Version: 3/20/2019 3
3. Influence Development of the Profession
4. Personal Development
III. The Legislative Process
A. Process by Which a Bill Becomes Law
1. Process
2. Lobbying
3. Political Action Committees
B. Affecting Change Through the Legislative Process
C. The Effect of Legislation on the Practice of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene in Texas
D. Sunset Review
IV. Ethics
A. Definitions
B. Legal Obligations versus Ethical Obligations
C. Accountability and Responsibility
1. Definition
2. Levels of Accountability of Dental Hygiene
3. Purposes for Accountability
D. Major Ethical Perspectives
1. Utilitarian Ethics
2. Deontological Ethics
3. Virtue Ethics
E. Fundamental Ethical Principles in Healthcare
1. Autonomy
2. Beneficence
3. Nonmaleficence
4. Justice
5. Veracity
F. Codes of Ethics
G. Ethical Problems in Dental Hygiene
1. Private Practice Dilemmas
2. Public Health
3. Administrators
4. Research
5. RDH--DDS--Client Relationships
6. RDH--RDH Relationships
H. Framework for Resolving Ethical Problems
V. Jurisprudence
A. Legal Concepts
1. Civil Law
a) Tort Principle
(1) Intentional
(2) Unintentional
2. Criminal Law
B. Contract Principles and Relationships
1. Breach of Contract
2. Implied Contract
3. Express Contract
4. Duty
C. Legal Concepts and Practitioner-Client Relationship
1. Abandonment
2. Steps to Prevent Abandonment
3. Confidentiality