V e rsion: 3/20/2019 1
Administrative Master Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title
Database Programming
Course Prefix, Num. and Title
ITSE 2309 Database Programming
Technology and Business
Computer Science
Course Type
WECM Course
Course Catalog Description
Database development using database programming techniques emphasizing
database structures, modeling, and database access. Uses Structured Query Language
(SQL) in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) to create tables, views,
sequences, and constraints.
Semester Credit Hours
Total Semester Credit Hours (SCH): Lecture Hours:
Lab/Other Hours
Equated Pay Hours
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Lab Hours
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Clinical Hours
Lab/Other Hours Breakdown: Practicum Hours
Other Hours Breakdown
Approval Signatures
Signature Date
Prepared by:
Department Head:
Division Chair:
Approved by CIR:
Stephen Lyford
Digitally signed by Stephen Lyford
Date: 2020.06.11 10:00:26 -05'00'
Stephen Lyford
Digitally signed by Stephen Lyford
Date: 2020.06.11 10:00:36 -05'00'
David Kucera
Digitally signed by David Kucera
DN: cn=David Kucera, o=Wharton County Junior College, ou=Division
of Technology and Business, email=davidk@wcjc.edu, c=US
Date: 2020.06.11 12:04:09 -05'00'
Paul J. Quinn
Digitally signed by Paul J. Quinn
Date: 2020.06.12 09:04:41 -05'00'
Paul J. Quinn
Digitally signed by Paul J. Quinn
Date: 2020.06.12 09:04:58 -05'00'
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V e rsion: 3/20/2019 2
Additional Course Information
Topical Outline: Each offering of this course must include the following topics (be sure to include information regarding lab,
practicum, and clinical or other non-lecture instruction).
Define: SQL and relational database
Define: table, row, cell, column, primary key
Select statements
Select clauses
Where clauses
Equal condition
Less than condition
In, between, like, null, not null conditions
Order by clause
Compound conditions in where clause
Creating: tables and views
Difference/similarities between tables and views
Deleting tables and views
Adding/deleting rows and columns
Commit and rollback
Insert, update and delete constraints
Column formats
Use of the data dictionary
Primary and foreign keys creating and use
Duplicate row issues
Data formats
Referential integrity
Inserts, updates and deletes using referential integrity
Check, unique, not null and primary key constraints
Inner joins
Course Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
This course incorporates the National Workforce Center for Emerging Technologies Programming/Software
Engineering skill standards recognized by the Texas Skill Standards Board.
Methods of Assessment:
Critical Work Function Key Activities assessed in this course:
C3 Develop appropriate data model and database scheme
Required text(s), optional text(s) and/or materials to be supplied by the student:
Oracle 11g: SQL, 2nd Edition; Joan Casteel; Course Technology; ISBN 9781439041284
Oracle 10g Developer: PL/SQL programming; Joan Casteel; Course Technology; ISBN 978-1-4239-0136-5
Suggested Course Maximum:
V e rsi on: 3/20/2019 3
List any specific or physical requirements beyond a typical classroom required to teach the
One PC per student with Oracle database installed.
Course Requirements/Grading System: Describe any course specific requirements such as research papers or
reading assignments and the generalized grading format for the course.
40% Labs
10% Project
50% Tests and Final Exam
Curriculum Checklist:
Administrative General Education Course (from ACGM, but not in WCJC Core) No additional documents
Administrative WCJC Core Course. Attach the Core Curriculum Review Forms
Critical Thinking
Empirical & Quantitative Skills
Social Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
WECM Course -If needed, revise the Program SCANS Matrix and Competencies Checklist