figure 55), suggesting that these coefficients follow an Arrhenius law (Equation
(dX”/dB) = (dX”/dB)
Equation 32
Where dX”/dB can be assigned to the susceptibility of radical formation, (dX”/dB)
is the
pre-exponential factor, E
is the activation energy in J/mol, R is the universal gas constant in
and T is the temperature is Kelvin (K).
The activation energy (E
) is obtained from the slope of the linear fitting of ln (dХ”/dB)
versus T
and is estimated at 20 kJ/mol. The pre-exponential factor is equal to 3.4x10
. There
is actually no literature dealing with the activation energy of radical formation in PLA. Indeed,
the Arrhenius approach is not widespread in the study of radical formation kinetics by EPR.
However, few published values are available concerning the E
of water diffusion coefficient
into PLA from 40 to 80 kJ/mol [123, 210] or E
of thermal degradation from 72 to 125 kJ/mol
[127, 166, 211]. Even if it is not comparable, the E
determined in this study is very low
compare to the literature values. It appears that PLA is highly sensitive to photo-degradation
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
because of its small value of E
. These investigations demonstrate that temperature promotes
the activation of radicals.
Figure 55: Identification of the activation energy of biradical formation in PLA for different
In order to study the distribution of radicals during UV irradiation, EPR imaging experiments
(Figure 56) were realized on pellets of PLA under irradiation (300 400 nm). The pictures show
the formation and migration of the biradical species from the bulk to the whole sample.
Figure 56: 2D YZ EPR imaging of PLA 50°C under irradiation at 30 min (a) and 4 hours (b).
Intensity of color represents the local spin concentration from blue (min) to red (max).
After 30 min irradiation (Figure 56 (a)), it appears that micro domains of 50-100 µm are
preliminary formed at the center of the PLA sample. These domains extent to whole sample
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
when irradiation duration increases, with a migration of radicals observed along the X and Y
axes (Figure 56 (b)). These results are in accordance with literature [159].
The degradation mechanism of PLA samples exposed to both UV-rays and relative humidity
is relatively difficult to understand. In fact, there is no practical way to identify which one of
these two constraints catalyzes the other one. In order to estimate the additional influence of
relative humidity, kinetic evolution of the formation of biradical species as a function of ageing
exposure to T/UV/RH was studied at 50°C (Figure 57) and compared to results obtained for
T/UV exposure.
Figure 57: Kinetic evolution of EPR signal for PLA as a function of ageing exposure, T/UV ()
or T/UV/RH () at 50°C.
This graph shows that the formation of radicals under T/UV increases during the first hour
of irradiation and then reaches a plateau till the end of irradiation. However, it appears that
the amount of radicals formed under T/UV/RH exposure is smaller than that under T/UV
conditions. The maximum amount of radicals formed is rapidly reached. One assumption to
explain this phenomenon is that hydrolysis and radical mechanism occur simultaneously
during T/UV/RH exposure. In this case, less radicals are formed because hydrolysis can disrupt
their formation by degrading PLA, thus forming secondary products sooner. Hence, the
combination between hydrolysis and UV-degradation is more detrimental for PLA lifetime.
FTIR analyses were then performed in order to identify the secondary products formed
during exposure to T/UV and T/UV/RH. Hence the next section is dedicated to these
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
3.2.2. Secondary products formed during degradation
FTIR analyses were performed at a resolution of 32 cm
, on thin films of PLA after various
durations of exposure to T/UV and T/UV/RH, in order to identify secondary products formed
during irradiation of PLA (Figure 58).
Figure 58: FTIR spectra (x32 cm
) of PLA before and after ageing under T/UV and T/UV/RH as
a function of ageing time.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Spectra are classified into four regions, which correspond to the peaks assigned to the
following bands: -OH stretch (3655 and 3671 cm
, (Figure 58 (a) and (b)), -C=O ester carbonyl
(1762 cm
, (Figure 58 (c) and (d)), -OH bend (1060 cm
), -C-O stretch (1093, 1130 and
1211 cm
), C=O bend (1257 cm
) and -CH-/-CH
deformation (1367, 1454 cm
) in Figure
58 (e) and (f), -COO
carboxylate (1630 cm
) in Figure 58 (g) and (h). These peaks assignments
and corresponding positions are given in Table 1 (p.29).
It is clearly observed in Figure 58 (a) and (b) that T/UV and T/UV/RH exposure lead to an
increase in hydroxyl absorption between 3400 to 3750 cm
, which can correspond to products
of degradation such as hydroperoxides or alcohols [34]. The higher intensity absorption
reported after ageing for T/UV/RH exposure (Figure 58 (b)) compared to T/UV (Figure 58 (a))
suggests that the combination of both humidity and UV enhances the degradation of PLA due
to a synergistic effect. The band at 1762 cm
corresponding to -C=O stretching ester slightly
decreases when PLA is aged under T/UV exposure (Figure 58 (c)). As for hydroxyl bands, the
decrease of the -C=O band is even more pronounced when PLA is aged under T/UV/RH (Figure
58 (d)). In the range 1000-1300 cm
(Figure 58 (e) and (f)), -C=O (1257cm
) and OH
(1060 cm
- 1
) bends are also decreasing along ageing time whatever ageing conditions.
Evolution of bands of -C-O- stretching ester in the range of 1093-1211 cm
shows that the
bands are decreased and shifted towards lower wavelength after exposure to T/UV and
T/UV/RH conditions, corresponding to -C-O- stretching alcohol and carboxylic acid. The
increase in carboxylate (COO
) observe as a function of ageing at 1630 cm
(Figure 58 (g) and
(h)) tends to confirm the formation of carboxylic acid during T/UV and T/UV/RH exposure.
Furthermore, this phenomenon is even more pronounced for PLA aged under T/UV/RH
conditions. These observations confirm that both radical mechanisms and hydrolysis occur
when PLA is exposed to T/UV/RH conditions and their combined action enhances the
degradation of PLA compared to T/UV and T/RH exposure.
Generally, the photo-degradation of PLA via a radical mechanism induces the formation of
anhydride groups [34, 35, 39]. However, at a resolution of 32 cm
these chemical compounds
were not observed. Hence, in order to evidence their presence, FTIR analyses were also
performed at a resolution of 2 cm
. The analyses of PLA photo-oxidized under both T/UV and
T/UV/RH show the formation of a band with a maximum at 1845 cm
(Figure 59 (a) and (b)),
attributed to the formation of anhydride groups [34, 35, 39]. The intensity of this band
increases versus exposure duration for both ageing tests (Table 15). However, it appears that
the intensity of the anhydride band increases faster when PLA is exposed to T/UV compared
to T/UV/RH conditions. The intensity of the band increases by 0.08 after 60 days under T/UV
exposure compared to 0.03 under T/UV/RH exposure. In fact, due to the presence of water
under T/UV/RH exposure, anhydrides can be easily decomposed into carboxylic acid by
hydrolysis [34], which corroborate FTIR results previously reported.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 59: FTIR spectra (x2 cm
) of PLA before and after ageing under T/UV and T/UV/RH as
function of ageing time.
Table 15: Evolution of the band at 1845 cm
of PLA before and after ageing under T/UV and
T/UV/RH as a function of ageing time.
Ageing duration (days)
Abs 1845 cm
Abs 1845 cm
0.27 (+0.03)
0.25 (+0.01)
0.30 (+0.06)
0.26 (+0.02)
0.32 (+0.08)
0.27 (0.03)
The presence of the anhydrides was also confirmed by exposing the unaged and 60 days
photo-oxidized films (T/UV and T/UV/RH) to ammonia (NH
) saturated atmosphere for
3 hours. Indeed it is known that the reaction of NH
with anhydride leads to the formation of
ammonium carboxylates and amide groups [34, 35]. FTIR analysis (resolution 2cm
, Figure 60)
shows that the intensity of the absorption band at 1845 cm
decreases after NH
whereas new bands appear at 1600 cm
and 1675 cm
. According to literature [34, 35], these
modifications indicate a reaction between photoproducts (e.g. anhydrides) and NH
and prove
the formation of both amide groups and ammonium carboxylate ions (Figure 35, p.80).
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 60: FTIR spectra (x2 cm
) of 60 days aged PLA films to T/UV and T/UV/RH, before and
after treatment with NH
EPR and FTIR allow elucidating the degradation mechanism of PLA under UV irradiation: a
radical mechanism. Degradation is accelerated in presence of temperature and relative
humidity. This mechanism leads to the formation of secondary products such as anhydrides.
According to literature [28, 29, 34, 35, 39, 212] and experiments done in this study, a
summarizing mechanism of degradation is proposed in Figure 61.
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
Figure 61: Proposed photo-oxidative mechanism of degradation for PLA, in presence of
The mechanism is as follows: due to the action of UV, hydrogen is removed from the PLA
chain, leading to the formation of radical species. Then, oxygen reacts with the radical leading
to the formation of hydroperoxides. Photolysis of the hydroperoxides forms radicals (R1) that
can further evolve by β-scission into three different species: two possible C-C bond scissions
leading to P1 and P2, and one scission of C-O bond leading to P3. Considering the stability of
these different fragments and FTIR analyses previously reported, the most probable β-scission
appears to be P1, leading to the formation of anhydride groups. In presence of water, the
formation of anhydrides is disturbed because they can be easily hydrolyzed into carboxylic
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
acid such as acetic acid. The presence of an acidic medium, evidenced with a pH paper and
the characteristic odor of acetic acid reported during ageing makes this assumption
reasonable. P1 and P3 products can then further evolve thanks to the action of UV, dioxygen,
water and scission of C-C bond to finally yield formic, acetic, oxalic and carbonic acids, as well
as methyl acetate. As previously, pH paper allowed evidencing the acidity of the medium.
Moreover, the characteristic odors of both acetic acid and methyl acetate were reported
during ageing. There is certainly the formation of other products due to the action of
combined water and UV during T/UV/RH ageing test but for now, no investigations such as
pyrolysis GC/MS were led to determine which ones. Of course, when temperature increases
in the medium, the degradation of the material is accelerated, and even more when water is
The UV degradation of PLA has been demonstrated to mainly take place in the bulk of the
material rather than on the surface. Molecular mass investigations evidenced an autocatalytic
process in the presence of UV-rays, leading to random chain scission responsible of the
decrease of the molecular mass. Both thermal properties and crystallinity are slightly affected
under UV-rays exposure, except in combination with relative humidity. Indeed, the
degradation via radical mechanism is enhanced in presence of relative humidity. The
combination of both UV and RH leads to a synergistic effect between hydrolysis and radical
degradation. Thus, the impacts of ageing are even more important compared to T/UV and
T/RH, explaining the higher degradation level of PLA when aged under T/UV/RH conditions.
4. Conclusion
Chapter III was dedicated to effects of different kinds of ageing conditions on neat PLA. The
investigations led on (i) the impacts of ageing on the physico-chemical properties and (ii) the
mechanisms of degradation are in accordance with the literature [29, 31, 33-35, 38, 121, 123,
153, 157-160, 162].
The appearance of cracks and holes at the surface of the plates, as well as a bleaching of
PLA samples was visually reported after 60 days of ageing. An influence of the ageing
conditions on the physico-chemical properties of PLA was identified. In fact, it was highlighted
The molecular mass (M
) of PLA decreases due to a random chain scission
The thermal stability slightly decreases under T/UV exposure, but this decrease
is much more obvious under T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure.
When exposed to T/UV/RH conditions, both T
and T
of PLA decrease and this
phenomenon occurs from a critical molecular mass of 20000 g/mol. In the case
of T/UV and T/RH exposure, both T
and T
are only slightly affected because
the critical molecular mass is still not reached after 125 days.
Due to a chemi-crystallization” phenomenon, an increase in crystallinity is
observed during ageing, associated to the formation of α’-form crystals. These
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Chapter III: Impact of ageing on PLA
latter are not observed under T/UV exposure. Hence, the rate of
degradation/crystallization is certainly lower than under T/RH and T/UV/RH
exposure explaining why crystals are not observed during T/UV ageing.
After 125 days exposure, the combination between T, UV and RH appears to be
the more drastic for lifetime of PLA, due to a synergistic effect. Hence, according
to literature and to our different experiments it is evidence that the effect of
T/UV/RH > T/RH > T/UV.
In any cases, the degradation of PLA has been reported to take place in the bulk of the
material rather than on the surface, assuming an autocatalytic process. However, the
mechanism of degradation depends on the exposure conditions:
Under T/RH exposure, PLA is degraded predominantly by hydrolysis of ester
bonds. This phenomenon is even more pronounced when temperature
increases. Long macromolecular chains are breaking down as long as PLA is
exposed to T/RH.
Under T/UV exposure, PLA is degraded via a radical mechanism. In presence of
UV-rays, radicals are formed and evolved into secondary products, reducing the
macromolecular chains into smaller unit.
Under T/UV/RH exposure, it is reported that the combination between UV-rays
and RH creates a synergistic effect. Indeed, both hydrolysis and radical
mechanism occur during exposure and thus enhance the degradation of the
material compared to T/UV and T/RH exposure. However, it is quite difficult for
now to determine which of the two phenomena is predominant (i.e. hydrolysis
or radical mechanism).
In any exposure conditions, the temperature increase enhances the degradation
of PLA.
It appears that EPR is an innovative technique to investigate the mechanism of
degradation of polymers. Indeed, it offers new perspectives on both
mechanistic and kinetic points in the field of photo-degradation of polymers.
Since the mechanisms of degradation of neat PLA were elucidated, it is of interest to
investigate the impact of FR fillers when PLA based formulations are aged. Hence, in chapter
IV, the influence of FR additives on the physico properties of PLA and ageing behavior will be
analyzed in details.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants
additives on the ageing of PLA
In this chapter, the influence of the addition of flame retardants (i.e. Melamine, APP and
Cloisite 30B) on (i) the physico-chemical properties, (ii) the ageing behavior and (iii) the
mechanisms of degradation of the PLA matrix is investigated. Hence, two formulations are
studied and compared: FR-PLA, containing APP and Melamine, and FR-PLA-C30B, containing
APP, Melamine and Cloisite C30B.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
The ageing mechanism of PLA under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions has been
investigated and elucidated in chapter III. To fire retard PLA, Melamine, APP and Cloisite 30B
are incorporated in the polymer matrix, leading to an intumescent system [12]. However, even
if the impact of organoclays on the ageing of PLA has already been studied [32, 34, 37, 39, 162,
213], the impact of FR fillers on the ageing behavior of PLA has never been investigated. This
study is of primary importance to predict the lifetime of the FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B
intumescent systems for potential use in everyday life. In this way, the following part is
dedicated to the impact of ageing on the morphology of FR-PLAs.
1. Impact of ageing on the morphology of FR-PLAs
Visual observations
The numerical pictures of PLA and both FR-PLAs plates taken before ageing (Figure 62)
show a color change of the material when FR additives are incorporated into the PLA matrix.
In fact, whereas PLA (Figure 62 (a)) is almost transparent, FR-PLA (Figure 62 (b)) and FR-PLA-
C30B (Figure 62 (c)) samples tend to a cream color. This color change was quantified by L*a*b*
(Appendix 1, p.220). Indeed, the combination between L*, b* and ΔE values obtained during
ageing confirm the creamy color observed when FR are incorporated into PLA.
Figure 62: numerical pictures of PLA (a), FR-PLA (b) and FR-PLA-C30B (c) plates before ageing.
Then, in order to evaluate the impact of T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH ageing conditions on
both FR-PLAs, visual evaluation was also done all along the experiments, as long as possible
before the samples degrade (this is why the observation times are different depending on
samples). The numerical pictures taken before and after ageing under T/UV, T/RH and
T/UV/RH conditions are shown in Figure 63 and Figure 64 for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B,
respectively. Compare to raw PLA, the main difference is the formation of a rough white layer
as well as holes and fractures at the surface of both FR-PLAs plates during ageing: these
phenomena are reported after 28 days ageing under T/RH exposure (Figure 63 (c) and Figure
64 (c)). Regarding (Figure 63 (d) and Figure 64 (d)), similar phenomena are observed for both
FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B plates after only 6 days ageing under T/UV/RH conditions. On the
contrary, it appears that after 60 days ageing under T/UV, only a laundering of FR-PLA and FR-
PLA-C30B occurs ((Figure 63 (b) and Figure 64 (b)). The laundering and the white layer formed
during ageing were also evidence and quantified using L*a*b* device (Appendix 2, p.221).
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
According to the color space of CIE lab system, the increase in ∆E and L* values confirm the
color change during ageing and the tendency for laundering.
Figure 63: Visual evaluation as a function of ageing for FR-PLA 0 d (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 28 d
T/RH (c) and 6 d T/UV/RH (d).
Figure 64: Visual evaluation as a function of ageing for FR-PLA-C30B 0 d (a), 60 d T/UV (b),
28 d T/RH (c) and 6 d T/UV/RH (d).
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Focusing on ageing in presence of humidity (i.e. T/RH and T/UV/RH), it appears that FR-
PLA and FR-PLA-C30B are completely disintegrated into powder form (Figure 65) after 35 days
and 10 days under T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure, respectively.
Figure 65: Visual evaluation of FR-PLA (a) and FR-PLA-C30B (b) until disintegration into
powder (c).
These observations demonstrate that the presence of FR fillers leads to new phenomena
that were not observed in the case of virgin PLA (p.86), in particular, the formation of this
rough white layer at the surface of FR materials which appears very fast when UV and humidity
are combined.
In order to investigate in more detail these surface modifications, scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) analyses were performed on FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B plates before and
after ageing.
Surface morphology of FR-PLAs after ageing
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the holes, fractures and white
spots at the surface of aged FR-PLA (Figure 66) and FR-PLA-C30B (Figure 67).
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Figure 66: SEM pictures obtained for unaged FR-PLA (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 28 d T/RH (c) and 6 d
T/UV/RH (d).
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Figure 67: SEM pictures obtained for unaged FR-PLA-C30B (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 28 d T/RH (c)
and 6 d T/UV/RH (d).
It appears that the surfaces of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B are relatively smooth before ageing
(Figure 66 (a) and Figure 67 (a)). On the contrary, few cracks are observed after 60 days under
T/UV exposure (Figure 66 (b) and Figure 67 (b)) and impact of ageing is much more
pronounced for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B when aged under T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
Indeed, holes, spots and fractures are observed at the surface of the materials after 28 days
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
exposure to T/RH conditions (Figure 66 (c) and Figure 67 (c)). Moreover, phenomena are even
more pronounced for FR-PLA-C30B (Figure 67 (c)) compared to FR-PLA (Figure 66 (c)). It
appears that after 6 days under T/UV/RH exposure holes, cracks and spots are more apparent
on the surface of both FR-PLAs (Figure 66 (d) and Figure 67 (d)) and that fillers are less
embedded by PLA matrix on the surface. As under T/RH, the degradation seems to be more
pronounced for FR-PLA-C30B compare to FR-PLA.
The visual observations and SEM results reported in this part demonstrate the impact of FR
fillers on the ageing of PLA. In fact, only a slight bleaching and cracking were reported for virgin
PLA when submitted to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure (p.86). However, holes, fractures
and a rough white layer appear at the surface of the T/RH and T/UV/RH aged materials until
their complete disintegration when FR fillers are incorporated into the PLA matrix. Only the
exposure to T/UV conditions appears not to be drastic for visual integrity of FR-PLA and FR-
PLA-C30B. Indeed, the material is certainly not sufficiently degraded after 60 days under T/UV
exposure. Hence in order to determine the causes of these phenomena, the impact of the
addition of fillers on the physico-chemical properties of PLA and their behavior during ageing
are investigated in the next part. In particular, molecular mass, thermal properties (i.e. T
) and crystallinity are studied into details.
2. Physico-chemical properties of FR-PLAs during ageing
This part investigates the physico-chemical properties of both FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B
before ageing, in terms of molecular mass (M
), thermal properties (i.e. T
, T
) and
crystallinity. The impact of ageing on these physico-chemical properties is then investigated
and compared to that of PLA, studied in chapter III. As for PLA, physico-chemical behavior of
FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B was studied until 125 days under T/UV. However, due to the quick
degradation of materials, FR-PLAs were studied until 105 days under T/RH and 90 days under
T/UV/RH conditions. Moreover, as FR-PLAs are disintegrated into powder after 10 and 35 days
under T/UV/RH and T/RH, respectively, investigations were led using this powder beyond
these durations.
Molecular mass
2.1.1. Impact of fillers on molecular mass of FR-PLAs
The M
of PLA and FR-PLAs, before ageing, obtained by GPC (Table 16) show that when FR
fillers are incorporated into PLA, M
is reduced by 57% and 60% for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B,
respectively. However, it appears that the polydispersity index is not affected by the
incorporation of FR fillers. Indeed, PI remains stable between 1.8 and 1.9.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Table 16: Number average molecular mass (M
) of PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B materials.
