Version: 3/20/2019 1
Administrative Master Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title
Film Appreciation
Course Prefix, Num. and Title
DRAM 2366
Communications & Fine Arts
Visual & Performance Arts
Course Type
Academic WCJC Core Course
Course Catalog Description
Survey and analyze cinema including history, film techniques, production procedures,
selected motion pictures, and cinema's impact on and reflection of society.
TSI satisfied in Reading and Writing.
Enter Co-Requisites Here.
Semester Credit Hours
Total Semester Credit Hours (SCH): Lecture Hours:
Lab/Other Hours
Equated Pay Hours
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Lab Hours
Enter Lab Hours Here.
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Clinical Hours
Enter Clinical Hours Here.
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Practicum Hours
Enter Practicum Hours Here.
Other Hours Breakdown
List Total Lab/Other Hours Here.
Approval Signatures
Prepared by:
Department Head:
Division Chair:
Approved by CIR:
Patrick Ralls
Digitally signed by Patrick Ralls
DN: cn=Patrick Ralls, o, ou,, c=US
Date: 2020.06.09 09:53:07 -05'00'
Joe Waldrop
Digitally signed by Joe Waldrop
DN: cn=Joe Waldrop, o=WCJC, ou=Music,,
Date: 2020.06.09 11:52:18 -05'00'
Patrick Ralls
Digitally signed by Patrick Ralls
DN: cn=Patrick Ralls, o, ou,, c=US
Date: 2020.06.01 13:27:32 -05'00'
Leigh Ann collins
Digitally signed by Leigh Ann collins
DN: cn=Leigh Ann collins, o=WCJC, ou=VPI,,
Date: 2020.06.12 10:37:50 -05'00'
Paul J. Quinn
Digitally signed by Paul J. Quinn
Date: 2020.06.12 13:44:56 -05'00'
click to sign
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click to sign
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click to sign
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click to sign
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click to sign
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Version: 3/20/2019 2
Additional Course Information
Topical Outline: Each offering of this course must include the following topics (be sure to include information regarding lab,
practicum, and clinical or other non-lecture instruction).
American Film History, Film Genres, Film Terminology, Production Process, Criticism.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Analyze film through written response.
2. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of film history, form, and genre.
3. Describe the collaborative nature of cinema and the many jobs required to
develop a motion picture.
4. Discuss/Describe the relationship of cinema to society as it relates to his/her perspective.
Methods of Assessment:
Group Work
Group Presentations
Quizzes and Exams
In class participation and exercises
Research papers
Play evaluations
Essay questions
Required text(s), optional text(s) and/or materials to be supplied by the student:
"The Movie Idiom: Film As A Popular Art Form" by Robert Henry Stanley, Waveland Press, Inc. Current Edition. Students
are also expected to attend at least one current motion picture during the course of the semester
Suggested Course Maximum:
List any specific or physical requirements beyond a typical classroom required to teach the
Classroom with large monitor with DVD and VHS systems.
Course Requirements/Grading System: Describe any course specific requirements such as research papers or
reading assignments and the generalized grading format for the course.
Version: 3/20/2019 3
Students will be expected to read assigned chapters in the book and they will complete 3
quizzes @ 15 %
each, present an oral report on film genre @ 15%; complete a 2 page written critique of a
current movie @
15%; Complete a course outline @ 15%, attendance and participation @ 10%.
A= 90-100
B= 80-89
C= 79-79
D= 60-69
F= 59 and below
Curriculum Checklist:
Administrative General Education Course (from ACGM, but not in WCJC Core)No additional documents
Administrative WCJC Core Course. Attach the Core Curriculum Review Forms
Critical Thinking
Empirical & Quantitative Skills
Social Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
WECM Course -If needed, revise the Program SCANS Matrix and Competencies Checklist
Version: 3/20/2019 4
Core Curriculum Review Form
Foundational Component Area
: Core 050: Creative Arts
Course Prefix & Suffix: DRAM 2366
Core Objective:
Critical Thinking Skillsto include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis
of information
Student Learning Outcome Supporting Core Objective:
For each core objective, there must be at least two different methods of assessment.
SLO Status
Student Learning
Outcome (SLO)
Learning Activity Assessment
Demonstrate a basic
knowledge of film
history, form, and
Classroom lecture and/or
Film evaluations
Quizzes and exams
Research Papers
Film Critiques
Choose a
SLO status.
Insert SLO (from
Administrative Master
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample
learning activity.
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample quiz,
exam, rubric, assignment, etc. for
assessing the objective.
Choose a
SLO status.
Insert SLO (from
Administrative Master
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample
learning activity.
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample quiz,
exam, rubric, assignment, etc. for
assessing the objective.
Version: 3/20/2019 5
Core Curriculum Review Form
Foundational Component Area
: Core 050: Creative Arts
Course Prefix & Suffix: DRAM 2366
Core Objective:
Communication Skillsto include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through
written, oral and visual communication
Student Learning Outcome Supporting Core Objective:
For each core objective, there must be at least two different methods of assessment.
SLO Status
Student Learning
Outcome (SLO)
Learning Activity Assessment
Analyze film through
written response
Classroom lecture and/or
Film Evaluations and critiques
Choose a
SLO status.
Insert SLO (from
Administrative Master
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample
learning activity.
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample quiz,
exam, rubric, assignment, etc. for
assessing the objective.
Choose a
SLO status.
Insert SLO (from
Administrative Master
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample
learning activity.
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample quiz,
exam, rubric, assignment, etc. for
assessing the objective.
Version: 3/20/2019 6
Core Curriculum Review Form
Foundational Component Area
: Core 050: Creative Arts
Course Prefix & Suffix: DRAM 2366
Core Objective:
Teamworkto include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to
support a shared purpose or goal
Student Learning Outcome Supporting Core Objective:
For each core objective, there must be at least two different methods of assessment.
SLO Status
Student Learning
Outcome (SLO)
Learning Activity Assessment
Describe the
collaborative nature
of cinema and the
many jobs required to
develop a motion
Classroom lecture and/or
Film evaluations
Quizzes and Exams
Research Papers
Film Critiques
Group Presentations
Choose a
SLO status.
Insert SLO (from
Administrative Master
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample
learning activity.
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample quiz,
exam, rubric, assignment, etc. for
assessing the objective.
Choose a
SLO status.
Insert SLO (from
Administrative Master
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample
learning activity.
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample quiz,
exam, rubric, assignment, etc. for
assessing the objective.
Version: 3/20/2019 7
Core Curriculum Review Form
Foundational Component Area
: Core 050: Creative Arts
Course Prefix & Suffix: DRAM 2366
Core Objective:
Social Responsibilityto include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to
engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities
Student Learning Outcome Supporting Core Objective:
For each core objective, there must be at least two different methods of assessment.
SLO Status
Student Learning
Outcome (SLO)
Learning Activity Assessment
Discuss/Describe the
relationship of cinema
to society as it relates
to his/her
Classroom lecture and/or
Film evaluations
Quizzes and exams
Research papers
Film Critiques
Group Presentations
Choose a
SLO status.
Insert SLO (from
Administrative Master
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample
learning activity.
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample quiz,
exam, rubric, assignment, etc. for
assessing the objective.
Choose a
SLO status.
Insert SLO (from
Administrative Master
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample
learning activity.
Provide a brief name and
description of the sample quiz,
exam, rubric, assignment, etc. for
assessing the objective.