Version: 3/20/2019 1
Administrative Master Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title
Dental Hygiene Care I
Course Prefix, Num. and Title
DHYG 2201 Dental Hygiene Care I
Allied Health
Dental Hygiene
Course Type
WECM Course
Course Catalog Description
Dental hygiene care for the medically or dentally compromised patient including
supplemental instrumentation techniques.
DHYG 1339, 1304, 1261, 1227, 1207 and 1219 with grade of C or better.
Enter Co-Requisites Here.
Semester Credit Hours
Total Semester Credit Hours (SCH): Lecture Hours:
Lab/Other Hours
Equated Pay Hours
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Lab Hours
Enter Lab Hours Here.
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Clinical Hours
Enter Clinical Hours Here.
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Practicum Hours
Enter Practicum Hours Here.
Other Hours Breakdown
List Total Lab/Other Hours Here.
Approval Signatures
Prepared by:
Department Head:
Division Chair:
Approved by CIR:
Carol Derkowski
Carol Derkowski
Carol Derkowski
Paul J. Quinn
Paul J. Quinn
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Additional Course Information
Topical Outline: Each offering of this course must include the following topics (be sure to include information regarding lab,
practicum, and clinical or other non-lecture instruction).
1. Course Information
a. Course Outcomes
b. Course Schedule
c. Course Evaluation
d. Methods of Instruction
2. Review of Instrumentation
a. Principles of Instrumentation
b. Sharpening Techniques
c. Management of Broken Instrument Tip
3. Nonsurgical Periodontal Instrumentation
a. Dental Hygiene Care Plan for Instrumentation
b. Overall Appointment Systems
c. Scaling with Manual Instruments
i. Principles of Instrumentation
d. Use of Ultrasonics in Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy
i. Mode of Action
ii. Types (Define, Compare, Contrast types of)
1. sonic
2. piezoelectric
3. magnetostrictive
iii. Purposes and Uses
iv. Contraindications (medical and dental)
v. Procedure
vi. Instrument Tip Design
vii. Sterilization Procedure
4. Scaling and Root Planing Non-surgical Periodontal Instrumentation
a. Rationale
b. Technique
c. Benefits to the Tissue
5. Dentinal Hypersensitivity
a. Definition
b. Types of Pain Stimuli
c. Etiology of Dentin Hypersensitivity
i. Contributing Factors
ii. Desensitizing Agents
iii. Dental Hygiene Care
d. Dentin Structure
e. Management Strategies
6. Dental Anxiety and Pain Management
a. Definitions
b. Sign/Symptoms
c. Management Options
7. Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy: Supplemental Care Procedures
a. Patient Needs
b. Supplemental Care Procedures
c. Advanced Instrumentation
d. Antimicrobial Treatment
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e. Professional Subgingival Irrigation
i. Patient Selection
ii. Application
f. Local Delivery of Antimicrobials
i. Types
ii. Methods of Delivery
iii. Applications for Clinic and Contraindications
iv. Home Care
8. Respiratory Diseases
a. Types
b. Signs/symptoms
c. Treatment
d. Dental Management
9. Cardiovascular Diseases
a. Define Major Types
b. Signs/Symptoms of each Type
c. Dental Considerations for Treatment
d. Cardiac Arrhythmias
e. Oral Implications with Anticoagulant Therapy
10. Blood Disorders
a. Oral Findings Suggestive of Blood Disorders
b. Normal Blood
c. Red Blood Cell Disorders
i. Types
ii. Signs/Symptoms
iii. Dental Hygiene Care
d. White Blood Cell Disorders
i. Types
ii. Signs/symptoms
iii. Oral Manifestations
iv. Dental Hygiene Care
e. Coagulation Disorders
i. Types
ii. Drugs Causing Coagulation Effects
iii. Dental Hygiene Care
11. Transmissible Diseases
a. Types of Diseases
b. Pathogens (agents)
c. Mode of Transmission
d. Description Signs/Symptoms
e. Dental Management
f. Treatment
12. Chemotherapeutic Agents
a. Actions
b. Substantivity
c. Indications for Use
d. Agents Available
13. Dental Caries Management by Risk Assessment
a. Define Disease of Dental Caries
b. Disease Indicators and Risk Factors
c. Caries Management by Risk Assessment
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14. Geriatrics
a. Changes and Disorders
i. Osteoporosis definition
ii. Alzheimer’s disease
b. Oral Conditions of the Aged
c. Dental Hygiene Care
i. Clinical facilities
ii. Patient assessment
iii. Plaque Control
iv. Diet & Nutrition
15. Air Polishing for Biofilm Management
a. Subgingival air polishing for biofilm management and conventional air polishing for extrinsic stain
removal (comparisons and contraindications)
b. Clinical Evidence supporting Subgingival Air Polishing
c. Technique
d. Polishing Powder Selections
i. glycine powder
ii. sodium bicarbonate powder
e. Indications/Contraindications
f. Incorporation of Air Polishing into Individualized Patient Care
g. Effects of air polishing
h. Maintenance and sterilization procedures for equipment
Course Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Assess various patient needs.