68 000
29 000 (- 57%)
27 000 (- 60%)
1.9 (+0.1)
1.9 (+0.1)
This M
decrease is explained by the preparation process of the samples. The incorporation
of fillers into PLA via the extrusion process creates mechanical (shear, strain ) and thermal
stresses, decreasing molecular mass of PLA [84, 214-220]. Moreover, due to the presence of
fillers, chemical reaction can also occur during extrusion, breaking polymer chains and
decreasing M
. In fact, Melamine and APP contain amine functions that are able to break PLA
chains through aminolysis reaction on ester (Figure 68) [221-223].
Figure 68: Aminolysis reaction of PLA.
In addition, it is known that the surfactant contained in Cloisite 30B can undergo
degradation during the melting process at around 200°C, in presence of residual water,
according to Hofmann elimination mechanism (Figure 69) [224].
Figure 69: Hofmann elimination reaction on the surfactant of Cloisite 30B.
During Hofmann elimination, the quaternary ammonium salt decomposes into an amine,
which can thus be responsible for the acceleration of the polymer decomposition in the initial
stage [224-227]. However, due to the temperature used during extrusion process (i.e. 185°C
maximum in the zone of incorporation of fillers) and the relatively low loading of organoclays
(i.e. 1%), it is doubtful that Hofmann elimination is very meaningful to explain the decrease of
in this case . Moreover, considering the measurement uncertainty (i.e. 10%) the decrease
of M
is similar for both FR materials indicating that the 1 wt.-% of organoclays do not
particularly impact the M
of FR materials.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Knowing that M
of raw PLA is affected by (i) ageing exposure and (ii) the incorporation of
FR fillers, it is useful to investigate concerning the impact of ageing on M
of FR-PLAs.
2.1.2. Impact of ageing on the molecular mass of FR-PLAs
It was previously reported in chapter III (p.90) that the molecular mass of PLA decreases
when the exposure duration to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH increases. In order to determine if
this phenomenon is also observed in the case of FR-PLAs, GPC analyses were performed during
T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure. M
and PI of FR-PLAs as a function of ageing time are
compared in Table 17 to the values obtained for neat PLA. The curves obtained by GPC,
plotting M
as a function of ageing conditions and duration, are presented in Figure 70.
Table 17: M
and PI data as function of ageing of PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B samples
aged under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH.
Exposure / time
(g/mol) / PI
(g/mol) / PI
(g/mol) / PI
68 000 / 1.8
29 000 / 1.9
27 000 / 1.9
T/UV 125 d
30 000 (-55%) / 1.7
13 500 (-53%) / 1.8
12 500 (-54%) / 1.9
T/RH 105 d
17 000 (-72%) / 1.7
4 300 (-84%) / 1.8
4 100 (-84%) / 1.8
T/UV/RH 90 d
9 100 (-86%) / 1.8
2 800 (-90%) / 1.8
2 500 (-91%) / 1.9
Figure 70: M
versus ageing time of FR-PLA (a) and FR-PLA-C30B (b) samples aged under
T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (Δ).
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
As for virgin PLA, it is evidenced that M
of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B decreases versus time
for all ageing exposure conditions. In fact, regarding FR-PLA, M
decreases from 29000 g/mol
before ageing to 13500 (-53%), 4300 (-84%) and 2800 g/mol (-90%) after 125 days under T/UV,
105 days under T/RH and 90 days under T/UV/RH, respectively. Concerning FR-PLA-C30B, M
decreases from 27000 g/mol before ageing to 12500 (-54%), 4100 (-84%) and 2500 g/mol
(- 91%) after 125 days under T/UV, 105 days under T/RH and 90 days under T/UV/RH,
respectively. Furthermore, after 6 days of ageing under T/UV/RH and 28 days under T/RH
conditions, the M
of both materials is around 20000 g/mol (Figure 70), which corresponds to
the appearance of the white layer at the surface of the plates in presence of relative humidity.
As in the case of neat PLA, the drop of M
suggests that chain scission occurs during ageing
of FR-PLAs. Moreover, it seems that M
of both FR materials decreases at the same rate and
that this rate is higher when UV is combined with T and RH compared to T/RH and T/UV.
Indeed, after 90 days, M
is decreased by 90% and 91% under T/UV/RH exposure for FR-PLA
and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively. On the contrary, after 90 days exposure to T/RH, M
decreased by 75% and 81% for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively, and by 37% for both
materials under T/UV exposure. Moreover, the kinetics of degradation of PLA seems not to be
impacted by the presence of FR fillers. As an example, after 90 days under T/UV/RH, M
of FR-
PLAs is reduced by around 90% compared to 86% for neat PLA. These reductions can be
considered as similar regarding the measurement uncertainty estimated to 10% and tend to
confirm that the degradation rate is similar for PLA and FR-PLAs.
Polydispersity index (PI) of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B is independent of ageing, as it remains
stable between 1.8 and 1.9 (Table 17). Hence, chain scissions occur randomly along the
polymer macromolecules [124, 127, 189].
The number of chain scissions of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B (n
) as a function of time and
ageing conditions (Figure 71) shows that whatever the nature of the sample, n
increases as a
function of ageing duration. This phenomenon depends on the ageing conditions: it is even
more important for FR-PLAs aged under T/UV/RH conditions than to those submitted to T/RH
and T/UV. Moreover, for the same ageing condition, there is no significant difference between
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Figure 71: Average number of random chain scissions per unit mass (n
) for FR-PLA and FR-
PLA-C30B as a function of ageing time at different ageing conditions; T/UV (), T/RH () and
T/UV/RH (Δ).
The combination between UV, T and RH accelerates the degradation of FR-PLAs: regarding
FR-PLA, under T/UV/RH, n
is around 3.2x10
after 90 days against 1.9x10
and 3.8x10
105 days under T/RH and 125 days under T/UV, respectively. For FR-PLA-C30B, under
T/UV/RH, n
is around 3.6x10
after 90 days against 2.8x10
and 4.3x10
after 105 days under
T/RH and 125 days under T/UV, respectively. These results confirm that FR fillers do not
disturb the degradation of the materials: (i) the presence of fillers doesn’t disturb the chain
scission process of PLA and thus (ii) the autocatalytic process still occurs due to the increase
of carboxylic acid end groups, as previously reported in chapter III (p.90) [5, 31, 125, 150, 153].
The ageing of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B leads to the decrease of the molecular mass of the
material, whatever ageing conditions. However, it appears that the M
of FR materials reaches
lower values after ageing compared to those of PLA. Due to the fact that the degradation rate
seems to be the same for unfilled or filled PLAs, the hypothesis is that the already low M
before ageing of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B is the main cause explaining why such low Mn are
reached for FR materials. This also explains why the degradation of FR-PLAs samples is more
pronounced compared to unfilled ones. This can also partially explain the phenomena
observed at the surface of both FR-PLAs, i.e. appearance of a white layer, when the critical
molecular mass (i.e. 20000 g/mol) is reached.
As the impact of fillers on the behavior of the molecular mass during ageing was
demonstrated in this section, the next section will investigate the influence of FR fillers on (i)
glass transition temperature (T
) and (ii) melting temperature (T
) of PLA during ageing, using
DSC analyses.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Thermal properties
2.2.1. Effect of fillers on glass transition and melting temperature
The thermal properties of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B were evaluated by DSC in order to
investigate the effect of the incorporation of fillers on the T
and T
of materials. The DSC data
of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B (Table 18) were compared to those of PLA.
Table 18: DSC data of PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a function of M
Material name
29000 (-57%)
57.5 (-6.5%)
159.8 (-0.1%)
27000 (-60%)
57.4 (-7.0%)
159.2 (-0.5%)
Whereas FR additives do not affect the T
of materials, it appears that the T
of FR-PLA and
FR-PLA-C30B is somehow lower (loss of 4°C) compared to that of PLA. Incorporation of fillers
into a polymer can affect the molecular mobility of the polymer chains due to a plasticizing
effect [228-230]: the fillers can increase the local flexibility of the material, thus affecting the
free volume of the polymer. Therefore, it can cause the decrease of T
. On the other hand, the
decrease of T
can also be explained by the degradation of the PLA matrix during extrusion
process, which is in accordance with the decrease of M
observed when FR fillers are
incorporated into the material (p. 125). Indeed, the molecular mass of a polymer is known to
be a parameter affecting T
[231-235]. In the case of linear polymer such as PLA, the glass
transition temperature decreases when the number average molecular mass of the polymer
decreases [231, 234-236]. Generally, this dependence can be quantified using the Fox and
Flory relationship (cf. Equation 30, p.94). In reality, this phenomenon is linked to the
concentration of chain ends of the material. Indeed, the increase of chain ends (low M
) leads
to an increase in free volume of the polymer, thus decreasing T
As both T
and T
of neat PLA are impacted by (i) ageing exposure and (ii) the incorporation
of FR fillers, the next section focus on the effect of ageing on thermal properties (T
and T
of FR-PLAs.
2.2.2. Behavior of glass transition and melting temperatures during ageing
The glass transition (T
) and melting temperatures (T
) of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B were
also evaluated by DSC all along the exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions and
compared to those obtained for non-aged materials (Table 19 and Table 20 for FR-PLA and
FR-PLA-C30B, respectively).
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Table 19: DSC data of FR-PLA as a function of M
and ageing time under T/UV, T/RH and
2800 (
4300 (
24100 (
21900 (
00 (
19600 (
17400 (
15500 (
13500 (
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Table 20: DSC data of FR-PLA-C30B as a function of M
and ageing time under T/UV, T/RH
and T/UV/RH.
148.9 (
146.1 (
132.8 (
115.4 (
96.1 (-63.1)
83.9 (
43.1 (
40.0 (
34.9 (
22.5 (
16.2 (
11.5 (
15000 (
9700 (
5800 (
4300 (
3400 (
2500 (
152.0 (
148.9 (
145.9 (-13.3)
134.9 (
122.7 (
107.5 (-51.7)
89.4 (
52.9 (
50.4 (
46.6 (
39.6 (
35.2 (
28.9 (
23.0 (-33.4)
21600 (
17600 (
12200 (
9800 (
5100 (
4100 (
157.4 (
154.3 (
154.0 (
153.3 (
152.8 (
152.3 (
151.3 (
150.0 (
56.2 (
55.3 (
55.1 (
53.2 (
52.3 (
49.0 (
46.7 (10.7)
25100 (
23700 (
00 (
00 (
19100 (
17000 (
14700 (
12500 (
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Regarding FR-PLA material (Table 19, Figure 72 and Figure 73) it is evidenced that both T
and T
are affected by ageing under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions. In fact, T
from 57.5°C to 48.3°C (-9.2°C), 36.2°C (-21.3°C) and 21.5°C (-36°C) after 125 days under T/UV,
105 days under T/RH and 90 days under T/UV/RH exposure, respectively. T
decreases from
159.8°C to 152.5°C (-7.3°C), 101.1°C (-58.7°C) and 94.3°C (-35.5°C) after 125 days under T/UV,
105 days under T/RH and 90 days under T/UV/RH, respectively.
FR-PLA-C30B (Table 20, as well as Figure 72 and Figure 73) exhibits the same behavior as
FR-PLA: both T
and T
are affected by ageing under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure.
Indeed, T
decreases from 57.4°C to 46.7°C (-10.7°C), 23°C (-33.4°C) and 11.5°C (-39.3°C) after
125 days under T/UV, 105 days under T/RH and 90 days under T/UV/RH, respectively. T
decreases from 159.2°C to 150°C (-9.2°C), 89.4°C (-69.8°C) and 83.9°C (-75.3°C) after 125 days
under T/UV, 105 days under T/RH and 90 days under T/UV/RH, respectively.
These results demonstrate once ageing, that the impact of ageing on T
and T
dependent on the ageing conditions: the decrease of T
and T
is more important when
samples are exposed to T/UV/RH conditions compared to T/RH and T/UV, respectively.
Figure 72: Evolution of glass transition temperature (T
) of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a
function of exposure time under T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (Δ).
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Figure 73: Evolution of melting temperature (T
) of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as function of
exposure time under T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (Δ).
Moreover, it is quite obvious regarding Table 19, Table 20 and Figure 74 that the decrease
of both T
and T
of FR materials is even more important for low molecular masses:
and T
are 48.3°C and 152.5°C, respectively, for a molecular mass
of 13500 g/mol compared to 21.5°C and 94.3°C, respectively, for a molecular
mass of 2800 g/mol.
For FR-PLA-C30B: T
and T
are 46.7°C and 150°C, respectively, for a molecular
mass of 12500 g/mol compared to 11.5°C and 83.9°C, respectively, for a
molecular mass of 2500 g/mol.
The lower M
reported during ageing for FR-PLA-C30B compared to FR-PLA can
be held responsible for the lower T
and T
values observed for this intumescent
This clearly demonstrates the importance of the molecular mass of FR-PLAs on the behavior
of T
and T
during ageing (cf. Fox and Flory relationship Equation 30, p.94). Regarding the
graph plotting T
as a function of M
of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B for different ageing exposure
conditions and durations (Figure 74), it appears that for both formulations T
is stable at the
beginning of the exposure and then decreases when M
reaches the critical molecular mass
(i.e. 20000 g/mol). T
follows the same evolution as T
during ageing. The high mobility of the
polymer chains due to ageing affects the backbone flexibility and intermolecular interactions,
leading to the decrease of T
[38]. Compared to PLA, the lower M
before ageing of both FR-
PLAs permits to reach quickly the critical M
from which T
and T
start to decrease.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Figure 74: Correlation between the decrease of T
and M
of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a
function of ageing under T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH ().
It is also observed that whatever ageing conditions, the decrease of both T
and T
is more
pronounced in the case of FR-PLA-C30B compared to FR-PLA. The most probable explanation
is that the lower M
reported during ageing for FR-PLA-C30B can be held responsible for the
lower T
and T
values. However, another assumption to explain this phenomenon is that
Cloisite 30B catalyzes the degradation of FR-PLA-C30B due to the presence of hydroxyl groups
in the structure of the clay [237, 238]. This last hypothesis will be investigated in the next part.
Knowing the behavior of the molecular mass and thermal properties (i.e. T
and T
) of FR-
PLAs during ageing, the crystallization behavior is the last physico-chemical property to
investigate in order to compare the performance of FR-PLAs and PLA during ageing. Hence,
the next section is dedicated to the effect of fillers on the crystallization of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-
C30B as well as to their behavior during ageing.
Crystallization behavior
2.3.1. Crystallization comportment of unaged FR-PLAs
The crystallization behavior of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, studied using DSC, is compared to
the one of PLA. Crystallinity (χ) of the different formulations are reported in Table 21 and were
calculated according to Equation 24 (p.76).
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Table 21: Crystallinity (χ) data for PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a function of M
Material name
χ (%)
29000 (-57%)
11.5 (+5)
27000 (-60%)
12.5 (+6)
Unfilled PLA is almost amorphous with a relatively low crystallinity of about 6.5%. However,
it appears that when fillers are added into PLA, the crystallinity of the material increases,
reaching 11.5% and 12.5% for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively. It seems that Melamine,
APP in particular and Cloisite 30B to a less extent, promote the crystallization of the FR-
materials. Two assumptions can be made to explain this effect on crystallinity:
FR fillers act as nucleating agents by promoting the crystallization of the
materials [25, 36, 39, 239-242].
The lower M
of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B before ageing promotes the
crystallization of the materials. Indeed, polymers of low molecular weight can
crystallize more easily compared to those of high molecular weight [66, 81, 231,
243-245]. This is probably due to the fact that smaller molecules have a higher
mobility and can thus easily form crystals
XRD experiments were performed in order to determine if fillers have an influence on the
kind of crystals formed during crystallization (Figure 75).
Figure 75: WAXD patterns of PLA (), FR-PLA () and FR-PLA-C30B ().
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
PLA presents a typical amorphous WAXD patterns due to its low crystallinity (i.e. 6.5%). FR-
PLA and FR-PLA-C30B exhibit similar WAXD patterns. Characteristic diffraction peaks of FR
fillers are identified: (i) Melamine peaks at = 17.9°, 20.1°, 22.1°, 26.1°, 27.5°, 29.1°, 30.6°
and 32.8° [246, 247]; (ii) APP peaks at 2θ = 14.8°, 15.5°, 20.1°, 22.1°, 26.1°, 27.5°, 29.1°, 30.6°
and 32.8° [248-250]; (iii) The characteristic peak of Cloisite 30B at = 5.0° [36, 251] is not
observed due to the relatively low loading of organoclay (i.e. 1 wt.-%). No characteristic peak
of crystallized PLA is observed in the WAXD patterns of the two FR formulations. Indeed, the
crystallinity of PLA versus FR fillers is certainly too low to see these peaks and thus it is not
possible to determine under which form PLA crystallizes.
2.3.2. Influence of ageing exposure on crystallization behavior of FR-PLAs
The evolution of crystallinity (χ) for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B was then studied as a function
of ageing time for T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure (Table 22 and Table 23 for FR-PLA and
FR-PLA-C30B, respectively). Focusing firstly on FR-PLA, results reported in Table 22 and Figure
76 plotting the behavior of χ as a function of ageing duration both evidence that crystallinity
increases when FR-PLA is exposed to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH. Indeed, χ increases by 11.5%
and 43% after 125 days exposure to T/UV and 105 days exposure to T/RH, respectively.
However, the most significant increase is observed for FR-PLA aged under T/UV/RH conditions,
where a 53.5% increase in crystallinity is achieved after 90 days, corresponding to a χ of 65%
and to the lower M
of the material (i.e. 2800 g/mol).
Table 22: Evolution of Crystallinity for FR-PLA as a function of M
for different ageing
durations under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure.
χ (%)
χ (%)
χ (%)
26000 (-9%)
14.0 (+2.5)
24300 (-16%)
15 (+4.5)
17500 (-39%)
27.0 (+15.5)
24100 (-14%)
16.0 (+4.5)
18400 (-34%)
19.0 (+7.5)
13000 (-54%)
36.0 (+24.5)
21900 (-22%)
17.0 (+5.5)
15800 (-44%)
28.0 (+16.5)
8800 (-69%)
43.0 (+31.5)
21200 (-26%)
18.0 (+6.5)
12400 (-56%)
31.0 (+19.5)
5300 (-80%)
49.0 (+37.5)
19600 (-30%)
20.0 (+8.5)
10000 (-65%)
38.0 (+26.5)
4000 (-86%)
60.0 (+48.5)
17400 (-38%)
21.5 (+10)
6900 (-75%)
43.0 (+31.5)
2800 (-90%)
65.0 (+53.5)
15500 (-45%)
22.0 (+10.5)
4300 (-85%)
54.5 (+43)
13500 (-52%)
23.0 (+11.5)
Regarding FR-PLA-C30B formulation, an increase in crystallinity is also observed (Table 23
and Figure 76). Indeed, χ is enhanced by 14.5% and 52.5% after 125 days exposure to T/UV
and 105 days exposure to T/RH, respectively. However, as for FR-PLA, the most significant
increase is observed for exposure under T/UV/RH conditions, where an increase in crystallinity
of 63.5% is achieved after 90 days, corresponding to a χ of 76%. This value of crystallinity
corresponds to the lower M
observed for the material (i.e. 2500 g/mol) when exposed to
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Table 23: Evolution of Crystallinity for FR-PLA-C30B as a function of M
for different ageing
duration under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure.
χ (%)
χ (%)
χ (%)
25100 (-7%)
14.5 (+2)
21600 (-20%)
15.5 (+3)
15000 (-45%)
32.0 (+19.5)
23700 (-12%)
18.0 (+5.5)
17600 (-35%)
23.0 (+10.5)
9700 (-64%)
41.0 (+28.5)
21500 (-20%)
19 (+6.5)
12200 (-55%)
34 (+21.5)
5800 (-79%)
54.0 (41.5)
20900 (-23%)
21.0 (+8.5)
9800 (-64%)
42 (+29.5)
4300 (-84%)
59.0 (+46.5)
19100 (-29%)
22.0 (+9.5)
7900 (-71%)
50 (+37.5)
3400 (-88%)
71.0 (+58.5)
17000 (-37%)
23.0 (+10.5)
5100 (-81%)
57 (+44.5)
2500 (-91%)
76.0 (+63.5)
14700 (-54%)
26.0 (+13.5)
4100 (-85%)
65 (+52.5)
12500 (-54%)
27.0 (+14.5)
Figure 76: Evolution of crystallinity of FR-PLA (a) and FR-PLA-C30B (b) as a function of ageing
time, for T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH () exposure.
