Administrative Master Syllabus
Administrative Master Syllabus
Revised February 2016 Page 1 of
Purpose: It is the intention of this Administrative Master Syllabus to provide a general description of the course, outline the
required elements of the course and to lay the foundation for course assessment for the improvement of student learning, as
specified by the faculty of Wharton County Junior College, regardless of who teaches the course, the timeframe by which it
is instructed, or the instructional method by which the course is delivered. It is not intended to restrict the manner by which
an individual faculty member teaches the course but to be an administrative tool to aid in the improvement of instruction.
Course Title:
Course Prefix & Number:
Division & Department:
Course Type
Academic General Education Course (from ACGM, but not WCJC Core)
Academic WCJC Core Course
WECM Course
This course is a Special Topics or Unique Needs Course.
Semester Credit Hours (SCH): Lecture Hours: Lab/Other Hours _____:_____:_____
Equated Pay Hours:_____
Catalog Course Description:
Signature Date
Prepared by:
Department Head:
Division Chair:
Approved by CIR:
List Lab/
Other Hours
Lab Hours
Clinical Hours
Practicum Hours
Other (List)
Historical Geology
GEOL 1304
Life & Physical Science: Geology
A comprehensive survey of the history of life and major events in the physical development of
Earth as interpreted from rocks and fossils.Introduction to the history of the earth and its past inhabitants. Provides
a broad overview of fossil records as evidence of the various kinds of plants and animals that have existed on earth.
GEOL 1104 must be taken with this course to fulfill the 4 semester credit hour requirement for natural science in a
degree plan.
TSI satisfied in Reading and Writing; Credit for or concurrent enrollment in GEOL 1303
Physical Geology.
Recommended co-requisite: GEOL 1104 Physical Geology (lab)
Danny Glenn
Digitally signed by Danny Glenn
DN: cn=Danny Glenn, o=Geology Dept. Head, ou=WCJC,, c=US
Date: 2016.09.28 08:51:12 -05'00'
Danny Glenn
Digitally signed by Danny Glenn
DN: cn=Danny Glenn, o=Geology Dept. Head,
ou=WCJC,, c=US
Date: 2016.09.28 08:51:48 -05'00'
Kevin Dees
Digitally signed by Kevin Dees
DN: cn=Kevin Dees, o=Wharton County Junior College,
ou=Division Chair,, c=US
Date: 2016.10.03 14:27:55 -05'00'
Leigh Ann collins
Digitally signed by Leigh Ann collins
DN: cn=Leigh Ann collins, o=WCJC, ou=VPI,, c=US
Date: 2017.01.25 10:04:10 -06'00'
Tracy Emmons
Digitally signed by Tracy Emmons
DN: cn=Tracy Emmons, o=WCJC, ou=Instructional
Assessment,, c=US
Date: 2017.03.03 09:34:08 -06'00'
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Administrative Master Syllabus
Administrative Master Syllabus
Revised February 2016 Page 2
of 5
I. Topical Outline: Each offering of this course must include the following topics (be sure to include
information regarding lab, practicum, clinical, or other non-lecture instruction).
1. Introduction to Earth System History
2. Earth Materials and Features
3. Geologic Time
4. Life on Earth and its Fossil Record
5. Biologic Evolution
6. Interpreting Sedimentary Environments and Global Change
7. Plate Tectonics and Earth History
8. Archean World - Geology and Life Forms, especially the development of Life
9. Proterozoic World - Geology and Life Forms, with emphasis on the expansion of
types of soft- bodied life forms
10. Paleozoic World - Geology and Life Forms with emphasis on the development of
Terrestrial Plants and Terrestrial Vertebrate Organisms
11. Mesozoic World - Geology and Life Forms - The Rise of Dinosaurs and
development of Mammals
12. Cenozoic World - Geology and Life Forms with emphasis on the Rise of Primates
and the Evolution of Humans
Administrative Master Syllabus
Administrative Master Syllabus
Revised February 2016 Page 3
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Administrative Master Syllabus
Administrative Master Syllabus
Revised February 2016 Page 4
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II. Course Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful
completion of this course, students will:
Methods of Assessment:
1 Describe how the application of the
scientific method has led to our current
understanding of Earth history.
2. Explain the historical development of
Geology as a science and how it was
influenced by early interpretations of fossils
and the theory of evolution.
3. Communicate how principles of relative
and numerical age dating have been used
to develop the Geologic Time Scale.
4. Describe the processes involved in the
formation and differentiation of the Earth
and identify major milestones in the
physical evolution of the planet.
5. Identify the major milestones in the
evolution of life from its initial inorganic
stages, through development of the major
animal and plant groups, to mass
6. Explain how rocks and fossils are used
to interpret ancient environments.
7. Identify the major tectonic events in the
geologic evolution of North America.
1. Quizzes, Labs, Exams
2. Quizzes, Labs, Exams, Group Projects
3. Quizzes, Labs, Exams
4. Quizzes, Labs, Exams, Essays
5. Quizzes, Labs, Exams, Essays
6. Quizzes, Labs, Exams, Essays
7. Quizzes, Labs, Exams
Administrative Master Syllabus
Administrative Master Syllabus
Revised February 2016 Page 5
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III. Required text(s), optional text(s) and/or materials to be supplied by the student:
IV. Suggested course maximum: ________
V. List
any specific or physical requirements beyond a typical classroom required to teach
the course.
VI. Co
urse Requirements/Grading SystemDescri
be any course specific requirements such as
research papers or reading assignments and the generalized grading format for the course.
VII. Curriculum Checklist
emic General Education Course (from ACGM-but not in WCJC core)
No additional documentation needed.
Academic WCJC Core Course. Attach the Core Curriculum Review Forms.
Critical Thinking
Empirical & Quantitative Skills
Social Responsibility
onal Responsibility
WECM Course
If needed, revise the Program SCANS Matrix and Competencies Checklist.
The Earth Through Time, by Harold Levin, 10th edition, Wiley Publishing, 2013.
ISBN-13: 978-1- 118-25467-7
Lecture Classroom and designated geology lab room with storage/housing of
specimens of minerals, rocks, fossils and other geology-related teaching
materials (i.e. computer, projector, internet access, etc.).
A. At least 3 major Lecture Exams (Not including the Final/EXIT)
B. 1 - Essay/Term Paper (Grade equally weighted as a lecture exam)
C. 1 - Group Power Point Project (no less than 5% of Lecture Grade)
The Final/EXIT:
D. The Course Final/EXIT accounts for the last 25% of the student’s Overall Course Grade”
The Student’s Overall Course Grade is compiled by:
(“Lecture Average” times 3) plus (Final/EXIT grade), and divide all by 4 will equal the “Overall
Student Course Grade”
90 – 100 = A
80 - 89 = B
70 - 79 = C
60 - 69 = D
Below 60 = F