Version: 3/20/2019 3
Methods of Assessment:
All outcomes will be accessed by one or more of the following:
* Individual Projects
* Group Projects
* Lab Assignments
* Tests and Quizzes
* Final Exam
Required text(s), optional text(s) and/or materials to be supplied by the student:
The Basics of Cyber Safety: Computer and Mobile Device Safety Made Easy, 1st Edition, Sammons, John and Michael
Cross, Syngress an imprint of Elsevier, 2017, 9780124166509. Or similar title
Suggested Course Maximum:
List any specific or physical requirements beyond a typical classroom required to teach the
Computer (64 bit CPU) equipped with 12 GB RAM or more (running virtual machines), graphics card capable of
supporting virtual machines, 19” or better monitor, and removable hard drive (500 GB or better) for each student and
same for instructor.
• Instructor’s machine needs 2 network interface cards (one to connect to WCJC network and one to connect to student
pcs). And Data projector
• Cat 5 network cable, RJ-45 jacks and crimper for each student and 2 cable tester
• Router and cables to separate class from WCJC network
• Microsoft Windows 7 (or current version) (64 bit) operating system software for each pc (student and instructors)
Linux Operating system*
• Microsoft Office suite for each pc (student and instructors)
• VMWare Workstation 11 (or current version) for each student and instructor
• Antivirus software for each pc
The course maximum is set by current equipment contained in the lab.
Course Requirements/Grading System: Describe any course specific requirements such as research papers or
reading assignments and the generalized grading format for the course.
Attendance and Participation ............................ 0-10%
Chapter Review Questions .............................. 0-10%
Labs (Projects) ................................................ 25-50%
Tests ................................................................ 25-50%
Final Exam / Project .........................................10-25%
A = 90.0 - 100
B = 80.0 - 89.9
C = 70.0 - 79.9
D = 60.0 - 69.9
F = less than 60.0