These results seem to indicate that the increase in crystallinity is linked to the decrease of
the molecular mass, which is in accordance both with literature [5, 27, 29, 38, 204] and the
results reported for PLA in chapter III (p.98). Indeed, during degradation, the molecular mass
decreases and due to a chemi-crystallization process [5, 27, 29, 38, 204] the crystallinity
increases. It is also observed that the increase in crystallinity is more pronounced for FR-PLA-
C30B than for FR-PLA (Table 22 and Table 23). In fact, χ increases by 53.5% and 63.5% for FR-
PLA and FR-PLA-C30B after 90 days exposure to T/UV/RH, respectively. This phenomenon can
be explained by the lower M
reached by FR-PLA-C30B during ageing. Indeed, when plotting
crystallinity as a function of M
for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B (Figure 77) it appears that the
lower the M
, the higher the crystallinity: for example, after 105 days exposure to T/RH χ
reaches 54.5% and 65% when M
is 4300 and 4100 g/mol for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B,
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
respectively. On the other hand, it is possible that organoclays acts as strong nucleating
agents, altering the materials crystallization behavior during ageing by promoting the
crystallization of FR-PLA-C30B [25, 38, 39].
Figure 77: Correlation between the decrease of crystallinity and M
of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-
C30B as a function of ageing under T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH ().
It was previously demonstrated that the increase in crystallinity of PLA during ageing is
linked to the formation of α’-form crystals (p.98). Hence, XRD was performed to identify if the
presence of FR fillers change the nature of crystals formed during ageing exposure. The WAXD
patterns obtained by XRD for unaged and 60 days aged FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B under T/UV,
T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions are shown in Figure 78. Before ageing, both FR-PLA and FR-PLA-
C30B exhibit the characteristic diffraction peaks of Melamine and APP that have been
previously reported (p.135). Even if these peaks are also observed for both materials after
60 days ageing, the appearance of two new diffraction peaks is observed for both FR-PLAs.
These two new peaks that appear at 2θ = 16.6° and 18.8° are characteristic of α’-form crystals
of PLA [202, 203]. As for PLA, no additional peaks characteristic of α-form crystals are observed
during ageing at 2θ = 12.5°, 14.8°, 22.5°, 27.3° and 29.2°.
The two α’-form characteristic peaks show higher intensity for materials exposed to
T/UV/RH conditions compared to those exposed to T/RH and T/UV. Moreover, regarding one
kind of exposure, the intensities of α’-form crystals peaks are higher for FR-PLA-C30B
compared to FR-PLA. This is in accordance with the evolution of the crystallinity observed by
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Figure 78: WAXD patterns of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B obtained by XRD, before () and after
60 of ageing under T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH ().
DSC and XRD analyses both evidence the increase in crystallinity when FR-PLA and FR-PLA-
C30B are exposed to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions. As for PLA, α’-form crystals appear
during ageing which formation is linked to (i) the decrease of M
and (ii) chemi-crystallization
process occurring during ageing. This means that presence of FR fillers doesn’t impact the
nature of crystal formed during ageing. The lower M
of FR-PLAs before ageing and the
nucleating effect of fillers promote the crystallization of both FR materials. Moreover, the
lower M
of FR-PLA-C30B during ageing, compared to the one of FR-PLA, leads to a material
of higher crystallinity for the same ageing period.
It has been demonstrated in this part that the incorporation of FR additives (i.e. Melamine,
APP and C30B) impact the physico-chemical properties of PLA at two different levels: (i) before
and (ii) after ageing of the materials.
Indeed, even before ageing these FR additives can modify some properties of PLA:
The incorporation of fillers reduces the molecular mass of PLA, due to physical
and/or chemical processes.
The molecular mass is known to be a parameter affecting T
. Thus the decrease
of M
can be held responsible for the decrease of T
observed when PLA is filled
with FR fillers. Moreover, the plasticizing effect of fillers can also be a
reasonable assumption to explain the lower T
of FR-PLAs.
As well as T
, the crystallinity is also dependent on the molecular mass of the
material. Thus, the lower M
of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B before ageing
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
promotes the crystallization of the materials, explaining why the crystallinity of
FR-PLAs are higher than those of PLA. In addition, the nucleating character of
FR fillers can slightly promotes the crystallization of the materials
Secondly, it was also reported that effects of ageing are more pronounced when FR fillers
are incorporated into the PLA matrix:
Voids, fractures and a white layer are observed at the surface of FR-PLAs until
their complete disintegration when exposed to T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
These phenomena are observed when M
(± 20000 g/mol) is reached.
Only the 60 days exposure to T/UV appear not to be too damaging for the visual
integrity of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B. In fact, after 60 days M
is still not
As for neat PLA, it was evidenced that the molecular mass of FR-PLA and FR-
PLA-C30B decreases when exposed to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
The behavior of the molecular mass has a direct impact on the physico-
chemical properties of FR materials during ageing. Indeed, the decrease of M
leads to a decrease in both T
and T
as well as an increase in crystallinity.
Due to the lower M
of FR-PLAs before ageing, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B reach
more rapidly the critical molecular mass (M
± 20000 g/mol) from which the
material starts to disaggregate and to lose its thermal properties. Thus
explaining why FR-PLAs are more degraded after 125 days of ageing compared
to PLA.
Hence, it is obvious that FR fillers impact PLA before and after ageing. Furthermore, the
molecular mass appears to be a key parameter in the durability of PLA and FR-PLAs as it
governs the structural integrity as well as the behavior of thermal properties and crystallinity
during ageing. However, while the mechanisms of degradation of neat PLA have been
elucidated in the previous chapter (p.104), the impact of the addition of fillers on the
mechanisms of degradation of PLA still has to be investigated. This is why the next part of this
chapter is dedicated to the understanding of the impact of fillers on the mechanisms of
degradation occurring during exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH.
3. Mechanisms of degradation of PLA in presence of fillers
Literature as well as our previous investigations have demonstrated that mechanism of
degradation of PLA depends on the kind of accelerated ageing conditions (Chapter III, p.104)
[5, 27-29, 31-35, 38, 39, 52, 121, 123, 125, 153, 158-161]. In fact, when exposed to T/RH,
hydrolysis is the predominant mechanism. On the contrary, under T/UV and T/UV/RH, it was
reported that PLA is degraded via a radical mechanism, which is in competition with hydrolysis
in the case of T/UV/RH. Objective of the following part is to determine if flame retardant
additives influence the mechanisms of degradation of PLA.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Surface chemical analysis of aged FR materials
Chemical surface analyses of the layer formed at the surface of both FR-PLAs (before and
after T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions) have been carried out by electron probe micro analysis
(EPMA) X-Ray mappings (1 μm
diffusion volume) and X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
experiments (few μm
diffusion volume).
EPMA X-Ray mappings were carried out to characterize the surface of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-
C30B plates, looking at (i) nitrogen, present in both Melamine and APP, (ii) phosphorus,
characteristic of APP and (iii) silicon, characteristic of Cloisite 30B. The evolution of nitrogen
and phosphorus concentrations at the surface of FR-PLA plates (Figure 79) is reported before
ageing and after 60 days under T/UV (M
± 21300 g/mol), 28 days under T/RH (M
20000 g/mol) and 6 days under T/UV/RH exposure (M
± 20000 g/mol). Whereas no significant
evolution is noticed concerning FR-PLA aged under T/UV (Figure 79 (b)), pictures indicate that
the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus increase slightly at the surface of the plate
after 28 days exposure to (T/RH) (Figure 79 (c)) compared to unaged material (Figure 79 (a)).
This phenomenon is even more obvious (in particular for phosphorus) at the surface of plates
aged for 6 days under T/UV/RH (Figure 79 (d)).
Figure 79: EPMA pictures for unaged (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 28 d T/RH (c) and 6 d T/UV/RH (d)
aged FR-PLA.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Regarding FR-PLA-C30B, the X-Ray mappings of silicon, nitrogen and phosphorus
(Figure 80) are reported before and after 60 days under T/UV (M
± 21100 g/mol), 28 days
under T/RH (M
± 20000 g/mol) and 6 days under T/UV/RH exposure (M
± 20000 g/mol). As
well as for FR-PLA, no significant evolution is noticed concerning FR-PLA-C30B aged under
T/UV condition (Figure 80 (b)). Pictures after 28 days exposure to T/RH show that the
concentrations of silicon, nitrogen and phosphorus increase at the surface of the plates (Figure
80 (c)) compared to the unaged FR-PLA-C30B (Figure 80 (a)). This increase in fillers
concentration at the surface of the plates is quite obvious after 6 days exposure to T/UV/RH
(Figure 80 (d)) and much more visible than the one for FR-PLA (Figure 79 (d)).
Figure 80: EPMA pictures for unaged (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 28 d T/RH (c) and 6 d T/UV/RH (d)
aged FR-PLA-C30B.
These X-Ray mappings confirm that when the critical molecular mass 20000 g/mol) is
reached, the combination of water and FR fillers leads to the formation of the white layer
observed at the surface of aged FR-PLAs (cf. p.122). Moreover, this effect is enhanced by UV
exposure. The layer is composed of nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon which are characteristic
elements of FR fillers incorporated into the PLA matrix (i.e. Melamine, APP and Cloisite 30B).
In addition to EPMA analysis, X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy was also performed on FR-
PLA and FR-PLA-C30B plates before and after 60 days exposure to T/UV, 28 days to T/RH and
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
6 days to T/UV/RH conditions. The atomic percentages (At %) of carbon (C), oxygen (O),
nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and silicon (Si) at the extreme surface of FR-PLAs plates were
then quantified (Table 24 and Table 25 for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively). Whereas
the concentration of carbon decreases at the surface of aged materials when exposed to T/UV,
T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions, it appears that the concentration of oxygen, nitrogen,
phosphorus and silicon increases. As an example, C % at the surface of the plates is decreased
by 17.6% and 22.7% for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively, after 6 days exposure to
T/UV/RH conditions. Meanwhile, (i) O % increases by 13.8 and 17.9%, (ii) P % increases by
2.5% and 2.7%, (iii) N % is increased by 1.8% and 2.1% for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B,
respectively and (iv) Si % reaches 0.8 % for FR-PLA-C30B after 6 days exposure to T/UV/RH
Table 24: At % on the surface of FR PLA determined by XPS as a function of ageing.
C 1s (At %)
O 1s (At %)
N 1s (At %)
P 2p (At %)
T/UV 60 d
78.9 (-4.5)
19.5 (+3.3)
0.7 (+0.3)
T/RH 28 d
67.4 (-16)
29.4 (+13.2)
1.4 (+1)
T/UV/RH 6 d
65.8 (-17.6)
30 (+13.8)
1.8 (+1.4)
Table 25: At % on the surface of FR PLA-C30B determined by XPS as a function of ageing.
C 1s (At %)
O 1s (At %)
N 1s (At %)
P 2p (At %)
Si 2p (At %)
T/UV 60 d
77.5 (-6.4)
20 (+4.9)
1.3 (+0.5)
1.2 (+1)
T/RH 28 d
65 (-18.9)
30.9 (+15.8)
1.7 (+0.9)
2 (+1.8)
T/UV/RH 6 d
61.2 (-22.7)
33 (+17.9)
2.1 (+1.3)
2.9 (+2.7)
These results, which demonstrate the higher concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and
silicon at the surface of aged materials are in accordance with the observations done by EPMA
X-Ray mappings. It also appears that relative humidity exposure increases the concentration
of fillers at the surface of aged samples. Hence, the role of fillers during hydrolysis is
investigated in the next section.
Role FR additives during hydrolysis
3.2.1. Hydrolysis of flame retardant additives
Whereas the presence of water was evidenced to play a key role during the formation of
the white layer during ageing, it is not clear if this layer corresponds to FR fillers on the surface
or to secondary products due to their degradation (hydrolysis). Hence, in order to identify
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
structural changes of additives during ageing in presence of relative humidity, Melamine, APP
and Cloisite 30B were exposed to T/RH atmosphere for 125 days. FTIR-ATR analyses were
performed on powder all along the exposure to T/RH.
Firstly, focusing on Melamine (Figure 81), the spectra can be classified into different
regions, which correspond to the following bands assignment [252, 253]: -N-H (primary
amine), stretching and bending from 2800 cm
to 3500 cm
, -N-H (primary amine) stretching
located at 1650 cm
, C=N ring vibration observed at 1546 cm
, -C-N triazine stretching and
bending at 1460 cm
, 1430 cm
and 1020 cm
and C=N bending of trizaine ring located at
800 cm
. These characteristics peaks are also observed after 60 and 125 days of exposure to
T/RH with no appearance of new peaks, indicating that Melamine is not hydrolyzed in
Ammeline, Ammelide or Cyanuric acid in these relative humidity conditions [254-256].
Figure 81: FTIR spectra (ATR) of Melamine as function of ageing exposure under T/RH.
Spectra of APP before ageing and after 60 days and 125 days exposure to T/RH conditions
are shown in Figure 82. APP like many other polyphosphates is known to be sensitive to
hydrolysis [257-260]. In fact, APP is initially water insoluble and becomes soluble when its
molecular weight decreases, thus leading to the formation of polyphosphoric acid (Figure 83)
[175]. However, in our study, it seems that APP is not hydrolyzed (Figure 82), as similar
characteristics peaks of APP are observed [261, 262] before and after ageing: -N-H (primary
amine) bending from 2800 cm
to 3200 cm
, NH
located at 1710 cm
, 1670 cm
1 and
1470 cm
, -P=O bands identified at 1240 cm
, the region between 800 cm
and 1100 cm
assigned to asymmetric and symmetric vibration of P-O. The peak located at 795 cm
assigned to P-O-P bands and should decrease during hydrolysis, which is not the case here.
Moreover, the characteristic peaks of polyphosphoric acid [259, 260], i.e. -OH in the range of
3200-3600 cm
and -P-OH at 898 cm
are not observed.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Figure 82: FTIR spectra (ATR) of APP as function of ageing exposure under T/RH.
Figure 83: Hydrolysis reaction of APP, according to Chen et al. [175].
As it is quite difficult to distinguish -P-O-P- and -P-OH or-N-H and -OH regions in FTIR,
solid state NMR analyses were carried out on FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B to support the FTIR
results. Experiments were performed before ageing, on APP after 105 days exposure to T/RH
and on the white layer collected on the surface after 28 days exposure to T/RH conditions and
6 days exposure to T/UV/RH conditions (Figure 84). Whereas APP generally shows two peaks
located at -22 and - 24 ppm, corresponding to a well crystallized structure with Q
units contained in polyphosphate chains, the APP spectrum depicted in Figure 84(a) and (b)
exhibits one single band located at -22 ppm (P-O-P links, here in polyphosphates) [258, 263].
Moreover, this spectrum show an amorphization due to the form of the band. Before ageing,
both FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B exhibit this single band at - 22ppm. After 28 days of ageing
under T/RH and 6 days under T/UV/RH, APP is also visible on the white layer formed on FR-
PLA and FR-PLA-C30B and the two peaks characteristic of Q
units of polyphophoric acid
substituting NH
) located at -25 and -27 ppm [258] are not observed (Figure 84 (a) and
(b)). This tendency is confirmed by the spectrum of APP exposed 105 days to T/RH ageing,
where only the band at -22 ppm is observed. Hence, this tends to confirm that (i) APP is not
degraded or very partially, explaining why polyphosphoric acid is not detected and that (ii) FR
fillers are found at the surface of FR-PLAs plates after ageing. It is possible that after 125 days
of ageing APP is still not sufficiently degraded to observe its hydrolysis.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Figure 84:
P Solid-state NMR spectra of FR-PLA (a) and FR-PLA-C30B (b) before and after
105 days and 90 days exposure to T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions, respectively.
FTIR spectra of Cloisite 30B before and after 60 days and 125 days exposure to T/RH
conditions are shown in Figure 85. Characteristic peaks of this organomodified
montmorillonite [264, 265] are similar before and after ageing: -OH structural hydroxyl group
stretching at 3610 cm
, -C-H asymmetric and symmetric stretching at 2920 cm
2850 cm
- 1
, respectively. The band located at 1610 cm
can be attributed to -C-OH
deformation, the one at 1120 cm
corresponds to Si-O stretching. The bands in the range of
880 to 980 cm
correspond to Al-FeOH deformation and the band located at 790 cm
is also
attributed to Si- O stretching. Some papers report the catalytic effect of Cloisite 30B on the
degradation of polymers due to the structure of the clay [237, 238]. However, (i) the behavior
of the clay reported by FTIR during ageing and (ii) previous results concerning the evolution of
the physico-chemical properties of FR-PLAs (p.125) seem to indicate that these clays do not
accelerate the hydrolysis of PLA.
Figure 85: FTIR spectra (ATR) of Cloisite 30B as function of ageing exposure under T/RH.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Moreover, even if the results are not presented, a parallel study (Appendix 3, p.221) was
also led during this work concerning the effect of the type of nanoparticle on the hydrolytic
degradation of flame retarded PLA. In fact, literature reveals that the hydrophilic character of
clays, due to the type of surfactant, can enhance or not the degradation rate of PLA [25, 37,
38]. Hence, three kinds of Cloisite, i.e. 20A, 30B and Na
(hydrophilic character of C-Na
> C-
30B > C-20A) were incorporated into FR-PLA materials and then aged for 60 days under T/RH
conditions. The formation of voids, fractures and of a white layer was reported after 28 days
ageing for each formulation. Moreover, physico-chemical properties of the materials were
studied and it appears that the molecular mass, T
, T
and crystallinity of the three materials
exhibit the same behavior during ageing, whatever the formulation. All these results seem to
indicate that the hydrophilic character of organoclays does not play a particular role during
the degradation of the PLA matrix.
The behavior of FR fillers during ageing was confirmed by FTIR spectra recorded for FR-PLAs
during exposure to T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions (Appendix 4, p. 226)). As it was reported
that FR fillers are not degraded (or partially in the case of APP) during ageing in presence of
RH, it is confirmed that the white layer formed at the surface of FR materials during RH
exposure is mainly composed of Melamine, APP and C30B in the case of FR-PLA-C30B.
However, it is still not so obvious to determine if (i) the flame retardant additives migrate
through the PLA matrix during ageing or if (ii) fillers are just more accessible at the surface due
to the degradation of the matrix (both chain mobility and structural integrity of the material
are no longer sufficient to maintain the cohesion between fillers and polymer matrix).
3.2.2. Evaluation of the migration of flame retardant additives
In order to assess the possible migration of FR fillers to the surface of FR-PLAs, SEM and
EPMA analysis were carried out. Cross section SEM analyses have been performed on FR-PLA-
C30B exposed for 28 days to T/RH (Figure 86 (a)) and 6 days to T/UV/RH conditions (Figure
86 (b)). Fillers seem to be uniformly dispersed in the PLA matrix with no migration during
ageing. Thus, to validate this assumption, EPMA analyses were also performed on these
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Figure 86: SEM pictures in cross section obtained for FR-PLA-C30B aged 28 days under
T/RH (a) and 6 days under T/UV/RH (b).
Cross section EPMA X-Ray mappings performed on FR-PLA-C30B aged for 28 days under
T/RH and 6 days under T/UV/RH conditions are reported in Figure 87. Mappings in nitrogen,
phosphorus and silicon contained in T/RH aged (Figure 87 (a)) and T/UV/RH aged FR-PLA-C30B
(Figure 87 (b)) corroborate the assumption that fillers do not migrate to the surface of the
plates during ageing. In fact, for both materials, the concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus
and silicon is quite the same from the bottom to the top of the plates. The high concentration
of fillers on the surface of FR-PLAs is certainly related to the fact that fillers are more
accessible, which is confirmed by SEM pictures (Figure 88). In fact, SEM picture of FR-PLA-
C30B exposed for 28 days to T/RH conditions reveals that APP particles are clearly visible and
not completely embedded in the PLA matrix anymore.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Figure 87: EPMA pictures in cross section for FR-PLA-C30B aged 28 days under T/RH and 6
days under T/UV/RH conditions.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
Figure 88: SEM pictures obtained for FR-PLA-C30B after 28 days exposure to T/RH.
As previously demonstrated (p.104), the hydrolytic degradation of PLA starts from the bulk
of the material. Investigations led during this chapter reveal that in presence of FR additives,
small voids, fractures and a layer composed of FR fillers appear at the surface of the
formulations exposed to RH. Moreover, those fillers such as APP are clearly visible and are not
completely embedded in the PLA matrix anymore. To explain these phenomena, the impact
of FR fillers on the hydrolysis of PLA can thus be described as follow:
The M
of FR materials is lower than the one of PLA before ageing, due to the
incorporation of fillers into the polymer matrix.
This lower M
before ageing allows reaching more rapidly the critical molecular
mass from which the materials starts to disaggregate and to lose its properties (T
, …), explaining why FR-PLAs are more degraded compared to PLA.
When the critical molecular mass (M
) is reached during degradation, both chain
mobility and structural integrity of the material are no longer sufficient to maintain
the cohesion between fillers and polymer matrix. Moreover, it seems that
hydrolysis of PLA occurs at the interface between polymer matrix and fillers. This
can be explained by accumulation of water at this interface due to the hydrophilic
character of clays and APP [25, 38, 266]. Indeed, it is possible that these fillers
attract water, resulting in a higher local water concentration, increasing the
degradation of the PLA matrix. Additives are thus more accessible at the surface,
leading to the formation of a layer composed of Melamine, APP and C30B (in the
case of FR-PLA-C30B) until complete disintegration of the material into powder.
