University of Guelph - College of Biological Science
Safety Plan for Undergraduate Research Students Working After Hours
As much as possible, schedule your time in the lab during regular hours. If you must use the lab outside of regular hours,
schedule your time with another research project student, a teaching assistant, or your advisor. The University strongly
encourages the ‘buddy-system’ for all individuals working after hours. A ‘buddy’ does not have to work in the same lab
space, but should be in the vicinity. Please review University of Guelph Safety Policy 851.06.06 for further details.
Working alone should be avoided whenever possible. If an incident occurs when you are alone, emergency assistance
may not be readily available.
For the safety and security of yourself and others, it is very important that you do not prop or unlock doors.
In the event of an Emergency – DIAL 2000
Any time you are working in a laboratory, you need to know the location of:
- nearest exits
- eyewash stations and safety showers
- phone
- first aid kit
- nearest emergency call box
- spill kits
- fire extinguishers
If you feel that a particular method, procedure, activity or piece of equipment may put you in danger, do not
Notify your advisor and the laboratory supervisor of any defective equipment or potential safety hazard immediately.
Always report any incident, injury, spill or near miss to your advisor and the laboratory supervisor.
Depending on the nature of the research project, the hazards encountered may include:
- hazardous chemicals (e.g., acutely toxic, flammable, reactive, corrosive)
- compressed gases
- temperature extremes (e.g., cryogenics, Bunsen burners, hot plates)
- pathogenic biological organisms
- working or walking surfaces (i.e., slip, trip or fall hazards)
- hazards related to equipment or apparatus (e.g., electricity, radiation, pressure)
Discuss the work that will be performed in support of your research project with your advisor and the laboratory
supervisor. Never use a piece of equipment without proper training and authorization.
All undergraduate research projects students must receive lab-specific training from their advisor or laboratory supervisor,
and be trained in WHMIS, if applicable.
For your protection, undergraduate research project students are prohibited
from the following activities after hours:
- Changing compressed gas cylinders
- Dispensing cryogenics (liquid nitrogen or dry ice) from bulk storage
- Any work requiring the use of respirators
- Dispensing flammable liquids in quantities >1L
- Handling of acutely & highly toxic materials (to be discussed with advisor or laboratory supervisor)
- Any work involving possible exposure to high voltage electricity
- Maintenance/repair of any laboratory equipment that creates a potential hazard (e.g. electricity, radiation,
Print Form
Additional Precautions or Restrictions (to be completed by Advisor):
NOTE: Access to laboratory facilities may be revoked at any time if you fail to observe the above restrictions and precautionary measures.
Student Name:
Room(s) Accessible After Hours:
I have read and understand the above:
Student Advisor