Application and Permit for the
Adopt-a-Lake Program
To enhance the environment and the appearance of Lake County’s lakes, __________________,
hereinafter referred to as “Permittee”, requests permission to “Adopt-a-Lake” known as
________________________ and located at _________________________________________.
Lake County, hereinafter referred to as “County”, grants by permit the right to participate in the Lake
County Adopt-a-Lake Program, subject to the following conditions:
1. The activities will be performed under and in accordance with the Lake County Ordinance
governing the Adopt-a-Lake Program, which Ordinance is attached to this permit and
incorporated herein.
2. Permittee shall abide by all ordinances, laws, and rules and regulations relating to lake
utilization, safety, and all other conditions as required by the Director of the Department of
Environmental Services for the adopted area.
3. This permit shall constitute a license for permissive use only.
4. Permittee shall at all times assume all risk of and indemnify, defend, and save harmless the
County, its Commissioners, offices, agents or employees against any and all claims, losses,
damages, responsibility, liability, costs or expense arising from, allegedly arising from or
related to the exercise or attempted exercise of the rights and privileges granted by this
5. Permittee agrees that the County may terminate this permit at any time the Permittee does
not comply with the permit conditions or at any time the Permittee’s work is unsafe or
causes conflict with the lake use.
6. As to all relationships to the County, Permittee and all persons performing work under this
Permit shall at all times and for all purposes be independent contractors and not employees
of the County. Persons performing work under this permit shall have no claim to workers’
compensation or other employee rights or privileges granted to the County’s employees by
operation of law or by the County.
The Permittee commits to:
1. Perform either:
(Check which part(s) of the Program you wish to participate in)
Water Quality Monitoring (at least 4 times a year)
Educational Events (at least 2 times a year)
Pollution Prevention (at least 12 times per year)
2. An adoption commitment for a period of at least two (2) years.
3. Designate a chairperson who shall represent the Permittee, and for pollution prevention events
will register and brief participants prior to each event, including safety guidelines.
4. Submit an Adopt-a-Lake Activity form to the Adopt-a-Lake Program Coordinator after each