Administrative Master Syllabus
Administrative Master Syllabus
Revised February 2016 Page 1 of
Purpose: It is the intention of this Administrative Master Syllabus to provide a general description of the course, outline the
required elements of the course and to lay the foundation for course assessment for the improvement of student learning, as
specified by the faculty of Wharton County Junior College, regardless of who teaches the course, the timeframe by which it
is instructed, or the instructional method by which the course is delivered. It is not intended to restrict the manner by which
an individual faculty member teaches the course but to be an administrative tool to aid in the improvement of instruction.
Course Title:
Course Prefix & Number:
Division & Department:
Course Type
Academic General Education Course (from ACGM, but not WCJC Core)
Academic WCJC Core Course
WECM Course
This course is a Special Topics or Unique Needs Course.
Semester Credit Hours (SCH): Lecture Hours: Lab/Other Hours _____:_____:_____
Equated Pay Hours:_____
Catalog Course Description:
Signature Date
Prepared by:
Department Head:
Division Chair:
Approved by CIR:
List Lab/
Other Hours
Lab Hours
Clinical Hours
Practicum Hours
Other (List)
Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1301
Communications & Fine Arts: English & Philosophy
A study of major issues in philosophy and/or the work of major
philosophical figures in philosophy. Topics in philosophy may include
theories of reality, theories of knowledge, theories of value, and their
practical applications.
Concurrent enrollment or completion of ENGL 1301
Cynthia Diener
Digitally signed by Cynthia Diener
DN: cn=Cynthia Diener, o=WCJC, ou=WCJC English Dept.,, c=US
Date: 2016.09.12 14:24:19 -05'00'
Sharon Prince
Digitally signed by Sharon Prince
DN: cn=Sharon Prince, o=WCJC, ou=English
Department,, c=US
Date: 2016.09.13 14:05:03 -05'00'
Patrick Ralls
Digitally signed by Patrick Ralls
DN: cn=Patrick Ralls, o, ou=Speech Department,, c=US
Date: 2016.09.14 10:33:51 -05'00'
Leigh Ann Collins
Digitally signed by Leigh Ann Collins
DN: cn=Leigh Ann Collins, o=Wharton County Junior College,
ou=Vice President of Instruction,, c=US
Date: 2016.11.22 18:13:50 -06'00'
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Administrative Master Syllabus
Administrative Master Syllabus
Revised February 2016 Page 2
of 5
I. Topical Outline: Each offering of this course must include the following topics (be sure to include
information regarding lab, practicum, clinical, or other non-lecture instruction).
• Identify the major fields of philosophy: i.e. metaphysics, epistemology, ethics.
• Explicate the purpose of philosophy, with reference to the major fields of
• Illustrate the thoughts of major philosophers with original applications/examples.
• Compare and contrast the central ideas of major philosophers: e.g. Socrates,
Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Bentham,
Mill, Kant, James.
• Analyze the viewpoints of the major philosophers.
• Critique the arguments of major philosophers.
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Administrative Master Syllabus
Revised February 2016 Page 4
of 5
II. Course Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful
completion of this course, students will:
Methods of Assessment:
1. Read, analyze, and critique philosophical
2.Demonstrate knowledge of key concepts,
major arguments, problems, and
terminology in philosophy.
3.Present logically persuasive arguments
both orally and in writing.
4.Demonstrate critical thinking skills in
evaluation and application of philosophical
concepts to various aspects of life.
5.Evaluate the personal and social
responsibilities of living in a diverse world.
1. Research paper and unit tests/final
2.Unit tests/final exam and quizzes.
3.Research paper, class participation
for face-to-face classes, and online
discussions for online classes.
4.Unit tests/final exam
and essays.
5.Unit tests/final exam, essays, class
participation for face-to-face classes,
and online discussions for online
Administrative Master Syllabus
Administrative Master Syllabus
Revised February 2016 Page 5
of 5
III. Required text(s), optional text(s) and/or materials to be supplied by the student:
IV. Suggested course maximum: ________
V. List
any specific or physical requirements beyond a typical classroom required to teach
the course.
VI. Co
urse Requirements/Grading SystemDescri
be any course specific requirements such as
research papers or reading assignments and the generalized grading format for the course.
VII. Curriculum Checklist
emic General Education Course (from ACGM-but not in WCJC core)
No additional documentation needed.
Academic WCJC Core Course. Attach the Core Curriculum Review Forms.
Critical Thinking
Empirical & Quantitative Skills
Social Responsibility
onal Responsibility
WECM Course
If needed, revise the Program SCANS Matrix and Competencies Checklist.
Norman Melchert, Philosophical Conversations: A Concise Historical
Introduction, Oxford UP, current edition.
Classroom with computer and projector.
Unit tests: 25-50%
Research paper: 25-40%
Final exam: 25-40%
Class participation/online discussions: 15-30%
59 and below F
Administrative-Master Syllabus
Revised April 2013 Page 4 of 7
Administrative-Master Syllabus
Revised April 2013 Page 5 of 7
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Revised April 2013 Page 6 of 7
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