Instructions: Please complete this form with the help of your counselor. You may graduate with multiple
degrees. If you also want to receive a certificate for the degree you are applying for, please complete the
Petition for Certificate form as well. We strongly recommend that you check your student planning on
WebAdvisor to check your progress before meeting with a counselor.
Filing Deadlines: Submit your Petition of Associate Degree to Admissions and Records by the following
March 1: Graduating Spring and participating in Graduation Ceremony in May
July 15: Graduating Summer
October 15: Graduating Fall
Graduating with Honors:
Honors Graduate: Earning a cumulative GPA between 3.25 and 3.74 in all degree applicable units
President’s Scholar: Earning a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or higher in all degree applicable units
Catalog Rights: If continuous enrollment is maintained by enrolling in at least one course at CCC, DEVC, or
LMC in an academic year (Summer, Fall, Spring) students are guaranteed rights to the catalog requirements in
effect during their initial term of enrollment. Should catalog requirements change while continuous enrollment is
maintained, students may utilize any subsequent catalog in effect to graduate. Students may use the catalog of
the year that the requirement changed or the exit catalog.
Graduation Checklist: Use the following checklist to make sure that you have completed all steps necessary to
complete your degree evaluation.
1. I have completed or in my last semester of completing 60 degree applicable units with a 2.0 GPA
2. I have completed a minimum of 12 degree applicable units at Contra Costa College
3. I have completed all requirements in my major with a “C” grade or higher
4. I have official transcript from other institutions attended on file with Admissions and Records Office
5. I have AP/CLEP/IB documents on file with Admissions and Records Office
6. I have recently met with a counselor to review the completion of degree requirements
Printing of Certificates:
At the end of the semester, your evaluator will review the grades received for the semester. This process takes
6-8 weeks to complete. You will receive an email notification when your certificate is ready for pick up.