1373 N. 750 W., OGDEN, UT 84404
(801) 399-8244
Fax: (801) 778-6411
Thank you for your interest in adopting a Pet from Weber County Animal Services. Adoption of a new pet can be a very emotional
experience, filled with love and great expectations. There are many practical considerations that will make a pet owning experience
successful for you and your new pet. Before you proceed with your decision, there are some things we wat you to carefully consider,
and information we want to share with you.
Each year, we are forced to euthanized thousands of unwanted pets in our community. There are two major reasons for this: (1) pet
overpopulation and (2) irresponsible pet owners. Since this responsibility is ours, we reserve the right to choose where the pets under
our care are placed. If you are serious about making a “lifetime commitment”, we hope you will take the time to check out the animals
at our shelter, and we will do our vest to find the perfect pet for you.
A portion of the Spay/Neuter fees are paid at the time of adoption. We require that ALL of the dogs and cats adopted from our shelter
be spayed or neutered. A voucher will be issued to the animal owner, and is valid with all of the veterinarians in Weber County, as well
as most veterinarians throughout the State of Utah. Please check with your veterinarian to verify they will accept the voucher before
scheduling the appointment.
Potential adopters will be required to complete an Adoption Application, and will be interviewed by an Adoption Specialist. The
adoption process can take up to 72 hours, depending on living situations, and previously received applications.
We reserve the right to “refuse an adoption” based on information obtained in the application, interview or failure to comply with
adoption requirements, including confinement and sterilization.
Our staff will provide you with as much information as possible at the time of your adoption. Please understand that the shelter staff
may not be aware of all behavioral or medical issues with the animals. The Weber County Shelter does not have a certified
veterinarian on staff to examine or diagnose our adoption animals.
Please research the breed of animal you are looking to adopt to ensure the specific breed will fit your lifestyle. You will be embarking
on a lifetime commitment that will determine the fate of your new pet.
By signing my name below, I certify that I have read the above information. Any questions concerning these policies have been
discussed. My signature also certifies my understanding of the agreement with the above policies. I understand I am willingly entering
into a lifelong commitment to this animal. If I am unable to keep this animal, I will return it to the Weber County Shelter.
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Applicant Date
Revised May 11, 2018