Affirmation of Homeowner – Home Improvement
Name of Homeowner ______________________________________ Permit No. ____________
Address of Property _____________________________________________________________
Maryland Law: Except for a permit for a home improvement to be performed by a property
owner, the building and permits department of a county or municipality may not issue a permit
for a home improvement unless the permit includes the license number of a licensed contractor.
The Maryland Home Improvement Commission licenses and regulates home improvement
contractors and salespersons. Home improvement work includes alteration, remodeling, repair or
replacement of a building or part of a building used as a residence. Home improvement also
includes work done on individual condominium units. Home improvement does not include
work done on commonly owned areas of condominiums or buildings that contain four or more
single family units. The Commission investigates complaints by homeowners, awards monetary
damages against licensed contractors, and prosecutes violators of the home improvement law and
The Commission has a Guaranty Fund (The Fund) supported by licensed contractors, who pay a
Guaranty Fund assessment when they obtain their Home Improvement license and each time
they renew their license. This Fund compensates homeowners for actual monetary losses due to
poor workmanship or failure to perform a home improvement contract. The Fund applies only to
work done by licensed contractors. The maximum amount that a homeowner may recover
through the Fund is the amount paid to the contractor, up to $20,000. If the total amount of all
claims against a contractor equals more than $100,000, then each homeowner’s award is pro-
rated based upon the total amount awarded to each claimant.
In order to obtain a permit that does not contain the license number of a licensed Home
Improvement Contractor, the homeowner shall affirm as follows:
1. I understand that the Maryland Home Improvement Commission was created to provide
homeowners like me with certain protections and that I could lose the benefits of those
protections if I ever entered into a contract with an unlicensed contractor.
2. I understand that contractors in the State of Maryland are licensed by the Maryland Home
Improvement Commission.
3. I am the homeowner of the property located in the State of Maryland and am seeking a
building permit for that property.