On the other hand, it is possible that APP is partially hydrolyzed (even if results
suggest otherwise) [175, 258, 267] and thus explaining why particles are not
completely embedded in the PLA matrix anymore.
As for neat PLA, investigations led on the ageing of FR-PLAs show that the combination of
T, UV and RH is more drastic compared to sole T and RH exposure. In fact, whereas FR-PLAs
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
disintegrate into powder after 35 days exposure to T/RH, they need only 10 days when
exposed to T/UV/RH. This demonstrates the synergistic effect of the combination between UV
and RH on the degradation of FR-PLAs. The next step consists in elucidating the degradation
mechanism of FR-PLAs exposed to UV rays and to understand the role of fillers during such a
Impact of FR additives during UV irradiation of PLA
It was demonstrated in chapter III (p.106) that UV degradation of PLA proceeds via a radical
mechanism. This latter leads to the formation of secondary products such as anhydrides,
alcohols or carboxylic acid until the complete degradation of PLA. The objective is now to
determine the impact of FR fillers on UV degradation of PLA.
Since the UV irradiation of PLA leads to the formation of biradical species, EPR experiments
were led both on PLA and FR-PLAs in order to study the kinetics of formation of these radicals
when FR fillers are incorporated into the PLA matrix (Figure 89). EPR spectra recorded at 50°C
for the three materials clearly show that less radicals are formed during UV irradiation when
FR fillers are incorporated into the materials. Indeed, whereas the sensitivity of radicals’
formation is around 300000 for PLA after 6 hours of exposure, it is only around 125000 for
both FR-PLAs. Hence, it appears that the incorporation of flame retardant additives into PLA
matrix has a direct impact on the photo-oxidation of PLA. However, the presence of
Cloisite 30B into FR-PLA-C30B formulation does not seem to impact the formation of radical
species compared to FR-PLA.
Figure 89: Kinetic evolution of EPR signal as a function of time, for PLA (), FR-PLA () and
FR-PLA-C30B ().
To support these results, 2D hyperfine sub-level correlation (2D HYSCORE, Appendix 5,
p.228) measurements were performed on PLA (Figure 90) and both FR-PLAs (Figure 91) at
50°C. Neat PLA (Figure 90) shows a typical spectrum of the polylactide structure. In fact, the
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
spectrum shows a
H pattern centered at 14.5 MHz corresponding to CH
with two protons
coupled at respectively 10 MHz and 18 MHz corresponding to CH. At low frequency region, a
weak coupling with
C of 2 MHz (CH
) and one at 5 MHz (CH) can also be observed.
Figure 90: 2D HYSCORE recorded at 50°C for PLA.
Focusing on the 2D HYSCORE experiments carried out for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, the two
materials exhibit the same spectrum. Thus only FR-PLA-C30B is reported in Figure 91. The CH
protons of PLA at 10 and 18 MHz are not further observed. The second change occurs in the
C region with a coupling of one carbon at 4 MHz and two carbons of PLA coupled at 2 MHz
) and 5 MHz (CH). Additionally, a weak coupling of 1.8 MHz with
N and 6 MHz with
is observed at Larmor frequency of 2.6 MHz.
Figure 91: 2D HYSCORE recorded at 50°C for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B.
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
These results suggest an interaction between fillers and PLA that disrupts the formation of
radical species. In fact, it is possible that fillers inhibit and stabilize the formation of radicals,
thus preventing radical mobility. Some authors have already reported this kind of
phenomenon, particularly in presence of Melamine (as UV absorber) and organoclays [47, 48,
268-270]. The presence of FR-fillers in FR-PLAs can attenuate the light absorption (UV
penetration) within the polymer matrix, preventing the material from degradation. Moreover,
FR-fillers can avoid oxygen diffusivity in the mass of a specimen, thus leading to a starvation
of oxygen in the core of the material. The mobility of radicals created during irradiation is thus
The effect of the combination between UV-rays and relative humidity during exposure of
PLA to T/UV/RH was previously elucidated (p.106). It was reported that in presence of water,
hydrolysis and radical mechanism occur simultaneously, reducing the amount of radicals
formed. Indeed, hydrolysis can disrupt their formation by degrading PLA, thus forming
secondary products sooner. In order to estimate the additional influence of relative humidity
during ageing of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, kinetic study of the formation of radical species for
both FR-PLAs as a function of exposure to T/UV/RH was carried out by EPR (Figure 92) and
compared to the results obtained for sole T/UV exposure.
Figure 92: Kinetic evolution of EPR signal for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, as a function of ageing
exposure to T/UV () or T/UV/RH () at 50°C.
As for PLA, this graph shows that the same quantity of radicals is susceptible to be formed
for both kinds of exposure until approximatively half an hour of irradiation. The quantity of
radicals then formed under T/UV exposure is higher than that formed under T/UV/RH
conditions. As in the case of neat PLA, UV and water are in competition during degradation.
Indeed, hydrolysis and radical mechanism occur simultaneously during exposure to T/UV/RH,
secondary products are thus formed sooner and can be easily decomposed. As expected, the
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
presence of relative humidity enhances the degradation of FR-PLAs due to the combination
between hydrolysis and radical mechanism. Whereas fillers protect the material against UV
degradation, the lower M
of both FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B before ageing is responsible for
the more pronounced degradation of the formulations.
The impact of FR fillers on the UV degradation of PLA can be summarized as follow:
The M
of FR materials are lower than those of PLA before ageing, due to the
incorporation of fillers into the polymer matrix.
FR additives protect the material against UV degradation, thus limiting radical
formation and mobility. This also explains why T/UV exposure is less drastic
compared to T/RH
The exposure to T/UV/RH appears to be the most detrimental for both FR-PLAs.
Indeed, the degradation of the material is enhanced as hydrolysis and UV
mechanism occur simultaneously.
For a given kind of exposure, the lower M
before ageing of FR-PLAs is responsible
for the sooner degradation than the one of neat PLA. Indeed, the critical molecular
mass from which the FR-materials start to disaggregate and lose their properties is
reached more rapidly.
4. Conclusion
Chapter IV was dedicated to the study of the impact of fillers on the ageing of PLA. It was
demonstrated that FR fillers impact PLA at three different levels: (i) before ageing, (ii) during
ageing and (iii) on the mechanism of degradation.
Even before ageing, it was showed that the incorporation of FR additives impact the
different properties of PLA:
The most obvious effect is the reduction of the molecular mass of around 60% when
fillers are incorporated due to physical and/or chemical process (mechanical shear,
thermal stress, aminolysis …)
is decreased due to the M
decrease and/or plasticizing effect of fillers
Crystallinity is increased due to the lower M
and/or nucleating character of fillers
It has been evidenced that both kinds of ageing exposure and flame retardant additives
have a direct impact on the ageing of PLA (Figure 93). The effects of ageing are indeed more
pronounced when FR fillers are incorporated into the PLA matrix:
Whereas only slight bleaching and cracking are observed for virgin PLA, voids,
fractures and a white layer appear at the surface of the T/RH and T/UV/RH aged
FR-PLAs when the critical molecular mass (M
) of 20000 g/mol is reached
(Figure 93).
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
FR-PLAs are completely disintegrated into powder after 10 and 35 days of
exposure to T/UV/RH and T/RH conditions, respectively. Only the exposure to
T/UV appears not to be drastic for the visual integrity of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-
C30B as the critical molecular mass is still not reached (M
> M
> M
) (Figure
The causes of these phenomena can be explained by the evolution of physico-
chemical properties of the materials during ageing. Indeed, the decrease of the
has a direct impact on the behavior of T
, T
and crystallinity (decrease of
and T
and increase in crystallinity).
The most important point is that due to the already low molecular mass of FR-
PLAs before ageing (M
), these materials reach more rapidly the critical
molecular mass, thus explaining the faster degradation of the materials. As well
as for unfilled PLA, T/UV/RH exposure conditions are the most drastic
conditions for the ageing of FR materials followed by T/RH and T/UV (Figure
Figure 93: Schematic representation of the effect of fillers and ageing exposure on the
degradation of FR-PLA-C30B.
It was then demonstrated that the incorporation of FR fillers has a direct impact on the
hydrolysis and radical mechanism during degradation:
FR fillers protect the material against UV degradation, thus limiting the formation
of radical species and of secondary degradation products.
In presence of water the critical molecular mass (M
) is quickly reached, at the
expense of the cohesion between filler and polymer matrix. Hydrolysis of FR-PLAs
occurs at the interface between matrix and fillers. This is certainly due to an
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Chapter IV: Influence of flame retardants additives on the ageing of PLA
accumulation of water between the fillers-matrix interface, thus leading to the
formation of a layer composed of Melamine, APP and C30B (in the case of FR-PLA-
C30B) at the surface of FR-PLAs (Figure 93).
The potential hydrolysis of APP could also explain why particles are not completely
embedded in the PLA matrix anymore.
As demonstrated in the case of virgin PLA, combination between T, UV and RH
enhances the degradation of both FR-PLAs due to hydrolysis and radical mechanism
that occur simultaneously.
Finally, the faster degradation of FR-PLAs compared to the one of PLA is explained by the
lower molecular mass of FR-PLAs before ageing, demonstrating that molecular mass is a
crucial parameter for PLA and FR-PLAs as it governs the other properties of the material (T
, crystallinity …) and its durability.
The main goal of incorporating FR fillers into PLA is to improve its flame retardant
properties. The impact of these fillers on the mechanisms of degradation and properties of
PLA without and with ageing has been studied in this last chapter. It is now necessary to
determine and understand the effect of ageing on the fire properties of our materials. Hence,
the chapter V is dedicated to the fire retardancy of PLA and a special attention will be given
to the impact of ageing on the fire properties of materials.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame
retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Melamine, APP and Cloisite 30B were incorporated into PLA to increase its flame retardant
properties. In the first part of this chapter, the flame retardant properties of PLA and both FR-
PLAs are examined and the mechanism of intumescence is reminded. However, these
properties must be kept for the lifetime of the product designed, this is why impact of ageing
on FR properties is of primary importance. The second part of this chapter is thus dedicated
to the study of impact of ageing on the FR properties of PLA and FR-PLAs. In regards to
literature, this work is the first fundamental study on this topic.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
1. Flame retardant performances of FR-PLAs
The two flame retarded materials studied in our work (i.e. FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B) have
been developed during previous researches carried out in our lab [12]. The aim of the project
was to develop and optimize an intumescent polylactide exhibiting a non-burning behavior
upon heating. The intumescent mechanism as well as FR properties of such materials have
already been elucidated [12, 24, 61]. However, it is necessary to evaluate the thermal and fire
properties of our own formulations, before investigating their behavior during ageing. Hence,
this part is focused on the study of the thermal stability and flame retardant properties of PLA
and both FR-PLAs using TGA, MLC and LOI. Furthermore, the FR mechanism of action of the
intumescent PLAs will be reminded.
Thermal stability of FR-PLAs
Previous researches have demonstrated that the intumescent mechanism mainly takes
place in condensed phase [61]. Hence, thermal stability plays a fundamental role in the
mechanism of protection. In this way, the thermal stability of our FR-PLAs was studied using
TGA, and compared to that of neat PLA.
Data collected from the TGAs of PLA and FR-PLAs are reported in Table 26. The onset
temperature (T
) corresponding to 10 wt.-% degradation of each material, the temperatures
corresponding to its maximum rates of degradation (DTG) and the residual weight obtained
at 800°C are considered in these tables. The thermal stability of pure compounds, already
investigated by Fontaine et al. [12], is reported in Appendix 6, p.229.
Table 26: TGA data (10°C/min under air) obtained for PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B.
Residual weight
(wt.-%) at
312 (-20)
346 (-12)
308 (-24)
343 (-15)
The TGA curves obtained for PLA (Figure 94) show that the polymer decomposes in one
step from 280°C with a maximum of degradation at 358°C with no residue left at 800°C.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Figure 94: TGA curves of PLA (), FR-PLA () and FR-PLA-C30B () under air flow at 10°C/min.
FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B degrade in three steps (Figure 94). For FR-PLA, the first
degradation step occurs between 250°C and 400°C with 70% weight loss. The second step
occurs between 400°C and 650°C with 15% weight loss. The last one starts from 650°C until
750°C with 9.5 wt.-% residue at 800°C. The TGA curve of FR-PLA-C30B is similar to that of FR-
PLA until 400°C. However, a significant difference is observed after 400°C. Indeed, after 400°C,
FR-PLA-C30B degrades by forming a larger amount of stable residue, resulting in a final residue
of 12 wt.-% against 9.5 wt.-% for FR-PLA. The different compounds interact together (chemical
reaction and/or physical interaction, lower M
of FR-PLAs ), leading to a thermal degradation
of the PLA matrix at lower temperature in a first time [12, 61] (T
is 312°C and 308°C for FR-
PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively, against 332°C for PLA) but in a second time, FR additives
lead to a thermal stabilization of PLA with higher residues at the end of the experiment. The
destabilization is similar for both FR-PLAs, but stabilizing effect is more important in the case
of FR-PLA-C30B. Indeed, nanoparticles in PLA/Melamine/APP formulations can stabilize the
intumescent char [12, 24, 61]. C30B acts as a reinforcing agent of the intumescent coating,
allowing to increase its efficiency.
Reaction to fire
1.2.1. Behavior under mass loss cone calorimeter (MLC)
The aim of incorporating flame retardant fillers was to design a PLA with excellent fire
retardant properties (i.e. FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B). In order to investigate the fire retardant
properties of such materials, the mass loss cone calorimeter (MLC) is one of the well
established tools, providing data on the surface ignition and penetrative burning of a material.
Hence, the heat release rate (HRR) of the two intumescent formulations was measured by
MLC and compared to unfilled PLA (Figure 95 and Table 27).
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Figure 95: RHR curves as a function of time of PLA (), FR-PLA () and FR-PLA-C30B ().
Table 27: MLC values obtained for PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B.
Material name
Time to ignition (s)
pHRR (kW/m²)
THR (MJ/m²)
45 (+6)
82 (-80%)
4.8 (-93%)
43 (+4)
48 (-89%)
3.1 (-96%)
The virgin PLA ignites 39 s after the beginning of the experiment and reaches a peak of heat
release rate (pHRR) of 420 kW/m² with a total heat release (THR) of 72 MJ/m². For both FR-
PLAs, an intumescent char is obtained (Figure 96) and in all the cases the addition of fillers
decreases both pHRR and THR compared to the neat PLA.
Figure 96: Char residues of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Indeed, pHRR reaches 82 kW/m² (-80%) and 48 kW/m² (-89%) and THR reaches 4.8 MJ/m²
(-93%) and 3.1 MJ/m² (-96%) for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively. However, it appears
that the time to ignition is similar to that of unfilled PLA (39 s for PLA compared to 45 s and
43 s for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively). These results indicate that the intumescent
shield developed by FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B when exposed to a radiative heat flux is very
efficient, leading to an important decrease of both pHRR and THR. Concerning the char
residues (Figure 97), it seems that the one of FR-PLA-C30B is more compact and cohesive, but
less expanded than the one of FR-PLA. Moreover, whereas few flames were observed at the
surface of FR-PLA during MLC experiment, FR-PLA-C30B exhibits a non-burning behavior,
confirming that C30B acts as a good synergist for intumescent PLA [12, 24, 61].
Figure 97: Digital microscopy pictures and cross section of char residues of FR-PLA and FR-
MLC results demonstrate that the intumescent char formed under radiative heat flux plays
an impressive protective role, with strong reductions of HRR and THR. The addition of a low
percentage (1 wt.-%) of nanoparticles such as C30B improves further the efficiency of the
protection by decreasing the pHRR by 89% compared to PLA. Regarding these results, we also
investigated the flammability of PLA and FR-PLAs using limiting oxygen index (LOI).
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
1.2.2. Limiting oxygen index (LOI) test results
Flammability is one of the most important characteristics of materials in the field of flame
retardancy. In fact, when a material exhibits good performances during flammability scenario,
it should limit propagation of flames during a real fire. Limiting oxygen index (LOI) is one of
the scenarios commonly used to evaluate the flammability of a material. The results obtained
for PLA and both FR-PLAs are presented in Table 28.
Table 28: LOI values of PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B.
Material name
LOI (vol.-%)
50 (+30)
56 (+36)
The results obtained show that the combination of Melamine and APP in PLA provides very
high LOI values. LOI of FR-PLA reaches 50 vol.-% compared to 20 vol.-% for unfilled PLA.
Moreover, the incorporation of C30B into FR-PLA-C30B allows an increase of LOI values to
56 vol.-% due to the intumescent phenomenon. Intumescent PLAs exhibit high LOI values
compared to the unfilled PLA, which demonstrate their lower flammability compared to PLA
and proves the efficiency of FR fillers. In addition, these results show once again that
organoclay (C30B) has a synergistic effect with APP and Melamine when only a small amount
is incorporated into FR-PLA.
Mechanism of action of FR-PLAs
Previous researches reported by Fontaine et al. [24] and Gallos et al [61] have elucidated
the mechanism of action of the intumescent FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B. Indeed, the
combination between Melamine and APP into PLA (i.e. FR-PLA) leads to the formation of an
intumescent structure that is able to enhance the fire properties of the material during fire
scenarios. It is reported that PLA is thermally degraded in order to form aromatic and aliphatic
carbonyl compounds in the condensed phase. Other compounds such as lactide, carbon
dioxide, ester and aldehyde are released in the gas phase. APP is reported to be thermally
degraded by chain scission mechanisms forming phosphates. These latter present an acidic
character and react with the carbonyl compounds in the condensed phase. Phosphates also
permit the development of an intumescent phenomenon when combined with Melamine
(Figure 98).
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Figure 98: Intumescent mechanism, adapted from Gallos et al [61].
Viscosity of polymers during burning is a key point to control the development of
intumescent barriers [271]. Gallos et al. [61] reported that the viscosity of the FR-PLA upon
heating is adequate to lead to the formation of this intumescent thermal barrier. The addition
of Cloisite 30B allows increasing the viscosity of the blend and this increase is enough to
significantly impact the swelling kinetics. Indeed, both swelling rate and expansion of the char
of FR-PLA-C30B are decreased compared to FR-PLA. MLC and LOI results reveal that FR-PLA-
C30B exhibits better fire performances compared to FR-PLA. Indeed, whereas FR-PLA present
flames at the surface of the char when exposed to the radiative heat flux, FR-PLA-C30B
presents a non-burning behavior. Flames are extinguished 10 s maximum after ignition. This
is due to the fact that the structure of the two chars of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B is different,
thus the release of gases is also different (Figure 99).
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Figure 99: Release of gas through the char of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, adapted from Gallos
et al [61].
In the clay containing formulation, C30B reacts with APP and forms aluminophosphate
species [24, 61]. These species can thermally stabilize the structure of the char, allowing to
obtain a more cohesive char. The role played by the clay in the improvement of the FR
performances can be summarized as follows: the Cloisite 30B permits to obtain a better
protection by an intumescent and more insulating char (less swelling but lower temperature).
The char also limits the “fuel” release due to its better cohesion. This limitation of fuel release
is a consequence of the diminution of the HRR since there is less fuel to feed the flame and
the sporadic flames observed extinguish spontaneously and quickly. This intumescent PLA
becomes then nonflammable.
In conclusion, the combination of APP and Melamine is an effective method to improve the
fire properties of PLA and to obtain a thermal shield via an intumescent phenomenon. The
combination of FR-PLA with nanoparticles such as Cloisite 30B permits to obtain a synergistic
effect which enhances the efficiency of the intumescent PLA process. Indeed, the
organomodified montmorillonite should increase the viscosity of the formulations which plays
a key role on the swelling kinetic and reacts with APP to form aluminophosphates contributing
to the modification of the char structure. These differences in terms of structure lead to a
more cohesive char. More homogeneous combustible gases are liberated at the surface of the
char, reducing their local concentration and preventing their combustion, while maintaining
the protection efficiency in terms of thermal isolation. As the mechanism of intumescence of
our FR materials as well their associated fire performances have been evidenced, the next part
is dedicated to the effect of ageing on the thermal stability and the reaction to fire of PLA and
both FR-PLAs.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
2. Thermal stability and flame retardant properties after ageing
In this part, the effect of T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH ageing on the thermal stability of FR-PLA
and FR-PLA-C30B is investigated. Moreover, fire retardant properties (MLC and LOI) of PLA
and both FR-PLAs are examined all along the exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
Finally, the influence of ageing on the mode of action of flame retarded materials will be
One may notice that it was not possible to perform LOI and MLC measurements after 35
days and 10 days ageing under T/RH and T/UV/RH, respectively, as the materials were
completely disintegrated into powder. Thus, the fire performances of FR-PLAs have been
evaluated until 60 days (M
± 21300 g/mol), 28 days (M
± 20000 g/mol) and 6 days (M
20000 g/mol) exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions, respectively.
