Helping to protect, preserve and
restore Lake Countys lakes.
(352) 253-1659
keyword: adopt
Lake County
The Department of Environmental Services has initiated an Adopt-a-Lake program to help protect, preserve
and restore our County’s lakes through community education and volunteer participation.
Any lake that is listed in the Lake County Water Atlas is eligible for the program. The goal of the program is
to involve the community in efforts to protect one of our natural resources. Any individual, group or business
may participate by adopting a lake. A variety of activities are planned for the program.
Water Quality Monitoring
A volunteer water quality monitoring program has been in place in Lake County since 2000 through a
partnership with the St. Johns River Water Management District’s (SJRWMD) Watershed Action Volunteer
(WAV) program. The volunteers are trained in water quality testing by the SJRWMD and Lake County staff.
Volunteers perform field testing and also collect water quality samples for analysis at the Lake County
Water Resource Laboratory. Water quality parameters include nutrients and bacteria as well as some
physical characteristics. All of the data collected is available on the Lake County Water Atlas at
The volunteer commitment would require a minimum of four samples a year, one per quarter. Please note
that this is a minimum, obviously the more samples collected, the more data we have available. If possible,
a monthly sampling schedule would be ideal.
Education plays a very important role in protecting our lakes. Many people are not aware of how their daily
activities affect the water quality of our lakes. Also, many people are not aware of regulations regarding
shoreline activities. In addition to improving the water quality of the County’s lakes, the educational
component should help to reduce the number of environmental and shoreline violations. You can help by
spreading the word in your community. Volunteer commitment is a minimum of twice a year participation.
Through brochures and neighborhood meetings the Adopt-a-Lake program will assist the citizens of Lake
County in understanding about proper lakefront/shoreline practices. They will learn:
¾ that certain types of aquatic vegetation are beneficial
¾ how to identify nuisance vegetation
¾ fertilizers/hazardous waste/faulty septic tanks can harm their lake
¾ that there are regulations regarding shoreline activities such as creating a beach,
building a dock, etc.
Pollution Prevention
Pollution (litter) has a major impact on the water quality of our lakes, not to mention the impacts on property
values. This component of the program will consist of a volunteer group removing and properly disposing of
litter from the lake on a regular basis. You are encouraged to recycle any applicable items. There is also a
component to include a monofilament recycling station in the adopted area which will be maintained by the
volunteer. Participation in a county-wide clean-up event is also encouraged. The volunteer commitment is a
minimum of once a month.
Lake County, Florida Adopt-a-Lake Program
Step 1 Lake County’s Adopt-a-Lake Program Coordinator will review and discuss
potential locations that the group or individual proposes to adopt. Once a location
is agreed upon, an Application and Permit needs to be completed by the Adopt-
a-Lake Program Coordinator and the group's representatives.
Step 2 The group or individual selects which component(s) of the program to participate
in: Water-Quality Monitoring, Education and/or Pollution Prevention.
Step 3 When the Permit is signed by all parties, Lake County will order a recognition
sign identifying the group or individual’s name and arrange for installation in an
appropriate area. NOTE: Lake County reserves the right to determine if it is
appropriate to locate a sign in the adopted area. Boat ramps, community areas,
marinas, etc. are ideal locations for the placement of a sign. Lake County wishes
to preserve the natural beauty of its shorelines.
If water-quality monitoring is one of the components chosen, a training session
will be required for each volunteer prior to beginning monitoring.
Step 4 Volunteer groups are responsible for disposing of trash picked up. If there is a
large item, arrangement may be made with Lake County for pick up. Otherwise,
trash cans located on site are to be used. The volunteer group is responsible for
emptying the trash can.
Step 5 When a group terminates the Permit or defaults on its obligation for six months,
the Coordinator will remove the recognition signs. That lake will then be available
to other adopting groups.
Lake County, Florida Adopt-a-Lake Program
Safety Guidelines
These safety guidelines are provided for groups participating in the Adopt-a-Lake program.
Compliance with these safety guidelines is the responsibility of the group’s representative.
1. Use common sense.
2. No horseplay of any type will be tolerated.
3. Children are to be supervised.
4. No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs will be tolerated during activities.
5. Avoid picking up any materials that may present a danger. This includes medical waste
and any potentially hazardous materials.
6. Activities shall occur only during daylight hours.
7. Activities are not to be performed during bad weather, especially if lightning is in the area.
8. Use caution when reaching under something to remove litter or when putting hands into
the water.
9. Make sure to bring an adequate supply of drinking water.
10. Participating persons should use gloves and appropriate clothing, including enclosed
11. Recommendations include sunglasses, hat, sunscreen and insect repellent. (DO NOT
wear sunglasses if performing water-quality monitoring tests.)
12. Avoid suspected hazardous materials, poison ivy/oak, and noxious weeds, places where
snakes, alligators or fire ants may be located. Immediately report any injury or hazardous
material to the group's representative and to appropriate authorities.
Lake County, Florida Adopt-a-Lake Program
Sign Recognition Policy
The sign installed for the groups participating in the program will conform to the following rules:
A. For non-profit groups, only the full name of the group will be placed on
the sign.
B. For commercial businesses, only the full name of the company will be placed on
the sign.
