ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY | www.aamu.edu | (256) 372-5205
Payee Name: Payee ID:
Encumbrance/PO Number: Request Amount:
Travel Dates:
Travel Purpose:
Return Receipts Date (last day of travel plus 10 business days) :
I understand and agree that:
Requestor's Signature Date
The amount
I receive may be less than the amount requested and I will only be liable up to
the amount received.
am personally liable for any breach of the above stipulations and agree that
and hereby
horize any such breach to be withheld/deducted from my first available payroll check or
direct deposit.
Request Information
Advanced Payment Responsibility
Acknowledgment (APRA) Form
This form should be completed and submitted with all travel advance requests. A travel advance will not be
issued without this form. The requestor must sign this form; representatives may not sign in place of the
advance recipient.
I,____________________________________, certify that the payment requested/referenced above is
an advance payment for which I will submit receipts and any unused funds to the Comptroller's
Office (Cashier's Window) by the Return Receipts Date indicated above, but not later than five
(5) business days after the date of this form or the end date of travel.
Any funds not
used per the original submission must be remitted to the Cashier's Wi
ndow and
a receipt
must be obtained.
must submit a copy of the receipt obtained from the Cashier's Window for unused funds, to
the Comptroller's Office as part of my Travel Expense Report, by the Return Receipts Date listed
Revised 03/16/2020