Rev. January 2020
Additional Course Information
Topical Outline: Each offering of this course must include the following topics (be sure to include information regarding lab,
practicum, and clinical or other non-lecture instruction).
Theory and practice of two and three-dimensional organization related to design principles. Includes the study of
historical and current art trends, directed toward and intelligent appreciation of visual arts. Emphasis is on the evolution
of contemporary arts, environment and legal ramifications are covered in this course.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcomes – Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Demonstrate the ability to analyze contemporary works of art according to form (what we see) and content
(the meaning behind the work)
2. Demonstrate knowledge of art as a language through mass communications such as graphic design, graphic
novels and photo essays.
3. Compare and contrast different areas of the arts and work on projects that demonstrate what professional
artists do in the field.
4. Analyze and recognize the necessity and importance of self-expression.
5. The student will listen and constructively advise their classmates during critique sessions after each project
6. Identify how the designer impacts the environment and how designers globally take responsibility for
consumerism and building design.
Methods of Assessment:
1. Quizzes, Presentations (Rubric), Class work, Class Critiques
2. Projects,(Rubric) Class work
3. Projects(Rubric), Assignments (Rubric), Class work
4. Projects(Rubric), Group Assignments(Rubric), Class Discussions
5. Critiques, class discussions, Projects (Rubric)
6. Projects(Rubric), Class Participation
Required text(s), optional text(s) and/or materials to be supplied by the student:
"Artforms", Pearson/Prentice Hall, 9th Edition, by Duane Preble, Sarah Preble, and Patrick Frank, ISBN 0-13-978-0-13-
514132-8. Drawing supplies, scissors, colored pencils, watercolor supplies and markers.
Suggested Course Maximum:
List any specific or physical requirements beyond a typical classroom required to teach the
Studio space, supplies and storage space
Course Requirements/Grading System: Describe any course specific requirements such as research papers or
reading assignments and the generalized grading format for the course.
Grade Weights –
Quizzes = 20 points
Assignments = 20 points
Design projects = 50 points
Participation = 10 points