C. For schools, only the full name of the school will be placed on the sign.
D. Lake County will not list the services that the group provides unless it is part of the
group or company name.
E. Lake County will not list specific locations, addresses or phone numbers of the
business or group.
F. Lake County will not allow any political or other statements which can be
considered controversial to be placed on the sign.
G. Lake County reserves the right to determine if it is appropriate to locate a sign in
the adopted area. Boat ramps, community areas, marinas, etc. are ideal locations
for the placement of a sign. Lake County wishes to preserve the natural beauty of
our shorelines.
For more information, call the Lake County Adopt-a-Lake Program Coordinator
at (352) 253-1659.
Lake County, Florida Adopt-a-Lake Program
Adopt-a-Lake Activity Form
Please fill out the necessary information and provide a copy to the Adopt-a-Lake Program Coordinator.
(P.O. Box 7800 Tavares, FL 32778 or or fax to 352-253-1691)
Date: __________________ Group: _____________________________________________________
Name of Lake: _________________________________________________________________________
Activity Performed:_____________________________________________________________________
(if water quality monitoring, just submit the Water Quality Monitoring Form)
Water Level: normal high low Water Level Reading (if applicable):__________________
Observations: (excess trash, fish kill, etc.)____________________________________________________
Invasive Aquatic Vegetation (Check those observed): Location: Size of Area:
May be Removed Do not remove – Contact Aquatic Plant Management*
____ Cattails ____ Duck weed ____ Hydrilla
____ Water Hyacinth ____Water Lettuce
____ Other _____________________________
Vegetation removed: Y or N
(Check to see if a permit is needed by contacting Aquatic Plant Management.*)
Invasive Channeled Apple snails spotted: Y or N
Number of bags or estimated weight of trash collected: ________________________________________
Monofilament bin data:
How full is bin: less than ¼ Full ¼ Full ½ Full ¾ Full Full
How many pieces of trash in bin: ___________________________________________________________
Condition of bin: OK Needs Work Other _________________________________________________
Number of brochures distributed: _______________ Type of brochure: __________________________
Group presentation # of attendees: ______________ Presentation topic: _________________________
Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________
Number of volunteers: _____________________ Total volunteer time: _________________
Photos may be submitted to
* Aquatic Plant Management (352) 343-9419
Application and Permit for the
Adopt-a-Lake Program
To enhance the environment and the appearance of Lake County’s lakes, __________________,
hereinafter referred to as “Permittee”, requests permission to “Adopt-a-Lake” known as
________________________ and located at _________________________________________.
Lake County, hereinafter referred to as “County”, grants by permit the right to participate in the Lake
County Adopt-a-Lake Program, subject to the following conditions:
1. The activities will be performed under and in accordance with the Lake County Ordinance
governing the Adopt-a-Lake Program, which Ordinance is attached to this permit and
incorporated herein.
2. Permittee shall abide by all ordinances, laws, and rules and regulations relating to lake
utilization, safety, and all other conditions as required by the Director of the Department of
Environmental Services for the adopted area.
3. This permit shall constitute a license for permissive use only.
4. Permittee shall at all times assume all risk of and indemnify, defend, and save harmless the
County, its Commissioners, offices, agents or employees against any and all claims, losses,
damages, responsibility, liability, costs or expense arising from, allegedly arising from or
related to the exercise or attempted exercise of the rights and privileges granted by this
5. Permittee agrees that the County may terminate this permit at any time the Permittee does
not comply with the permit conditions or at any time the Permittee’s work is unsafe or
causes conflict with the lake use.
6. As to all relationships to the County, Permittee and all persons performing work under this
Permit shall at all times and for all purposes be independent contractors and not employees
of the County. Persons performing work under this permit shall have no claim to workers’
compensation or other employee rights or privileges granted to the County’s employees by
operation of law or by the County.
The Permittee commits to:
1. Perform either:
(Check which part(s) of the Program you wish to participate in)
Water Quality Monitoring (at least 4 times a year)
Educational Events (at least 2 times a year)
Pollution Prevention (at least 12 times per year)
2. An adoption commitment for a period of at least two (2) years.
3. Designate a chairperson who shall represent the Permittee, and for pollution prevention events
will register and brief participants prior to each event, including safety guidelines.
4. Submit an Adopt-a-Lake Activity form to the Adopt-a-Lake Program Coordinator after each
Lake County Department of Environmental Services Adopt-a-Lake Program commits to the
1. Installation of one Adopt-a-Lake sign along the lake’s shoreline which identifies the group,
where applicable.
2. Coordinating the program and maintaining a participant database.
3. Reporting water quality data to the Lake County Water Atlas.
I certify that I have read the information contained in this document and that I possess that
authority to execute this document on behalf of my organization.
Organization or Individual Name: _________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________ City ___________________ Zip __________
Chairperson Name: ____________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________ Fax Number: __________________________
E-mail address: _______________________________________________________________
Name to appear on sign: ________________________________________________________
Anticipated number of members participating in the program: _____________
Lake(s) you are interested in adopting: _____________________________________________
Chairperson Signature: _________________________________________________________
PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED to perform the work described in the above Permit.
Adopt-a-Lake Program Coordinator
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