Effect of ageing on thermal stability of FR-PLAs
As well as for neat PLA in chapter III (p.93), the thermal stability of FR-PLAs as a function of
ageing conditions was evaluated using TGA. Data obtained are reported in Table 29 and Table
30 for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively. The onset temperature (T
), corresponding to
10 wt.-% degradation of the material, the temperatures corresponding to its maximum rates
of degradation (DTG), and the residual weight obtained at 800°C are considered in these
Table 29: TGA data (10°C/min under air) obtained after ageing of FR-PLA exposed to T/UV,
T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
Exposure /
time (days)
weight (wt.-%)
at 800°C
T/UV 125 d
13 500
304 (-8)
345 (-1)
557 (+2)
732 (+2)
9.7 (+0.2)
T/RH 105 d
4 300
297 (-15)
333 (-13)
729 (-1)
9.0 (-0.5)
T/UV/RH 90 d
2 800
277 (-35)
325 (-21)
556 (+1)
732 (+2)
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Table 30: TGA data (10°C/min under air) obtained after ageing of FR-PLA-C30B exposed to
T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
Exposure /
time (days)
weight (wt.-%)
at 800°C
T/UV 125 d
12 500
305 (-3)
340 (-3)
561 (+1)
12.5 (+0.5)
T/RH 105 d
4 100
295 (-13)
327 (-16)
561 (+1)
742 (+2)
13.0 (+1)
T/UV/RH 90 d
2 500
258 (-50)
311 (-32)
562 (+2)
742 (+2)
13.0 (+1)
As well as unaged materials, aged FR-PLAs (Figure 100 (a) and (b)) degrade in three steps
and lead to a residue at 800°C. However, as for neat PLA (p.93), the onset temperature of
degradation of both FR-PLAs decreases upon heating. Indeed, T
of FR-PLA (i) decreases
from 312°C before ageing to 304°C, 297°C and 277°C after 125 days exposure to T/UV,
105 days to T/RH and 90 days to T/UV/RH conditions, respectively. For FR-PLA-C30B (ii), T
decreases from 308°C before ageing to 305°C, 295°C and 258°C after 125 days exposure to
T/UV, 105 days to T/RH and 90 days to T/UV/RH conditions, respectively.
Same phenomenon is reported concerning the behavior of DTG
. In fact, DTG
of FR-PLA (i)
decreases from 346°C before ageing to 345°C, 333°C and 325°C after 125 days exposure to
T/UV, 105 days to T/RH and 90 days to T/UV/RH conditions, respectively. DTG
of FR-PLA-C30B
(ii) decreases from 343°C before ageing to 340°C, 327°C and 311°C after 125 days exposure to
T/UV, 105 days to T/RH and 90 days to T/UV/RH conditions, respectively. However, it appears
that whatever the kind of ageing exposure, DTG
and DTG
remain similar after ageing for both
materials. Indeed, DTG
is 555°C ± 2°C and 560 C ± 2°C for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B,
respectively, whereas DTG
is 730°C ± 2°C and 740°C ± C for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B,
The residue left at 800°C is quite similar for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B after ageing: whatever
the kind of ageing exposure it is around 9 wt.-% ± 0.5 wt.-% for FR-PLA and 12 wt.-% ± 1 wt.- %
for FR-PLA-C30B. One can notice that like unaged materials, the final residue of FR-PLA-C30B
is higher than that of FR-PLA after ageing.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Figure 100: TGA curves as function of time for FR-PLA (a) and FR-PLA-C30B (b), before ageing
(), 125 days T/UV (), 105 days T/RH () and 60 days T/UV/RH () exposure.
All these results indicate that the thermal stability of FR-PLAs materials is impacted during
ageing. The decrease of T
and DTGA
, which correspond to the degradation of PLA, suggests
the formation of thermally weak bond (e.g. hydroperoxides, carboxylic acids and peroxides)
during the ageing exposure of the PLA matrix (chapter III, p.93). These ones can quickly initiate
the thermal degradation and then decrease the thermal stability of PLA [174, 190-192],
explaining the behavior of both T
and DTGA
. On the other hand, knowing that DTGA
are linked to the presence of FR fillers into FR-PLAs, their behavior reported during
ageing seems to indicate that FR fillers are not affected by ageing, which is in accordance with
observations previously reported in chapter IV (p.141).
Theoretical TGA curves of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B calculated according to Equation 23
demonstrate that the residues obtained at 800°C are mainly due to the presence of FR fillers
into the PLA matrix (Table 31). Indeed, whereas no residue is left at 800°C for neat PLA, the
residues obtained by TGA experiment are 9.5 wt. % and 12 wt. % at 800°C for FR-PLA and FR-
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
PLA-C30B, respectively. These values are close to the theoretical ones of 9.1 wt. % and
11.5 wt. % calculated for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively.
Table 31: Comparison between theoretical and experimental residual weight (wt. %)
obtained at 800°c for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B.
Formulation name
Residual weight (wt.-%) at 800°C
FR-PLA (theo)
FR-PLA (exp)
9.5 (+0.4)
FR-PLA-C30B (theo)
FR-PLA-C30B (exp)
12 (+0.5)
Thus, if the residue left at 800°C is mainly due to the presence of FR fillers, and considering
that only PLA matrix is affected by ageing, it is quite obvious that this residue does not change
during ageing. Hence, the limitation of fuel release due to the insulating char is still efficient
and the thermal protection is thus maintained during ageing.
As the effect of ageing on the thermal stability of intumescent PLAs is now evidenced, the
next section is dedicated to the effect of ageing on the fire performances of the materials
studied, in particular thanks to LOI test.
Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) test results after ageing
The impact of ageing on flame retardancy of PLA was firstly assessed by LOI test. The values
obtained are summarized in Table 32, Table 33 and Table 34 for PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B,
Table 32: LOI ranking of PLA as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
Ageing time (days)
LOI (vol.-%) T/UV
LOI (vol.-%) T/RH
LOI (vol.-%)
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Table 33: LOI ranking of FR-PLA as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions. The (+x) are calculated using the unaged formulation as reference.
Ageing time (days)
LOI (vol.-%) T/UV
LOI (vol.-%) T/RH
LOI (vol.-%)
57 (+7)
52 (+2)
60 (+10)
52 (+2)
59 (+9)
54 (+4)
Table 34: LOI ranking of FR-PLA-C30B as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions. The (+x) are calculated using the unaged formulation as reference.
Ageing time (days)
LOI (vol.-%) T/UV
LOI (vol.-%) T/RH
LOI (vol.-%)
64 (+8)
58 (+2)
67 (+11)
58 (+2)
67 (+11)
60 (+4)
Results show that whatever the kind of exposure, ageing does not impact the LOI value of
unfilled PLA which remains at 20 vol.-% (Table 32). However, regarding FR-PLA (Table 33) and
FR-PLA-C30B (Table 34), LOI values surprisingly increase when the formulations are exposed
to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions:
Under exposure to T/UV: LOI increases by 4 vol.-% for both FR-PLAs after
60 days, from 50 to 54 vol.-% for FR-PLA and from 56 to 60 vol.-% for FR-PLA-
Under exposure to T/RH: LOI reaches 59 vol.-% (+9) and 67 vol.-% (+11) after
28 days for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively.
Under exposure to T/UV/RH: LOI rises by 10 vol.-% and 11 vol.-% to reach 60
and 67 vol.-% after 6 days for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively.
It appears that during ageing, the LOI values of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B surprisingly
increase. This increase clearly depends on the ageing conditions: it is more important for
ageing under T/UV/RH conditions than for T/RH and T/UV exposure. In fact, as an example,
LOI of FR-PLA-C30B slightly increases until 60 vol.-% after 60 days exposure to T/UV, whereas
it reaches 67 vol.-% after 28 days exposure to T/RH or only 6 days to T/UV/RH conditions.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
It is noteworthy that a change in behavior of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B is reported during
LOI tests (Figure 101). Indeed, it appears that the charring effect decreases, while dripping
occurs when ageing exposure time increases. Nevertheless, this behavior is more noticeable
for materials aged under T/UV/RH conditions compared to T/RH and T/UV.
Figure 101: Evolution of the behavior of LOI samples of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a function
of ageing exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
These investigations demonstrate that ageing has a positive effect on LOI values, by
reducing the flammability. This phenomenon is certainly due to a “runaway effect”. Indeed,
the combustible material escapes from the flame by dripping phenomenon which stops the
flaming of the samples. In order to better understand this phenomenon, the behavior of the
viscosity of materials during ageing was investigated. As mentioned previously, ageing leads
to a decrease of the molecular mass. The decrease in M
of a polymer is known to usually lead
to a decrease in the viscosity of the material [272] and this parameter is an important factor
that impacts the general fire retardant behavior of a material, particularly on LOI test [50, 61,
102, 273, 274]. In this aim, melt flow indexer (MFI) was performed on FR-PLAs before and all
along ageing exposure.
Viscosity of FR-PLAs
MFI was performed in order to investigate the changes in viscosity of FR-PLAs during
ageing. Indeed, the dynamic viscosity is known to be inversely proportional to MFI (viscosity
decreases when MFI increases) [272, 275]. Data obtained are reported in Table 35 and Table
36 for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Table 35: Viscosity data obtained for FR-PLA exposed to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
time (days)
Table 36: Viscosity data obtained for FR-PLA-C30B exposed to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
time (days)
One can firstly notice that the dynamic viscosity of FR-PLA-C30B is higher than that of FR-
PLA before ageing, thus even if the M
is lower. As already reported (p.164), this is due to the
incorporation of organomodified montmorillonite into the material [24, 61]. Generally,
intercalation, exfoliation and dispersion of clays in a polymer matrix can display an increase in
viscosity [276-281]. In order to evaluate the dispersion of organoclays in our materials,
transmission electron microscoscopy (TEM) analyses were thus performed on FR-PLA-C30B. It
appears that FR-PLA-C30B is constituted of many big agglomerates of clay platelets with width
superior to 0.5 μm (Figure 102 (a)). However, the material also present platelets of smaller
size with width of 200 nm (Figure 102 (b)). Due to their length and width, these agglomerates
are of intermediate size between micrometrical and nanometrical fillers. Indeed, although
these agglomerates have a dimension lower than one micron, they have a shape factor
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
relatively low compared to the one that can be obtained when clay platelets are well
Figure 102: TEM pictures of big (a) and small (b) agglomerates of Cloisite 30B in FR-PLA-C30B.
FR-PLA-C30B contains different sizes of agglomerates of Cloisite 30B but no isolated
platelets. Thus, the organoclay is not well dispersed and FR-PLA-C30B is not a nanocomposite
but a microcomposite. Nevertheless, this state of dispersion seems to be enough to display an
increase in viscosity of the FR-PLA-C30B material compared to FR-PLA.
The dynamic viscosity of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B appears to be dependent on the ageing
exposure time (Figure 103 (a)) and on the molecular mass of the material (Figure 103 (b)).
Indeed, the viscosity decreases when ageing exposure increases (M
decreases) whatever
ageing conditions:
Under T/UV, the dynamic viscosity decreases from 1240 Pa/s
= 29000 g/mol) and 2010 Pa/s (M
= 27000 g/mol) to 460 Pa/s
= 24100 g/mol) and 430 Pa/s (M
= 21800 g/mol) after 30 days for FR-PLA
and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively.
Under T/RH, the dynamic viscosity reaches 160 Pa/s (M
= 18400 g/mol) and
110 Pa/s (M
= 15400 g/mol) after 21 days for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B,
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Under T/UV/RH the most noticeable decrease of viscosity is observed. Indeed,
it decreases to 120 Pa/s (M
= 17500 g/mol) and 100 Pa/s (M
= 15000 g/mol)
after only 14 days for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively.
Figure 103: Evolution of viscosity of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a function of ageing
exposure to T/UV (), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (Δ) conditions (a) and molecular mass (b).
As for the molecular mass (p.90 and p.127), the decrease of viscosity is more important
when materials are aged under T/UV/RH compared to T/RH and T/UV conditions: after
14 days ageing, the dynamic viscosity is only 100 Pa/s for FR-PLA-C30B aged under T/UV/RH,
compared to 450 Pa/s and 1300 Pa/s for T/RH and T/UV exposure, respectively.
Hence, the decrease in viscosity observed during ageing is responsible for the “runaway
effect” previously described. This one thus leads to an increase in LOI values for both FR-PLAs
during ageing. Knowing the impact of ageing on the LOI performance of our materials, it is
now useful to study it impact on MLC performances. The next section is then dedicated to
these investigations.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Mass loss cone performances after ageing
As demonstrated in the last part (p.160), the use of Melamine, APP and organoclay (C30B)
leads to the development of an efficient intumescent shield protecting PLA against fire. It is
suitable to keep these performances during the lifetime of the material. Thus, MLC properties
of PLAs were examined as a function of ageing in order to evaluate the impact of T/UV, T/RH
and T/UV/RH exposure on the flame retardancy.
MLC measurements were performed until 60 days for PLA under each exposure conditions
(Table 37 and Figure 104). As for LOI test, results depicted for PLA show that whatever the
kind of exposure, ageing does not impact the MLC performances. Indeed the time to ignition
(TTI) as well as both pHRR and THR remain unchanged. Indeed, TTI is around 39 s ± 4s, pHRR
is 420 ± 2% and THR is 72 ± 6%. Whereas the physico-chemical properties (M
, T
, T
crystallinity) of unfilled PLA are impacted during ageing, the LOI and MLC results demonstrate
that the fire performances of the material remain unchanged.
Table 37: MLC values obtained for PLA as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
Time to ignition (s)
pHRR (kW/m²)
THR (MJ/m²)
t = 0
T/UV t= 60 days
47000 (-31%)
43 (+4)
424 (+2%)
71.1 (-2%)
T/RH t = 60 days
34200 (-50%)
41 (+2)
422 (+1%)
69.4 (-4%)
T/UV/RH t = 60 days
21500 (-68%)
38 (-1)
416 (-1%)
67.7 (-6%)
Figure 104: RHR curves of unaged PLA () and 60 days exposure to T/UV (), T/RH () and
T/UV/RH () conditions.
Focusing on the two intumescent PLAs, measurements were performed until 6, 28 and
60 days under T/UV/RH, T/RH and T/UV, respectively. MLC data obtained for FR-PLA are
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
reported in Table 38 and Figure 105. Contrary to LOI it seems that MLC performances are not
impacted during ageing. Indeed, TTI is 45 s for unaged material and remains quite similar after
ageing. The pHRR remains at 82 kW/m² after 60 days ageing to T/UV and decreases to
81 kW/m² (-2%) and 79 kW/m² (-4%) after 28 days under T/RH and 6 days under T/UV/RH
conditions, respectively. The only difference is observed for the THR which is decreased by
33%, 34% and 55% to reach 2.9 MJ/m², 2.8MJ/m² and 1.9 MJ/m² after 60 days under T/UV,
28 days under T/RH and 6 days under T/UV/RH, respectively. However, due to the relatively
low values of THR and the limits of the MLC device, the decrease of THR cannot be considered
as significant.
Table 38: MLC values obtained for FR-PLA as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and
T/UV/RH conditions.
Mn (g/mol)
Time to ignition (s)
pHRR (kW/m²)
THR (MJ/m²)
t = 0
T/UV t= 60 days
21300 (-26%)
43 (-2)
2.9 (-33%)
T/RH t = 28 days
20000 (-30%)
81 (-2%)
2.8 (-34%)
T/UV/RH t = 6 days
20000 (-30%)
43 (-2)
79 (-4%)
1.9 (-55%)
Figure 105: RHR curves of unaged FR-PLA () and 60 days exposure to T/UV (), T/RH () and
T/UV/RH () conditions.
The FR-PLA-C30B formulation shows the same behavior as FR-PLA (Table 39 and Figure
106). Indeed, The TTI which is 43 s before ageing reaches 46 s, 45s and 44s after 60 days under
T/UV, 28 days under T/RH and 6 days under T/UV/RH, respectively. Thus, the TTI can be
considered as unchanged after ageing. The pHRR of the material is slightly decreased during
ageing but is in the experimental error of 10%. Indeed, pHRR is 48 kW/m² before ageing and
reaches 47 kW/m² (-2%), 46 kW/m² (-3%) and 43 kW/m² (-8%) after 60 days under T/UV,
28 days under T/RH and 6 days under T/UV/RH, respectively. As well as for FR-PLA, the THR is
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
reported to decrease during ageing, from 3.1 MJ/ before ageing to 1.9 MJ/m² (-36%),
1.8 MJ/m² (- 42%) and 1.1 MJ/m² (-63%) after 60 days under T/UV, 28 days under T/RH and
6 days under T/UV/RH, respectively. However, due to the relatively low values of THR and the
limits of the MLC device, the decrease of THR cannot be considered as significant.
Table 39: MLC values obtained for FR-PLA-C30B as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and
T/UV/RH conditions.
Time to ignition (s)
pHRR (kW/m²)
THR (MJ/m²)
t = 0
T/UV t= 60 days
21100 (-23%)
46 (+3)
47 (-2%)
1.9 (-36%)
T/RH t = 28 days
20000 (-26%)
45 (+2)
46 (-3%)
1.8 (-42%)
T/UV/RH t = 6 days
20000 (-26%)
44 (+1)
43 (-8%)
1.1 (-63%)
Figure 106: RHR curves of unaged FR-PLA-C30B () and 60 days exposure to T/UV (), T/RH
() and T/UV/RH () conditions.
Considering the experimental error and the low values obtained in terms of pHRR and THR,
no significant changes in MLC performances were evidenced after ageing for FR-PLAs loaded
at 30wt.-%. Hence, even if ageing has a direct impact on the physico-chemical properties of
FR-PLAs, it appears that it does not affect fire performances of such materials measured by
MLC. It was thus decided to investigate the impact of ageing on the MLC performances of a
less effective system. Hence, PLAs filled at 20 wt.-% FR loading were investigated. In fact, the
MLC performances of a less effective system may be affected during ageing exposure.
Mass loss cone behavior of FR-PLAs loaded at 20 wt.-%.
This study was led on two FR-PLAs filled with 20 wt.-% of FR fillers in the same ratio as for
the formulations at 30 wt.-%. The composition and names of these two formulations are
reported in chapter II (Table 7, p.70). FR-PLA-20% and FR-PLA-C30B-20% were aged under
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
T/UV/RH condition since this latter was previously reported to be the more drastic for PLA
materials (p.106 and p.152), thus the effects of ageing should be quickly observed.
As FR-PLA-20% and FR-PLA-C30B-20% were completely disintegrated into powder after
28 days, MLC investigations were led on both materials before ageing, after 17 and 22 days of
exposure to T/UV/RH conditions. Indeed, after 17 days the M
is reached and the high
concentrated FR layer is formed at the surface of the plates. As expected, FR-PLA-20% (Table
40 and Figure 107) exhibits lower fire properties than FR-PLA-30% before ageing, pHRR and
THR are 186 kW/m² and 46.3 MJ/m², respectively, compared to 82 kW/m² and 4.8 MJ/m² for
the FR-PLA-30%. Regarding their fire properties after ageing, it appears that the TTI which is
88 s ± 2 s all along the exposure is quite stable for the FR-PLA-20%. The THR is surprisingly
decreased by 20% and 30% after 17 days and 22 days exposure. Same phenomenon is
observed for the pHRR which is 186 kW/m² before ageing and reaches 124 kW/m² (-33%) and
94 kW/m² (-48%) after 17 days and 22 days of ageing, respectively. These results obtained
show that MLC fire performances of the FR-PLA-20% material are clearly improved after
Table 40: MLC values obtained for FR-PLA-20% as a function of exposure time to T/UV/RH
Time to ignition (s)
pHRR (kW/m²)
THR (MJ/m²)
t = 0
T/UV/RH t= 17 days
90 (+2)
124 (-33%)
37.5 (-20%)
T/UV/RH t = 22 days
86 (-2)
94 (-48%)
32.5 (-30%)
Figure 107: RHR curves of unaged FR-PLA-20% (), 17 days () and 22 days () aged under
T/UV/RH conditions.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
As well as in the case of FR-PLA, FR-PLA-C30B-30% presents higher fire performances
compared to FR-PLA-C30B-20% (Table 41 and Figure 108). Whereas pHRR and THR are
48 kW/m² and 3.1 MJ/m² for FR-PLA-C30B-30%, they respectively reach 88 kW/m² and
11.6 MJ/m² for FR-PLA-C30B-20%. Focusing on the performances of FR-PLA-C30B-20% after
ageing, the TTI remains unchanged until 22 days exposure. Indeed, TTI is 92 s ± 3 s.
Furthermore, the pHRR decreases after ageing from 88 kW/m² to 65 kW/m² (-26%) and
51 kW/m² (-42%) after 17 and 22 days exposure to T/UV/RH, respectively. The same trend is
observed for THR which is reduced from 11.6 MJ/ to 8.9 MJ/m² (-23%) and 7.6 (-35%) after
17 and 22 days exposure, respectively. Like FR-PLA-20%, the behavior of FR-PLA-C30B-20%
demonstrates that MLC fire performances are improved after ageing.
