Planning Validation
Advertisement Consent - V6
Please provide two sets of all documentation relating to the application (an original plus a copy) except if the
application is submitted via the Planning Portal.
National Requirements
Application form
When required:
All applications completed, together with a full description of the proposed works.
Where to look for further assistance:
Apply online at There are guidance notes and help text available on this website
to assist you to complete the application form
Please ensure this is completed signed and dated within the 21 days prior to submission.
Correct fee
Exemptions and reductions may apply in certain cases. Full details can be found on: or telephone the Validation Team on 01732 227000.
Policy Drivers:
The Development Management Procedure Order 2015
CLG Guidance on Information Requirements and Validation – March 2010
Site Location Plan
When required: All applications
Scale: 1:2500 or 1:1250
What information is required?
Up to date map with site edged clearly with a red line, and any other land owned outlined in blue.
Any required visibility splays and access to the site from the public highway.
The direction of north.
The plan must cover a large enough area to enable the location to be found easily.
Planning Validation
Site Plan / Block Plan
When required: All applications
Scale: 1:500, 1:200, 1:100, must show a metric scale bar.
What information is required?
The proposed development in relation to the site boundaries and other existing buildings on the site.
When required: All applications
Scale: 1:100, 1:50, must show a metric scale bar.
Accurately drawn to the correct scale and consistency between the existing and proposed plans. It would be
helpful if at least one dimension is annotated.
What information is required?
Existing and proposed elevations of the advertisement(s).
When required: All applications
Scale: 1:50, 1:20, must show a metric scale bar.
Accurately drawn to the chosen scale, consistency between the existing and proposed plans. It would be
helpful if at least one dimension is annotated.
What information is required?
Section through the structure on which the sign is to be xed showing the relationship between the sign and
any lighting structures to the building.
Planning Validation
Advertisement drawings
When required: All applications
Scale: 1:100, 1:50, must show a metric scale bar.
Accurately drawn to the chosen scale, consistency between the existing and proposed plans. It would be
helpful if at least one dimension is annotated.
What information is required?
Size (length, width and depth)
Materials and colour
Height above ground
Extent of projection
Details of means illumination (if appropriate) including design of any external lighting elements to show:
1. Size (length, width and depth)
2. Siting
3. Materials and colour
4. Height above ground
5. Extent of projection
6. Level(s) of luminance of any illuminated advertisement
Other documents
Please indiate whether you are including any of the documents listed below in support of your application:
Yes No Planning Statement
We will check each application against the appropriate checklist. Should we need further information to
process your application we will also contact you and hold the application as invalid until further information
is submitted.
If you tell us that you do not think the information listed above is required and give us your reasons we will
not declare it invalid. If insufcient justication is provided, the application will be declared invalid. We will
then explain to you why it is invalid.
N.B. Failure to submit any of the requirements will result in the application not being registered.
Please sign name electronically, no signature required.
Signed (print): Date:
Planning Validation
Any further information