2. Formulate a dental hygiene care plan for the medically and/or dentally compromised patient
3. Describe supplemental instrumentation techniques.
Methods of Assessment:
Written examinations, case studies, clinical application
Required text(s), optional text(s) and/or materials to be supplied by the student:
Wilkins, Esther M., Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, 12
Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2017.
Thomson, Evelyn, Case Studies in Dental Hygiene, 3
Edition, Pearson, 2013.
Nield-Gehrig, Jill S., Fundamentals of Periodontal Instrumentation & Advanced Root Instrumentation, 8
Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2017.
Wynn, Richard, Timothy Meiller and Harold Crossley, Drug Information Handbook for Dentistry, 23
Lexi-Comp Inc., 2014.
Derkowski, C., Mayfield, S., Hahn, D., Bode, B., Novosad, G., Bay, F., Wharton County Junior College Dental
Hygiene Clinic Manual, current edition.
Darby, Michele L., Mosby’s Comprehensive Review in Dental Hygiene, 7
Edition, Mosby Elsevier, 2012.
Prajer, Renee and Gwen Grosso, DH Notes: Dental Hygienist’s Chairside Pocket Guide, F.A. Davis Co., 2011.
Suggested Course Maximum:
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List any specific or physical requirements beyond a typical classroom required to teach the
Dental hygiene clinic with dental units and sterilization area.
Course Requirements/Grading System: Describe any course specific requirements such as research papers or
reading assignments and the generalized grading format for the course.
The examinations will cover the material prior to the exam which includes information from lecture, texts, class
discussions, guest speakers, videos, homework assignments. The final examination will be comprehensive.
Exam Reviews:
No questions or content may be recorded; all books, all electronic devices (includes any Apple watches), papers,
writing instruments, purses, backpacks, water bottles, etc. must be placed on the sides or front of the class and
not available to students during any exam review. Exam review will be after class (end of scheduled class).
Class Participation:
Class participation includes the following categories: attendance/promptness; level of engagement in class; listening
skills; behavior; and preparation. Regular attendance is expected and constitutes part of class participation.
Class/Group Discussion:
Students are expected to participate in group or class discussions, case studies, etc. This will necessitate preparation in
advance of the class period in order to be familiar with the topic (read material prior to class).
Quizzes/Take-Home Assignments:
Quizzes may be given in class (there will be no make-up quizzes). Some assignments may be “take-home” and due on
assigned dates.
Assignment Formatting:
All written assignments must be computer generated (print must be readable) unless otherwise informed by
course instructor. The instructor will deduct points from the graded assignment if, for any reason, it is not
computer generated and readable.
Grading Scale:
A = 100-93, B = 92-84, C = 83-75, D = 74-67, F = 66 and below
A minimum grade of 75 (C) is necessary to pass DHYG 2201 (and any other DHYG designated course).
Grades will not be rounded up. For example, a 74.5 is a 74 and a 92.5 is a 92.
Grading Formula:
Examinations (4) = 50%
Class Participation = 10%
Final Examination = 40%
Curriculum Checklist:
Administrative General Education Course (from ACGM, but not in WCJC Core) No additional documents
Administrative WCJC Core Course. Attach the Core Curriculum Review Forms
Critical Thinking
Empirical & Quantitative Skills
Social Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
WECM Course -If needed, revise the Program SCANS Matrix and Competencies Checklist