Table 41: MLC values obtained for FR-PLA-C30B-20% as a function of exposure time to
T/UV/RH conditions.
Time to ignition (s)
pHRR (kW/m²)
THR (MJ/m²)
t = 0
T/UV/RH t= 17 days
93 (+1)
65 (-26%)
8.9 (-23%)
T/UV/RH t = 22 days
95 (+3)
51 (-42%)
7.6 (-35%)
Figure 108: RHR curves of unaged FR-PLA-C30B-20% (), 18 days () and 22 days () aged
under T/UV/RH conditions.
The study led on FR-PLAs loaded at 20 wt.-% show that MLC performances are enhanced
during ageing. A reduction of pHRR and THR along with unchanged TTI is observed. Moreover,
a change in intumescent behavior is reported when samples are aged. Indeed, during the
experiments, the thermal shield was observed to be formed sooner, with a higher swelling,
resulting in a more expanded char. The cross section of the chars obtained after MLC
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
measurements were thus analyzed by digital microscopy. The expansion of the char as a
function of ageing exposure to T/UV/RH is reported in Figure 109 and Figure 110 for FR-PLAs-
20%. The thickness of the char was measured on three different chars of FR-PLA-20% and FR-
Figure 109: Evolution of the char expansion of FR-PLA-20% as a function of ageing under
T/UV/RH exposure.
Figure 110: Evolution of the char expansion of FR-PLA-C30B-20% as a function of ageing
under T/UV/RH exposure.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
The thickness of FR-PLA-20% char (Figure 109) is 0.5 cm before ageing and reaches 1.3 cm
after 17 days exposure to T/UV/RH. Moreover, the thickness of the FR-PLA-C30B-20% char
(Figure 110) is 0.8 cm before ageing and grows up to 1.5 cm after 17 days exposure to
T/UV/RH. These observations confirm the higher expansion of the char after ageing, for both
FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B filled at 20 wt.-%.
Knowing the positive impact of ageing on the thermal protection of intumescent PLA, it is
of interest to understand how ageing can improve the MLC performances. For this purpose,
investigations were led on the molecular mass of FR-PLAs loaded at 20 wt.-%.
Molecular mass of FR-PLAs loaded at 20 wt.-%
The change in molecular mass of FR-PLAs-20% was studied as a function of ageing exposure
to T/UV/RH and compared to FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B filled at 30 wt.-% (Table 42 and Figure
111). The first observation is that before ageing, the M
of FR-PLAs-20% is higher than that of
FR-PLAs-30%. Indeed, M
of FR-PLA-20% and FR-PLA-C30B-20% are 32500 g/mol and
31000 g/mol, respectively, compared to 29000 g/mol for FR-PLA-30% and 27000 g/mol for FR-
PLA-C30B-30%. Hence the incorporation of 20 wt.-% of fillers is less impacting for the
molecular mass compared to the incorporation of 30 wt.-%.
Table 42: M
data of FR-PLAs-20% and FR-PLAs-30% as a function of ageing exposure to
T/UV/RH conditions.
time (days)
27900 (-14%)
23500 (-17%)
26000 (-16%)
21000 (-20%)
21000 (-35%)
17500 (-38%)
20200 (-35%)
15000 (-40%)
16500 (-49%)
13000 (-53%)
15300 (-51%)
9750 (-60%)
11000 (-67%)
8800 (-69%)
9250 (-70%)
5800 (-75%)
Furthermore, as for FR-PLAs-30%, the exposure to T/UV/RH conditions leads to the
decrease of the molecular mass of both intumescent materials. Indeed, M
of FR-PLA-20%
decreases from 32500 to 11000 g/mol (-67%) whereas for FR-PLA-C30B-20% it decreases from
31000 to 9250 g/mol (-70%) after 45 days exposure to T/UV/RH conditions. Considering the
experimental error of 10%, one can notice that the M
of FR-PLAs-20% and FR-PLAs-30%
decreases at the same rate. M
decreases by 67% and 70% for FR-PLA-20% and FR-PLA-C30B-
20%, respectively compared to 68% and 75% for FR-PLA-30% and FR-PLA-C30B-30%,
respectively, after 45 days exposure to T/UV/RH. However, due to the higher M
of FR-PLAs-
20% before ageing, compared to that of FR-PLAs-30%, more time is required to reach the
critical molecular mass (M
= 20000 g/mol) from which the material starts to disaggregate.
This explains why the materials need 17 days to reach the critical M
compared to 6 days for
PLAs filled at 30 wt.-% loading.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
As previously reported in chapter IV (p.120 and p.127), when the critical molecular mass is
reached, a high concentrated FR layer appears at the surface of the materials. In the case of
intumescent FR-PLAs-20%, this layer is formed after 17 days when M
reaches the M
20000 g/mol (the complete disintegration of the plates occurs after 28 days approximatively).
This phenomenon is in accordance with the improvement of MLC performances reported in
this section.
Figure 111: M
versus ageing time of FR-PLA 20% and 30% () and FR-PLA-C30B () 20% and
30% materials aged under T/UV/RH conditions.
All along the different investigations led during our work, some phenomena were
evidenced both in terms of physico-chemical properties or fire performances after ageing:
The decrease of the molecular mass of FR-PLAs when exposed to artificial
accelerated ageing (T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH).
The decrease of thermal stability of FR-PLAs as a function of ageing exposure.
When the critical molecular mass (M
) is reached, a high concentrated FR layer is
formed at the surface of the materials.
In terms of fire performances, a reduction of pHRR and THR is observed along ageing
A change of the intumescent behavior is reported when samples are aged. Indeed,
it was observed that the intumescent shield is formed sooner accompanied by a
higher expansion of the char.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
According to these different observations a simple mechanism can be proposed to explain
the impact of ageing on the MLC performances (Figure 112):
The decrease of the molecular mass occurring during ageing of FR-PLAs impacts the
dynamics of molecular chains. In fact, ageing can increase the mobility of the chains
and have an effect on the strength of polymer bonds. The degradation of the
polymer matrix could lead to the formation of new or more reactive species that
can initiate quicker the thermal degradation of the polymer [174, 190-192] (Figure
112 (a)).
The decrease of both pHRR and THR is observed from the moment when the critical
molecular mass (M
) is reached. Thus, when the high concentrated FR layer is
formed at the surface of the material, i.e. when FR fillers are more readily available
on the surface (Figure 112 (a)).
It is thus possible that the more reactive species formed during PLA degradation
and fillers layer formed at the surface of FR-PLAs both promote the intumescent
mechanism. Thus, when exposed to the radiative heat flux of the MLC, PLA and
fillers can quickly react, thus promoting the intumescent mechanism. The insulative
barrier is formed sooner and both pHRR and THR are decreased (Figure 112 (b)).
On the other hand if more reactive species are formed during ageing, they are able
to react with fillers in the condensed phase. Thus explaining the higher expansion
of the char reported during MLC test and demonstrating that the polymer itself
participate to its own protection.
Hence, it seems that ageing promotes the intumescence mechanism through the
kinetics of formation of the protective shield.
However, further investigations are still needed as to prove our different
assumptions and in particular determine if the mechanism of intumescence itself is
modified during ageing. Hence it will be possible to evidence a complete mechanism
of action in terms of MLC fire performances of aged FR-PLAs.
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
Figure 112: Schematic representation of the effect of ageing on the intumescent mechanism
of FR-PLA-C30B-20%.
In the case of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B filled at 30 wt.-% loading, the MLC performances
remain similar after ageing maybe because the two intumescent formulations already exhibit
very high fire performances before the formation of the FR concentrated layer at the surface.
On the other hand, the values of pHRR and THR obtained during the experiments are very low,
thus considering the limits of measurements of the MLC device no effect of ageing can be
considered. One possibility to avoid this problem is to increase the heat flux of the MLC device.
Indeed, whereas our experiments were performed at 35 kW/m², by increasing the heat flux
until 50 or 75 kW/m², it should be possible to obtain higher values of THR and pHRR and thus
evidence the effect of ageing on the MLC performances of FR-PLAs-30%.
3. Conclusion
In Chapter V, the fire properties of intumescent PLAs as well as their behavior during ageing
were studied. Firstly, it was confirmed that the incorporation of fillers such as Melamine and
APP allows the development of an efficient intumescent system improving the fire
performances of PLA [12, 24, 61]. Moreover, the addition of nanoparticles (i.e. Cloisite 30B)
shows a synergistic effect enhancing the protection by intumescence, with a more insulating
char that limits the “fuel” release due to its better cohesion, thus decreasing pHRR and THR.
In the second part, flame retardant properties of PLA and FR-PLAs after ageing were
investigated under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions. During ageing it appears that flame
retardant properties of virgin PLA are not modified until 60 days of ageing and thus whatever
the kind of exposure. However, concerning FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, investigations led for LOI
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Chapter V: Impact of ageing on the flame retardant properties of FR-PLAs
and MLC tests reveal that ageing impacts the flame retardancy of intumescent PLAs. It was
demonstrated that the LOI of FR-PLAs increases during ageing. The increase of LOI was
reported to be higher in the case of T/UV/RH exposure compared to T/RH then T/UV
conditions. Action mechanism was found to be due to a “runaway effect”. Indeed, during
ageing, the degradation of the material leads to a decrease in viscosity of the system. This
phenomenon creates a “runaway effect”, which permits to the combustible material to escape
from the flame by dripping, thus, leading to the increase in the LOI values for both FR-PLAs.
Furthermore, ageing was reported to have no effect on the fire performances observed by
MLC for PLA and FR-PLAs. Even before ageing the two intumescent PLAs exhibit very high fire
performances (very low pHRR and THR), due to the optimization of the formulation. Thus the
effect of ageing on the MLC performances cannot be observed for these formulations at
35 kW/m².
However, by studying a less effective intumescent PLAs (i.e. FR-PLA-20% and FR-PLA-C30B-
20%) it was found that ageing improves the MLC performances at 35 kW/m², by decreasing
both pHRR and THR, whereas TTI remains stable. The degradation of the materials during
ageing is responsible for these surprising performance. Indeed, the enhanced degradation of
FR-PLAs (the high decrease of molecular mass) can leads to the formation of new or more
reactive products and of a concentrated layer of nitrogen and phosphorus (also Cloisite 30B
in the case of FR-PLA-C30B formulations) at the surface of the sample (p.120, p.142). Both
phenomena promote the kinetics of intumescence through the development of a more
efficient shield when the material is exposed to a heat source, favoring the intumescent
phenomenon and enhancing the flame retardancy of the materials.
Investigations reported during this work demonstrate that physico-chemical properties
, viscosity …) and FR fillers both play an important part in the improvement of fire
properties during ageing. It is obvious that the molecular mass plays a crucial role in the
durability of intumescent PLAs. Indeed it is mainly responsible for the behavior of the other
physico-chemical properties (viscosity, T
, T
, thermal stability, crystallinity …) and thus
indirectly to the formation of a high concentrated FR layer at the surface of the materials
during ageing. Hence, the degradation level of the materials governs the molecular mass and
thus the behavior of the physico-chemical properties and fire performances during FR-PLAs
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General conclusion
General conclusion
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General conclusion
PLA is nowadays the first commodity biodegradable polymer produced from annually
renewable resources. It is a potential good candidate for replacement of traditional petroleum
derived polymeric materials. Indeed PLA is relatively cheap and has some remarkable
properties that make it suitable for various applications such as packaging, textile or
transportation like automobile. However, to be used in certain sectors (e.g. automobile), PLA
has to be flame retarded and its flame retardant properties as well as its properties of use
must be kept for the product lifetime. Literature review revealed that the interest for flame
retarded PLA kept growing these past few years. Indeed, many conventional flame retardants
which can be combined with nanoparticles (metal hydroxides, phosphorus-containing
compounds, halogenated and nitrogentaed compounds, organoclays …) are generally
incorporated with efficiency into PLA matrix, to design flame retardant formulations.
However, regardless of its interesting properties, PLA is known to be extremely sensitive to its
environment of use, impacting the lifetime of the material. Ageing generally leads to the
degradation of the material via various phenomena (e.g. hydrolysis, thermo-degradation,
photo-degradation …). Ageing which is detrimental for the integrity of the material over time
can also affect the durability of the flame retardancy. The aim of this PhD was to evaluate the
effect of ageing on the lifetime of flame retarded PLAs.
In this context, the first purpose of this work was to evidence the impact of ageing on neat
PLA, a commercially available grade used in this study. Indeed, the understanding of the
behavior of neat PLA during ageing was of primary importance to apprehend the ageing of
flame retarded PLAs. The ageing of the material was carried out under three different
accelerated ageing tests under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure. The physico-chemical
properties (M
, T
, T
, thermal stability, crystallinity) and visual appearance of PLA during
ageing were assessed by a various number of techniques, such as GPC, DSC, TGA, XRD, FTIR,
digital microscopy, SEM and L*a*b*. This step of characterization permitted to correlate the
effects of ageing with the ones already reported in literature. Indeed, it was found that ageing
has a direct influence on the physico-chemical properties of the material by decreasing M
, T
and thermal stability of PLA. On the contrary, the crystallinity of the material increased.
Visually, cracks, holes and a bleaching of the material were reported during ageing. It was
reported that these phenomena depend on the ageing conditions, as the impacts of ageing
are even more important for PLA aged under T/UV/RH compared to T/RH and T/UV. The
influence of flame retardant additives on the ageing of PLA was then studied. Both visual and
physico-chemical characterizations performed during exposure revealed that flame retardant
additives have a direct impact on the ageing of PLA. Indeed, the effects of ageing appeared to
be more pronounced when FR fillers are incorporated into the PLA matrix. Even if cracks and
holes are also observed during ageing of FR-PLAs, the formation of a white layer was
evidenced at the surface of the T/RH and T/UV/RH aged materials when a critical molecular
mass of 20000 g/mol is reached. Moreover, it appeared that both FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B
were surprisingly disintegrated into powder after 10 and 35 days of exposure to T/UV/RH and
T/RH conditions, respectively. On the contrary, after 60 days, the exposure to T/UV appeared
not to be drastic for the visual integrity of FR-PLAs as it was demonstrated that the M
was still
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© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
General conclusion
not reached. The different characterization techniques used all along the ageing exposure
(GPC, DSC, XRD, FTIR …) suggested that these phenomena can be explained by the evolution
of physico-chemical properties of the materials. The impacts of ageing on the physico-
chemical properties of FR-PLAs were found to be similar to those reported for neat PLA
(decrease of M
, T
, T
, increase in crystallinity …). However, the already low molecular mass
before ageing explained why FR-PLAs reached quickly the M
(20000 g/mol) and thus the faster
degradation of FR materials. This proved that the molecular mass is a crucial parameter for
polymers as it governs most of the physico-chemical properties of the material (T
, T
crystallinity …) and thus its durability.
Strategically, it was also fundamental to elucidate the mechanisms of degradation
occurring during T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure. Especially as many different mechanisms
have been proposed all over the years depending on the ageing conditions and duration. It
was evidenced that the degradation of neat PLA takes place in the bulk of the material
assuming an autocatalytic process, but mechanism of degradation depends on the exposure
conditions. FTIR evidenced that hydrolysis is the predominant phenomenon occurring during
T/RH exposure, whereas under T/UV, EPR experiments revealed that PLA is degraded via a
radical mechanism. On the other hand, the increase in temperature was reported to be
responsible for a faster degradation. The combination between UV-rays and RH creates a
synergistic effect under T/UV/RH exposure. Both hydrolysis and radical mechanism occur
simultaneously, accelerating the degradation of the polymer matrix. However, only few
studies reported in literature deal with the exposure to T/UV/RH conditions and it is quite
difficult up to now to determine which of the two phenomena is predominant. In presence of
FR fillers, EPR experiments indicated that FR fillers protect the material against UV and O
penetration. On the contrary, hydrolysis mechanism appeared to be modified when FR fillers
are incorporated into the PLA matrix. Indeed, in presence of FR fillers, hydrolysis seems to
occur at the interface between matrix and fillers, certainly due to an accumulation of water.
As a consequence the formation of the white layer composed of Melamine, APP and C30B (in
the case of FR-PLA-C30B) at the surface of FR-PLAs. Moreover, the partial hydrolysis of APP
could also be held responsible for this phenomenon, explaining why APP particles are not
completely embedded in the PLA matrix anymore. During this work, the use of the EPR device
was revealed to be an innovative technique to use, as it offers new perspectives on both
mechanistic and kinetics points in the field of photo-degradation of polymers.
The main goal of incorporating FR fillers into PLA was to improve its flame retarded
properties. Knowing the impact of fillers on the physico-chemical properties and mechanisms
of degradation of PLA, it was thus crucial to investigate the durability of the flame retardant
properties. It was firstly demonstrated that the incorporation of FR fillers (i.e. Melamine and
APP) permitted the development of an efficient intumescent system improving the fire
performances of PLA. Furthermore, the addition of nanoparticles (i.e. Cloisite 30B) showed a
synergistic effect. The intumescence of the system was enhanced, with a more insulating and
a more cohesive char. After ageing, it was showed that the fire performances of neat PLA
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
General conclusion
remained similar whereas those of FR-PLAs were improved, especially in LOI test. Indeed, it
was demonstrated that the LOI of FR-PLAs increases during ageing due to a “runaway effect”.
Due to the already very high fire performances before ageing, ageing was reported to have no
effect on the fire performances observed by MLC for FR-PLAs filled at 30 wt.-%. However, it
was demonstrated that ageing improves the MLC performances of a less effective intumescent
PLA (i.e. FR-PLA-20% and FR-PLA-C30B-20%) by decreasing both pHRR and THR. The
degradation of the matrix during ageing and the high concentrated FR layer formed at the
surface of the materials were held responsible for this surprising behavior. They both
accelerate the kinetics of intumescence, thus promoting the development of a more efficient
shield able to enhance the flame retardancy of the materials. This demonstrates the key role
of ageing in the behavior and the durability of flame retardancy during lifetime of FR-PLAs.
This PhD aimed to evidence the impact of ageing on the durability of a flame retardant
system, based on PLA. It was shown that PLA is a very promising polymer in the field of flame
retardancy, even if it is extremely sensitive to its environment of use. It was demonstrated
that both FR fillers and physico-chemical properties (especially the molecular mass) play an
important role in the improvement of fire properties during ageing. This could be used as a
basis for further work, dealing with the ageing of flame retarded polymers
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
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Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
As many topics were approached in this manuscript, many outlook emerged along the
dissertation: optimization of extrusion process, mechanistic outlook, kinetics degradation,
The first and obvious outlook is related to the molecular mass of FR-PLAs. In this
manuscript, it was evidenced that the molecular mass is a crucial parameter for the durability
of the material. It could be interesting to limit the decrease of M
during the extrusion process
of FR-PLAs (chain extender, master batch…), as to study PLA and FR-PLAs with similar
molecular mass. Hence, avoiding the effect of the molecular mass on degradation of FR-PLAs,
it would be possible to focus solely on the contribution of FR fillers on the ageing of the
intumescent materials.
Most papers dealing with ageing of polymers, especially PLA, demonstrate the effect of
ageing on the mechanical properties of the material. The mechanical properties of a polymer
involve its behavior under stress. These properties are essential when considering how a
polymer can be used. Hence, the impact of the addition of FR fillers on the mechanical
properties of PLA (using tensile tests, dynamic mechanical analysis…) should be studied as well
as their behavior under exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure.
In terms of mechanistic approach, it was reported in this manuscript that PLA is mainly
degraded into carboxylic acids, such as formic acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid… During this work,
the use of pH paper and the identification of their characteristic odor were the only way to
evidence these products. However, the pyrolysis gas chromatography - mass spectroscopy
(Py-GC/MS) is a chemical analysis that could evidence the secondary products formed during
the degradation of PLA. Indeed, Py-GC/MS is a method of thermal decomposition in which
smaller molecules produced can be separated by gas chromatography and detected using
mass spectrometry. Hence, it is a useful techniques for the identification of chemical species.
As already reported, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is another innovative technique
that should be further used in order to study the kinetics and mechanism of degradation of
polymeric materials. Most papers focusing on the photo-degradation of polymers, especially
PLA, suggest mechanism of degradation based on FTIR investigations. However, this technique
should be coupled with EPR in order to elucidate the intermediate mechanisms (radicals)
occurring during photo-degradation and not only evidence the final products. Moreover, EPR
is an appropriate technique as to evidence the role of FR fillers during photo-degradation of
FR-PLAs. Indeed, this could be interesting to further investigate the protective role of FR fillers
during photo-degradation of FR-PLAs. Thus determining how FR fillers prevent the
degradation of PLA and evidencing the mechanism of protection.
