Telephone: (251) 460-7003
111 Jaguar Drive ASC 1324
Mobile, Alabama36688
Fax: (251) 414-8256
Advisor’s Agreement
The Advisor of an organization serves as a point of contact that assists with consultation, leadership development,
financial direction, and continuity. The advisor roles may vary depending on the nature of the organization, however most
should share these basic characteristics.
• Attend regular meetings as often as possible
• Meet with officers to discuss goals, activities, and financial status
• Interpret and follow University of South Alabama policy, guidelines, and procedures as found in the Student Code of
Conduct and the Student Activities Handbook.
• Be familiar with the organization’s history, constitution and bylaws, assist with interpretation as needed
• Utilize relationships and resources within the University to help the organization succeed
• Ensure that liability waiver forms are signed when appropriat
Leadership Development
• Encourage communication within the organization and its officers
• Assist members to strengthen planning and organizational skills
• Promote a positive environment and encourage a balance between academics and the organization
Financial Direction
• Work with the Treasurer to monitor the organization’s budget
• Assist with the implementation of account reconciliation and balancing procedures
• Familiarize new officers with duties, protocol and history to keep the organization on track
• Help organizations set short and long term goals and encourage generations of new ideas
• Ensure that the organization annually files the registration paperwork with the Office of Student Activities
• Advise the group to file change of officer information immediately with the Office of Student Activities.
• Perform duties as a Campus Security Authority(CSA), as prescribed by University of South Alabama and the Jeanne Cleary
Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act [20 U.S.C. § 1092(f)].
The duties of a CSA include but are not limited to participation in CSA training and reporting of crimes in the appropriate
manner, such as by phone 460-6312 or online at
I agree to perform the role of advisor to the best of my ability.
________________________________________ ______________________________________
Organization Name Date
________________________________________ _____________________________________
Advisor Name (Print) Advisor Signature
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