In the field of fire testing, it has been reported that the MLC performances of FR-PLAs filled
at 30 wt.-% loading remain similar after ageing, maybe because the two intumescent
formulations already exhibit very high fire performances before ageing. Hence, the values of
pHRR and THR obtained during the experiments are very low, thus considering the limits of
measurements of the MLC device no effect of ageing can be considered. The question raised
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
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from these results is Could that be possible to avoid the limitation of the MLC device?”. For
instance, one possibility could be to increase the heat flux of the MLC device. Indeed, whereas
our experiments were performed at 35 kW/m², by increasing the heat flux until 50 or
75 kW/m², it should be possible to obtain higher values of THR and pHRR and thus evidence
the effect of ageing on the MLC performances of FR-PLAs-30%. This phenomenon have been
demonstrated in the case of neat PLA (Figure 113 and Table 43).
Figure 113: RHR curves as a function of time of PLA at 35 kW/m²(), 50 kW/m² () and
75 kW/m² ().
Table 43: MLC values obtained for PLA at 35 kW/m², 50 kW/m² and 75 kW/m².
Heat flux
Time to ignition (s)
pHRR (kW/m²)
THR (MJ/m²)
37 (-2)
513.0 (+22%)
80 (+11%)
40 (+1)
557.0 (+32%)
82 (+14%)
Indeed, at 35 kW/m², pHRR and THR of PLA are 420 kW/m² and 72 MJ/m², respectively. By
increasing the heat flux until 50 kW/m², pHRR and THR reach 513 kW/m² (+22%) and 80 MJ/m²
(+12%), respectively. For an external heat flux of 75 kW/m², pHRR and THR of PLA are
increased until 557 kW/m² (+32%) and 82 MJ/m² (+14%). Finally, it was shown that during MLC
experiment, the intumescent shield of aged FR-PLAs is formed sooner, with a higher swelling,
resulting in a more expanded char. In this manuscript, no investigations were led on the
structure of the chars during ageing. Knowing the role of the char structure on the
intumescent mechanism of FR-PLAs [12, 24], more studies should be led on this topic. Using
techniques such as 3D X-Ray tomography or rheometer, it could be interesting to study the
structure, the porosity and the resistance of the char before and after ageing, in order to
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
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understand the role of the char in the improvement of fire performances during ageing. In
general, more investigations are needed to evidence if ageing impacts the intumescent
mechanism itself or if it only plays on the kinetics of intumescence.
Some issues still exist to design long term commercially applications for flame retarded PLA
systems, as addressed in this Ph.D work, but the current efforts will probably help to resolve
them. In particular all the methods developed and the key parameters detailed in this Ph.D
work are really required to go further in the research on the ageing of flame retarded systems.
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List of figures, tables and equations
List of figures, tables and equations
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List of figures, tables and equations
List of Figures
Figure 1: World plastic production from 1950 to 2012 [1, 2]. ................................................. 18
Figure 2: Global production capacities of bioplastics in 2014 (by material type) [4]. ............. 19
Figure 3: Evolution of number of publications versus time with keyword “flame retardancy”
and “PLA” (Scifinder Sept 2016). .............................................................................................. 20
Figure 4: Synthesis of PLA from L- and D-lactic acids, adapted from Lim et al. [52]. .............. 25
Figure 5: Poly(lactic acid) structure. ......................................................................................... 26
Figure 6: The stereoisomers of lactic acid. ............................................................................... 26
Figure 7: Chemical structures of L,L-, L,D- and D,D-lactides [5]. .............................................. 27
Figure 8: Stereocomplex of PLLA and PDLA [61]. ..................................................................... 27
Figure 9: PDLLA multiblocks as function of D and L content, adapted from Kakuta et al. [60].
.................................................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 10: Transmission percentage versus wavelength for PLA, PS, LDPE, PET and cellophane
films, adapted from Auras et al. [5]. ........................................................................................ 28
Figure 11: FTIR (ATR) spectrum of PLA in the range 500 to 4000 cm
. ................................... 29
Figure 12: Glass transition temperatures for PLAs of different L-contents as a function of
molecular weight, adapted from Dorgan et al. [67]. ............................................................... 30
Figure 13: Peak melting temperature of PLA as a function of % meso-lactide [52]. (○)
represents values reported by Witzke [71]; (●) represents values reported by Hartmann [72].
.................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 14: DSC thermograms of water quenched, air-annealed (cooled from 220°C to
ambient temperature in 5 min), and full-annealed (cooled from 220°C to ambient
temperature in 105 min) PLLA samples. DSC scans were performed at a heating rate of
10°C/min, adapted from Sarasua et al. [77]. ........................................................................... 33
Figure 15: DSC scans for 1.5% D-lactide PLA samples cooled from the melt at 10K/min and
then reheated at different heating rates from 30 to 0.3 K/min, adapted from Pyda et al. [78].
.................................................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 16: DSC scans at 20 K/min for PLA with 1.5% (PLA-L), 8.1% (PLA-M) and 16.4% (PLA-H)
D-isomers. All samples were cooled quickly from the melt and isothermally crystallized at
145°C for 15h. The quenched PLA-L sample was cooled similarly from the melt but did not
undergo the 15 h isothermal crystallization, adapted from Pyda et al. [78]. .......................... 34
Figure 17: Combustion of a polymer [90]. ............................................................................... 37
Figure 18: Main chemical ageing factors and consequences on polymeric materials. ........... 44
Figure 19: General degradation mechanisms, adapted from Beyler, at al. [124]. .................. 45
Figure 20: Norrish I and II mechanisms. ................................................................................... 48
Figure 21: simplified photo-oxidation cycle of polymers, adapted from Yousif et al [129]. ... 49
Figure 22: Example of hydrolysis of polyether. ........................................................................ 53
Figure 23: Illustration of the hydrolytic mechanisms: (a) surface erosion, (b) bulk erosion
without autocatalysis, and (c) bulk erosion with autocatalysis, adapted from Viera et al.
[150]. ........................................................................................................................................ 54
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List of figures, tables and equations
Figure 24: Norrish II mechanism for PLA photo-degradation: (a) PLA chain under UV
irradiation, (b) photophysical excitation and (c) oxidation/scission reactions in PLA chains,
adapted from Belbachir et al. [33]. .......................................................................................... 56
Figure 25: Photo-degradation (radical oxidation) process of irradiated PLA: hydroperoxides
chain propagation and formation of anhydrides by photolysis of hydroperoxides, adapted
from Gardette et al. [35]. ......................................................................................................... 57
Figure 26: Hydrolysis of PLA. .................................................................................................... 58
Figure 27: Biodegradation of PLA in 60°C, adapted from Auras et al. [5]................................ 58
Figure 28: Thermal degradation mechanism of PLA, adapted from McNeill et al. [166]. ....... 59
Figure 29: Thermo Scientific extruder. ..................................................................................... 70
Figure 30: Humidity chamber test HCP 108. ............................................................................ 72
Figure 31: Q-LAB, QUV/spray weathering chamber. ............................................................... 72
Figure 32: Temperature/time ramp used for the DSC analysis. .............................................. 75
Figure 33: color space of CIE Lab system. ................................................................................ 76
Figure 34: Melt flow Index tester. ............................................................................................ 78
Figure 35: Reaction of anhydride with ammonia. .................................................................... 80
Figure 36: Schematic representation of mass loss calorimeter. .............................................. 83
Figure 37: Experimental set-up of the LOI test. ....................................................................... 84
Figure 38: Pictures of PLA at 0 d (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 60 d T/RH (c) and 60 d T/UV/RH (d)
exposure. .................................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 39: Digital microscopy pictures of unaged PLA (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 60 d T/RH (c) and
60 d T/UV/RH (d). ..................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 40: SEM pictures obtained for unaged PLA (a), 60 d aged under T/UV (b), T/RH (c) and
T/UV/RH (d) conditions. ........................................................................................................... 88
Figure 41: M
(a) and polydispersity index PI (b) versus ageing time of PLA samples aged
under T/UV (●), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (Δ) conditions. ........................................................... 91
Figure 42: Average number of random chain scissions per unit mass (n
) for PLA as function
of ageing time for different ageing conditions; T/UV (●), T/RH (▪) and T/UV/RH (Δ). ............ 92
Figure 43: TGA curves as a function of time for unaged PLA (-), T/UV (-), T/RH (-) and
T/UV/RH (-) 125 days aged (10°C/min under air). ................................................................... 93
Figure 44: Evolution of glass transition temperature (T
) of PLA as a function of exposure to
T/UV (●), T/RH (▪) and T/UV/RH (Δ) conditions. ...................................................................... 95
Figure 45: Evolution of melting temperature (T
) of PLA as a function of exposure to T/UV
(●), T/RH (▪) and T/UV/RH (∆) conditions. ............................................................................... 95
Figure 46: T
as a function of M
for PLA aged under T/UV (●), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (∆)
exposure. .................................................................................................................................. 96
Figure 47: Evolution of crystallinity of PLA as a function of ageing time, for T/UV (●), T/RH (▪)
and T/UV/RH (∆) exposure. ...................................................................................................... 99
Figure 48: FTIR spectra as a function of ageing time for PLA aged under T/UV (a), T/RH (b)
and T/UV/RH (c). .................................................................................................................... 100
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List of figures, tables and equations
Figure 49: WAXD patterns of PLA obtained by XRD, before (●) and after 60 of ageing under
T/UV (●), T/RH (●) and T/UV/RH (●). ..................................................................................... 102
Figure 50: FTIR spectra of PLA before and after various ageing durations under T/RH
conditions. .............................................................................................................................. 105
Figure 51: degradation of PLA by hydrolysis under T/RH exposure. ..................................... 105
Figure 52: EPR spectrum of PLA irradiated with wavelengths between 300 and 400 nm at
room temperature. ................................................................................................................ 107
Figure 53: Biradical specie observed by EPR for PLA. ............................................................ 107
Figure 54: Kinetic evolution of EPR signal for PLA as a function of temperature, 25°C (●),
50°C (●) and 75°C (●). ............................................................................................................ 108
Figure 55: Identification of the activation energy of biradical formation in PLA for different
temperatures. ......................................................................................................................... 109
Figure 56: 2D YZ EPR imaging of PLA 50°C under irradiation at 30 min (a) and 4 hours (b).
Intensity of color represents the local spin concentration from blue (min) to red (max). .... 109
Figure 57: Kinetic evolution of EPR signal for PLA as a function of ageing exposure, T/UV (●)
or T/UV/RH (●) at 50°C. .......................................................................................................... 110
Figure 58: FTIR spectra (x32 cm
) of PLA before and after ageing under T/UV and T/UV/RH as
a function of ageing time. ...................................................................................................... 111
Figure 59: FTIR spectra (x2 cm
) of PLA before and after ageing under T/UV and T/UV/RH as
function of ageing time. ......................................................................................................... 113
Figure 60: FTIR spectra (x2 cm
) of 60 days aged PLA films to T/UV and T/UV/RH, before and
after treatment with NH
. ...................................................................................................... 114
Figure 61: Proposed photo-oxidative mechanism of degradation for PLA, in presence of
water. ..................................................................................................................................... 115
Figure 62: numerical pictures of PLA (a), FR-PLA (b) and FR-PLA-C30B (c) plates before
ageing. .................................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 63: Visual evaluation as a function of ageing for FR-PLA 0 d (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 28 d
T/RH (c) and 6 d T/UV/RH (d). ................................................................................................ 121
Figure 64: Visual evaluation as a function of ageing for FR-PLA-C30B 0 d (a), 60 d T/UV (b),
28 d T/RH (c) and 6 d T/UV/RH (d). ........................................................................................ 121
Figure 65: Visual evaluation of FR-PLA (a) and FR-PLA-C30B (b) until disintegration into
powder (c). ............................................................................................................................. 122
Figure 66: SEM pictures obtained for unaged FR-PLA (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 28 d T/RH (c) and 6 d
T/UV/RH (d). ........................................................................................................................... 123
Figure 67: SEM pictures obtained for unaged FR-PLA-C30B (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 28 d T/RH (c)
and 6 d T/UV/RH (d). .............................................................................................................. 124
Figure 68: Aminolysis reaction of PLA. ................................................................................... 126
Figure 69: Hofmann elimination reaction on the surfactant of Cloisite 30B. ........................ 126
Figure 70: M
versus ageing time of FR-PLA (a) and FR-PLA-C30B (b) samples aged under
T/UV (●), T/RH (▪) and T/UV/RH (Δ). ...................................................................................... 127
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List of figures, tables and equations
Figure 71: Average number of random chain scissions per unit mass (n
) for FR-PLA and FR-
PLA-C30B as a function of ageing time at different ageing conditions; T/UV (●), T/RH (▪) and
T/UV/RH (Δ). ........................................................................................................................... 129
Figure 72: Evolution of glass transition temperature (T
) of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a
function of exposure time under T/UV (●), T/RH (▪) and T/UV/RH (Δ). ................................ 133
Figure 73: Evolution of melting temperature (T
) of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as function of
exposure time under T/UV (●), T/RH (▪) and T/UV/RH (Δ). ................................................... 134
Figure 74: Correlation between the decrease of T
and M
of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a
function of ageing under T/UV (●), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (∆). ............................................. 135
Figure 75: WAXD patterns of PLA (), FR-PLA () and FR-PLA-C30B (). .............................. 136
Figure 76: Evolution of crystallinity of FR-PLA (a) and FR-PLA-C30B (b) as a function of ageing
time, for T/UV (●), T/RH (▪) and T/UV/RH (∆) exposure. ....................................................... 138
Figure 77: Correlation between the decrease of crystallinity and M
of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-
C30B as a function of ageing under T/UV (●), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (∆). ............................. 139
Figure 78: WAXD patterns of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B obtained by XRD, before (●) and after
60 of ageing under T/UV (●), T/RH (●) and T/UV/RH (●). ..................................................... 140
Figure 79: EPMA pictures for unaged (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 28 d T/RH (c) and 6 d T/UV/RH (d)
aged FR-PLA. ........................................................................................................................... 142
Figure 80: EPMA pictures for unaged (a), 60 d T/UV (b), 28 d T/RH (c) and 6 d T/UV/RH (d)
aged FR-PLA-C30B. ................................................................................................................. 143
Figure 81: FTIR spectra (ATR) of Melamine as function of ageing exposure under T/RH. .... 145
Figure 82: FTIR spectra (ATR) of APP as function of ageing exposure under T/RH. .............. 146
Figure 83: Hydrolysis reaction of APP, according to Chen et al. [175]. ................................. 146
Figure 84:
P Solid-state NMR spectra of FR-PLA (a) and FR-PLA-C30B (b) before and after
105 days and 90 days exposure to T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions, respectively. ................. 147
Figure 85: FTIR spectra (ATR) of Cloisite 30B as function of ageing exposure under T/RH. .. 147
Figure 86: SEM pictures in cross section obtained for FR-PLA-C30B aged 28 days under T/RH
(a) and 6 days under T/UV/RH (b). ......................................................................................... 149
Figure 87: EPMA pictures in cross section for FR-PLA-C30B aged 28 days under T/RH and 6
days under T/UV/RH conditions. ............................................................................................ 150
Figure 88: SEM pictures obtained for FR-PLA-C30B after 28 days exposure to T/RH. .......... 151
Figure 89: Kinetic evolution of EPR signal as a function of time, for PLA (●), FR-PLA (●) and
FR-PLA-C30B (●). .................................................................................................................... 152
Figure 90: 2D HYSCORE recorded at 50°C for PLA. ................................................................ 153
Figure 91: 2D HYSCORE recorded at 50°C for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B. .............................. 153
Figure 92: Kinetic evolution of EPR signal for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, as a function of ageing
exposure to T/UV (●) or T/UV/RH (●) at 50°C. ...................................................................... 154
Figure 93: Schematic representation of the effect of fillers and ageing exposure on the
degradation of FR-PLA-C30B. ................................................................................................. 156
Figure 94: TGA curves of PLA (), FR-PLA () and FR-PLA-C30B () under air flow at 10°C/min.
................................................................................................................................................ 161
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List of figures, tables and equations
Figure 95: RHR curves as a function of time of PLA (●), FR-PLA (●) and FR-PLA-C30B (●). ... 162
Figure 96: Char residues of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B............................................................ 162
Figure 97: Digital microscopy pictures and cross section of char residues of FR-PLA and FR-
PLA-C30B. ............................................................................................................................... 163
Figure 98: Intumescent mechanism, adapted from Gallos et al [61]. ................................... 165
Figure 99: Release of gas through the char of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, adapted from Gallos
et al [61]. ................................................................................................................................ 166
Figure 100: TGA curves as function of time for FR-PLA (a) and FR-PLA-C30B (b), before ageing
(), 125 days T/UV (), 105 days T/RH () and 60 days T/UV/RH () exposure. .................. 169
Figure 101: Evolution of the behavior of LOI samples of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a
function of ageing exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions. .................................. 172
Figure 102: TEM pictures of big (a) and small (b) agglomerates of Cloisite 30B in FR-PLA-
C30B. ....................................................................................................................................... 174
Figure 103: Evolution of viscosity of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a function of ageing
exposure to T/UV (●), T/RH () and T/UV/RH (Δ) conditions (a) and molecular mass (b). .... 175
Figure 104: RHR curves of unaged PLA (●) and 60 days exposure to T/UV (●), T/RH (●) and
T/UV/RH (●) conditions. ......................................................................................................... 176
Figure 105: RHR curves of unaged FR-PLA (●) and 60 days exposure to T/UV (●), T/RH (●) and
T/UV/RH (●) conditions. ......................................................................................................... 177
Figure 106: RHR curves of unaged FR-PLA-C30B (●) and 60 days exposure to T/UV (●), T/RH
(●) and T/UV/RH (●) conditions. ............................................................................................ 178
Figure 107: RHR curves of unaged FR-PLA-20% (●), 17 days (●) and 22 days (●) aged under
T/UV/RH conditions................................................................................................................ 179
Figure 108: RHR curves of unaged FR-PLA-C30B-20% (●), 18 days (●) and 22 days (●) aged
under T/UV/RH conditions. .................................................................................................... 180
Figure 109: Evolution of the char expansion of FR-PLA-20% as a function of ageing under
T/UV/RH exposure. ................................................................................................................ 181
Figure 110: Evolution of the char expansion of FR-PLA-C30B-20% as a function of ageing
under T/UV/RH exposure. ...................................................................................................... 181
Figure 111: M
versus ageing time of FR-PLA 20% and 30% (●) and FR-PLA-C30B (●) 20% and
30% materials aged under T/UV/RH conditions. ................................................................... 183
Figure 112: Schematic representation of the effect of ageing on the intumescent mechanism
of FR-PLA-C30B-20%. .............................................................................................................. 185
Figure 113: RHR curves as a function of time of PLA at 35 kW/m²(●), 50 kW/m² (●) and
75 kW/m² (●). ......................................................................................................................... 193
Figure 114: FR-PLA-C20A (a), FR-PLA-C30B (b) and FR-PLA-CNa
(c) plates aged 28 days under
T/RH conditions. ..................................................................................................................... 222
Figure 115: M
versus ageing time of FR-PLA-C20A (●), FR-PLA-C30B (▪) and FR-PLA-C30B (Δ)
samples aged under T/RH conditions. ................................................................................... 223
Figure 116: Evolution of glass transition temperature (T
) of FR-PLA-C20A (●), FR-PLA-C30B
(▪) and FR-PLA-CNa
(Δ) as a function of exposure time under T/RH conditions. ................. 224
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List of figures, tables and equations
Figure 117: Evolution of melting temperature (T
) of FR-PLA-C20A (●), FR-PLA-C30B (▪) and
(Δ) as a function of exposure time under T/RH conditions. ............................. 224
Figure 118: Evolution of crystallinity of FR-PLA-C20A (●), FR-PLA-C30B (▪) and FR-PLA-CNa
(∆) as a function of ageing time under T/RH conditions. ....................................................... 225
Figure 119: FTIR (ATR) spectra of PLA, FR-PLA, FR-PLA 105 days (T/RH) and FR-PLA 90 days
(T/UV/RH) in the range of 600 t0 3600 cm
. ......................................................................... 226
Figure 120: FTIR (ATR) spectra of PLA, FR-PLA-C30B, FR-PLA-C30B 105 days (T/RH) and FR-
PLA-C30B 90 days (T/UV/RH) in the range of 600 t0 3600 cm
. ........................................... 227
Figure 121: Example of 2D HYSCORE microwave pulses. ...................................................... 228
Figure 122: 2D HYSCORE spectrum of a coat standard sample. ............................................ 228
Figure 123: TGA curves of pure compounds, PLA (), Mel (), APP () and C30B () under air
flow at 10°C/min. ................................................................................................................... 229
Figure 124: DTG of pure compounds, PLA (), Mel (), APP () and C30B () under air flow at
10°C/min. ................................................................................................................................ 230
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List of figures, tables and equations
List of Tables
Table 1: Infrared spectroscopy data for PLA. ........................................................................... 29
Table 2: Unit cell parameters for PLLA and stereocomplex crystals [5]. ................................. 32
Table 3: PLA mechanical properties compared to those of most common polymers used in
commodity applications [83].................................................................................................... 35
Table 4: Properties of Ingeo PLA 4032D. .................................................................................. 68
Table 5: Summary of additives used. ....................................................................................... 69
Table 6: Composition and name of the formulations PLA, FR-PLA, FR-PLA-C30B at 30 wt.-%
loading. ..................................................................................................................................... 70
Table 7: Composition and name of the formulations FR-PLA, FR-PLA-C30B at 20 wt.-%
loading. ..................................................................................................................................... 70
Table 8: Temperature profile of the extruder from hopper to die. ......................................... 70
Table 9: Conditions in accelerated weathering chambers for T/UV and T/UV/RH ageing. ..... 73
Table 10: L*a*b* values of unaged and 60 days aged PLA under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions. ................................................................................................................................ 89
Table 11: M
and polydispersity index (PI) data as a function of ageing of PLA exposed to
T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions. ...................................................................................... 90
Table 12: TGA data (10°C/min under air) obtained after ageing of PLA exposed to T/UV, T/RH
and T/UV/RH conditions. ......................................................................................................... 93
Table 13: DSC data of PLA reported as a function of ageing exposure to T/UV, T/RH and
T/UV/RH conditions.................................................................................................................. 94
Table 14: Crystallinity of PLA as a function of ageing duration under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
exposure. .................................................................................................................................. 98
Table 15: Evolution of the band at 1845 cm
of PLA before and after ageing under T/UV and
T/UV/RH as a function of ageing time. .................................................................................. 113
Table 16: Number average molecular mass (M
) of PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B materials.
................................................................................................................................................ 126
Table 17: M
and PI data as function of ageing of PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B samples aged
under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH. ........................................................................................... 127
Table 18: DSC data of PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a function of M
. ............................ 130
Table 19: DSC data of FR-PLA as a function of M
and ageing time under T/UV, T/RH and
T/UV/RH. ................................................................................................................................ 131
Table 20: DSC data of FR-PLA-C30B as a function of M
and ageing time under T/UV, T/RH
and T/UV/RH. ......................................................................................................................... 132
Table 21: Crystallinity (χ) data for PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B as a function of M
.......... 136
Table 22: Evolution of Crystallinity for FR-PLA as a function of M
for different ageing
durations under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure. ........................................................... 137
Table 23: Evolution of Crystallinity for FR-PLA-C30B as a function of M
for different ageing
duration under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure. ............................................................. 138
Table 24: At % on the surface of FR PLA determined by XPS as a function of ageing. .......... 144
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List of figures, tables and equations
Table 25: At % on the surface of FR PLA-C30B determined by XPS as a function of ageing.. 144
Table 26: TGA data (10°C/min under air) obtained for PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B. ........ 160
Table 27: MLC values obtained for PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B........................................ 162
Table 28: LOI values of PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B. ......................................................... 164
Table 29: TGA data (10°C/min under air) obtained after ageing of FR-PLA exposed to T/UV,
T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions. .............................................................................................. 167
Table 30: TGA data (10°C/min under air) obtained after ageing of FR-PLA-C30B exposed to
T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions. .................................................................................... 168
Table 31: Comparison between theoretical and experimental residual weight (wt. %)
obtained at 800°c for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B. ................................................................... 170
Table 32: LOI ranking of PLA as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions. .............................................................................................................................. 170
Table 33: LOI ranking of FR-PLA as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions. The (+x) are calculated using the unaged formulation as reference. ................. 171
Table 34: LOI ranking of FR-PLA-C30B as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions. The (+x) are calculated using the unaged formulation as reference. ................. 171
Table 35: Viscosity data obtained for FR-PLA exposed to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
................................................................................................................................................ 173
Table 36: Viscosity data obtained for FR-PLA-C30B exposed to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions. .............................................................................................................................. 173
Table 37: MLC values obtained for PLA as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions. .............................................................................................................................. 176
Table 38: MLC values obtained for FR-PLA as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and
T/UV/RH conditions................................................................................................................ 177
Table 39: MLC values obtained for FR-PLA-C30B as a function of exposure to T/UV, T/RH and
T/UV/RH conditions................................................................................................................ 178
Table 40: MLC values obtained for FR-PLA-20% as a function of exposure time to T/UV/RH
conditions. .............................................................................................................................. 179
Table 41: MLC values obtained for FR-PLA-C30B-20% as a function of exposure time to
T/UV/RH conditions................................................................................................................ 180
Table 42: M
data of FR-PLAs-20% and FR-PLAs-30% as a function of ageing exposure to
T/UV/RH conditions................................................................................................................ 182
Table 43: MLC values obtained for PLA at 35 kW/m², 50 kW/m² and 75 kW/m². ................ 193
Table 44: L*a*b* values of PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B. ................................................... 220
Table 45: L*a*b* values of unaged and aged FR-PLA under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions. .............................................................................................................................. 221
Table 46: L*a*b* values of unaged and aged FR-PLA-C30B under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
conditions. .............................................................................................................................. 221
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List of figures, tables and equations
List of equations
Equation 1 ................................................................................................................................ 31
Equation 2 ................................................................................................................................ 31
Equation 3 ................................................................................................................................ 33
Equation 4 ................................................................................................................................ 47
Equation 5 ................................................................................................................................ 47
Equation 6 ................................................................................................................................ 47
Equation 7 ................................................................................................................................ 47
Equation 8 ................................................................................................................................ 48
Equation 9 ................................................................................................................................ 49
Equation 10 .............................................................................................................................. 49
Equation 11 .............................................................................................................................. 49
Equation 12 .............................................................................................................................. 49
Equation 13 .............................................................................................................................. 50
Equation 14 .............................................................................................................................. 50
Equation 15 .............................................................................................................................. 50
Equation 16 .............................................................................................................................. 51
Equation 17 .............................................................................................................................. 51
Equation 18 .............................................................................................................................. 52
Equation 19 .............................................................................................................................. 52
Equation 20 .............................................................................................................................. 52
Equation 21 .............................................................................................................................. 52
Equation 22 .............................................................................................................................. 52
Equation 23 .............................................................................................................................. 75
Equation 24 .............................................................................................................................. 76
Equation 25 .............................................................................................................................. 77
Equation 26 .............................................................................................................................. 78
Equation 27 .............................................................................................................................. 79
Equation 28 .............................................................................................................................. 81
Equation 29 .............................................................................................................................. 84
Equation 30 .............................................................................................................................. 96
Equation 31 .............................................................................................................................. 97
Equation 32 ............................................................................................................................ 108
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© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
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Appendix 1: Quantification of color change for FR-PLAs.
To quantify the color change observed when FR fillers are incorporated into the PLA
matrix, L*a*b* measurements (Table 44) were performed on all samples (i.e. PLA, FR-PLA and
FR-PLA-C30B). L* corresponds to color position between black and white, a* the color position
between red/magenta and green and b* the color position between yellow and blue. ΔE
corresponds to the differences between PLA and FR-PLAs, calculated according to Equation
25 (cf. chapter II, p.76).
Table 44: L*a*b* values of PLA, FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B.
L*a*b* values
Data evidence the color change of PLA when fillers are incorporated into it. L* increases
from 52 for PLA to 83 for FR-PLA and 76 for FR-PLA-C30B. a* increases by 2.5 and 4.5 for FR-
PLA and FR-PLA-C30B, respectively, compare to neat PLA. Finally, b* increases by 13 for both
FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B compare to neat PLA. ΔE reaches 35 and 28 for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-
C30B, respectively. These results demonstrate that when FR fillers are incorporated the color
of PLA material changes: the high L* value of both FR-PLAs specifies that the materials tend to
whiter color and the positive value of b* for both FR materials indicates a tendency to
yellowing. The combination between L* and b* values evidence the creamy color observed
when FR are incorporated into PLA. a* cannot be taken into account due to the value close to
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Appendix 2: Color changes of FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B after ageing
It was demonstrated that when FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B are submitted to environmental
constraints (i.e. T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions), some phenomena are observed on the
surface of the materials. Indeed, a laundering of plates is reported when samples are aged
under T/UV whereas under T/RH and T/UV/TH, the appearance of a white layer at the surface
of the samples is evidenced. Thus L*a*b* measurements were performed in order to quantify
the color changes of FR-PLAs before and after ageing (Table 45 and Table 46 for FR-PLA and
FR-PLA-C30B, respectively).
Table 45: L*a*b* values of unaged and aged FR-PLA under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions.
L*a*b* values
FR-PLA T/UV 60 d
FR-PLA T/RH 28 d
86 (+3)
89 (+6)
95 (+12)
0.3 (-0.2)
0.2 (-0.3)
0.01 (-0.4)
9 (-3)
8 (-4)
4 (-8)
Table 46: L*a*b* values of unaged and aged FR-PLA-C30B under T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH
L*a*b* values
T/UV 60 d
T/RH 28 d
T/UV/RH 6 d
80 (+4)
84 (+8)
93 (+17)
2 (-0.5)
1.9 (-0.6)
11 (-1)
6.5 (-5.5)
Data obtained by L*a*b* display that when FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B are aged, the color of
the materials changes. Regarding at first the FR-PLA formulation, ∆E is 4 after 60 days exposure
to T/UV and reaches 7 and 15 after 28 days and 6 days exposure to T/RH and T/UV/RH,
respectively. For FR-PLA-C30B, ∆E is 4 after 60 days exposure to T/UV and reaches 8 and 18
after 28 days and 6 days exposure to T/RH and T/UV/RH, respectively. The increase in the ∆E
demonstrates the alteration of colors during ageing. Moreover, for both materials, it appears
that L* increases as function of ageing time and conditions. This shows that materials become
whiter after ageing and corroborates the bleaching phenomenon visually observed.
Concerning a*, it appears that the values does not present significant changes for both FR-
formulations. In the case of b*, the values are decreased as function of ageing time and kind
of exposure. Indeed, the higher decrease of b* for FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B is observed when
materials are aged under T/UV/RH: b* is decreased by 8 for FR-PLA and by 5.5 for FR-PLA-
C30B after 6 days exposure. The negative tendency value of b* for both FR materials indicates
a propensity for the blue color. For a*, the close zero value designate neutral colors. L*a*b*
results clearly prove the bleaching observed when FR-materials are aged.
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
Appendix 3: Effect of the type of nanoparticle on the hydrolysis of FR-PLAs
In order to determine if the hydrophilic character of clays plays a role during the hydrolytic
degradation of flame retarded PLA, three kinds of Cloisite, i.e. 20A, 30B and Na
character of CNa
> C30B > C20A) were incorporated into FR-PLA materials and then aged for
60 days under T/RH conditions.
The formation of voids, fractures and of a white layer is reported (Figure 114) after 28 days
of ageing under T/RH exposure for the three materials (i.e. FR-PLA-C20A, FR-PLA-C30B and FR-
Figure 114: FR-PLA-C20A (a), FR-PLA-C30B (b) and FR-PLA-CNa
(c) plates aged 28 days under
T/RH conditions.
Physico-chemical properties of the materials were also studied all along the exposure to
T/RH, i.e. the molecular mass (Figure 115), T
(Figure 116), T
(Figure 117) and crystallinity
(Figure 118).
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
Figure 115: M
versus ageing time of FR-PLA-C20A (), FR-PLA-C30B () and FR-PLA-C30B (Δ)
samples aged under T/RH conditions.
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
Figure 116: Evolution of glass transition temperature (T
) of FR-PLA-C20A (), FR-PLA-C30B
() and FR-PLA-CNa
(Δ) as a function of exposure time under T/RH conditions.
Figure 117: Evolution of melting temperature (T
) of FR-PLA-C20A (), FR-PLA-C30B () and
(Δ) as a function of exposure time under T/RH conditions.
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
Figure 118: Evolution of crystallinity of FR-PLA-C20A (), FR-PLA-C30B () and FR-PLA-CNa
() as a function of ageing time under T/RH conditions.
Before ageing, M
, T
and T
are higher with a lower crystallinity value for FR-PLA-C20A
compared to FR-PLA-C30B then FR-PLA-CNa
. It appears that the molecular mass, T
, T
crystallinity of the three materials exhibit the same behavior during ageing, whatever the
formulation. Indeed, M
, T
and T
of the three formulations decrease with increasing ageing
exposure to T/RH. Crystallinity increases when ageing duration increase. Moreover, after
ageing, M
, T
and T
are still higher with a lower crystallinity value for FR-PLA-C20A compared
to FR-PLA-C30B then FR-PLA-CNa
. This seem to indicate that the hydrophilic character of
organoclays does not play a particular role during the degradation of the PLA matrix compared
to the M
. Indeed, the lower the M
before ageing, the higher the impact of ageing on T
, T
and crystallinity.
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
Appendix 4: FTIR (ATR) spectra of FR-PLAs aged under T/RH and T/UV/RH
The behavior of FR fillers during ageing is confirmed by FTIR spectra recorded for both FR-
PLAs during exposure to T/RH and T/UV/RH conditions (Figure 119 and Figure 120). Indeed,
characteristic bands of PLA (cf. Table 1, p.29), Melamine and APP (previously reported p.144)
can be identified on the spectrum of unaged FR-PLA and FR-PLA-C30B. Furthermore, similar
spectra are observed for both FR-PLAs after 35 days exposure to T/RH and 10 days exposure
to T/UV/RH conditions (just before disintegration into powder) with no appearance of new
peaks. As characteristic bands of Cloisite 30B are not observed in the FR-PLA-C30B spectra due
to the relatively low loading of clays (i.e. 1 wt.-%), both FR-PLAs exhibit the same spectra.
Figure 119: FTIR (ATR) spectra of PLA, FR-PLA, FR-PLA 105 days (T/RH) and FR-PLA 90 days
(T/UV/RH) in the range of 600 t0 3600 cm
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
Figure 120: FTIR (ATR) spectra of PLA, FR-PLA-C30B, FR-PLA-C30B 105 days (T/RH) and FR-
PLA-C30B 90 days (T/UV/RH) in the range of 600 t0 3600 cm
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
Appendix 5: 2D HYSCORE principle
The 2D HYperfine Sub-level CORrElation (2D HYSCORE) is essentially a two dimentional
electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) experiment in which correlation is
tranferred from one electron spin manifold to another. A sequence of four microwave pulses
is applied to the sample and the stimulated spin-echo produced is measured (Figure 121)
Figure 121: Example of 2D HYSCORE microwave pulses.
In a HYSCORE experiment, the time between the second π/2 and π pulse is varied in one
dimension and the time between the π and third π/2 pulse is varied in a second dimension. A
two dimensional Fourier transform gives the sample data below (Figure 122).
Figure 122: 2D HYSCORE spectrum of a coat standard sample.
As in an ESEEM experiment, the peaks observed are essentially an NMR spectrum of nuclei
that are coupled to the electron. HYSCORE allows one to take a complicated ESEEM spectrum
and extend the data into a second dimension. Peaks appearing in the upper right and lower
left quadrants typically arise from nuclei in which the hyperfine coupling is less than the larmor
frequency. They appear at the larmor frequency, separated by the hyperfine coupling. Peaks
from nuclei in which the hyperfine interaction is greater than the larmor frequency appear in
the upper left and lower right quadrants. The HYSCORE spectrum can get very complicated for
nuclei with a spin of I > 1/2 with many peaks arising from the complication of additional
nuclear zeeman and quadrupole levels. Even with the complexity of the spectra, HYSCORE on
systems with multiple nuclei can make ESEEM spectra that would be difficult or impossible to
interpret much more manageable.
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
Appendix 6: Thermal stability of pure compounds
The TGA curves of the pure polymer (PLA) and additives (Melamine, APP and Cloisite 30B)
are depicted in Figure 123. PLA starts to decompose in one step around 280°C with no residue
left at the end of the experiment, i.e. 800°C. APP decomposes in two steps, the first one
between 250°C and 450°C corresponding to 14% weight loss due to water and ammonia
release [282], leading to the formation of phosphoric acid. The second weight loss between
450°C and 700°C is linked to a 65% weight loss attributed to the sublimation of P
O [12,
282] with 13 wt.-% residue left at the end of the experiment. Melamine begins to decompose
at 240°C, in one step with no residue at the end of the experiment, i.e. 800°C. It results in the
formation of melam (stable up to 400°C), melem (stable up to 500°C) and melon (stable up to
600°C) [61]. The condensation of Melamine is accompanied by a release of ammonia [12, 61].
Figure 123: TGA curves of pure compounds, PLA (), Mel (), APP () and C30B () under air
flow at 10°C/min.
Decomposition of C30B is well known and documented [283-285]. According to literature,
this organoclay can decompose in 4 steps. These four steps of degradation can be retrieved in
Figure 123 and in particular in Figure 124 which shows the rate of degradation (DTG) of pure
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
Figure 124: DTG of pure compounds, PLA (), Mel (), APP () and C30B () under air flow at
The first step starts before 200°C and is linked to the desorption of water, oxygen and
nitrogen absorbed in C30B. The second step (200°C to 450°C) results from the thermal
degradation of the surfactant of Cloisite 30B. This second step is visible on the TGA curve in
Figure 123 (15% weight loss) and is normally constituted of two consecutive stages as
observed in the DTG curve (Figure 124). From 200°C to 320°C, C30B releases water, carbon
dioxide, alkane, alkene, aldehyde, carboxylic acid and amine. From 320°C to 450°C, water,
alkane, alkene and alcohol are released [286]. From 450°C to 800°C, the 15% weight loss
corresponds to the dehydroxylation of the aluminosilicate structure and to the release of
degraded products of the surfactant. Researches in our lab have already confirmed this
degradation process [287].
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.
RÉSUMÉ - Le but de ces recherches est d’étudier le vieillissement de l’acide polylactique (PLA)
ignifugé. Trois vieillissement différents ont été étudiés i.e. température/ultra-violet (T/UV),
température/humidité relative (T/RH) et température/ultra-violet/humidité relative (T/UV/RH). Afin
de comprendre le rôle des retardateurs de flamme lors du vieillissement, l’étude de la dégradation du
PLA vierge à tout d’abord été mené. Des méthodologies innovantes ont été développées et les
propriétés physico-chimiques du polymère ont été caractérisées en fonction de la durée et du type
d’exposition. Les mécanismes de dégradation dépendants du vieillissement (T/UV, T/RH et T/UV/RH)
ont été élucidés et comparés à la littérature. L’influence des retardateurs de flamme (i.e. Mélamine,
Polyphosphate d’ammonium et Cloisite 30B) lors du vieillissement des formulations ignifugées a
ensuite été étudiée. Il a été prouvé que ces additifs ont une influence directe sur le vieillissement, au
niveau des propriétés physico-chimiques et des mécanismes de dégradation. La masse molaire s’est
révélée être cruciale dans la mesure où elle gouverne l’évolution des propriétés physico-chimiques du
matériau durant le vieillissement, et donc sa durabilité. Sachant que le PLA est ignifugé par
incorporation d’additifs retardateurs de flamme, il était primordial de comprendre l’effet du
vieillissement sur ces additifs et donc leurs effets sur les propriétés feu du PLA. Il a ainsi été montré
que les performances feu de ce matériau sont améliorées au cours du vieillissement, jusqu’à sa
dégradation complète. Ces performances ont été corrélées avec l’évolution des propriétés physico-
chimiques survenant au cours du vieillissement, présentant un rôle prépondérant sur la cinétique
ABSTRACT - This work deals with the ageing of flame retarded (FR) Polylactic acid (PLA). The impact
of three accelerated ageing conditions i.e. temperature/ultra-violet (T/UV), temperature/relative
humidity (T/RH) and temperature/ultra-violet/relative humidity (T/UV/RH) was studied. In order to
understand the role of fire retardant additives on ageing of flame retarded PLAs, the first study was
focused on neat PLA. Innovative methodologies were developed, the change in physico-chemical
properties of the polymer was characterized as a function of ageing exposure and ageing duration.
Moreover, the mechanisms of degradation occurring during T/UV, T/RH and T/UV/RH exposure were
elucidated and compared to the literature. Then, the influence of flame retardants (i.e. Melamine,
Ammonium polyphosphate and Cloisite 30B) on the ageing behavior of FR-PLAs was investigated. FR
fillers were evidenced to have a direct influence on physico-chemical properties and mechanisms of
degradation of the material during ageing. The molecular mass was reported to be a crucial parameter,
as it is related to the physico-chemical properties and thus to the durability of the material. The main
goal of flame retardants is to improve the flammability of PLA thus the effect of ageing on the fire
properties of PLA was determined. It is noteworthy that the fire properties of flame retarded PLA are
improved during ageing, until the complete degradation of the materials. These surprising
performances were found to be correlated to the change in physico-chemical properties which play a
key role on the kinetics of intumescence.
Thèse de Nicolas Lesaffre, Lille 1, 2016
© 2016 Tous droits réservés.